Guardian Angel 2: Flight

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Guardian Angel 2: Flight Page 3

by Sean Michael

  "It's a plan." Rafe gave him an admiring look. "If we get bored."

  Man, those pancakes were good. "I bet we don't get too bored."

  Rafe grinned, gaze locked with his. Finally Rafe shook himself. "You wanna show me around the surrounding area a bit after I get the dishes done? I'd like to know the territory we're in a little better."

  "Sure, man. It's beautiful up here. Like a postcard."

  "Have you spent a lot of time here?" Rafe asked, quickly clearing their dishes over to the sink.

  "Off and on. It was my grampa's, once upon a time."

  "No shit?" The dishes were run under the water, Rafe starting to wipe them down with a soapy cloth.

  "Yeah. When it came back on the market, we snapped it up." It gave him a hidey-hole when he needed it. Of course, Dan hadn't expected to be being hunted by crazed weasel survivalists...

  "That's nice, having a place with family history." Rafe kept washing the dishes, leaving him with a great view of the man's ass. "You don't mind if I let these drip dry, do you?"

  "Nah. We're not standing on ceremony."

  "My mom used to yell at me and my brothers. She hated it when we left them in the drainer." Rafe leaned against the sink and looked back, grinning over one shoulder at him. "So we put all our money together one Christmas and bought her a dishwasher. She made us take the dishes out of the damn thing the minute it stopped so we could dry them and put them away."

  "Oh, man. That's brutal. My mom's way laid back. Her philosophy is all about making time to have fun."

  "My mom's a clean freak. We had a living room with plastic on all the furniture that we weren't allowed to go in. The whole nine yards." Rafe finished the last dish and turned, offering an even better view. "You should see her with the grandkids, though -- lets them get away with all sorts."

  "That's their job, honey. They love the grandbabies." Hell, his momma was chomping at the bit for them. Thank God for his twin sister because she was barking up the wrong tree with him.

  "Yeah, I know. I love them all. Best of all in small doses." Rafe gave him a wink and straightened up, eyes on him. "So you want to show me your woods?"

  "Yeah. Yeah, so long as I get my nap after." He was all about the nappage here.

  He looked at Rafe's ass.


  Maybe not all about...


  The mountainside Daniel's cabin sat on was absolutely beautiful. Everything was green and lush, and they saw rabbits and deer, chipmunks and squirrels all scurrying around. They didn’t make it as far as the lake Daniel’d mentioned, but there was a stream about a half a mile from the cabin and they settled there for a rest before making the trek back.

  "Look, Daniel. If anything happens and we get separated outside, this is where we should meet back up again. That tree right there looks easy enough to get into. You climb up as far as you can and wait for me, okay?"

  Daniel looked over, one blond eyebrow arching. "Or you climb up and wait for me. Either way."

  He wasn't about to abandon his charge, and if he and Daniel got separated, finding Daniel again would be his top priority, not hiding out. Still he nodded. "I just mean this'll be our meeting point and hiding place, yeah?" Just the thought of something happening to Daniel made his gut clench.

  "Sure. I can manage that." Daniel tilted his head, and then grabbed a low branch with his good hand, casted hand slung over to catch the branch at his elbow. As Rafe stood there, watching, Daniel climbed up.

  "Jesus Christ!" If the man fell and broke his neck, Rafe was finished as an agent. Of any kind. Of course it wasn't his job he was really worried about... "I didn't mean you had to show me."

  "No? I needed to see if I could." Daniel's face appeared between the leaves.

  His heart clenched in a way that had nothing to do with his job, and he took a deep breath. Oh, wow. He was so totally fucked it wasn't funny. Head over heels fucked. "Can you get down?" he asked, voice gone all husky.

  "I don't know. I haven't tried yet. The last few days have been full of new experiences."

  "Tell me about it." He chewed on his lower lip. "You want me to come up?"

  "Honey, you outweigh me by what? Seventy pounds? You'd go crashing to the ground." Little shit.

  "I'm trying to avoid you coming crashing to the ground." He wasn't sure how Daniel was going to manage it with just the one good hand. Up was always the easy part.

  "Huh. That's the tricky part, huh? I reckon you'd get fired if I broke my neck, huh?"

  "Guaranteed." He figured if Daniel could get even partway down, he could sort of break the man's fall...

  "Well, I'd hate for that to happen. I sorta like you, honey." Daniel started heading down, much more carefully than he'd gone up.

  "Ditto." He held his breath, watching where Daniel's feet went. "Right foot!" he called out when it looked like Daniel was going to put his weight on a too small branch.

  "Huh?" Daniel stopped, shaking a little, staring down.

  Shit, this had been a bad idea all around. "That branch wasn't going to hold you. There's one a little bit further down that you should be able to reach with your left foot." He found himself standing right beneath Daniel, arms open. He might have been half joking before but there was no way he was letting Daniel fall without having himself as a cushion.

  "Okay. Tell me when I'm getting close..."

  His heart pounding, he watched carefully, guiding Daniel. "A little farther back, there you've got it, just come on down. Yeah, yeah, like that." He heaved a sigh of relief as Daniel's foot settled on the branch and it held. "You're almost down now."

  "Don't you let me fall, Angel."

  "Not on my watch." He held his arms out encouragingly. "Can you sit on that branch and drop down to me?"

  "Don't jostle my hand, huh? It's sore as fuck."

  "Hold it up and I'll do my best. We'll get you some of those good drugs the doctor gave you when we get back." He shouldn't have pushed Daniel so hard, this was a long walk they'd done, a big loop around the cabin and he'd totally not taken the man's broken hand into account.

  "'kay, Angel. Catch my ass." Daniel closed his eyes and just let go.

  Jesus fuck.

  Rafe caught Daniel as the man fell, staggering back and trying hard to keep his balance. He didn’t though, and he dropped, sitting down hard on his ass.

  "Shit. You okay?" he asked, trying to catch his breath.

  "Yeah. Yeah. You?"

  He nodded, holding onto Daniel as he let himself fall back so he was looking up into the sky. "I think so. Christ. No more tree climbing unless someone's shooting at your ass."

  "Spoilsport." Daniel grinned down at him, eyes just dancing.

  "Asshole," he shot back, but he couldn't contain his own grin, and he slid a hand behind Daniel's head, bringing him down for a quick, relieved kiss.

  "You know it." Daniel's eyes smiled at him, just as happy as anything he'd seen.

  He laughed softly and took another kiss, his body more than willing to appreciate Daniel's now that the danger was over and no one was going to break their neck falling out of a tree.

  "Mmm. You taste good." Daniel's hurt arm was shaking, just a little.

  "So do you. I should get you back, though." No matter how much he wanted to stay here and neck for awhile.

  "Yeah?" Yeah. Daniel was looking a little green around the gills despite the earlier smiles and teasing.

  "Yeah, we left the good drugs back there." He levered himself up, bringing Daniel with him. "We've got about a twenty minute walk back." If they could go fairly straight and didn't dawdle. "You up for it?"

  "Sure, man. I'm no pussy."

  "Hell no, you aren't." He got them both standing and casually looped an arm around Daniel's waist, supporting the man as much as he could without making it too obvious. "You got a broken hand saving my ass."

  "It's a great ass. Worth saving."

  "I'm glad you think so," he murmured, ignoring the heat in his cheeks.

sp; He got them moving, keeping an eye on Daniel as they walked. Tough as Daniel was, he didn't think the man would admit to needing a break.

  The trip felt like it took forever, like it was longer going straight back to the cabin than it had been to loop all the way around it, but Daniel made it, even if he was a bit pale and sweaty once they hit the cabin.

  "How's a nap sound?" he asked, heading them to the bedroom. He was pretty sure Daniel'd left his pills on the bedside table.

  "Works for me, Angel." Yeah, yeah. Daniel made for the bed like a shot.

  He grabbed a glass of water and brought it over, sitting next to Daniel, making the bed dip a little beneath his weight. "Take your pill first, man. That hand has got to be throbbing."

  "You're going to spoil me. Thanks." Daniel took the pill, leaning back on the mattress and staring at him. "You really think they'll come for me?"

  He put his hand on Daniel's belly, stroking gently. "They came after you at the safe house, and they killed three agents. There's a leak, for fuck's sake. Yeah, I think if they can figure out where you are, they're coming for you."

  "Man. It don't seem right. Not at all."

  "They're fanatics. There's nothing right about that. But don't you worry about it -- I'm going to keep you safe, Daniel." No matter what.

  Daniel slid down, head settling on his thigh. "Sure you are, honey."

  He stroked Daniel's head, pushing the hair back off his forehead. "You better believe it. So why don't you take a nap, huh?"

  "Not sleepy. Just gonna rest my eyes."

  "Okay, Daniel." He kept stroking softly. He was going to keep his own eyes open. After all, he had quite the view.


  After five days the hand stopped hurting and started itching.


  He banged his cast against the porch railing, his bones rattling some, and not helping the itch at all. God damn it. Daniel tried banging a couple more times before finding a long stick to shove in and scratch.

  "Should you be doing that?" Rafe asked, coming out onto the porch.

  "Probably not, but it itches." He was nothing if not honest.

  "What was the banging I heard?" Rafe knelt down in front of him, taking the stick from him.

  "Probably something hitting something else." Honest, not stupid.

  Rafe laughed. "Well, I figured that much. I was wondering what the somethings were." Long fingers rubbed the skin around his cast.

  "Mmm. Plaster, meet old wood."

  "Oh, you're going for the break the hand again method of getting rid of the itch, are you?" Rafe's fingers dipped into his cast. They couldn't reach far, but they were doing decent job of scratching his itch where they could.

  "Nah. I was going for the break the cast method. Or the jostle the hand inside the cast method."

  "You know I've got a better method." Rafe's free hand slid up along the inside of his right thigh.

  "It doesn't itch there." He spread a little.

  "No, but I bet it makes you stop caring about where it does itch..."

  "You think so? I'll take that bet." It itched pretty fucking bad.

  "So, what's the bet?" The rubbing along his cast stopped, Rafe bringing both hands into play along the insides of his legs.

  "Huh?" Daniel spread a little wider, humming his latest number one under his breath.

  Laughing, Rafe bent and breathed on his cock through his jeans, heating his prick right up.

  "H...horndog." Oh. Yummy. "Do it again."

  Rafe obeyed, breathing on him again, gnawing him through the material just a little.

  "Mmm." He was so gonna lose this bet. No question. Which meant he won.

  "God, you smell so good." Rafe's hands rubbed up and down his legs, mouth continuing to work him.

  "Angel." Daniel caught himself leaning back, hips rolling up into that hot mouth. He was getting spoiled with hot and cold running sex. He approved. Wholeheartedly.

  "Not feeling very angelic right now." Strong fingers played with the top button of his jeans.

  "No? Angels probably had good sex..."

  Oh, look at the surprise on that handsome face. And then Rafe started laughing. "The things that come out of your mouth..."

  "I sorta like the things that come in your mouth, honey."

  There was that rush of color into Rafe's cheeks, his lover bending back to his prick to hide the blush. Daniel chuckled, cupped Rafe's cheek. For a bad-assed FBI guy, Angel was a big softie.

  Rafe nuzzled into his hand, chin rubbing on his prick. Then Rafe started working on his zipper, pulling it carefully down. Damn slowly, too. Oh, that was sweet, wasn't it? He leaned and looked, just soaking in the sun and the sight of that dark head bent over him. Groaning as his prick finally escaped the confines of his jeans -- he wasn't wearing underwear having given them up as a lost cause with only one hand -- Angel's fingers touched the tip. Rafe licked his lips and made another soft sound.

  "Oh, damn honey. Please." Please.

  "Bet you taste as good as you smell." Angel leaned in and licked where his fingers had touched, tongue soft and hot on his slit.

  "Jesus." His head fell back, thighs aching they were spread so far. "Again."

  "Uh-huh. And again and again." Angel smiled up at him for a moment, eyes hot and eager. "You do taste as good as you smell. Better." Then that gentle touch came again, Rafe's tongue sliding across the tip of his cock.

  "You are enough to drive me crazy."

  "Good crazy?" Rafe nibbled the top of his cock, then slowly made his way down the full length, tongue and lips continuing the amazing torture.

  "Uh. Uh-huh. So fucking hot, Angel." His eyes were rolling like dice in his head.

  He could feel Angel’s smile against his cock, and then the nibbling continued up and down his cock, Rafe's teeth occasionally just barely scraping along his skin. Rafe's hands were hard on his thighs, fingers opening and closing. He'd never felt anything so hot, never seen anything like that.

  "God, you're hot," murmured Angel just before those warm lips wrapped around his prick.

  "N...need." His heels dug in, hips jerking wildly as his balls drew up.

  Angel pulled off a bit and then settled on him, lips tight and sucking hard, head bobbing. Daniel's eyes rolled again and he just went nuts, fucking Angel's mouth, hips pounding up into those lips. One of Rafe's hands found his balls, touching gently as that throat swallowed around him.

  "Angel." He pushed down, asking for a firmer touch.

  Rafe must have understood, because the gentle fingers suddenly wrapped around his sacs, tugging enthusiastically.

  "Yes!" He jerked, shooting so hard his eyes rolled right up into his head, lightning shooting down his spine.

  His Angel drank him down, Rafe humming around his flesh, making it vibrate.

  "Oh. Oh, damn. Honey." He could just sing, he felt so good.

  Beaming up at him, Angel rubbed a cheek against his slowly softening prick. Then one of Angel's hands disappeared down into tight jeans.

  "Uh-huh. Mine." He bent one knee and offered his ass.

  "Oh." Angel gasped softly and swallowed, meeting his eyes. "The chair going to hold?"

  "It ought to. Come on, Angel. Let me have it." Come on, start trusting your fine-assed self.

  "Don't have lube..." Angel came up with a solution right away though, leaning right in and licking at him, pushing that hot, wet tongue into him.

  "Rafe!" Oh, that was. Right. Fuck yes.

  A finger joined the tongue fucking him, Angel stretching him out. He started moving, riding the touches as his cock slowly filled. Rafe moaned and whimpered, one finger becoming two. He was stretched and wet in no time.

  "That's it." He leaned up a little, bore down. "Gonna fill me up, Angel."

  "I'm going to have to go get a condom," murmured Rafe, looking up at him.

  "Mmm." He didn't have sex often enough to worry about not being clean. "You clean, FBI man?"

  Angel's eyes widened and the tongue-fucking stoppe
d completely, those long fingers no longer moving inside him. "ATF, and yeah. I told you I hadn't ever... Yeah, I'm clean."

  "Well, you got a choice to make, Angel." He wasn't going to push.

  Rafe licked his lips, moaning a little. "Well, what about you -- are you clean?"

  "Hey, man. Would I offer if I wasn't? Shit, I like you, man."


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