Command Control

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Command Control Page 7

by Sara Jane Stone

  Beneath him, she gasped, her hips lifting slightly, pushing up into his hands. He squeezed gently, urging her to be still as his hands moved back up over her underwear, slipping beneath the hem of her T-shirt. Touching the smooth, bare skin of her lower back, he began to knead the sore muscles.

  He was fully dressed and she hadn’t even touched him yet, but he still had to mentally run through his parachute checklist to keep himself from exploding. She felt so good beneath him. Touching her, it made the rest of the world disappear.

  Her muscles tensed beneath his hands as she pushed her upper body off the couch. Resting on her elbows, she looked over her shoulder. Her lips parted and he could feel the rise and fall of her chest tick up a beat.

  “You’re great with your hands,” she said. “And I like what you’re doing, but I want more. I want to feel your mouth on me.”

  Without a word, he withdrew his hands from beneath her shirt. He gently pressed her shoulders, coaxing her to lie flat again. Running his fingers through her long red hair, he brushed it aside. Resting one palm on either side of her waist, he leaned forward until his lips touched the base of her neck. He took his time, trailing kisses down over one shoulder, savoring the sweet taste of her smooth skin. Retracing his path, he ran his mouth over her neck, up to her ear.

  He wanted her. Badly. He’d been semihard for hours. Touching her had pushed him perilously close to needing release soon. But he didn’t want to rush her. He’d rather follow her lead and learn what turned her on, what pushed her over the edge.

  “I haven’t done this in a while,” he admitted, his lips brushing her ear.

  She looked over her shoulder, her eyes bright and excited. Her lips curved into a playful smile. “Follow my orders, soldier, and you’ll be fine.”


  HEAT FLARED IN his eyes. She could feel the tension in his body as he hovered over her. He was pure muscle. Logan could overpower her in a heartbeat. But he was ready and willing to give her control. And that drove her wild. Her body ached with need.

  “Lower,” she said. “Touch me lower.”

  He shifted his weight, moving down the couch a little. She missed his mouth on her skin. But then his hands slipped under her lace boy-short panties and she forgot about his lips. She shifted beneath him, spreading her legs and offering access.

  “Keep going,” she commanded.

  He obeyed, drawing her underwear down to the top of her thighs, and then running his hands up over her. Glancing over her shoulder, she watched as he took in the view, not once looking up at her face. His jaw clenched and she knew he wanted to take her further. She arched her lower back, giving him a glimpse of the wet, slick folds between her parted thighs.

  “Touch me,” she said.

  He ran his fingers down between her legs, teasing her entrance with soft strokes. Sadie closed her eyes. Without waiting for her to ask, he thrust one finger inside her.

  “Yes.” She pushed back against his hand, rocking her body. Shifting her hands over her head, she pressed her palms into the arm of the couch, offering more resistance.

  “More,” she said, no longer sure if she was giving orders or begging.

  He added another finger, thrusting against her in a rhythm designed to drive her wild, hitting a place inside that pushed her so close. He rested his other hand on her low back, running it over her skin toward her thighs.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered, closing her eyes tight as the orgasm shook her body from head to toe. He stayed with her, slowly softening his touch before withdrawing his fingers and lifting his other hand off her body.

  Through a pleasure-filled haze, Sadie rolled beneath him. She reached for him, pulling Logan against her until his hips pinned her to the couch. Drawing his mouth down to hers, she kissed him hard, her hands gliding down the sculpted planes of his back. She could feel the muscles working beneath his T-shirt.

  There was so much tension in this man’s body. And while she wanted to see every inch of him in action, working hard as he thrust into her, right now she wanted him to relax. She wanted to take him to that place where he lost all control and fell mindlessly into pleasure.

  Breaking the kiss, Sadie touched her lips to his ear, her hands on his arms. “Your turn, soldier.”

  His biceps went from tense to rock-solid beneath her hands. Was he ready for more?

  “Tell me if I’m pushing too far, too fast,” she said softly.

  He let out a low laugh that was almost a growl. “Whatever you have in mind, I think I can handle it.”

  She released his arm, running her hand down his chest to where his erection was nestled between her bared thighs. Through the fabric of his jeans, she touched him, pressing her palm against the large, wide ridge.

  “But not for long,” he added.

  She had a feeling she was going to like what she found beneath his clothes. Sadie moved her hand up and down, teasing them both.

  “I’m going to enjoy touching you. Tasting you,” she said. “I think it is time for you—”

  A high-pitched ring interrupted. Her mind, filled with images of Logan without his clothes, quickly switched gears. Sadie sat up, forcing Logan to shift his weight off her. The ringing continued, drawing her attention to the kitchen.

  “The land line.” Sadie scrambled off the couch, pulling her underwear up as she raced to the kitchen. The ringing stopped. “Damn it.”

  But then it started again. She snatched the phone off the wall. “Hello?”

  “Sadie?” Laurel said. “Sadie, I need you.” Her twin sounded terrified.

  Sadie’s grip tightened on the phone. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m having the baby. My water broke.”

  “Now? You’re not due yet.”

  On the other end of the line, her twin started to cry. And from the sounds of it, this wasn’t a few heartfelt tears. Laurel was weeping.

  “I know,” her twin managed through her hiccups and sobs. “It is too soon. And I’m scared. I want this baby. I want my little girl. But it is too soon.”

  Sadie opened her mouth to reassure her sister everything would be fine. Women had babies early all the time. But she couldn’t find the words. What did she know about having a baby? Maybe four weeks early was too soon.

  Her twin screamed and Sadie dropped the phone. Oh, God, what was happening to her sister? She quickly picked it up. She needed to get to Laurel. Help her.

  “Sadie, are you there?” She heard Greg’s voice as she held the receiver up to her ear.

  “I’m here,” she said, her voice shaking. “Is Laurel okay?”

  “Meet us at the hospital. I’m taking her there now.”

  The line went dead.

  No, this could not be happening. Her sister could not lose that baby. She would not let that happen. Not to Laurel.

  She heard footsteps. Logan. In her panic, she’d forgotten about the man who’d made her come on the couch. She glanced over and caught Logan adjusting himself.

  “I’m sorry. I know I owe you an orgasm. But I need to get to the hospital. Laurel is having her baby. Now.” She scanned the kitchen counter and scooped up her purse and keys.

  “I’ll drive you.”

  “I’m fine,” she said, tossing her keys into her purse. “I just need to get to her.”

  “Sadie, you’re about to walk out of the house without your pants on and I’m guessing you don’t know how to get to the hospital.”

  She glanced down at her bare legs. Her sister needed her. Now. And she was standing half-naked in the kitchen. “Pants. You’re right. I need pants.”

  But her feet didn’t move. Her mind was racing in a million different directions. She wasn’t even sure she knew where to find her pants.

  Logan took action. He disappeared, returning with the jeans she’d w
orn earlier and a pair of sandals in one hand. In the other, he held his shoes.

  “I found these,” he said, holding out her pants. “Put them on and we’ll go.”

  She did as she was told and followed him to his truck. Seat belt on, she closed her eyes and silently begged every higher power she could think of to keep her sister and her niece safe.

  “I’m sorry our night came to an abrupt end,” she said as they turned onto the main road, heading away from the Mount Pleasant downtown. “But I’m glad you were here.”

  “Me, too.”

  “That you were here or sorry our night ended so quickly?” she asked.

  “That I was here, Sadie.” He slowed the truck and turned right onto a narrow dirt road.

  “You’re right. I never would have found my way.” She squinted as she peered into the total darkness.

  “I’m taking back roads. They’re faster.”

  “Thank you.” The need to rush sent all the potential outcomes racing through her mind. What if there was something wrong with the baby? Or Laurel?

  Sadie closed her eyes. She wanted to call Greg and demand answers, but she knew he was busy caring for her twin. The fear and worry threatened to overwhelm her and she refused to show up at the hospital a crying mess—not when Laurel needed her.

  She opened her eyes. Up ahead, she spotted a lit sign announcing the hospital’s emergency entrance. Logan bypassed the E.R. and turned in to the second parking lot. He pulled up to the front of the building, but kept the engine running.

  “There’s a receptionist inside,” he said. “She’ll direct you to the Labor and Delivery floor. I’m going to park and then I’ll meet you there.”

  “Logan, you don’t have to stay.”

  He smiled gently. “I don’t have any other plans. I’ll be here if you need me.”

  One hand on the door, she leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Thank you. Now I really owe you.”

  He laughed, shaking his head. “Go on, Sadie. Help your sister.”

  * * *

  HOURS LATER, AS the sun was starting to rise, Sadie stood beside her sister’s hospital bed, staring down at her newborn niece. Lacey. The baby was small, only five pounds, but perfect. And her twin had finally stopped crying.

  When Sadie arrived, she’d found her sister screaming in pain, begging the nurses to keep her baby alive. An hour later, Laurel was threatening them with bodily harm if they didn’t make the pain stop. Watching her sister scream like she was being tortured had turned Sadie into a pit bull—according to Greg, who’d remained strangely calm. She’d snarled and snapped at the nurses, vowing to find the anesthesiologist herself if he did not show up soon. The nurses had ignored her—and Laurel—proceeding to go about their jobs as if they saw women behave like this every day. In hindsight, Sadie realized they probably did.

  But now, even after they’d helped bring her niece safely into the world, Sadie didn’t feel the least bit sorry for the way she’d acted. Laurel had needed her help and she’d been there for her twin. For the first time, she’d felt entirely in tune with her sister’s needs. The one-way communication that always seemed to flow from Sadie to Laurel but never vice versa had changed directions for a few hours.

  Laurel took her hand and squeezed. “You were amazing tonight. I felt like we were six years old and trying to fight a team of dragons.”

  The nurse checking Laurel’s IV raised an eyebrow.

  Sadie leaned closer to her sister. “I don’t think they appreciate being compared to mythical fire-breathing creatures.”

  Laurel laughed and the baby in her arms opened her eyes for a second before settling back into sleep. “I don’t care what they think. You were my hero tonight.”

  Sadie fought back tears. She never cried. But hearing her sister’s words? Her heart swelled. “You’re welcome.”

  “I told the gentleman pacing in the waiting area both baby and mom were healthy,” the dragon-nurse said. She looked pointedly at Sadie. “He said to tell you he would see you later.” She turned and headed for the door.

  Laurel’s brow furrowed. “What man?”

  “Logan. I can’t believe he stayed. He was with me when you called. He drove me over here,” Sadie explained quickly.

  “You listened,” Laurel said smugly. “You’re having sex with the soldier.”

  “No, I was here with you, fighting dragons,” she said.

  “But you’re going to.”

  “Maybe.” She thought about the impressive erection she’d felt through his jeans. “Probably. But I don’t know. He is a widower.”

  “He told you?”

  Sadie gave her pointed look. “He did. The question is why didn’t you mention it?”

  Laurel shrugged. “You said no gossip.”

  “That’s not gossip. It’s a fact. A pretty important one.”

  “I wanted you to give him a chance,” Laurel said. “Jane’s been gone a long time.”

  “A year.”

  “She was sick for a while before that. And Logan’s a faithful guy.”

  “So you’re looking out for his sexual needs now?” Sadie didn’t bother to hide her sarcasm.

  “He’s the hometown hero, and this is my home now,” she said. “My family’s home.”

  The newborn in Laurel’s arms woke and started fussing, demanding attention. Greg returned a minute later with a selection of Laurel’s favorite candy bars. Sadie decided it was time for her to leave and give the family some space.

  She walked out of the main entrance and stared at the parking lot. She didn’t have a car. She pulled out her cell and turned it on. The screen alerted her to a handful of missed calls from her father. She had to call him back and tell him about the baby.

  “Dad?” she said when the ringing stopped.

  On the other end of the line, her father launched into questions. Sadie answered them, feeling as if she was reliving the birth, minute by minute. While they talked, she found a seat on a metal bench. She thought about lying down and closing her eyes. It was tempting.

  “And Laurel? She’s all right?”

  “She’s fine,” Sadie said for what felt like the third time in ten minutes. “Dad, I sent you extra money last month. Buy a ticket. Come up here. See for yourself.”

  Silence. If he didn’t say something soon, Sadie suspected she’d fall asleep. “Dad, are you still there?”

  “I already owe you more than I can pay back.”

  Sadie sighed. “It’s a gift, not a loan. All of it.”

  “I can’t take that much from you.” She heard the familiar stubborn edge in her father’s voice.

  Sadie closed her eyes. Why was this so hard? A sane person with limited income would welcome a check for thousands of dollars. “Please, Daddy. For Laurel. She wants you here. I know she does.”

  “I’ll think about it. I’d like to meet my granddaughter.” There was a softness in his voice that she hadn’t heard in a long time. It reminded her of bedtime stories and lullabies.

  “But I’d miss work,” he added. “I agreed to cover for my buddy at the hardware store next week.”

  She wanted to scream into the phone, I’ll pay you double, triple what you’d make at the store. But that would only wound his pride and expand the gulf between them. And it certainly wouldn’t get him on a plane.

  “Some things are just plain worth it,” she said.

  There was another long silence.

  “You’re right.”

  Of course, she was right. She’d learned that lesson from him. He’d given up everything he’d wanted for himself, including his career, for her and Laurel. And he’d made it clear every day that they were worth it. Why couldn’t he let her help him now?

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Good. I’ll
send you pictures. I promise.”

  She ended the call and closed her eyes. She needed a nap; staying up all night, fighting dragon-nurses, it was exhausting. Her dad hadn’t helped. She loved the man, but talking to him took every last bit of energy she had. Pulling her legs up, she rested her head on her arms. She’d lie here. Just for a minute.

  “Looks like we should get you to bed.”

  Sadie opened her eyes. She wanted to hear those words from Logan’s lips, but not when she was too tired to invite him to join her. And now he’d caught her passed out and drooling on her arm.

  “Need a ride?” Logan asked mildly.

  She sat upright and pushed off the bench. “Yes. And bed.” She eyed the coffee cup in his hand. “You didn’t have to wait.”

  He shrugged. “I left and grabbed a bite to eat at home. Then realized you didn’t have a way to get back to the farm. Hard to catch a cab up here.”

  She followed him into the lot. “Your coffee. What do I have to do to—”

  “It’s yours.” He handed her the cup.

  “Thanks.” Sadie took it, lifting it to her lips. Light and sweet. Perfect. “Now I owe you a coffee and an orgasm.”

  Logan opened the door to his truck, shaking his head. “I’m still wondering what you were going to offer in exchange for the caffeine.”

  She buckled herself in as he walked around the truck to the driver’s seat. “Anything.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  They drove in silence down the country roads. She might have closed her eyes for a minute or two. And then they were at her front door, the truck in Park.

  “Need help getting inside?”

  “I can manage.” If she hadn’t been up all night with Laurel, she would have asked him in and finished what they’d started. She released her belt and climbed out of the cab. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket and pulled it out. A text from Laurel.

  We need a car seat. Planned to borrow one from a friend, but she is still using it. Can’t bring the baby home without one.

  “Everything okay?” Logan asked.


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