Wyatt: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 3)

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Wyatt: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 3) Page 14

by Chelsea Handcock

  "Wait a minute, why in the hell do you think you need to keep the Team safe. Shit honey we are a bunch of bear shifters I honestly doubt anything you think is going on, we couldn’t handle. Not only that but we are all military trained. We are prepared for anything and everything. You have worked with NAC long enough already know that. Why would you ever put your own safety in jeopardy over your brothers? He can take care of himself, and if he even suspected what you are doing, he would rain hell down on you."

  "Damn it, Wyatt! I have a job to do just like the rest of you. I’m not exactly helpless. How long did it take you to find me? You sound so misogynistic right now like the little lady can’t protect herself. I don’t get it, I’m twenty-five years old and all of sudden I am incapable of handling my own shit. Where the hell have you all been all my life. I mean how have I survived this long without you or even Bastian? He came around maybe a couple of times a year if I was lucky. I get that you guys are circling the wagons but until I figure out what I am working on you all are just going to have to accept that I am not going anywhere."

  "Shit! You are totally changing my words around to suit your purpose so that you get your mad on. I’m not being misogynistic here. We are trained you are not. You can hack like nobody’s business. Shit, I might even be inclined to leave you if you had brought your dogs at least then you would have some type of protection. Answer this question for me Peyton, what would you have done if I wasn’t one of the good guys?"

  "Do you even have a weapon or know how to use it? The Team has Bas’s back you’re the only one out of here on your own. And sorry sweetheart but it took me all of a couple minutes to breach your perimeter, break into your security system and gain entrance into your safe house. It may have taken some time to track your ass down in this behemoth of a building, but I did. That means someone else could too."

  Peyton didn’t like it, but Wyatt was right she really was treading water here. She just wanted to get away so that she could find answers. She needed to keep Judy off balance so that she would freak out and mess up. Worst of all Peyton never once thought that she wasn’t safe hidden down here. She had taken all the safeguards to ensure her location was concealed, but Wyatt had found her and from the sounds of it, fairly quickly too.

  "Honey listen, you really need to start talking, what is going on why do you think Bas is in danger and who the hell is after him and the Team? You also need to talk to me about you mother and what you know about your birth? It’s important Peyton, please just trust me."

  Peyton did trust him, Wyatt wasn’t like other men she had met. He was honest and forthcoming. At least that was the impression she had gotten from their numerous emails, chats, and texts she had gotten from him over the last year. Even now he showed her he was a Shifter that had to involve some trust on his part shouldn’t she just do the same. Trust him as he asked and spill it all. She had already been thinking about asking him to help before all this happened. He had the skills, only this time there wouldn’t be keeping anything from her brother. As it was, he sent Wyatt after her, and she was pretty sure that when she went back into her computer room, there would be a ton more messages from him.

  "Okay listen I don’t like to talk about my mother, but I’m going to give it to you straight. As for my birth, I don't know much, mom liked to talk when she was drunk or being her usual mean self but I really never knew if any of it was true. According to her she was supposed to be a surrogate but decided she could make more holding me for ransom. It didn’t turn out that way. All I know is that some company paid her big money to knock her up. Again, that is what she liked to say, but the woman isn’t exactly trustworthy."

  What I don’t get is why that information is so important to you. What does my birth have to do with any of this? Wyatt, she is a liar through and through. You can’t trust a word that comes out of her mouth.

  "Honey, I don’t think she is as big of a liar as you think, but we can return to that later. Why do you think Bas in danger?"

  "Fine just give me a minute, there are things about me that Bastian doesn’t know and I would hate for him to find out." Peyton got up and started pacing the floor this story was going to go over so much better if she could just spit it out without having to look Wyatt in the eye. She hated Judy and was ashamed of all that she had done to prevent her influence from ever tainting her life. All her efforts had been for naught because she really never got away from the woman.

  "I was taken away from my mother at the age of thirteen. I’m not going to go into all the details, but she wasn’t exactly mother of the year. She allowed some things to happen to me that cause me to be placed in the hospital. The state we were living in finally decided that she wasn’t a good enough parent and made me a ward of the State. Placing me in foster care."

  Wyatt saw red he wanted to jump up and hold for whatever she had been through but most of all he wanted to feel his hands around this Judy person neck. What the hell had happened to a Peyton that she had to spend time the hospital and be removed from this woman’s custody. In his line of work, he came a crossed abuse of every type he also knew that sometimes authorities turned a blind eye to what was staring them right in the face. To be removed that quickly the abuse she suffered had to be extreme, and it broke a little part of him.

  "I let Bastian believe that that was the end of my contact with her, it wasn’t. She has never left my life as much as I would have liked for that to be so."

  On her pass in front of him Wyatt could resist just a little touch, he ran his hand down her calve and gave it a little squeeze. He wasn’t sure if the gesture was to offer her reassurance to go on or to just a small offer of support. He also needed the touch, the small smile she gave him as a result allowed him to stay quiet and keep his ass planted right where it was.

  Damn, she was in so deep with this man she didn’t even know what to do. His little sign of support or encouragement made Peyton realized he might just be the one thing she always wanted but never knew what it was. His continued attention and silence strengthened her resolve to go on.

  "So, my so-called mother came to visit me a little over a month ago. I had been giving her money every month for years so she would stay away, so her showing up at my door risking me cutting her off was out of the ordinary, to say the least. Yeah, I know what you’re going to say I shouldn’t have ever given her money in the first place, but it was the best way for me to keep tabs on her. I could track the money and know exactly where she was making withdrawals from, it kept me from spending every second of my life looking over my shoulder."

  "Anyways, when she came by in typical Judy style she gave me some bullshit story about hearing I made more money than what she had initially thought and wanted her cut.

  I didn’t buy it, but I needed to figure out what was really going on. Judy threatened Bastian saying some men she knew wanted to know his location as well as his friends meaning the team. She even indicated that she knew you guys were in the Upper Peninsula. I could tell she really didn’t have much more and was fishing. I agreed to pay her more money but told her I needed time. I gave her the first payment a few days later, and that bought me a month. Right before I was to meet up with her, I left town and came here."

  "You have to understand Judy is not a good person, money and her looks are the only things she cares about. She doesn’t like losing either. I keep an eye on her and what she is up to but when I conduct my adoptions and training I have a network that does that for me. I set it up the system years ago. After her visit, I looked deeper and tracked her movements until I came upon two men that she visited more frequently than anyone else. Figuring these men were either her new marks or possible partners in crime. I decided to run their images through the CIA’s facial recognition program."

  "What a minute how the fuck did you get access to the CIA’s facial recognition program? Fuck, you hacked them do you know how dangerous that is Peyton. I know your good, but even I can’t get into their system let alone use their programs wi
thout anyone being the wiser. Shit one of the cases we worked a while back Senior had to go to them and ask for permission to use that program, and he was denied, and he has a higher security clearance than anyone I know. The fact that you even know about that program puts you in jeopardy."

  "Oh, come on Wyatt, every system has a backdoor you just have to find it. I found theirs’s years ago, and saved the information for when I needed it. As for gaining the information about the program, not as well hid as they would like to believe. There are entire forums dedicated to it. Anyways, the situation warranted the use of the information and technology. You know damn well you would have done the same. It’s what we both do."

  "Shit Peyton, I don’t know if I should give you a high five or spank your ass red. You're trying to play lone wolf here when all you really had to do was pick up the damn phone. If you had told Bas your suspicions from the start, we could have prevented any backlash. I know your good honey, but you are just one person the fucking CIA has hundreds of people who are just as good maybe even better. This was a risk you had no business taking."

  "Whatever Wyatt, what’s done is done. I can’t undo it, even if I wanted to. So, like I said, the program worked, and I found out that the two men Judy had been meeting up with are both ex-military and currently work for Davis Defense. I have been tracking them, and they are sticking pretty close to Judy. I can only assume she has promised them results. The problem is the only way for her to get those results were to either press one of Bas's brothers or me."

  "I don’t even think my pseudo-mom has the balls to approach Bastian’s brothers. They are all badasses and belong to some motorcycle club not too far from my place. Unfortunately, my mother had never been all that smart if money is involved and she was desperate enough she would try anything. So, I was the lovely winner in her little roulette game."

  "Shit, I kind of want to stop you from talking right now. What the hell Peyton? You think Judy has a chance of getting to my Team and yet some bikers are going to scare her someway. Do you not pay attention to anything? We are trained operative why in the world would you even think we were more vulnerable than the Ruthless Bastards. Shit here is another question for you sweetheart, if you thought Bas’s brothers and their club were so badass why didn’t you go to them instead of starting this insane little idea of going out on your own?"

  "Listen, you don’t get it Judy is my fucking problem. I deal with her, it’s been that way my entire life, and it isn’t going to fucking change." Peyton yelled and crumbled to her knees. Wyatt didn’t resist the urge this time he pulled her closer until she was resting on his lap. He needed to hold her. Peyton really believed she was alone in the world. She didn’t realize that she had an entire team that would welcome and help her with open arms and he was pissed that Bas never let her in on the fact. She had been shouldering this load for so long that she didn’t know of another to do it. He was going to change that.

  Rubbing her back, Wyatt whisper," listen, honey, I’m sorry, but you really need to change your way of thinking. You’re not alone, you don’t have to do any of this on your own. There are people out in this world that would be more than happy to help you all you have to do is ask. Your brother, his brothers shit even your assistant Cathy would gladly help you out. But Peyton if you take nothing else that I say to heart bury this deep because you have me. Now and for however long you want me. I will always be there for you."


  When Peyton looked up at him with tears in her eyes again, she asked: "Why?" An even bigger part of his soul was taken by her. He was afraid that he would never be the same again.

  "So many reasons honey, a lot of them it’s not the right time or place to tell you but here are just a few. I care about you Peyton I have since our first job and our very first communication. You’re a sweet and loving person. You put others first before even thinking about yourself and damn honey I’m not really a mushy kind of guy but I just like you. Now let’s finish this up I have a feeling I’m not going to like the rest anymore then I have already heard."

  Then he did the unexpected and laid a small chaste kiss on her temple. The comfort that small gesture provided gave her the will to continue down this slippery slope. Peyton wanted to wince before she said what she did next. Talking it out like this made her realize that she had made so many rash decisions even she didn’t know what to think anymore.

  "Okay, so I tried to hack Davis, but their system is tight probably the tightest one I have ever come a crossed." She felt Wyatt’s body tighten under her, she knew he was going to blow again and really didn’t need to be chastised any further. When he didn’t say anything, she decided maybe if he knew what she thought he would be as upset.

  "The only thing I could come up with to even attempt the hack again with even a small margin of success would be to perform a piggyback. Even then I’m not sure what would come it. I’m not really sure what I am looking for. I’m just working the leads, and Davis Defense is a big lead."

  "Shit honey, sorry but you stumbled a crossed something that you shouldn’t have, and you should have let Bas know right away. Davis Defense is bad news and connected to a lot of the problems the Teams will NAC have been having lately. We need to set up a link with my teammates. Maybe even get Senior involved because this could affect more than just my team. You also need to talk with Ryleigh."

  "Why Ryleigh isn’t she just your boss’s wife. Bastian told me about their wedding, from what he said it sounded super sweet. I’ve heard of surprise birthday parties but never a surprise wedding." Peyton was rambling, but this was common ground something normal. She needed a little of that at the moment. Otherwise, she would start thinking about everything else and what was to come, and it was all getting a little bit too much for her.

  Peyton was torn between continuing to ramble just to keep this safe little bubble going or shutting up and breaking the spell. She liked being in Wyatt’s arms, he made her feel safe, cared for and so many other emotions. If Peyton could take away all the bad stuff and bottle this moment she would keep it close to her heart forever. It was the first time in her life that she felt loved. Even if that wasn’t what this was at all.

  "Yeah, she is Jacks wife and mate, but she is also the head of The Holly Group have you ever heard of them?"

  "Yes, in fact, I have I’ve been working with them on and off for several years now. My handlers name is Tory. The work they do is important and I am proud to be even a little part of helping them take the douche mongers out of the world is a mission I am proud to be a part of it’s also the same reason I help you guys out when I can. I had no idea your two firms were linked."

  "I should have known but why didn’t Ryleigh know your name, she was really pissed when she found out that Alpha had been using you as a hacker over the years saying you were an unknown. When Bas told her about your dogs, she put two and two together, and she knew who you were. If you have been working with The Holly Group, all along why would she only know you as the best dog trainer in the country not a valued operative with her group?"

  "I really don’t have an answer to that Wyatt, only Tory can respond to that question. I have a secure link maybe we should get them all together and ask."

  "I think your right after that we need to talk more about this piggyback plan you have. If everything is on the up and up. We could do a four-pronged approach, me, you, Bas and Tory. I don’t think any system has enough security for that assault."

  "Sounds good Teddy," Peyton laughed.

  "Yeah... no on the Teddy. I’m sure that brilliant mind of yours can come up with something better. Let’s get this setup Sugar, up you go. I will call Jacks and establish the secure link from our base camp you do the same with Tory."

  "Okay Rumpkins, let’s get to it."

  Wyatt tried to give her his most stern look and said," let it go Peyton." When she just laughed in response, he couldn’t help joining her. This woman made him laugh got his jokes, and by the smell that permeated the room, she
found him attractive. Good thing because he was pretty sure Peyton Carlton was his mate, human or not and if she wasn’t then he would deal with that but he didn’t think he could let her go now that he found her. Jacks did tell them that if they found someone that they couldn’t resist they needed to explore that and he had every intention of doing just that.

  Chapter 17

  Wyatt and Peyton set up the feed linking Alpha, Tory and themselves. They didn’t let all parties see them until the link was a three-way with all views showing.

  Bastian was front and center, and Peyton wanted to hide behind Wyatt because of the scowled he was sporting. He was not happy, and Peyton knew she was the cause. It only took him a couple of second to speak, and her anxiety didn’t lesson, "You hung up on me Peyton." Bas chastised her.

  Wyatt grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze whether he knew it or not it was exactly what she needed. "Hey Bastian, sorry if you give me a minute I will explain everything, but several things need to be clarified first. He didn’t look happy but nodded his head in acknowledgment of her request."

  "Tory, would you care to explain why the founder of The Holly Group has no idea that I have been working for her or more precisely for you for several years now?"

  " Not really but since I really don’t have a choice now, I guess I will. Thanks by the way, so not cool. Rye meet Peyton Carlton otherwise known as Paydirt. I never told you her identity because you never asked. Peyton has a proven track record and so do I. During the vetting process, I found out she had a close relationship with Sebastian Frost and that she often worked with NAC. I was okay with that and didn’t feel it necessary to inform you. You have always let me choose the people I work with, why would I think this was any different?"

  Peyton was going to giggle. Tory was a force to be reckoned with, she was always snarky and sarcastic. Just like she had just been now. What honestly came as a surprise about Tory was her appearance, she looked like a Disney Princess. Dark hair, bright blue eyes, and creamy pale complexion. Peyton had a mental picture of her in Disney form complete with flowing dress and heels the real her was anything but. Once she started talking princess was the last thing a person would associate with her. Peyton personally loved the woman and all her sass.


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