Delphi Works of M. E. Braddon

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Delphi Works of M. E. Braddon Page 859

by Mary Elizabeth Braddon

  “I think you had more than five shillings’ worth without paying your score,” answered Herrick. “I am very sorry for Dick Savage, who has talents, and is about the hardest-used wretch I ever met with. The worst stepmother in a fairy tale was never crueller than Colonel Brett’s wife, and yet I daresay she will fatten and prosper, and live to a ripe old age.”

  “She was a bold hussy,” said Philter: “a woman who would brazen her shame before the House of Lords, in order to divorce herself from a husband she hated, can at least claim credit for strength of character.”

  “Which she shows now in denying herself to her son, the innocent witness of her dishonour, and the avowed ground for her divorce.”

  “I doubt by the time she had survived her passion for Lord Rivers she had exhausted her regard for his offspring,” said Philter carelessly.

  “Nay, she betrayed her indifference from the hour of his birth, handed him over at once to his grandmother, Lady Mason, who immediately transferred him to a foster-nurse, with whom he languished in obscurity through his joyless boyhood, until his mother had him apprenticed to a cobbler in Holborn, having previously, by a most malignant lie, deprived him of a provision which Lord Rivers on his death-bed desired to bequeath him. Poor Dick has told me the story at least a dozen times.”

  Durnford parted with the journalist in disappointment and disgust. He knew not to whom else he could apply for help in his investigation of an unknown past. He knew not where else to turn for information, was altogether at a loss how to proceed, when a chance glimpse of Jemmy Ludderly’s ferret-face in the eighteenpenny gallery at a revival of Steele’s Conscious Lovers reminded him that here was one who belonged to a lower grade of letters, or, at all events, to a less prosperous group of scribblers and artists, than that pseudo-fashionable circle which Mr. Philter adorned. Ludderly claimed no acquaintance with modish beauties or elderly demi-reps, waved no clouded cane, affected no mincing walk, flourished no amber snuffbox, neither scented himself with pulvilio nor expended a month’s pay on a periwig. Mr. Ludderly wore the same suit of clothes from January to December, and on to a second January and a second December, would they but endure as long. Whatever money he earned he spent upon the inner rather than the outer man, drank deep in cosy tavern parlours when he was in funds, and toasted his herring or his rasher in the solitude of his garret when he was hard up, and managed to maintain a contented spirit at all times. Nothing short of absolute hunger could have spoilt his temper.

  Durnford called in May’s Buildings next day, and unearthed the caricaturist and lampooner in his kennel. It was Mr. Ludderly’s usual breakfast-hour, and he was meekly cooking his morning rasher in an easy attire of shirt and breeches, with ungartered stockings, and the most dilapidated slippers Herrick had ever seen off a dust-heap. But the man of letters was in no wise embarrassed by his unsophisticated surroundings. He received his visitor with a friendly air, and insisted on vacating the one serviceable chair for his accommodation, while he balanced himself adroitly upon a seat from whose wooden framework the worn-out rushes hung in a picturesque fringe.

  “Don’t mention it,” said Jimmy, when Herrick apologised for disturbing him. “There is the bed yonder,” pointing to the disordered pallet with its ragged patchwork coverlet, “a most comfortable seat at all times. Pardon me if I am for the moment preoccupied by the preparation of my modest meal,” laying down his toasting-fork, and filling a little black teapot from the steaming kettle. “I am no sybarite or epicure, but I can offer you a cup of the choicest tea in London. ’Tis bohea, at a guinea a pound, from the Barber’s Pole in Southampton Street. ’Twas given me t’other day by a dear creature whose latest adventure offered particular attractions to the comic Muse, but for whose sweet sake I restrained my wit.”

  “Boileau could not have been more gallant. And was Thalia gagged for a pound of bohea?”

  “O sir, I do not say there was no solider consideration. The tea was the tilly in. I beg you to taste a dish of it.”

  He brought a second cup and saucer from a corner cupboard, which was at once larder, cellar, and pantry, and poured out some tea for his guest.

  “I thought you were addicted to somewhat stronger liquor, Mr. Ludderly,” said Durnford. “Burgundy, Champagne, or Hollands, for instance.”

  “My dear sir, over-night I will steep myself in an ocean of Burgundy, and will sing you that fine old French drinking-song;” and he trolled in a worn-out baritone,

  “‘Beau nez, dont les rubis ont cousté mainte pipe De vin blanc et clairet, Et duquel la couleur richement participe De rouge et violet.’

  “But I am no morning dram-drinker. ’Tis from the teapot I take my noontide inspiration. Yet I know not if bohea be not as fatal to the nerves as Hollands. I have heard that Lord Bristol attributes his son Hervey’s ill-health to the use of that detestable and poisonous plant tea. Those were his very words, as told me by no less a person than Lord Hervey’s valet, who frequents my favourite tavern. Well, if ’tis poison, ’tis a pleasant poison, and keeps the brain alive while it kills the body. I learnt the habit of bohea-bibbing from a sprig of good family who chummed with me twenty years ago in this very garret. He was a delicate effeminate creature, brought up gingerly by a widowed mother, and then flung upon the world to waste a small patrimony and starve when it was gone.”

  Durnford put down his cup hastily and stared the speaker in the face.

  “A friend of twenty years back!” he said. “What became of him?”

  Ludderly shrugged his shoulders, and shook his head.

  “I know not, unless he went as sailor or soldier, and flung away a life which he could not maintain as a civilian. He had sunk pretty low when he became my fellow-lodger, and was trying to live by his pen. He had inherited a strong attachment to the King over the water, and wrote on the losing side, a fatal mistake, till he turned his coat at my advice, and scribbled for the Whigs. I am at heart a friend to the Stuarts, but I have got my bread by abusing them. Half my living at one time was made out of Father Peter and the warming-pan.”

  “How long is it since you saw this gentleman?”

  “He disappeared from my ken in the autumn of the year nine, the year of Malplaquet. He left London on a pilgrimage to a wealthy relative in Hampshire, whom he fancied his destitution might move to pity; but I thought that if the gentleman were a man of the world, he was more likely to set his dogs at my poor friend than to take him in and feed him. He was very low by that time, and he had an impediment to a relation’s hospitality which I should deem fatal.”

  “What kind of impediment?”

  “A motherless baby of a year and a half old — you need not blush, sir, ’twas born in wedlock — the offspring of a foolish runaway match made abroad, where my friend was bear-leader to a young nobleman.”

  “By heaven, it is the very man!” cried Herrick. “I thought as much from the beginning. Was not your friend’s wife called Belinda?”

  “That was her name. Many a night have I heard him utter it, half-strangled in a sob, as he lay dreaming. The poor girl died in childbirth at Montpellier, where they were living for cheapness. What do you know of him?”

  “Nothing — except that if he was the man I think, he died on the Portsmouth road, died of want and exhaustion, and was found lying stark and cold, with his baby daughter beside him.”

  “Do you know the date of his death?”

  “Yes, ’twas the twenty-eighth of September.”

  “And it was on the fifteenth he took his child from her nurse at Chelsea, over against Mrs. Gwynne’s Hospital, and started on his wild-goose chase after a kinsman’s benevolence. He thought his relative would melt at sight of the child, which shows how little he knew of the world, poor wretch! Doubtless he arrived at his destination, had the door shut upon him, civilly or uncivilly—’twould be the same as to result — and turned his face Londonwards again, to tramp back to his den here, where he knew there was at least shelter for him. He was weak and ill when he left London, and he
was all but penniless, and intended to make the journey on foot. I am not surprised that he died on the road. I am not surprised; but even after eighteen years, I am sorry.”

  Honest Jemmy wiped a tear or two from his unwashed cheek with the back of a grimy hand.

  “Where did they find him, sir?” he asked, after a brief silence.

  “On Flamestead Common, thirty miles from London.”

  “He had come all the way from his kinsman’s seat on the other side of Winchester. The man was a distant cousin of his father’s. ’Twas not a close tie; but common humanity might have afforded him at least a temporary shelter.”

  “My dear Mr. Ludderly, common humanity is the most uncommon virtue I know of; ’tis rarer than common sense. Pray let me hear more of your friend. Did he ever tell you of his wife’s family and origin?”

  “Very little. He was strangely silent about her, and as I knew he lamented her death with an intensity of grief that was singular in a young widower, I shrank from irritating an open wound by any impertinent questions. All I ever heard of the lady is that she was an Italian, and that if she had had her rights she would have enjoyed a handsome fortune. It is my private opinion that he stole her from her father’s house, and so blighted her chance of wealth and favour.”

  “You do not know where they met, or where they were married?”

  “No; I cannot tell you the where, but I have heard the how. They were united by an English parson whom Chumleigh met on his travels; a scamp, I take it, of your Parson Keith stamp. They were married in the house of a British consul. ’Twas a legal ceremonial; the knot could scarce have been more securely tied. Unhappily Death snapped it before the rich father could relent.”

  “Were pardon likely upon his part, surely the widower would have sued for it for the sake of his motherless infant?”

  “Whether he sued and was refused, or never sued at all, I know not,” answered Ludderly; “the man could hardly have been more secret than he was about his wife’s history.”

  “Was he a friend of long standing?”

  “No; he and I were only poverty’s strange bedfellows. I picked him up one night sleeping under an archway in Holborn, penniless, dispirited, and took him home to my garret. I saw that he was a gentleman and a man of parts. I was just rich enough to give him a shelter from the wind and rain, and a supper of bread and cheese, and I had just influence enough to get him a little journeyman’s work in the way of translation, as I found he was a linguist. ’Twas the year I brought out my Adventures of Fidelia, a Young Lady of Fortune, modelled upon Mrs. Manly’s New Atalantis. ’Twas one of my prosperous years, and I would have kept that poor devil all the winter, could he but have pocketed his independence, and been content to share my loaf. But when I could get him no more work he grew restless and impatient, and nothing would serve him but he must go off to try his luck with his Hampshire relation. I doubt what pierced him sharpest was that he could not pay the nurse at Chelsea, and she was growing clamorous, and bade him provide otherwise for his orphan. That decided him, and he trudged off one fair September morning with the little girl nestling on his shoulder. I bore him company as far as Putney village, and there parted with him, little thinking ’twas for ever.”

  “He may have been more communicative to the child’s nurse than to this friendly babbler,” thought Durnford; and then he asked the nurse’s name, which Ludderly happened to remember, because it reminded him of his favourite paper the Tatler, at that time being issued thrice weekly, and its wit and humour in all men’s mouths.

  “The creature’s name was Wagstaff,” he said, “which puts me in mind of Isaac Bickerstaff and his lucubrations. I had thoughts of starting a journal upon the same model, and flatter myself that with a smart fellow like Philter to help me, as Addison helped poor Dick, I could have run the Tatler hard. But I could not budge for want of capital. Your printer is such an inquisitive devil, always eager to see the colour of his employer’s money.”

  “Her name was Wagstaff,” repeated Durnford, not even affecting an interest in Mr. Ludderly’s blighted ambitions, “and she lived at Chelsea, facing the Hospital for old soldiers?”

  “Lived, and lives there to this day, for aught I know to the contrary,” answered Ludderly.

  “My dear sir, I am deeply beholden to you for so much information given with such friendly frankness. We must see more of each other. Will you dine with me at the Roebuck at four this afternoon, or will you honour me with your company at Drury Lane to see The Conscious Lovers, and sup at White’s after the play?”

  Herrick knew that to a man of Ludderly’s stamp a dinner or a supper is ever a welcome attention.

  “The play and the supper, by all means. I revel in the select company at White’s, and though I am no gamester, there is an atmosphere in a place where they play high that flutters my breast with an emotion akin to rapture. I feel all the fever of the players without their risks.”

  “Mr. Ludderly, you are at once a wit and a philosopher. I shall look for you in the box-office at six o’clock. Till then, adieu.”

  Durnford hurried off, delighted to be free until evening. He had to go down to the House at three o’clock. There was no measure of importance in hand, but as a tyro he was eager to watch the progress of the session. He could not afford to neglect politics even for a day, but he was bent on discovering Belinda’s nurse as early as possible.

  It was not quite one by the clock in the newly-finished church of St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, which stood out spick and span in all the brightness of stone and marble not yet discoloured by London smoke or London weather. He set out to walk across St. James’s Park and the Five Fields to Chelsea, and was in front of the Hospital within an hour. Chelsea had a pleasant rustic air, a country road thinly fringed with houses. The village was a holiday resort for the idle, famous for its Bun House, and for Barber Salter’s museum of curiosities. Facing the broad open space in front of the Hospital, and at some considerable distance from that new and handsome edifice — begun by Charles II., but only finished under William and Mary — there was a row of old-fashioned cottages, including two or three of the humblest kind of shops. The corner house nearest the country was adorned with a sign setting forth that Mary Wagstaff, widow, was licensed to sell tea and tobacco; and the unpretending lattices exhibited a small assortment of elecampane, peppermint, clay pipes, pigtail tobacco, peg-tops, battledores, worsteds, and red-herrings.

  “If Mary Wagstaff be not gathered to her fathers, and yonder sign the inheritance of a stranger, I am in luck,” thought Durnford.

  A gray-haired matron of obese figure waddled out of a little parlour at the back of the shop on the summons of a cracked bell which dangled from the half-door. Herrick did not waste time upon preliminaries, but at once stated his business.

  Was the obese lady Mrs. Wagstaff? Yes. Did she remember a certain Mr. Chumleigh who left an infant girl at nurse with her nineteen years ago?

  This question was like the opening of a sluice. Mrs. Wagstaff let loose a torrent of angry speech, which sounded as if she had been brooding upon her wrongs for all those nineteen years, and had never till this moment relieved herself by uttering them. Yet doubtless she had treated her gossips to many a lengthy disquisition upon the same theme over a supper of tripe or cow-heel.

  “Well do I remember him, and with good cause,” she began. “An arrant swindler as ever lived, yet with all the grand airs of a fine gentleman. And the care I took of that baby! and the money I laid out upon bread and milk to feed it!”

  “But did Mr. Chumleigh never pay you anything?”

  “O, he brought me dribs and drabs of money sometimes — a crown-piece or a half-guinea once in a way. There was never such a pauper; he looked half-starved; and would come with his long face and paltry excuses, when I had kept his brat till my patience was worn out — she was a sweet child, I will not deny, and I was very fond of her.”

  Mrs. Wagstaff rambled on with an air of being inexhaustible in speech, and Herrick liste
ned with admirable patience. He wanted to hear all that she could tell him about the child’s father, and was therefore content to listen to a great deal of extraneous matter respecting the nurse and her charge’s infantine maladies.

  “Ah, and bad work I had with her, for she was cutting her teeth all the time, and used to keep me awake night after night, walking up and down with her and singing to her. But she throve with me wonderful, and she was a fine healthy baby as ever was, though I doubt she’d been ill-used before she came to me.”

  “Ill-used, do you think?”

  “Yes, sir, that was my very word, and I’m not going to take it back again,” answered Mrs. Wagstaff defiantly. “I don’t mean that her father ill-treated her, or her mother; but the poor little thing had been put out to one of those French nurses,” with ineffable disgust, “a nice pack of trumpery, no better than your Leaguer ladies for morals. Mr. Chumleigh told me how he found out that the hussy who suckled his child was no better than she should be, and drank like a fish. And one night that she was nursing the baby, and making believe to rock it to sleep, when she was half asleep herself with Burgundy wine, she tilted her chair forward a little too far and tumbled over into the fire, baby and all, she did. The nurse was burnt worse than the child, and it’s a wonder she lived to tell the tale: but the baby struck her poor little shoulder against a red-hot iron bar, and if she’s alive she carries the scar to this day. ’Twas a deep brand just where the arm joins the shoulder, and I take it ‘twill never wear out.”

  “How long was the little one with you?”

  “Between nine and ten months. I kept her as long as I could, but my poor husband was living at that time, and he was a man of his word. Mr. Chumleigh was to pay me three-and-sixpence a week for the child, and he owed me over three pounds, when my good man lost patience, and threatened to throw the child into the street if I didn’t get rid of it civilly. I was to deliver it back to its father, or take it to the constable. So I had no help but to tell Mr. Chumleigh he must fetch the child away, and I told him so point-blank the next time he came to see the little one. He was shabbier than ever, poor soul, and he looked pinched and hungry. I’d rather have offered him a dinner than flung his child upon his hands, but my good man was sitting in the parlour there, listening to every word I said; so I just told Mr. Chumleigh I could hold out no longer, he must just take the child and go about his business. He looked very sorrowful, and then he seemed to recover himself in a minute, and threw up his head with a proud air, as if he had been a nobleman. ‘Very well, Mrs. Wagstaff,’ he said: ‘I grant you have been ill-treated, but it might have been better if you’d had more patience with me. Fortune must turn at last for the most miserable of us. I’ve a rich relation in the country. I must plod down to him and ask for a home for my motherless one. Sure he can’t resist these sweet eyes.’ I was almost crying when he shook hands and bade me good-bye, though I tried to be hard with him. ‘If ever I can pay you my debt, madam, be sure I will,’ says he; and so he went out at that door, with the child cooing in his arms, and I never saw more of him from that day to this.”


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