Wyatt: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 3)

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Wyatt: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 3) Page 12

by Chelsea Handcock

  "Well honey, I’m glad I’m your dream man, and I can promise you I will totally dish out multiple orgasms all you have to do is ask, and then he winked again." Peyton wanted to play, but she was still so confused. She didn’t know this man, he could be working with her mother, and most importantly he bypassed her security system. Possibly hacked into her system and planted the weird shifting thing. What she really needed to do was get her head out of her ass and figure out what the hell was going on. Not continue to talk to him about anything or everything that happened in her dreams. That crap was private.

  "Sorry honey but my name is most definitely not Thor. The man held out his hand, Hi Wyatt Green you know me as WyWH. I know you as PEYPLAY, I work with your brother Bas he was worried about you, he thought you were in trouble, so he asked me to find you.” Peyton actually swooned. Holy Shit, this was her dream Thor or Wyatt whatever, and he was even better than she could have ever thought possible. If a person could swoon while sprawled out of the floor, then she just had...

  Chapter 13

  Peyton wanted to say something like Hi pleased to meet you or anything better than what she came up with, but she was still in a state of shock. Her Okay was pretty anticlimactic, and she was pretty disappointed in herself but hell this was all just a little too much for one person to handle.

  "Listen, honey, I smell blood, and I really need to know where your hurt?" Peyton rubbed the back of her injured head at his statement. Pulling her hand away she noticed the blood, damn maybe she had hit it harder than she initially thought.

  Wyatt saw the blood on Peyton’s little hand when she pulled it away from her head. Well, at least that answered one question. " Okay honey when I was checking things out I noticed a first aid kit in your kitchen. I’m going to go and grab it and then when I get back I will fix you up good as new. Sound like a good plan to you?"

  "Ah, yeah sure," Peyton said again chastising her lack of anything resembling an intelligent answer to this man. Shit not just a man but Wyatt, the one man she couldn’t get out of her head. The man that she fantasized about created whole scenarios in her mind about and when given a chance to finally talk with him in person she was reduced to a geeky teen when confronted with the captain of the football team. Damn.

  Watching him walk away was a treat Peyton was glad she had the opportunity to have, Wyatt Green was one delicious man. He had strong wide shoulders and a torso that tapered into the perfect V his waist. The extremely tight light blue t-shirt he was wearing perfectly accentuated his back muscles and made Peyton’s mouth water. But her little personal show didn’t end there. His thickly muscled legs were cased in just tight enough without being too tight dark washed jeans. And damn his butt was a work of art. Plump without being large and so firm that when he walked each side shifted with the movement of his feet, drawing a person’s eye. Those globes would be perfect for a little bite or to dig her fingernails into while he was deep inside of her. Even a little slap would be amiss for those perfect yummy buns. Wyatt didn’t seem like the type of man that would appreciate a slap, but she was willing to risk the possible punishment to find out. Absolutely Delicious!

  Peyton couldn’t help but wonder how he would feel if she just climbed him like a tree and hung on for dear life. She wanted to taste his caramel colored skin and see for herself if it tasted as good as it looked. She wanted to read his body like she was a blind person reading brail. By touch, maybe with a little tongue action mix in she wasn’t really sure but she did know she wanted to discover every single inch of him.

  Licking the small bit of drool that escaped her mouth Peyton remembered what was actually going on here. The man claimed to be Wyatt Green, but she didn’t have any proof that what he was saying was the truth. In reality, the man could be anyone. Bas often talked about his teammates, but he was a dude he never once told her what any of them looked like. Why was she being so trusting of a man’s words? Hadn’t she learned anything from her life?

  She said out loud, “Damn, I have got to be losing my every lovin mind." Peyton needed to focus and figure out what the hell was going on. Then she needed to get rid of mister tall, not so dark and incredibly handsome so she could finish her mission. Once she had the information, she was seeking she would go to Bastian and tell him all she had learned. She couldn’t be distracted by a beautiful face and a body that would rival any Greek god she had ever seen. Hell, no. Wyatt Green, dream Thor or whoever the hell he was needed to go.

  When he came back to take care of her, he noticed her tight t-shirt and he had to laugh, Life would be easier if you could mark people as spam. Sitting back down on the floor Wyatt got to work examining Peyton’s injury. The cut was small but the goose egg that accompanied it was large enough he feared that she could possibly have a concussion. He should really take her to a hospital and get her checked out properly. Right now, he was going clean her wound, give her an ice pack and a couple of ibuprofen. Then they were going to talk, preferably on the nice soft couch in the common room.

  He as well as the rest of the NAC team members had some medical training enough to patch someone up if need be but he was no neurologist. He decided it was best to let Peyton make that call. He knew she was up to something coming here and hiding out he just didn’t know who she was hiding from. He would get those answers sooner rather than later.

  Wyatt or whoever he was. Was so close to her ear she could feel his breath tickling her ear lobe. Turning her head a little she was able to get a good whiff of his manly scent. Damn, he smelled divine, woodsy, masculine and clean. It was a deadly combination for her senses. His mere presences did things to her body she had no hope of recovering from adding his touch and smell to the mix and Peyton was about to go nuclear. Her breasts were swollen, her nipples tight the lace bra she was wearing only added to her discomfort abrading her turgid peaks every time she made the slightest movement. Her panties felt wet, and her clit had a pulse of its own. She was so distracted by her bodies needs that when he said, “Nope not losing it, honey.” Peyton dropped her head back down to the floor with a smack. Shit, she really needed to start thinking before acting, that fucking hurt.

  “Damn honey you really need to stop doing that I don’t think your head can take much more damage. That little stunt just cost you another goose egg.” Wyatt was trying to make the situation they were in lighten up, but he was feeling anything but. Since walking back into the room, he could smell Peyton’s sweet arousal, and it was driving him crazy. He was happy that she was having this reaction to him but once she came to her senses he knew he would be paying the price for his actions and that time was coming soon.

  Wyatt decided that he needed to focus on the task at hand and continued to clean up her injury." I heard woman liked things in pairs, I just didn’t realize a person would go this far to achieve such a goal. At least this time you didn’t cut yourself in the process.” He chastised.

  The events of the day were catching up with her, and she needed to get some answers and quickly. And with the only way she could seem to communication with the man she started sputtering, “You oh my god you turned into, no you were a bear, and then you turned no fucking way.” When Wyatt or whoever he was didn’t say anything, she catapulted herself up into a sitting and quickly regretted the impromptu move. She wobbled for a second because of the dizziness, after taking a couple of deep breaths and using the huge man as a pivot point she was finally able to stand on her own two feet.

  Momentarily distracted by the low moan coming from Wyatt, Peyton was surprised to see the man on the ground holding his package. " What the hell? Oh crap, damn it." Peyton went to kneel next to the downed man. When she tried to lay her hand on him his flinched away. Shit, she hadn’t meant to hurt him, she just needed to get up. Keeping her hands to herself, she tried to get him to look at her. The poor guy's face was a red as a fire truck, and the veins in his neck and on his forehead, were bulging. Shit had she really hit him that hard, she didn’t even remember it happening.

tt, are you okay?" When he didn’t answer, Peyton started to get even more concerned she needed to make this better somehow. " Wyatt, please answer me are you okay? I didn’t mean it, it was an accident." Wyatt grunted a few times and then took a couple of deep breaths. Peyton thought he was going to answer her, but she only received an angry scowl.

  “Woman I don’t know what your issues are, but you really need to think before you act,” he said behind gritted teeth. " Shit remind me that next time I decided to take care of you that the consequences might not be worth the fucking action." Peyton felt sorry, but she also was having a hard time not laughing. She didn’t think this situation could get much crazier. When he stretched out to from the fetal position, Peyton remembered the ice pack. That should help, right?

  Dropping the pack into his lap, she was kind of surprised when he bolted up and started pacing. Shit maybe throwing what had to be a pound of ice on his junk wasn’t the best plan she had ever come up with. Damn it, nothing about today was making any sense. " God, Wyatt I’m so sorry. Shit please just let me help." Peyton said grabbing his arm to stop his pacing.

  "Sorry honey but no fucking way, as much as I would love for you to kiss it all better, I’m no masochist. You have caused more damaged to my balls in the last five minutes then I managed to do in the past 30 fucking years. How about you stand over there," Wyatt pointed to the far corner of the room, " and I will try to walk off the damage."

  Yeah, that wasn’t going to work for Peyton. She felt bad about what had just happened but not bad enough to deter her from getting some answers. Going to her computer rewinding the security footage, Peyton looked him straight in the eyes and pointed to the now running feed. She simply said, “Explain.”

  Wyatt sighed this whole situation was really starting to get to him. The frustrations from earlier, to the thrill of the hunt and then catching her only to release her because of the damage he caused it was all just too fucking much. Already short on patients, Wyatt finally snapped with the blow to his family jewels. He answered Peyton’s demand as sarcastically as he could, “looks pretty damn self-explanatory to me, what is it that you need clarification on? Really, Peyton, I had such high hopes for you?”

  When her eyes flared then narrowed quickly along with the short quick intake of her breath, Wyatt knew he had gone a little too far. But God damn it he was in pain and even more than a little curious to see what she would do next.

  Peyton slammed her hand down on the keyboard stopping the video feed. She was pissed he was in her safe house a place she hadn’t asked to come to and just because she was the tiniest bit clumsy he had his panties all in a twist. No way, she deserved some answers and Wyatt was damn well going to give them to her.

  "Okay, Wyatt if that is just a little too much for you, how about we go for the next best thing." Peyton knew she was being just a tad bit dramatic, but she just couldn’t help herself. She was uncomfortable with the way this man made her feel. Picking up her phone and turning it on she was instantly embarrassed her phone started beeping like crazy with missed calls and text messages. Wyatt just stared at her raising his one eyebrow high. Shit, Bastian had really been trying to get a hold of her. She knew he would call, but she had no idea he would be this worried. It had only been two weeks since that last spoke. What the hell was going on.

  Chapter 14

  Finding Bastian’s number, she pressed the button on the screen to call her brother. He didn’t offer her a proper greeting. Instead, he said, “Shit Peyton, where the hell are you?” She didn’t like the distress and worry she heard in her brother’s voice, but right now she only needed one answer.

  “Hello to you too Bastian” when he started to talk again Peyton interrupted him. " Listen I get it your pissed. I’m not exactly all bright and cheery at the moment either. Did you send your team mate to track me down?" When he started to go off on another tangent, Peyton stopped him again. “Bastian, it’s a yes or no answer.”


  "Okay now tell me exactly who this person is and what they look like."

  "Damn it, Peyton, you need to listen to me. I haven’t been able to find you for the last two weeks. I told you I wanted you to come here and you just blew me off. Now you’re the one that is pissed? That is fucking rich. There is more going on then you know, and you need to get to me as fast as you can. You’re not safe Peyton."

  Looking at Wyatt, she hated the almost cocky pose he took. He enjoyed the fact that Bastian was giving her a hard time. She kind of had the urge to stick her tongue out at him and hang up on her brother so she could throw a proper temper tantrum but then she would still be in the same place as before the phone call.

  Adapting an almost bored tone that she knew would piss Bastian off she said, “Thanks for your concern. But if you were really concerned you would have come yourself instead of sending someone I don’t know and can’t identify. Now please answer the question, what does Wyatt Green look like?”

  “Peyton, please listen to me. You’re in danger I was out of the state and Wyatt was closer to you I couldn’t get to you fast enough. Shit, listen there are things going on that you don’t know about, please just trust me.”

  "Thanks for the warning and I am quite aware that there are a lot of “things” that I don’t know about but right now my primary concern is the man standing in the room with me claiming to be Wyatt Green. Once I get that sorted out, I will deal with the rest of the “things” I don’t know about."

  "Shit, fine, Bastian said with little patients. Just let me talk to him, or put him on speaker phone. He is about six and a half feet tall, large build, dark blond hair kind of long, more than likely in need of a shower and wearing some sort of cartoon t-shirt and his eyes are blue."

  Her brother’s description didn’t give Wyatt the justice he deserved, but it was pretty accurate. His light blue t-shirt she had been admiring from the back not very long ago did indeed sport Marvin the Martian, she kind of wanted to steal it. Peyton put the phone on speaker. She wasn’t about to hand over her phone these guys weren’t going to keep her in the dark any longer. "Okay, Bastian talk to your boy."


  "Yeah man."

  "Shit thank God, get her out of where ever the fuck you are and back to base. Things are exploding around here."

  "Working on it man, anything I need to know right now?"

  "No, just get packed up and move out."

  "I’ll do my best but it might take a while Peyton, and I need to have a little sit down first."


  "Sorry brother dear but Wyatt and I are going to have a little talk. One of us will call you back." Peyton had never hung up on her brother in her life, but that is exactly what she did.

  Squaring her shoulder, she leaned towards him and said. " Press the play button once more on the computer, I want some answers. Now that I know who you are how about you explain this Wyatt?"

  Wyatt loved the sound of his name on her lips. It did things to his body that he had never experienced before, but her attitude was the kicker. Peyton was a lethal combination of complexities. She kept him so off kilter he had no idea what she was going to do next. One minute she aroused the next pissed. Then laughing and remorseful. Damn, what was he going to do with her?

  She told him as plainly as she could, “You better not have hacked my system.” Bastian’s friend or not I will cut your balls off. No one messes with my system!"

  "I didn’t hack your system Peyton, what you see or should I say saw. Was me in all my glory. How did you like my bear? He is pretty impressive, isn’t he? I kind of wish I could have seen the look on your face myself but no matter there is plenty of time for that. You and I are going to be spending a lot of time together from here on out."

  "Are you nuts no way that bear turned into you? You realized I can pick that phone up and call Bastian back, I’m sure he will get a good laugh out of it. Maybe that was your plan all along a little payback for me going off the grid and worrying my brother. If so this
is a little extreme. I don’t know what your game is mister, but I am in no mood to play with you right now. If this is your and Bastian’s idea of a joke, it is so far from funny it's bordering on tragic. Do you think it is funny to freak out people to the point they start questioning their own sanity?"

  "This whole little scheme of yours is way beyond uncool. I’m going to give another two choices before I decide that your dangly bits are a danger once again. If you thought that little brush of my knee was bad, imagine what it would feel like if I really meant it to happen. The question is, are you willing to risk it?"

  Wyatt couldn’t help himself, Peyton was cute when she was pissed, he felt is lips curling and tried to hold back the smile that was threating to break. Peyton was definitely unpredictable. He couldn’t resist the urge to cover his balls. His boys were already damaged enough. He doubted she would seriously go through with her threat, she felt bad enough when she had done it on accident. At least he hoped she wouldn’t. He had a feeling that Peyton was underestimated more than once and maybe he should heed her words. Then again, he really liked her fire put to the right use it could be volcanic.

  "Here is what I really want to know how did you do it? I mean that video was pretty impressive and I am a very hard woman to impress. It was seamless. I couldn’t even tell it was a recording. You didn’t trigger any of my firewalls, and my system showed not even the slightest glitch. Your skills are very impressive Mr. Green. You are so going to have to show me how you did that."

  "Oh baby, I will show you why don’t you come out into the common room." Peyton wasn’t opposed to moving out of the small space. Wyatt mere presences was getting to her, but she liked the feeling of control she had at the moment. He was going to answer her questions, and they could move on from there. Not to mention the common room had so many more possibilities than her tiny computer room.


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