Wyatt: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 3)

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Wyatt: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 3) Page 1

by Chelsea Handcock


  Alpha Team

  NAC & The Holly Group

  Author: Chelsea Handcock


  Copyright © 2017, Chelsea Handcock

  First electronic publication: February 2017

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted works is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the author’s permission.

  Note from the Author:

  This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to person, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. The author does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third party websites or their content.

  Published in the United States of America.

  Wyatt Green, resident computer genius for The Alpha Team, has a mission. Find his teammate's sister and drag her back to base, kicking and screaming if necessary. It was supposed to be simple, it was anything but. She was a dog trainer no way would it take him any longer than a day. He couldn’t have been more wrong. His first mistake was underestimating a woman dead set on saving everyone but herself. When he finally catches up with her, Wyatt found way more than he expected, she was his.

  Peyton Carlton had a couple of things that she needed to do; get away from her terrible mother and figure out why the witch was after her step-brother. Simple enough for an experienced hacker right. Not so much. Instead, she stumbles into a world she never knew existed. Shifters are real, and one of them was the man of her dreams. Too bad her mother and her friends want to destroy that dream.

  **Content Warning: If you are opposed to former sailors that swear like they are supposed to along the women they are with then this is not the book for you. If you don’t like hot and steamy sex scenes, then I suggest you move on by. But if you are willing to take a chance the world of the NAC & Holly Group might surprise and delight you. This book does contain explicit love scenes, naughty language, and lots of sexy secrets. Intended for mature audiences.

  Table of Contents

  Alpha Team

  NAC & The Holly Group

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 1

  Peyton Carlton was a simple woman. All she needed was the safety and security of her mountain, her job that felt more like playtime than work, and her puppies, her pride, and joy. At least that was what she was trying to convince herself, but it wasn’t the truth. She also wanted a real family and some connection to another human being. She was lonely, but she knew better; people hurt you whether they tried to or not. Animals were much simpler because they loved unconditionally and only acted out when cornered or harmed. Peyton could relate to that.

  Peyton often wondered what her life would be like if she decided to join the living instead of living in her self-imposed exile. She knew that with her mother, Judy, still out there, she really didn’t have a choice, but she could dream. The woman would destroy anything good that happened in Peyton’s life unless it benefited her in some way. And it was a chance Peyton wasn’t willing to take. It had happened many times before, and Peyton wasn’t going to put anyone else on the evil woman’s radar. She had to remember all the lives that had been destroyed because of her mother, and she needed to stay one step ahead. She couldn’t do that if she had to worry about other people and what her mother would do to exploit them.

  For as long as she could recall, Judy wrecked anything decent that might come into her life. She remembered having an innocent friendship with a little girl when she was around five or so. It was when Peyton was allowed to attend school on a regular basis for the first time. In fact, there weren’t many after that, until the state took her. The little girl lived on the same street and Peyton had been thrilled just to have a friend. They did the usual stuff; sleepovers, brownies, and played on the playground at school. Gemma was the little girl's name, Peyton recalled. Damn, it had been years since she thought of her. Gemma had given her a Barbie, the first and only one Peyton ever had. In fact, it was the only gift she had ever received at that point. Peyton loved spending time with Gemma and her family. It was so different than her life; they were warm and loving people who seemed to really enjoy playing and spending time with their child. Peyton would dream that her life could be the same.

  Once Peyton had asked her mother why they didn't have a family like her friend Gemma; one that had both a mother and father who ate their meals together at the kitchen table played games, and who laughed and hugged each other. All the things Peyton innocently craved in her own life. Her mother made sure that Peyton knew she didn’t deserve those things. "Oh, Peyton, you’re such a stupid little girl," her mother said with her hateful words and sneered, “Those people actually wanted that little girl. You, my child, are and will always be just baggage. Don’t you ever forget it." Peyton was too young to understand what her mother was talking about, but the words still stung. Peyton had never gotten the hugs, kisses, and loving encouragement of a simple “I love you” that other children received. Shoot, if she scraped her knee, there was no care, sympathy, or soothing words of any kind. She couldn’t even cry because there were unpleasant consequences for that. So, she held back the tears and pain. If she were lucky, she would find a band-aid to cover the mess, nothing more.

  Gemma started to pull away from her shortly after that, and Peyton had no idea why. Still young and idealistic, she tried to fix it by offering to give the Barbie back, but Gemma just threw her precious Barbie to the ground and yelled, “What are you doing? I don’t want your cooties!" and then ran away. It hurt, and Peyton didn’t understand why her friend had turned mean and spiteful. She wanted to fix it, but her five-year-old brain had no idea how to accomplish that goal. They no longer played on the playground and Gemma would go out of her way to talk about her with her new friends; friends that didn’t like Peyton. One day Peyton couldn’t help it. She so desperately wanted that friendship. Crying, she asked Gemma, "Why don't you want to be my friend anymore?"

  Gemma just looked at her and said, “My mom told me you're dirty, just like your mommy, and we don’t want anything as dirty as you in our house, no matter what my Daddy thinks.” Peyton didn’t understand; she wasn't dirty. Shortly after that Peyton and her mother moved once again. Judy had no problem telling her five-year-old self exactly what happened. “I don’t know, Peyton, you might just have a use yet. That man, the daddy you liked so much, was such an easy mark," she laughed that ugly laugh she used when remembering something.

  "Remember this and remember it well, little girl, men want o
ne thing, and if you give it to them, they can give you the world." At the time, Peyton thought that meant money because her mother was fanning herself with a stack of bills. And Peyton knew, even at that young age, what drove her mother. Judy was never satisfied and always strived for more.

  That same scenario played out a few more times while she was growing up, always ending the same way. Peyton finally gave up trying to make friends, only to put them in her mother’s path. That was also at the time that her mother stopped trying to hide her “Johns” or “Marks” from Peyton altogether. The fear started to settle in. As she got older, the realization set in that her mother was nothing but a con artist, as if that weren't bad enough. Finding out that the woman would use anything, her body, the mailman, or even her child, to get what she wanted, was a devastating blow. But nothing hurt worse than knowing at a young age that you weren’t loved and never would be by the person that brought you into this world, and there was no hope that things would change. Peyton could never escape her situation.

  Looking back, there were obvious signs of abuse, but Judy could con anyone. They never stayed in any one place long enough for there to be a second occurrence to send up a red flag to anyone. Once in third grade, the school nurse questioned Peyton about the bruises that had been noticed. Judy was called in, and the show began. With manufactured concern and a sickeningly sweet theatrical tone to her voice, Judy began," I’m so sorry. My girl is just so clumsy; she can’t even walk in a straight line," laughing about the bruises that decorated her child's body. Another time the police were called to whatever hovel they had lived in at the time for loud partying. Judy was celebrating her latest cash windfall from her most recent unfortunate mark. When the officers showed up, without missing a beat, Judy began, "Oh, officers, I’m so very sorry! I just got home to find that my daughter had invited all these people over without my permission. Thank the lord you showed up when you did. Can you please help me get them out?" she said, batting her fake eyelashes. Then there were the numerous men. Fat, skinny, ugly, or handsome, Judy Carlson had the ability to wrap any man around her stick thin legs. It disgusted Peyton.

  It was safer to stay removed and alone. Peyton often wondered why she couldn’t just pull the trigger and rid herself of her mother permanently. She had the skills and could definitely get the ammunition, but for some reason, she just couldn’t follow through and pull the damn trigger. Maybe she was still that little girl, craving the family connection that she had witnessed through her brief friendships and their family members, like Gemma and her parents. She was very grateful for the short amount of time that she had been able to experience it, even if it had only been residually through her friends. That is until Judy came in and destroyed it. Peyton thought to herself, maybe she was just as stupid as Judy often told her she was. It was hard to shake the negative feelings from her childhood, even now that she was an adult having little to no contact with her mother.

  Caught up in her thoughts, she thought of her stepbrother, Sebastian. He had referred to her as a recluse, but she really wasn’t. She liked people, loved interacting with the teams that came to her training center, and often wished her life could be different. But she wasn't willing to take a chance until Judy either disappeared permanently or died. That thought didn’t hurt her like she thought it should. The woman was her mother, or at least the only person she had for that role. Judy Carlson was mean to the very marrow of her bones. So, Peyton was stuck doing what she always did, watching from the shadows, dreaming that things could be different, and hoping for a time that they would.

  Sipping her coffee, she looked out from her perch on the old porch. It needed paint and stain, and she vowed to someday get to that, but that day was not today. She had too much weighing on her mind. She hated when the seasons changed, summer turning to fall, then ultimately to winter. Most people like the changing seasons, but not Peyton. It brought to the surface the many memories of being cold and alone. She always broke out in a cold sweat when the leaves started to fall like they were now.

  The colder months scared her as a child and continued to have an effect on her as an adult. She didn’t want to get sucked into the memories of her childhood, but that had already happened with her memories of Gemma. Watching the leaves fall pulled her in deeper to the worst memories; the cold nights, hiding under a random bed if she could find one, or hiding in the dark outside from the predators her mother often welcomed into their lives.

  One memory was trying to break through, but Peyton wasn’t having it. Forcing herself to look at the clear blue sky, she attempted to divert her attention. However, that didn’t stop the sounds or the memories that came with them. She could still hear how the bare tree branches scraped against windows in that creep’s house, creating shadows that reminded her of skeletal arms and fingers. She could still feel the fear of having no place to hide, or anyone to save her. She could hear the creak of the door opening and knowing that something bad was going to happen.

  No, she thought, I’m not doing this. Fall and winter are just seasons, like spring and summer, I’m safe here. Peyton had made sure of that. No one, not even her mother, can take that away. Her dogs would protect her, just like the other ones did back then. Peyton could also protect herself. She wasn’t a scrawny thirteen-year-old any longer. She was a strong, independent woman and no man would ever make her that vulnerable again. It was better to think of happier, safer times, like meeting her brother.

  Sebastian came into her life during a time that she really needed it. They didn’t click instantly, but over time they offered each other something they were both lacking in their lives; stability, connection, and loyalty. Peyton learned that Sebastian, or Bastian as she called him, would always have her back. She had been a petulant child with major trust issues. Her mother moved them around so much that Peyton was often surprised the woman hadn’t left her behind at some point. She always let her know that she was baggage and worth nothing. It happened so often that Peyton frequently hoped that one of the times she would just forget about her and move on. Peyton would be surprised if the woman she called “Mother” ever had a kind word to say to anyone she wasn’t trying to con or get the better of. Her words and actions were especially toxic towards Peyton. The woman loathed her just as much as Peyton loathed her in return.

  Bastian almost immediately started taking care of her. Peyton often thought that she provided something for him as well, but could never really figure out what that was. He probably needed someone as much as she had at the time. His brothers had been sent away to live with their mother, but Bastian wasn’t allowed to go with them because his dad wouldn’t allow it.

  When Peyton had finally gotten up the nerve to ask him why his brothers were able to go but not him, all he said was that he was the bad seed of the family. Neither of their parents were good people in any sense of the word. Thankfully at the time, the two were only concerned with each other. Despite the fact, they only stayed together in the same house for a little over six months, Bastian had proved himself a loyal friend and protector, and Peyton cherished him. He would get in the way of Judy’s toxic presence when she went off on one of her terrors, and he also kept Peyton off his father’s radar. It was something Peyton was grateful for. Bastian’s dad emitted evil and cruel vibes that rivaled her mother’s.

  Soon, Bastian became her provider. He made sure that she had food to eat, and that she remained safe. It took some time, but he had won over her trust. And to this day, he had never broken that. He gave her the connection she never experienced with her mother or any of the numerous men or families she hooked up with. He also gave her stability, which she found odd because he wasn’t all that much older than she was. But Peyton knew that if she ever needed him, he would be there, and that meant everything. She vowed to be there for him if he ever needed it. That was how important he was to her. He also kept her secrets. He gave her that familial connection that she craved.

  Her brother didn’t often talk about his dreams or wants
. As a result of their circumstances, neither of them were in a position to have much or hope for anything. But there was this one game he was dying to have. Peyton wanted him to have it, knowing that her time with him was running short. Judy and his dad were fighting more and more, and Peyton could read the signs on the wall. Soon they would be moving on to her mother’s next target, and she wanted to get Bastian something to remember her by.

  At that time, she had discovered her skills with a computer and the Internet but hadn’t really done anything but play around a bit. She spent a lot of time at the library where ever she was because it was often the only safe place for her. She devoured any book she could get her hands on regarding coding or programming. Then often tested out those skills on the public computers the library offered. All she needed was a library card.

  It was then that she tried something a little different. She eventually stumbled upon the Dark Web, a place where people hide to do illegal, immoral, or heinous things. It’s also a place where you can make money if you have the right skills, know-how, and ability to execute it undetected. Peyton wanted to test her skills and newfound knowledge. So, for the next week, she spent most of her spare time at the library. No one was any wiser because that was her standard routine. She accepted and started doing a job for an unknown person that wanted to know the whereabouts of his “wife.” Peyton soon found out that wasn’t the case. Whoever it was, had been stalking a woman and she had made it off of his radar. Peyton made up enough information to give to the man in order to get paid. She then contacted the woman, telling her it was time to move in order to get off her stalker’s trail.

  At first, the woman was resistant, but Peyton was able to convince her with the “advertisement” she had found for the job and the additional information she was able to find on the man. Peyton not only got the money for Bastian’s game, but she also bankrupted the man that hired her. It was her only way of dispensing a little justice. The real problem was that she found it easy and she liked all the cloak and dagger stuff she had pulled.


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