Wicked Devil: An Enemies to Lovers, High School Bully Romance (Devils of Sun Valley High Book 1)

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Wicked Devil: An Enemies to Lovers, High School Bully Romance (Devils of Sun Valley High Book 1) Page 8

by Daniela Romero

  “Grab your food,” I tell the guys as I grab two bowls, handing one to Allie. Then I go back for the tortillas and place a few on a napkin on the empty seat beside her. I sit down and tug some of the blanket from her lap. I don’t actually want it, but I want an excuse to be close to her. I haven’t had the chance to catalog her features. To memorize her expressions so I know exactly what she’s feeling when she’s feeling it.

  “Hey!” Her eyes narrow and there's visible tension in her shoulders.

  “I’m in my underwear. It’s cold.” I lie because I’m definitely not cold, but I really want under the blanket now.

  She rolls her eyes but doesn’t object again. Score one for this Devil.

  Dominique gets the movie going and credits begin rolling as we all dig into the meal.

  Allie moans and I fight back a smirk. There’s something satisfying about knowing she likes it. That she’s enjoying something I made for her. “This is so good. I haven’t had albóndigas since—”

  She cuts herself off and I turn to look at her. She blinks rapidly then stares down at her bowl like she’s fighting back tears. I take in her bottom lip as it wobbles. The red splotches that appear beneath her eyes as if she’s already cried her eyes out.

  An unfamiliar jolt of something I don’t want to realize hits me in the chest. Fuck. She hasn’t had albóndigas since her mom died. That’s what she’d been about to say.

  Emilio sees her reaction and meets my gaze with a concerned look of his own. I lift my shoulders just enough as if to say I have no fucking clue what’s set her off, because I sure as shit am not about to share her secrets with him. They’re mine, and mine alone. But in typical Emilio fashion, he saves the night with a wise ass joke.

  “Damn, Allie. You can’t moan like that over soup. My head’s going all sorts of directions after hearing that sexy noise out of you.”

  She laughs but there’s a hiccup in there. “You’re such a guy.” She throws a tortilla at him before swiping one of mine to replace the one she just lost. I pretend not to notice.

  “Don’t hate. I can’t help I was born with one of these.” He grabs himself underneath the bright pink bikini bottoms covering his sweats and then takes a big bite out of the tortilla she hit him with.

  She groans again, this time in feigned annoyance. “I don’t even know what to do with that statement.” This time, her voice isn’t as tight, and some of the redness has receded from her face.

  “Yo. Pipe down. Movie’s starting,” Dominique cuts in, and all of our attention goes back to the screen just as Norman Reedus and Sean Patrick Flanery appear on-screen and walk past the priest to kiss Jesus’s feet.

  Emilio groans, cocking his head to one side before shaking it. “Boondock Saints. Again?”

  To which Dom replies, “Don’t gripe at me. Allie picked it. Girl’s got good taste. Not our fault you don’t.”

  Emilio harrumphs but leaves it be and focuses on the albóndigas as we all turn our attention to the screen.

  As soon as Allie finishes her food, I whisk the bowls back to the kitchen. The movie is almost halfway through and it’s just now getting to the good stuff.

  I reclaim my seat and tug at her blanket once more. She scowls at me and tugs some of it back so I jerk at it again. This time I’m met with a glare. “What are you doing?” she whispers.

  “Shhh—” Emilio snaps, engrossed in the show. He might complain about how often we watch this movie when we come out here but he loves it just as much as we do.

  Ignoring Allie’s question, I lift the blanket and shift closer until our sides are pressed up against one another. I wrap one arm around her shoulders and pull her closer to my chest while adjusting the blanket until it comfortably covers the two of us.

  Her body stiffens for just a moment before she relaxes against me and a small thread of satisfaction filters through me. One of her hands presses to my chest right over my heart and I wonder if she can feel it pounding. This girl makes me feel things I'm not entirely sure I want to feel.

  My eyes stray to the teal bracelet on her wrist. She’s worn it every time I’ve seen her. Is it sentimental or something? The urge to ask her about it is strong but I hold myself back, unwilling to expose just how much she intrigues me.

  Allie definitely isn’t like other girls. Those girls want to get with me or my boys because we can do something for them. If they’re connected to one of us, their social status goes up. Even if all we do is sleep with them, more guys after that will want them. They want what the Devils have had.

  Allie doesn’t seem to care about any of that. She doesn’t seem to care about status or power.

  And knowing that draws me to her even more.


  I don’t know what is going on between us. It’s like something has shifted, the air is charged and the tension thick. Roman's muscular bronze chest is warm beneath my cheek and I find myself absently trailing the devil mask tattoo on his collarbone.

  He sighs in contentment and pulls me closer. I’m certain it’s a subconscious reaction, because there’s nothing sexual about the touch at all. And despite the warning bells in my head, I’m not uncomfortable in his arms. In fact, I’m very comfortable. Like, this is where I belong. Right here in his embrace.

  It’s not the platonic feeling with him the way it’s always been with Julio, however. I have stupid butterflies in my stomach and an ache in my core that has me clenching my thighs together. I don’t remember being this drawn to Ryker, as though I want to sink into his skin, share the air he breathes.

  Maybe it is sexual.

  It’s all so confusing. I barely know Roman Valdez, and what I do know paints him as an arrogant jerk. I shouldn’t be here with him. I shouldn’t let him hold me like this. But I am and no matter how many times I tell myself I need to leave, I stay.

  The movie ends and Dominique quietly slips away to his room. Emilio hesitates like he wants to hang out some more but a single death glare from Roman sends him on his way.

  Alrighty then. So much for having a buffer.

  I stand up once they leave, feeling awkward and out of place. I have no idea what time it is but the commotion outside has quieted. It’s safe to assume most of my classmates have gone to bed or are in the process of doing so.

  I fold the blanket we'd been using and place it on the back of the sectional before slipping my feet into my sneakers.

  “What are you doing?” Roman asks, his arms folded over his chest and his legs spread wide.

  Well, someone sure has a self-assured look on his face. I wish I knew what he was thinking. I feel like I’m about to do the walk of shame when I step outside the cabin door, yet we haven’t even done anything. Well, unless that kiss earlier counts.

  “I was, uh, just getting ready to head out.” I shrug.

  Roman clasps my hand and tugs me toward him. “Why?”

  I bite my bottom lip. He tugs at my hand again, this time harder, and I stumble forward. He catches me and adjusts my weight so I’m straddling his lap, his face now only inches from mine.

  I’m drawn into his dark brown gaze and heat pools between my legs. My core tightens and I feel his cock harden beneath me. I’m tempted to shift and rock against him but I don’t. I shouldn’t. I can’t.

  “Why are you planning to leave, vanilla?”

  With that one word, it’s like a bucket of water is dumped over me. “Why do you keep calling me that? What is your deal?” My voice is heated. I hate that he keeps making digs at me. I thought… I don’t know what I thought. But I don’t like him making fun of me.

  He chuckles and my annoyance spikes. “I call you vanilla because…” he trails off with a grin.

  I smack his chest lightly. “Come on.”

  His smile widens into the devilish smirk I’ve quickly grown accustomed to seeing on his face. He leans forward to whisper in my ear, “It’s my favorite flavor.”

  His breath heats the shell of my ear and I can’t fight the tingles that race up and do
wn my spine. “Your favorite flavor?” I ask, confused.

  He nuzzles me and murmurs, “Mmm…. Mexican vanilla. The sweetest taste there is.”

  Oh. My. God.

  He trails kisses along my neck, his hands digging into my hips before he pulls back.

  “I…” I swallow hard. “It’s late. I’m supposed to stay in Aaron’s cabin.” At the mention of his name Roman growls, a deep throaty sound that leaves more liquid heat pooling between my thighs.

  His eyes lock on mine for the briefest of moments before his lips come crashing down on my mouth, and then I’m drowning in him. His touch. His taste. I can’t seem to figure out up from down. All I know is that I want him. No. I need him.

  My hips thrust forward and I grind against him. He groans and I want to hear that sound again, so, so bad. I press my core against him harder and swivel my hips. His fingers dig into me hard enough to bruise as he clutches me tight to his chest.

  “What are you doing to me?” His voice is husky.

  I have no answer for him so I kiss him again. I continue rocking against him, swallowing his groans as he greedily drinks down mine. The reality that one of the other guys can walk in on us at any moment doesn’t matter. All I can think of is how good he feels.

  One calloused palm rises beneath my shirt and tugs down the cup of my bra. He pinches one hard peak and I cry out. It’s as if my nipple and clit are connected and I feel my release move closer, hovering just out of reach.

  “Oh, God,” I gasp and try to move away. This is too much, too fast but Roman chases after me with his lips and I give in to him, too weak to shove him away. I trail my fingers over his bare chest, reveling in the feel of every dip and valley. He tugs my shirt up and I raise my arms, allowing him to pull it from me.

  A quick motion at my back and the clasp on my bra comes free. It slips down my shoulders before Roman tugs it forward, discarding it somewhere to the side.

  He drinks me in. His hungry gaze locks on my breasts. “So… fucking… beautiful,” he murmurs right before his mouth is on me. His lips wrap around my nipple and his tongue lashes at me as his other hand kneads my tender flesh.

  I can’t take it. I writhe on top of him, pressing myself closer. Wishing there was nothing between us. I need to feel him inside of me. I need to feel something good. Something that can take all the pain and grief away. I know what I’m doing now and for a moment, guilt slams into me before I shove it aside.

  I’m using him. But isn’t he using me, too?

  With me still in his lap, Roman cups my rear and stands. I wrap my legs around his waist and allow him to carry me down the darkened hallway. I kiss his neck. His shoulder. I can’t stop touching him.

  When we reach a closed door, he fumbles to open it and then steps inside and carries me to the large bed in the center of the room. He lays me down with surprising care and just stands there, looking down at me with wonder on his face.

  The emotion worries me. I need whatever we’re doing right now to have boundaries.

  “Roman?” I push up to my elbows and he cocks his head to the side, his eyes boring into mine. I lick my lips. “This … whatever this is … it’s just fun. Okay?”

  Anger flashes for a split second and then it’s gone as though it’d never been there. An easy smile tugs at the corner of his mouth and he reaches for me, his hand trailing up my side to my face before gripping my jaw as he brushes his thumb along my lower lip. “I want you.” There’s an edge to his voice. It’s all I can do not to reach out for him, draw him closer. His hands move to the button on my jeans. “I want to fuck you. I want you to scream my name. And I want you to come on my cock.”

  I suck in a shuddering breath.

  “But I don’t do relationships, vanilla, so don’t get this twisted. I’m not a nice guy. Right now, I only want one thing from you and that’s access to your pussy.” As soon as my jeans are undone he slips a hand inside, sinking two fingers deep inside me.

  I hiss.

  The rational side of me knows this is a bad idea. He’ll hurt me. He’ll use me and toss me aside and no matter how many times I tell myself I’ll use him too, that this is a fair exchange, I know it isn’t. But I refuse to worry about that now.

  Roman Valdez is like a drug and I’m desperate to get my fix, all the while praying I don’t develop an addiction after just one hit.

  He slides out of me before hooking his finger in my jeans and panties and in one smooth motion, he whisks both of them off, and then I’m bare to him.

  He groans again, his eyes hooded as he drinks in my naked form.

  A hand runs up my thigh before pushing my legs apart, exposing my most intimate flesh to his hungry gaze. Instead of climbing onto the bed like I expect him to, he kneels down at the edge of the mattress, bringing his face eye level with my core.

  Instinctively, I try and close my legs but his hands on either side keep me spread and open to him. “I’m going to kiss you,” he tells me and then begins trailing hot wet kisses along the inside of my leg. He bites the sensitive skin of my inner thigh, forcing me to stiffen and cry out from the unexpected sting. But then he’s laving his tongue over the small wound, kissing the slight pain away, and I relax in his hold again. When he gets close to my core he repeats the movements on my other thigh, taking his time. His teeth scrape against my skin and I’m panting now. A complete puddle as my limbs tighten in eager anticipation.

  When his face finally comes back to my center, his eyes darken, drunk with need. He takes a deep breath, inhaling me before his tongue darts out and licks me back to front. My hips buck off the bed and I cry out at the sensations. Holy… wow.

  After that one lick, Roman buries his face between my thighs. Licking, sucking, biting. Sensations tumble through me, too many to count and the next thing I know my release is thundering toward me. I’m so close. I can feel my release right there. And then, like breaking through a damn, it crashes through me. It’s like a tsunami I can’t escape, the fastest, hardest orgasm I’ve ever experienced, and I cry out with my release, screaming his name. “Roman.”

  Then he’s on top of me. He’s removed his boxer briefs and his hard length is pressed against my lower stomach as he pulls my legs up on either side of him, nestling himself between me. He slides against my wet center and I tilt my hips back, widening my legs to grant him a better angle.

  He rears back and curses. “Fuck.”

  I startle and my eyes go wide. “What?”

  He climbs off of me and runs a hand through his dark brown hair.

  Humiliation sweeps through me and I jerk into a seated position, wrapping my arms around my chest to cover myself.

  “Condom,” he bites out. Then he looks at me and his eyes narrow. “What are you doing?”

  “I…” A blush warms my cheeks as he stands there in all his naked glory without a care in the world. “I… Ah…” I have no words.

  He steps closer and leans down, kissing me hard and deep before biting my bottom lip and giving it a tug. My hands fall away from my breasts and I moan into his mouth.

  He pulls back with a devilish smirk, “I’m getting a condom and then I’m fucking that tight little pussy of yours.”

  I swallow hard. “O-okay,” I whisper, hating how unsure I sound. I brush loose strands of hair from my face and then his words slam into me. Condom. Oh my god. I almost had sex with him without one. What was I thinking?

  He strides out of the room completely naked, only to come back seconds later with a square foil packet in his hands. He tears it open with his teeth, rolls it on his thick, hard length, and then is right back in front of me. He kisses me again and leans forward, pressing me back against the mattress.

  “Ready for me?” he asks as he lines his cock up with my center. His eyes are hooded, his expression now serious.

  “Yes,” I say, because right now the idea of him anywhere but inside of me gives me a panicky feeling. When the head of his erection nudges against my core, he locks his eyes with mine and he hol
ds my gaze.

  “I won’t be gentle.”

  I nod in consent and with that one small motion, he’s slamming into me in a single hard, smooth trust. Stars explode behind my eyelids and I push my hips up to meet his, gasping at how full I feel. He lets out a string of curses. One hand tightens on my hip, pressing me down into the mattress as the other rests beside my head, bracing his body above mine.

  “So fucking good, vanilla.”

  I whimper his name and kiss the strong column of his neck, nipping playfully.

  He slides out of me, slow and smooth before thrusting back inside, this time even harder. Deeper. I grab hold of his biceps, holding onto him like my life depends on it. His groans undo me.

  He grips my jaw and slams his mouth down on mine, devouring me like he’s starved for my mouth. He kisses my lips, my neck, my shoulder, and then he’s thrusting hard and fast, not giving me a chance to catch my breath. His kisses grow more aggressive as he all but punishes my body. His hold on me is so tight I know I’ll have bruises in the morning and I don’t even care.

  I’m on fire. Every cell in my body humming with greedy need and expectation. I can feel another orgasm building inside me and I offer no resistance.

  A needy moan climbs up my throat, my body winding tighter and tighter. Oh my god. “I’m going to come again,” I pant.

  Roman pulls out of me and I cry out at the loss of contact but then he’s flipping me over onto my stomach, pulling at my hips until my ass is raised high up in the air. Then he slams his cock back inside of me. This angle has him thrusting deeper almost to the point of pain. But it's the best pain.

  “Come for me, Allie. Come hard.” He tangles one hand in my hair, pulling my head back as far as it will go, my spine arches and my breasts thrust forward. My inner walls clench tight around him and my orgasm shatters around me. Colors explode like fireworks behind my eyelids. He feels that good. So, freaking good.


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