The Christian Slave

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The Christian Slave Page 10

by Harriet Beecher Stowe

Anyhow, they have got into a trap now,--the baggages! They are safe enough! They

  shall sweat for it! [Turns and runs in another direction.] Hallo! there, Sambo!

  Quimbo!--all hands!--two runaways in the swamp!--five dollars to any nigger that

  catches them!--turn out the dogs!--turn out Tiger!--Fury and fire! Halloo! be


  Enter SAMBO, QUIMBO, and a crowd of negroes with torches. They run about

  distractedly, and shouting and whooping, some getting pine knots and some

  getting the dogs. Sambo.

  Mas'r, shall we shoot them? Can't catch 'em.

  Legree. [Giving him a rifle.]

  Fire on Cass, if you like--time she is gone where she belongs! Don't fire on the

  girl! Now, be spry! Five dollars to him that gets them! Glass of spirits to you

  all, any way!

  [Exit all, shouting.] Enter UNCLE TOM; looks after them and raises his hands..

  Uncle Tom.

  Please, good Lord, do, do help 'em--help 'em--help 'em, good Lord!

  SCENE X.--A Room in the House.

  Enter CASSY and EMMELINE out of breath. From the windows is seen the light of

  flambeaux, and the sound of dogs and shouting is heard. Cas. [Walking to the

  window and looking out.]

  See there, the hunt is begun! Hark, the dogs! Don't you hear? If we were there

  now, our chance would n't be worth a picayune!


  O, for pity's sake! Do let 's hide ourselves! Quick! quick!


  There is no occasion for hurry. The hunt is the amusement for the evening. They

  are all out after it. Meanwhile [she walks to a desk and unlocks it] I shall

  take something to pay our passage.


  O, don't let 's to that!

  Cas. [Taking out a roll of bills and counting them.]

  Why not? Would you have us starve in the swamp, or have what will pay our way to

  the free states? Money can do anything, girl!


  But it 's stealing!

  Cas. [Laughs scornfully.]

  Stealing, is it! They who steal body and soul need not talk to us! Let him talk

  about stealing! Every one of these bills is stolen--stolen from poor, starving,

  sweat ing creatures, that must go to the devil at last for his profit! But come,

  we may as well go up garret. I have got a stock of candles there, and some books

  to pass away the time. You may be sure they won't come there to inquire after



  SCENE XI.--The Dining-room.

  Legree. [Solus.]

  It 's all that Tom, I know! Did n't I see the old wretch lifting up his old

  black hands, praying? I hate him! I HATE him! And is n't he mine? Is he not

  MINE? Can't I do what I like with him? Who is to hinder, I wonder? I 'll try

  once more to-morrow. If I don't catch them--I 'll see what I 'll do!

  SCENE XII .--.


  What do you see?


  At it again this morning! There 's that old Stokes on the run. He has come

  over--has he? And Bill Daken, with his dogs! Hear them swear! There he goes,

  giving brandy round among them--niggers and all! [Listens.] So I am to be shot

  down--am I? "Save the girl!" Do you hear that, Emmeline? Is n't he kind? [CASSY

  rises suddenly, clasps her hands, and looks up.] Almighty God, what is t his

  for? What have we done more than all the rest of the world, that we are treated

  so? [After a pause, she lays her hand on EMMELINE'S shoulder.] If it was n't for

  you, child, I would go out there, and I 'd thank any one that would shoot me

  down; for what use will freedom be to me? Can it give me back my children, or

  make me what I used to be?


  Poor Cassy! don't feel so!

  [She takes her hand.] Cas. [Draws it away.]

  Don't-- you get me to loving you; and I never mean to love anything again.


  You should n't feel so, Cassy. If the Lord gives us liberty perhaps he will give

  you back your daughter. At any rate, I 'll be like a daughter to you. I know I

  'll never see my poor old mother again. I shall love you, Cassy, whether you

  love me or not.

  Cas. [Sits down, and puts her arm around EMMELINE.]

  O, Em, I have hungered for my children, and thirsted for them! My heart is

  broken in longing for them! Here, here all is desperate, all empty! If God would

  give me back my children, then I could pray.


  You must trust him, Cassy. He is our Father.


  His wrath is upon us. He is turned away in anger.


  No, Cassy, he will be good to us.

  SCENE XIII.--LEGREE and QUIMBO. Sitting-room.


  Now, Quimbo, if you 'll just walk up that Tom right away--the old cuss is at the

  bottom of the whole matter, and I 'll have it out of his old black hide, or I

  'll know the reason why! [Exit QUIMBO.] What if I did pay a thousand dollars for

  him!--two thousand would not pay the plague he has made me! I 've got him! the


  Enter QUIMBO, dragging along TOM. Quimbo.

  Ah! you 'll cotch it now, I 'll be bound! Mas'r's back 's up high. No sneaking

  up now--tell you, you 'll get it--no mistake! See how you look now, helping

  mas'r's niggers to run away--see what ye got!

  A voice from above.

  "Fear not them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can


  Leg. [Seizing TOM by the collar.]

  Tom, do you know I have made up my mind to kill you?


  I think it 's quite likely, mas'r.


  I have--done--just--that--thing, Tom, unless you'll tell me what you know about

  these here girls!

  [TOM remains silent, and looks on the floor.] Leg. [Stamping.]

  Do you hear?--speak!


  I an't got nothing to tell, mas'r.


  Do you dare to tell me, you old black Christian, that you don't know?

  [TOM remains silent.] Leg. [Furiously.]

  Speak! Do you know anything?


  I know, mas'r, but I can't tell anything. I can die.

  Leg. [Comes up to TOM, and speaks close to his face.]

  Look here, Tom! you think, because I have let you off other times, that I don't

  mean what I say. But I do! I have made up my mind and counted the cost. You

  always have stood it out against me; but this time I 'll conquer you, or I 'll

  kill you--one or t' other! I 'll count every drop of blood that is in you, and

  take them one by one till you give up!

  Tom. [Looking up to his master.]

  Mas'r, if you were sick, or in trouble, or dying, and I could save ye, I 'd give

  ye my heart's blood; and, if taking every drop of blood in this poor old body

  would s ave your precious soul, I 'd give 'em freely, as the Lord gave his for

  me. O! mas'r, don't bring this great sin on your soul! It will hurt you more

  than 't will me! Do the worst you can, my troubles will be over soon; but, if ye

  don't repent, yours won't ever end!

  [LEGREE hesitates a moment, and then knocks TOM down. SAMBO and QUIMBO rush in.]

  Sambo and Quimbo.

  Shall we take him, mas'r?


  Yes, take him. I 'll go with you. We 'll see what we'll see!r />

  SCENE XIV.--A Hut. UNCLE TOM lying on straw, apparently dead.

  Enter GEORGE SHELBY. Kneels down. George.

  Is it possible! Is it possible! Uncle Tom, my poor old friend!

  Uncle Tom. [Moving in his sleep.]

  "Jesus can make a dying bed

  Feel soft as downy pillows are."


  O! Uncle Tom, do wake! do speak once more! Look up! Here's Mas'r George--your

  own little Mas'r George! Don't you know me?

  Uncle T. [In a feeble voice.]

  Mas'r George! Mas'r George! Bless the Lord! it is--it is--it 's all I wanted!

  They have n't forgot me! It warms my soul; it does my old heart good! Now I

  shall die content! Bless the Lord, O my soul!


  You shan't die! you must n't die, nor think of it! I 've come to buy you, and

  take you home.

  Uncle T.

  O, Mas'r George, ye 're too late! The Lord's bought me, and is going to take me

  home; and I long to go. Heaven is better than Kintuck.


  O, don't die! It 'll kill me! it 'll break my heart to think what you 've

  suffered--and lying in this old shed, here! Poor, poor fellow!

  Uncle T.

  Don't call me a poor fellow! [Solemnly.] I have been poor fellow, but that 's

  all past and gone now. I 'm right in the door, going into glory! O, Mas'r

  George! Heaven has come! I 've got the victory! the Lord Jesus has given it to

  me! Glory be to his name! [He pauses, and then takes GEORGE'S hand.] Ye must

  n't, now, tell Chloe--poor soul!--how ye found me; 't would be so drefful to

  her. Only tell her ye found me going into glory; and that I could n't stay for

  no one. And tell her the Lord stood by me everywhere, and al'ays, and made

  everything light and easy. And, O! the poor chil'en, and the baby--my old

  heart's been most broken for 'em, time and again. Tell 'em all to follow

  me--follow me! Give my love to mas'r, and dear good missis, and everybody in the

  place! Ye don't know. 'Pears like I love 'em all! I loves every creatur',

  everywar!--it 's nothing but love! O, Mas'r George, what a thing 't is to be a


  [LEGREE looks in.] George.

  The old Satan! It 's a comfort to think the devil will pay him for this some of

  these days!

  Uncle T.

  O, don't!--O, you must n't! [grasping his hand] He 's a poor mis'able critter.

  It 's awful to think on 't. O, if he only would repent, the Lord would forgive

  him now; but I 'm feared he never will!


  I hope he won't. I never want to see him in heaven!

  Uncle T.

  Hush, Mas'r George; it worries me! Don't feel so. He an't done me no real

  harm--only opened the gate of the kingdom for me--that 's all! [A pause. UNCLE

  TOM seems to faint. Draws several long sighs, raises his hand.]

  Who--who--who--shall--separate--us from--the--the--love of Christ? LOVE! LOVE!




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