Delphi Works of M. E. Braddon

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Delphi Works of M. E. Braddon Page 534

by Mary Elizabeth Braddon

  Croquet was over — Clarissa had taken part in a regular game this afternoon — and the players were strolling about the gardens in couples, in an idle half-hour before the first dinner-bell, when Miss Lovel met Lady Laura with another lady. They were sauntering slowly along one of the sunny gravel walks — there was every charm in this Italian garden except shade — and stopped on seeing Clarissa.

  “Now, Geraldine, I shall be able to introduce you to my favourite, Clarissa

  Lovel,” said Lady Laura; “Captain Westleigh you know of old.”

  The Captain and Lady Geraldine shook hands, declaring that they were quite old friends — had known each other for ages, and so on; and Clarissa had a few moments’ pause, in which to observe the young lady.

  She was tall and slim, her sister’s junior by perhaps five years, but not more; very fair, with bright auburn hair — that golden-tinted hair, of which there seems to be so much more nowadays than was to be seen twenty years ago. She was handsome — very handsome — Clarissa decided at once; but it seemed to her rather a cold, hard style of beauty; the straight nose, the mouth, and chin chiselled with a clearness and distinctness that was almost sharpness; the large luminous blue eyes, which did not seem to possess much capacity for tenderness.

  Lady Laura was very proud of this sister, and perhaps just a little afraid of her; but of course that latter fact was not obvious to strangers; she was only a shade less volatile than usual in Geraldine’s presence. Geraldine was the beauty of the Challoner family, and her career had been a failure hitherto; so that there was much rejoicing, in a quiet way, now that Lady Geraldine’s destiny was apparently decided, and in an advantageous manner.

  She was sufficiently gracious to Clarissa, but displayed none of that warmth which distinguished Lady Laura’s manner to her new friend; and when the sisters had turned aside into another path, and were out of hearing, Geraldine asked rather sharply why “that girl” was here?

  “My dear Geraldine, she is perfectly charming. I have taken the greatest fancy to her.”

  “My dear Laura, when will you leave off those absurd fancies for strangers?”

  “Clarissa Lovel is not a stranger; you must remember how intimate papa used to be with her father.”

  “I only remember that Mr. Lovel was a very selfish person, and that he has lost his estate and gone down in the world. Why should you trouble yourself about his daughter? You can only do the girl harm by bringing her here; she will have to go out as a governess, I daresay, and will be writing to you whenever she is out of a situation to ask some favour or other, and boring you to death. I cannot think how you can be so inconsiderate as to entangle yourself with that kind of acquaintance.”

  “I don’t mean Clarissa to be a governess; I mean her to make a good marriage.”

  “O, of course it is very easy to say that,” exclaimed Lady Geraldine scornfully; “but you have not been so fortunate as a match-maker hitherto. Look at Emily and Louisa.”

  “Emily and Louisa were so intractable and difficult to please, that I could do nothing for them; and now I look upon them as confirmed old maids. But it is a different thing with Clarissa. She is very sensible; and I do not think she would stand in her own light if I could bring about what I wish. And then she is so lovely. Emily and Louisa were good-looking enough half a dozen years ago, but this girl is simply perfect. Come, Geraldine, you can afford to praise her. Is she not lovely?”

  “Yes, I suppose she is handsome,” the other answered icily.

  “You suppose she is handsome! It is really too bad of you to be prejudiced against a girl I wanted you to like. As if this poor little Clarissa could do anybody any harm! But never mind, she must do without your liking. And now tell me all about George Fairfax. I was so glad to hear your news, dear, so thoroughly rejoiced.”

  “There is no occasion for such profound gladness. I could have gone on existing very well as Geraldine Challoner.”

  “Of course; but I had much rather see you well married, and your own mistress; and this is such a good match.”

  “Yes; from a worldly point of view, I suppose, the affair is unexceptionable,” Geraldine Challoner answered, with persistent indifference; simulated indifference, no doubt, but not the less provoking to her sister. “George will be rich by-and-by, and he is well enough off now. We shall be able to afford a house in one of the streets out of Park Lane — I have a rooted detestation for both Belgravia and Tyburnia — and a carriage, and so on; and I shall not be worried as I have been about my milliner’s bills.”

  “And then you are very fond of him, Geraldine,” Lady Laura said, softly.

  There were still little romantic impulses in the matron’s heart, and this studied coldness of her sister’s tone wounded her.

  “Yes, of course that is the beginning of the business. We like each other very well,” Lady Geraldine replied, still with the same unenthusiastic air. “I think there has always been some kind of liking between us. We suit each other very well, you see; have the same way of thinking about most things, take the same view of life, and so on.”

  Lady Laura gave a faint sigh of assent. She was disappointed by her sister’s tone; for in the time past she had more than once suspected that Geraldine Challoner loved George Fairfax with a passionate half-despairing love, which, if unrequited, might make the bane of her life. And, lo! here was the same Geraldine discussing her engagement as coolly as if the match had been the veriest marriage of convenience ever planned by a designing dowager. She did not understand how much pride had to do with this reticence, or what volcanic depths may sometimes lie beneath the Alpine snows of such a nature as Geraldine Challoner’s.

  In the evening Lady Geraldine was the centre of a circle of old friends and admirers; and Clarissa could only observe her from a distance, and wonder at her brilliancy, her power to talk of anything and everything with an air of unlimited wisdom and experience, and the perfect ease with which she received the homage offered to her beauty and wit. The cold proud face lighted up wonderfully at night, and under the softening influence of so much adulation; and Lady Geraldine’s smiles, though wanting in warmth at the best, were very fascinating. Clarissa wondered that so radiant a creature could have been so long unmarried, that it could be matter for rejoicing that she was at last engaged. It must have been her own fault, of course; such a woman as this could have been a duchess if she pleased, Clarissa thought.

  Lizzy Fermor came up to her while she was admiring the high-bred beauty.

  “Well, Miss Lovel, what do you think of her?”

  “Lady Geraldine? I think she is wonderfully handsome — and fascinating.”

  “Do you? Then I don’t think you can know the meaning of the word ‘fascination.’ If I were a man, that woman would be precisely the last in the world to touch my heart. O yes, I admit that she is very handsome — classic profile, bright blue eyes, complexion of lilies and roses, real golden hair — not dyed, you know — and so on; but I should as soon think of falling in love with a statue of snow as with Lady Geraldine Challoner. I think she has just about as much heart as the statue would have.”

  “Those people with cold manners have sometimes very warm hearts,” Clarissa, remonstrated, feeling that gratitude to Lady Laura made it incumbent on her to defend Lady Laura’s sister.

  “Perhaps; but that is not the case with her. She would trample upon a hecatomb of hearts to arrive at the object of her ambition. I think she might have made more than one brilliant marriage since she has been out — something like ten years, you know — only she was too cold, too obviously mercenary. I am very sorry for George Fairfax.”

  “Do you know him?”

  “Yes, and he is a very noble fellow. He has been rather wild, I believe; but of course we are not supposed to know anything about that; and I have heard that he is the most generous-hearted of men. I know Lady Geraldine has contrived to keep him dangling about her whenever he was in England for the last six or eight years; but I thought it was one of those old
established flirtations that would never come to anything — a kind of institution. I was quite surprised to hear of their engagement — and very sorry.”

  “But Lady Geraldine is very much attached to him, is she not?”

  “O yes, I daresay she likes him; it would be almost difficult for any one to avoid liking him. She used to do her utmost to keep him about her always, I know; and I believe the flirtation has cost her more than one chance of a good marriage. But I doubt if we should have ever heard of this engagement if Reginald Fairfax had not died, and left his brother the heir of Lyvedon.”

  “Is Lyvedon a very grand place?”

  “It is a fine estate, I believe; a noble old house in Kent, with considerable extent of land attached to it. The place belongs now to Sir Spencer Lyvedon, an old bachelor, whose only sister is George Fairfax’s mother. The property is sure to come to Mr. Fairfax in a few years. He is to be here to-morrow, they say; and you will see him, and be able to judge for yourself whether Lady Geraldine is worthy of him.”

  There was a little excursion proposed and planned that evening for the next day — a drive to Marley Wood, a delicious bit of forest about seven miles from the Castle, and a luncheon in the open air. The party was made up on the spot. There were ladies enough to fill two carriages; a couple of servants were to go first with the luncheon in a waggonette, and the gentlemen were to ride. Everybody was delighted with the idea. It was one of those unpremeditated affairs which are sure to be a success.

  “I am glad to have something to do with myself,” said Lady Geraldine. “It is better than dawdling away one’s existence at croquet.”

  “I hope you are not going to be dull here, Geraldine,” replied Lady Laura.

  “There are the Helston races next week, and a flower-show at Holborough.”

  “I hate small country race-meetings and country flower-shows; but of course I am not going to be dull, Laura. The Castle is very nice; and I shall hear all about your last new protégées, and your Dorcas societies, and your model cottages, and your architect, and your hundred-and-one schemes for the benefit of your fellow-man. It is not possible to be dull in the presence of so much energy.”

  * * * * *



  The next day was lovely. There seemed, indeed, no possibility of variation in the perfection of this summer weather; and Clarissa Lovel felt her spirits as light as if the unknown life before her had been all brightness, unshadowed by one dread or care. The party for Marley Wood started about an hour after breakfast — Lady Laura, Mrs. Dacre, Barbara Fermor, and Clarissa, in one carriage; two Miss Dacres, Lady Geraldine, and Mrs. Wilmot in the other; Lizzy Fermor and Rose Dacre on horseback; with a small detachment of gentlemen in attendance upon them. There were wide grassy waste lands on each side of the road almost all the way to the wood, on which the equestrian party could disport themselves, without much inconvenience from the dust of the two carriages. Once arrived at the wood, there were botanising, fern-hunting, sketching, and flirtation without limit. Lady Laura was quite happy, discussing her Dorcas societies and the ingratitude of her model cottagers, with Mrs. Dacre; Lady Geraldine sat at the foot of a great shining beech, with her white dress set off by a background of scarlet shawl, and her hat lying on the grass beside her. She seemed too listless to ramble about with the rest of the party, or to take the faintest interest in the conversation of any of the gentlemen who tried to talk to her. She amused herself in a desultory way with a drawing-book and a volume of a novel, and did not appear to consider it incumbent on her to take notice of any one.

  Clarissa and Barbara Fermor wandered away into the heart of the wood, attended by the indefatigable Captain Westleigh, and sketched little bits of fern and undergrowth in their miniature sketch-books, much to the admiration of the Captain, who declared that Clarissa had a genius for landscape. “As you have for croquet and for everything else, I think,” he said; “only you are so quiet about your resources. But I am very glad you have not that grand sultana manner of Lady Geraldine Challoner’s. I really can’t think how any man can stand it, especially such a man as George Fairfax.”

  “Why ‘especially’?” asked Miss Fermor, curiously.

  “Well, I don’t know exactly how to explain my meaning to a lady — because he has knocked about the world a good deal — seen a great deal of life, in short. Il a vecu, as the French say. He is not the kind of man to be any woman’s slave, I should think; he knows too much of the sex for that. He would take matters with rather a high hand, I should fancy. And then Lady Geraldine, though she is remarkably handsome, and all that kind of thing, is not in the first freshness of her youth. She is nearly as old as George, I should say; and when a woman is the same age as a man, it is her misfortune to seem much older. No, Miss Fermor, upon my word, I don’t consider them fairly matched.”

  “The lady has rank,” said Barbara Fermor.

  “Yes, of course. It will be Mr. and Lady Geraldine Fairfax. There are some men who care for that kind of thing; but I don’t suppose George is one of them. The Fairfaxes are of a noble old Scotch family, you know, and hold themselves equal to any of our nobility.”

  “When is Mr. Fairfax expected at the Castle?”

  “Not till to-night. He is to come by the last train, I believe. You may depend Lady Geraldine would not be here if there were any chance of his arriving in the middle of the day. She will keep him up to collar, you maybe sure. I shouldn’t like to be engaged to a woman armed with the experience of a decade of London seasons. It must be tight work!”

  A shrill bell, pealing gaily through the wood, summoned them to luncheon; a fairy banquet spread upon the grass under a charmed circle of beeches; chicken-pies and lobster-salads, mayonaise of salmon and daintily-glazed cutlets in paper frills, inexhaustible treasure of pound-cake and strawberries and cream, with a pyramid of hothouse pines and peaches in the centre of the turf-spread banquet. And for the wines, there were no effervescent compounds from the laboratory of the wine-chemist — Lady Laura’s guests were not thirsty cockneys, requiring to be refreshed by “fizz” — but delicate amber-tinted vintages of the Rhineland, which seemed too ethereal to intoxicate, and yet were dangerous. And for the more thirsty souls there were curiously compounded “cups:” hock and seltzer; claret and soda-water, fortified with curaçoa and flavoured artistically with burrage or sliced pine-apple.

  The banquet was a merry one; and it was nearly four o’clock when the ladies had done trifling with strawberries and cream, and the gentlemen had suspended their homage to the Rhineland. Then came a still more desultory wandering of couples to and fro among the shadowy intricacies of the wood; and Clarissa having for once contrived to get rid of the inevitable Captain, who had been beguiled away to inspect some remote grotto under convoy of Barbara Fermor, was free to wander alone whither she pleased. She was rather glad to be alone for a little. Marley Wood was not new to her. It had been a favourite spot of her brother Austin’s, and the two had spent many a pleasant day beneath the umbrage of those old forest-trees; she, sitting and reading, neither of them talking very much, only in a spasmodic way, when Austin was suddenly moved by some caprice to pour out his thoughts into the ear of his little sister — strange bitter thoughts they were sometimes; but the girl listened as to the inspirations of genius. Here he had taught her almost all that she had ever learned of landscape art. She had only improved by long practice upon those early simple lessons. She was glad to be alone, for these old memories were sad ones. She wandered quite away from the rest, and, sitting down upon a bank that sloped towards a narrow streamlet, began to sketch stray tufts and clusters of weedy undergrowth — a straggling blackberry-branch, a bit of ivy creeping sinuously along the uneven ground — in an absent desultory way, thinking of her brother and the days gone by. She had been alone like this about half an hour, when the crackling of the brambles near her warned her of an approaching footstep. She looked up, and saw a stranger approaching her through the sunligh
t and shadows of the wood — a tall man, in a loose, gray overcoat.

  A stranger? No. As he came nearer to her, the face seemed very familiar; and yet in that first moment she could not imagine where she had seen him. A little nearer, and she remembered all at once. This was her companion of the long railway journey from London to Holborough. She blushed at the recollection, not altogether displeased to see him again, and yet remembering bitterly that cruel mistake she had made about Arden Court. She might be able to explain her error now, if he should recognise her and stop to speak; but that was scarcely likely. He had forgotten her utterly, no doubt, by this time.

  She went on with her sketching — a trailing spray of Irish ivy, winding away and losing itself in a confusion of bramble and fern, every leaf sharply defined by the light pencil touches, with loving pre-Raphaelite care — she went on, trying to think that it was not the slightest consequence to her whether this man remembered their brief acquaintance of the railway-carriage. And yet she would have been wounded, ever so little, if he had forgotten her. She knew so few people, that this accidental acquaintance seemed almost a friend. He had known her brother, too; and there had been something in his manner that implied an interest in her fate.

  She bent a little lower over the sketch-book, doing her uttermost not to be seen, perhaps all the more because she really did wish for the opportunity of explaining that mistake about Arden Court. Her face was almost hidden under the coquettish gray hat, as she bent over her drawing; but the gentleman came on towards her with evident purpose. It was only to make an inquiry, however.


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