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THIRST Page 16

by Deborah Bladon

  “Because it is. You’re trusting another person with your life’s work.” Her hand brushes over mine. “All you have to do is find someone who sees what you’re bringing to the table.”

  I gaze down at my red skirt.

  My heart tells my perfect partner is Rocco, but the fear of what happens if our personal relationship ends scares the hell out of me.

  “I’m not too late to join in on the fun, am I?”

  My head pops up at the sound of Rocco’s voice.

  “Rocco!” Suzanne glides to her feet. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

  They embrace as I push to my feet.

  “Dexie.” Rocco turns to me, brushing his lips over my cheek. “How are you?”

  Surprised. When we exchanged text messages earlier, he wished me well at the meeting and told me that his day was jam-packed with meetings of his own.

  He gestures for Suzanne and me to sit. We both lower in our chairs across the square table from one another. Rocco pulls a chair from another table to sit between us.

  “I love this place.” Suzanne twirls her finger in the air. “Lucien has been nothing but gracious.”

  I sit back and watch a wide grin slide over Rocco’s lips. “I told you one day I’d own a place like this.”

  When Suzanne asked me to meet her at Sérénité, a French restaurant on Tenth Avenue, I searched it out online. The reviews are stellar and I’m all for taking a journey into a new culinary adventure.

  I had no idea Rocco owned it.

  “We haven’t ordered lunch yet.” Suzanne glides her fingers along the arm of Rocco’s gray suit jacket. “You’ll join us, won’t you?”

  There’s a familiarity between them that’s undeniable.

  His eyes skim her face before he looks at me. “I’d love to.”

  He motions the female server over and in perfect French he orders something that sounds like heaven on a plate.

  “Tell me what’s happening with you, Rocco?” Suzanne’s fingers play with the heart-shaped gold pendant around her neck. “Any exciting news to share?”

  I wait with bated breath to hear the next words out of his mouth, hoping that it will be something romantic about him seeing a woman across a starry sky and falling breathlessly in love with her.

  “Pop and April tied the knot.”

  “They’re married?” Her mouth curves into a grin. “I didn’t think your dad would take the plunge again after Irena died.”

  April? Irena?

  If I felt I had a foot planted firmly in Rocco’s inner circle, I just got my ass kicked out of it by Suzanne.

  Her and Rocco are clearly old friends or more.

  “Has it been two years since Irena passed?” Suzanne’s brow knits into a frown.

  “Three.” Rocco hangs his head.

  Suzanne reaches over to squeeze his hand. “If he’s happy, I’m happy too.”

  Good for her, because I’m confused as hell.

  Suzanne must read minds because she squares her attention on me. “I’m sorry, Dexie. Did we lose you? We were just talking about Rocco’s dad and his second and third wives. Don’t mind us.”

  I stare at her, trying to absorb everything she just said. I’ve never felt more like a third wheel.

  Grabbing for my clutch, I stand. “I’m going to use the ladies’ room. If you’ll both excuse me.”

  Rocco pops to his feet, reaching for the back of my chair as I stand.

  “Let’s get a bottle of that Shiraz you sent for my birthday last year.” Suzanne waves at the server. “We’ll toast to Pop’s happiness.”

  I try to steady my thrumming heartbeat with a hand to the middle of my chest. “I’ll be right back.”

  No one responds as I turn and walk away.

  Chapter 48


  “Walk with me?” I pose the question to Dexie on the sidewalk outside of Sérénité. We had a delicious meal, talked about Suzanne’s daughter and finally rose from our chairs when Rick called to ask me where the hell his wife was.

  I had texted him on my way to the restaurant to see if he wanted to join in on the fun.

  He declined because he’s rooting around Brooklyn looking for a space to open the next Belese boutique.

  “I’m headed to Bryant Park,” I add as I watch her scan the traffic passing us by.

  She was mostly silent through lunch, picking at her food and checking the screen of her phone at regular intervals.

  I know her work at Matiz was on her mind because she excused herself a second time to take a call from Shona.

  Something else was gnawing at her.

  “I’ll walk with you.” Her gaze drops to the watch on her wrist. “I need to stop at my office before I go home.”

  It’s an out she needs, so I don’t question it.

  She tucks her clutch under her arm and starts in the direction of the park. She’s dressed exquisitely today. The red pencil skirt she has on hugs her ass like a glove. The black blouse she’s wearing is sheer and cut low in the back. The black heels on her feet are sky high.

  I’d label the look conservative except her black bra is visible and her hair is tumbled in sexy waves.

  She gave me the once-over when I got to the restaurant. I appreciated it. I dug out a suit for this along with a black dress shirt.

  My goal wasn’t to impress anyone but Dexie.

  The sounds of the city surround us. Horns honking, people talking, and sirens in the distance.

  “How do you know Suzanne?” She turns to look up at me as we slip past a woman pulling a wagon filled with groceries.

  “I went to high school with her husband.” I inch to the edge of the sidewalk when a group of uniformed school kids pass us with two adults in tow. “I’m their daughter’s godfather.”

  “They have a daughter?”

  “Holly.” I tug my phone out of the inner pocket of my suit jacket, slowing my pace as I pull up a picture of Suzanne, Rick and their seven-year-old daughter. “Take a look.”

  Dexie stops to gaze at the screen of my phone. “She’s adorable.”

  “She’s a handful.” I squint against the late afternoon sun.

  “Did you partner with them on Belese?”

  It’s a direct question I knew was coming. I offered the capital Rick and Suzanne needed a few years ago to take Belese to its own boutique, but they shot me down.

  Rick’s a proud man and a good friend. He didn’t want to tarnish the friendship by dragging business into the mix.

  I respect their decision.

  “No,” I say firmly.

  She sets off down the sidewalk again. I fall in step beside her.

  “Did talking to Suzanne help you in any way, Dexie?”

  She glances up at me. “I think so. It all comes down to making the right decision about who to partner with.”

  “That’s an easy decision.” I slow as we stop for a light. “Choose me.”

  “It’s not that easy,” she says as she stares across the street and the people huddled there waiting to cross. “I have to think about the future. I can’t make my decision based on what I’m feeling in the present.”

  The light changes and she moves to take a step onto the street. I stop her with a hand on her hip. “What are you feeling in the present?”

  She pauses, her eyes cast down. “Overwhelmed.”

  I slide my arm around her, tugging her closer to me as people brush past us on their way to live their own lives. “Talk to me, Dexie.”

  Her eyelids flutter as he looks up into my face. “I need to think about what’s best for Dexie Walsh.”

  “You or your business?”


  I’d tell her right now that I’m the man for her in every capacity, but those words don’t leave my lips.

  “Put your offer together, Rocco.” She takes a step away from me. “I’ll have Rhoda’s final offer soon and then I’ll choose.”

  “I will.” I reach down to run my hand over her chin. “Are you o

  A soft smile graces her mouth. “I’m good.”

  “You’re remarkable,” I correct her with a press of my lips to hers. “Come to my place after you go to Matiz.”

  She waits for a beat before she answers. “I have to work on a handbag tonight.”

  “I’ll meet you at the window at midnight to say goodnight.”

  “How can I say no to that?”

  “You can’t.”

  She peers up at me. “I’m going to walk over to Matiz now. You’ll find your way to Bryant Park alone?”

  She can’t know the spear that runs through me from her words.

  Alone. I go to the park alone every week. I was hoping today might be different.

  “I know the way,” I assure her with a nod of my head. “I’ll see you at midnight.”

  “Midnight, she repeats back before she sets off across the street.

  I stand in place, watching until she seamlessly blends into the pedestrian traffic. When she disappears from view, I finally exhale.

  Bryant Park waits so I set off toward it, alone again.

  Chapter 49


  The Internet holds at least some of Rocco’s secrets.

  Irena Jones, mother and wife, was taken too soon.

  Those are the words of the archived obituary I found online for Rocco’s stepmother.

  When I sat behind my desk at Matiz, I flipped open my laptop and typed the name Irena Jones in the browser.

  She was in her mid-fifties when she passed three years ago. There’s no explanation for how she died or the mention of a charity that those grieving can donate to in lieu of flowers.

  It was just a simple posting on a website about a woman who had a loving husband, a daughter, and three stepsons, Rocco Jones included.

  I cued up a search for April Jones, but the results ranged from a porn star to a pop singer, so I gave up.

  If Rocco wanted me to know details about his family, he’d share them.

  It makes sense that Suzanne would know all about it since they’ve been friends for years.

  A loud bang from the apartment across the hall draws me to my feet. I’ve been home for almost three hours. After Matiz, I stopped to buy some fruit and then took the subway here.

  Rocco wasn’t home then and since I’ve been focused on working on Marti’s handbag, I haven’t glanced back to see if he’s there.

  I do now.

  He’s standing in front of his window, wearing the same gray suit he was earlier.

  I look down at the cut-off denim shorts and black tank top I’m wearing.

  We’re as mismatched as we can be.

  I move closer to the window, knowing he’s staring right at me.

  My phone chimes so I pick it up from my bed and scan the screen.

  Rocco: I’ve never seen a lovelier vision than this.

  Words hold so much power.

  I type back a response.

  Dexie: Was the suit today for me?

  He tilts his head back, eyeing me from head to toe before he looks back at his phone.

  Rocco: You like me in a suit.

  “I like you every way,” I say to myself.

  Rocco: What was that? What did you say?

  I look up and shrug.

  Rocco: Tell me what you said.

  I look directly at him, catching his gaze. I tempt fate. “I love you in every way.”

  His eyes narrow before he casts his gaze down to his phone.

  Rocco: I didn’t get it. Say it again. Slowly this time.

  A knock at my door startles me. I turn back. “Who is it?”

  No one answers, so I type a message to Rocco.

  Dexie: Someone’s at my door. I’ll be right back.

  Another knock greets me on my way across my apartment. I ignore the chiming phone in my hand because I’m ninety percent sure Sophia will be standing on the other side of the door. My time with Rocco will come to an abrupt end once she plops herself on the couch.

  I know she wants to talk about her spring line. She sent me at least ten text messages today about it.

  “You have zero patience.” I swing open the door on a sigh.

  It’s not Sophia.

  “Patience is a virtue. I don’t do virtues.”

  I smile at the handsome brown-haired man standing in front of me. My eyes flit across his chest and toned stomach under the unbuttoned white dress shirt he’s wearing. “Can I help you?”

  “You can tell me that you forgive me.” His hands drop to his hips and the waistband of his faded jeans. His feet are bare.

  Where the hell did he come from?

  My phone starts ringing. I glance down to see Rocco’s name lighting up the screen. I turn back to the window, but he’s not there.

  “I don’t know you.” I point out to the guy in front of me. “What could you have possibly done that I need to forgive you for?”

  He glances down at my phone. “You should get that, no?”

  I dart a finger in the air. “Give me a minute?”

  “I’ve got all the time in the world.” He leans against my doorjamb.

  I slide my finger over my phone’s screen just as the ringing ceases. I look up at the green-eyed stranger in front of me. “I’m busy. I think you have me confused with someone else.”

  “I don’t,” he says with a confident nod of his head. “I live across the hall from you.”

  The loud bang I heard. He’s here about that.

  I should point out that it’s only one in a series of noises that have been coming from his apartment the past few weeks.

  A ding from the elevator lures both our gazes down the hall. Rocco marches out once the doors slide open.

  “Dexie,” he says my name in a heated rush. “What’s going on?”

  “My neighbor...” my voice trails when I realize I don’t know the man’s name.

  “Gage Burke.” He shoves a hand at me. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Dexie.” I take his hand. “This is Rocco.”

  Rocco doesn’t offer his hand. Instead he wraps an arm around my waist. “Is there a problem, Gage?”

  “A thousand of them at last count.” He huffs out a laugh. “Broken air conditioner, leaky pipe under the kitchen sink, walls as thin as fucking paper.”

  “Welcome to the building.” I swing my arms in the air.

  “I’m monthly, so I’m bailing next week. Harold can’t keep up with the repairs in my place, and my DIY skills are shit.” He looks past my shoulder to my apartment. “I see you didn’t get the view.”

  I glance over at Rocco. “I actually have the best view in the city.”

  “It’s all in the eye of the beholder.” Gage rubs his temple. “I came to say I’m sorry for all the noise. I’ll be out of earshot soon.”

  “Lucky you,” I joke. “It was nice to meet you.”

  He tilts his head, his gaze volleying back and forth between Rocco and me. “Seems as though you two are the lucky ones.”

  “We’re the lucky ones?” I question with a cocked brow.

  Wiping a hand across his forehead, he smiles. “You found each other in a sea of millions of faces. I consider that lucky, don’t you?”

  “We’re just...I mean we are...” I stumble with what to say. We’re lovers, but are we more?

  “We’re lucky that fate crossed our paths.” Rocco steps in to save me.

  “Fate,” Gage repeats back with a nod of his head. “We’re all at her mercy, aren’t we?”

  “Indeed.” Rocco’s hand moves to the middle of my back. “Fate calls all the shots.”

  Gage looks at us once more. “Enjoy your night.”

  “We will,” Rocco says, his gaze sliding to my face. “We definitely will.”

  Chapter 50


  “Dexie,” I hiss her name out between clenched teeth.

  Looking down at my lap, that mane of pink-streaked hair is all I see. I’m sitting in a chair. My cock is buried in her mouth
, sliding down her velvet throat.

  “Stop.” I groan the word out wrapped in a heavy exhale. “I want to come in you.”

  She shakes her head from side-to-side, her tongue strumming along the thick vein under the crown.

  With a pop her lips are free. “You want to come in my mouth.”

  I do. Jesus, do I want that, but there’s nothing that feels as good as her cunt squeezing me when I shoot my load.

  I fist her hair in my hands to keep her mouth off of me. “No more.”

  Her tongue lashes out to swipe over the head, jerking my cock. “More.”

  I twist my hands. “I need a condom.”

  “Fuck me later,” she mewls as she looks up at me from where she’s kneeling on my bedroom floor. Her lips are swollen and pink. Her eyes hooded.

  “Condom,” I repeat, unfettered lust consuming me.

  She leans back on her heels. “Get the condom so I can sit in your lap.”

  Goddamn this woman.

  I push her aside and stalk toward the nightstand. I tug the drawer open and empty the box on the bed, sending condom packages flying everywhere.

  “Someone’s in a hurry.”

  I glance over at her. Her tits are bouncing as she laughs. Her hair is a mess.

  I rip open a package and sheath myself. “Come sit on me.”

  I settle onto the bed, my back against the headboard. I close my eyes, willing the weight in my chest to fuck the hell off.

  I’ve been torn between wanting to fuck her and tell I love her since we left her apartment.

  I watched her earlier. I know what she said to me.

  The word ‘love’ left her lips when she stood by her window staring at me.

  She crawls across the bed on her hands and knees like an alley cat out to get their prey.

  Does she not know that she caught me in her snare before we ever spoke a word to each other? It’s not only my dick that is aching to be inside of her. The rest of me wants in her heart, her mind, in all of her.

  “Get on my cock,” I demand in a low voice. “Fuck me.”

  “My pleasure,” she purrs as she climbs over my legs and settles with her cunt grazing the head of my cock.

  I want to rip the condom off so I can savor the smoothness of her. I want to feel that wet heat surround me.


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