Ash: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance

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Ash: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance Page 2

by Simpson, Serena

  Ash stood, taking inventory of his body. Sometimes he felt old. He was actually very young for the Created. If he were human, he wouldn’t even be thirty. Of course, if he were human he would have died many centuries ago. He walked out of the room. Dante had asked him to come over today.

  Dante was a stickler for being on time. Maybe it was because he was the oldest Created and was beginning to feel his age. Ash looked around his home, the one he still kept in pristine condition. It had survived the wars, the panic, the looting. He might sell it. Now it was nothing but a shrine to a mate he would never see again. Slamming the door on that line of thought, he jumped into his hover car.

  The world had advanced tremendously. How could it not when you’re introduced to the fact that aliens exist and most of them want you dead. Not you personally, just your entire race. Yes, advancement was easy when your life depended on it. But for everything they gained, they lost something. The innocence of life on Earth was eradicated, but life still managed to thrive. He would have to make do with that.

  He stopped to look in wonder at the restaurant that Dante still managed to own after all these years. It was no longer situated on the ground. It sat high in the sky well above the regular traffic patterns and other skyline establishments. If you managed to find yourself at Dante’s, you could be assured it was for a reason.

  Ash parked his hover and climbed out. There was a secret entrance for those who had a standing invitation, that’s the entrance he used as he walked into the chaos.

  Dante and his brothers were throwing a ball in the huge dining area. All the furniture had been moved to the side and it was five against one. Dante being the one as he taunted them to tag him with the ball.

  Ash joined the five brothers making them a complete set of six as they coordinated and went after Dante. Dante raised his hands and surrendered to them with a deep chuckle.

  “Ash, nice to see you.”

  “Nice to see you, Julian.”

  He pitched in to help as they set the tables and chairs back up, erasing any signs of their impromptu field.

  “Have a seat, Ash,” Dante said as his brothers disappeared leaving them alone.

  “What’s up, Dante?” He took a seat at a small table and waited. After all these centuries Dante hadn’t changed, he spoke only when he was ready.

  “The dome has been expanded.”

  The dome was a huge structure built over parts of the former city to keep the air clean and cut down on the chances of disease running rampant. The air was much cleaner and they probably could do away with the dome, but most of the humans still lived in fear. There were domes all over the world creating a safe environment in which to live. Anything outside the dome was forbidden as it was unsafe.

  “Who expanded the dome? I am on that commission and heard nothing about it.”

  “No one knows. All we know is that it was expanded.”

  “Does it present a threat?”

  “No. It was checked and deemed secure. The city has gained more land and the counsel is happy. They’re taking credit for it.”

  “Then there’s no problem. Where is the extra land?”

  “It starts with the area we used to call the waterworks mall and goes on for miles.”

  Ash closed his eyes as the knife in his heart turned.

  He could still see her like it was yesterday. His other side woke up, neither of them had been the same since they foolishly let her walk out of their lives. They knew better now, tomorrow wasn’t promised. How many times had he said if he ever got a chance again he would never leave her side for any reason?

  She had been leaning over that rail trying to see the waterfall Sergey had designed. It had taken one breath of her sweet scent and a look at her from the backside, but he had known. His other side had known also. Now they were alone, forever. Even Amber, his honorary daughter was gone.


  “Dante, do you have any wise words for me, old one?”


  Ash offered him a half smile. Dante was the voice that made sure he never gave up. He asked him once, ‘Dante, why do you continue to give me false hope?’ Brooklyn was human; there was no way she could still be alive. He laughed and said, ‘I don’t want to give Aran a reason to challenge me.’ Dante was strange even for the Created.

  “Let’s go for a ride.”

  Ash rose and followed him out until they reached his hover car. “Take us to these coordinates.” Dante gave him a card with the information on it, and then climbed into the passenger seat of Ash’s hover.

  “These coordinates are on the ground.”

  Nothing happened on the ground. Even farming now happened in the air. Most homes sat roughly thirty feet off the ground. Only the poorest of the poor still lived where their feet could touch dirt. Of course, Ash lived on the ground also, but he was definitely not poor. Which reminded him he couldn’t sell his home, no one would buy it, although he never really intended to sell it.

  It was always a shock to be so high and then descend to the ground. Going from the absolute wonder and silence of being in Dante’s domain to the noise of being in the airspace that was occupied by hovers zipping back and forth tore at the calm façade he was trying to wear. There were businesses all lined up on the side walk reminding him of old Earth and then the lower levels were occupied by homes and schools and even some government buildings. Finally, they reached the ground. Once again the silence wrapped around them.

  Ash sat them down next to a large shed.

  “Follow me.” Dante got out and walked over to the shed, opening it.

  As the front of the shed opened, it grew and expanded until it was longer than most houses use to be. Inside were cars. Not just cars, but some of the most priceless cars on the face of the Earth. Dante’s collection beat his and his brothers’ put together.

  “Where did you find all of these?”

  “Here and there.” Dante gave a laugh. “Do you see anything you like?”

  Ash moved through a show room of priceless vehicles. There were some classic jeeps and retro muscles cars, but he passed them all. There were some that would make him a fortune if he could get his hands on one of them and still he walked. He stopped in front of the black retro Hennessey Venom Spyder last produced in twenty-two fifteen.

  “She’s beautiful, Dante.”

  Dante tossed him the keys. “Go for a ride.”

  He turned and walked away.

  Ash stood looking at the keys in his hands before sliding into the driver seat. He had a destination in mind. Every rational thought he had told him not to go. Why make his pain any worse? It was silly to look for someone who was dead. Yet, all he could see was a pair of cloudy brown eyes that he would give anything to see again.

  The engine came to life and purred like Dante had taken the time to keep up the maintenance. The tank, which no longer used gas, was full and the raw materials to power the car were everywhere. He pulled out, never paying attention as the show room disappeared and the shed reappeared.

  He never saw Dante smile before he too disappeared.

  Chapter Three

  “I want out. I want out.” Brook yelled at the walls that were paying her no attention.

  In frustration she tapped behind her ear turning the coms unit on. Using her mind, she dialed Jaz waiting for her to pick up.

  Jaz waltzed through the door. “You rang?”

  “I want out!” Brook greeted Jaz’s happy smile with a complaint.

  She had been kept in the facility for close to five months. Five. Months. Five long hard months where she learned about the war that had changed the world. Months where she relearned the government structure and what it meant to be a Cryo. Months where she learned that she was now one of the richest women alive. Months where she learned it was as easy to be lonely in the future as it had been in the past.

  “Then it’s a good thing I have your release papers.” Jaz waved them around like they were back stage passes to the hottest
new band.

  Brook took a seat looking at her with wonder. “How did you secure my release?”

  “I didn’t. It just came through today. It seems whoever ordered you thawed also kept you here until they decided it was time to release you.”

  “Does that seem weird to you, Jaz?”

  “Yeah, the whole thing seems weird to me, Brook. I couldn’t believe it when they told me I was going to be lead on your case. I’m never lead, just the dirty secret they keep hidden.”

  “There’s nothing dirty about you.”

  “That’s why we get along so well together. You come from another time and you don’t know you’re supposed to hate me, even after all the staff has tried to tell you.” Her smile dropped, no one she worked with liked her because she wasn’t like them.

  “They’re the type of people my mamma would have said needed to get a life. There’s no way I want to hear their gossip.”

  Jaz gave her a big smile before fanning her with the release papers. “You are out of here. The problem is where you will go.”

  “What’s wrong with a hotel for now? According to you, I have lots of money. This chip I have in my hand should be able to pay for a room, right?”

  “You could buy the hotel and not make a dent in the money you have. If you weren’t so nice and my bestie I would be jealous.”

  Brook laughed. “You can have anything; besides I owe you everything for hanging in there with me. Jaz, I was thinking maybe we could be roommates. I mean if you have enough space and aren’t living with a boyfriend or girlfriend.”

  She stopped, waiting. Who wanted to be saddled with a Cryo?

  “I thought about that too, Brook. There’s only one problem.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I live here.”


  “I live on the grounds in one of the housing units used for students. I never got my own place, there just wasn’t a need. So I was thinking maybe we could go look at apartments together, that is of course if I can secure permission.”

  “Jaz, you’re grown; you don’t have to ask permission.”

  “Believe me, I do. You still don’t understand; I will explain it later. Now we have to decide what you’re going to do.”

  “I think I will stay at a good hotel and then go from there. Where should I go?”

  “There’s a beautiful one called Skyline Hotel. It is very exclusive. That is where I would go.”

  “Then that’s where I’m going. When I’m settled I will call you to come and visit. Deal?”

  Jaz gave her a weak smile. “Deal.”

  She shook her head. “Really, Jaz you have to stop doubting my friendship.”

  Jaz gave her a big smile while she packed her things.

  “Well, that is a pathetic amount of personal belongings,” Brook said looking over her accumulated clothes.

  “That looks like a shopping trip to me.”

  “Do you have malls? It’s

  been well centuries since I’ve been to one.”

  “What’s a mall?”

  “Large places with different stores where you can buy all kinds of things like shoes, clothes, intimate items, the list goes on.”

  “You mean galleries. We have lots of them.”

  Brook gave a yell. “Shopping trip. How am I going to get to the hotel?’

  “You can hire an escort. He or she will watch over you and keep all harm from you. All the wealthy ones travel that way. I took the liberty of calling one for you. He will take you anywhere you want to go.”

  “Anywhere?” Jaz nodded her head.

  Brook placed her belongings in the small bag Jaz had given her. “What day is it?”


  “I know where I want to go.” She sat and waited for the service she instinctively hated to pick her up.

  The driver had been polite. He had carried her bag out to a car that hovered over the ground. If you could call it a car. It was slightly round in shape with a much longer back than front. When she asked about the engine, he had been kind enough to pop the hood to show her. She was never really into cars but she was sure the six-inch rectangle he showed her shouldn’t be big enough to power anything much less get them off the ground.

  When she told him where she wanted to go, he was kind enough not to stare at her like she was crazy. He did explain that there was nothing in that area. The ground and any buildings standing had been razed centuries ago. She still insisted on going. He helped her into the hover car since they were tricky to get into and took off.

  Nothing was the same until she came to the non-existent bridge. Even hundreds of years in the future, she recognized the river and where the bridge should have been. It looked like no one was getting over here unless the owned a hover car.

  “Ma’am, where exactly do you want to go?”

  “Cross the river and I will direct you from there.”

  She watched as he crossed the river driving close to the water. It was bluer and cleaner than she remembered, it was also lower. She thought she could actually see the bottom in some places. No boats would be using this portion of the river.

  “Make a right and follow the edge of the land.”

  Everything was so different. There were no buildings, no trees, not even any grass. She dashed her hands across her eyes. Everything she had ever known was gone. She never even got a chance to say good bye to all of it. She never said goodbye to her parents, she had been too busy struggling and screaming. If only she had known, she would have made sure to tell them she loved them.

  Vague pictures flashed before her eyes, the last time she saw her parents before her vision worsened to the point of nothing but shadows. The last sight of a tree or a flower. All she had were memories and they were a little hazy at the edges from both distance and time.

  She cried, something she couldn’t let herself do while she was in the private clinic.

  “Stop.” Her voice came out husky.

  She was close to where she wanted to be. She got out of the hover craft doing her best not to fall on her face. A hover never touched the ground after it was first activated. It also moved just enough to make her unsteady.

  “Do you want me to wait for you?”

  She looked around, there was nothing as far as the eye could see. If she sent him away and something or someone was hiding in the debris, she would be dead long before he could come back.

  “No. I don’t know how long I will be. I will call you when I want you to pick me up. I have your number in my contacts.”

  She said the last more to make herself feel better than for his benefit. He nodded and jumped back into the hover and took off.

  Reaching down, she picked up the dirt letting it slide through her fingers. Pittsburgh was not a place her family came to often. Her dad was an avid sports fan and loved their teams. He always tried to make at least two games a year here. That’s how she happened to be in the stadium that day. It was a place she knew well since she was always expected to be seen at the games.

  She had also learned the lay of the land when it came to shopping. This was her favorite mall for people watching. No one ever paid her any attention behind the huge sunglasses she wore, maybe because they knew she couldn’t really see them. None of that stopped her other senses. She could hear them as clear as day add to that the fuzzy picture she had and like a chameleon she could slip into their life and see their happiness or sadness.

  Since the stores were not in a large mall instead they were side by side on a long stretch of land, she would sit outside and watch people as they passed by. She could spend hours guessing at their stories, who they were, and if they were in love.

  In love. One of the things she always desired, but never got a chance to do before she was frozen. Now that she was rich, how would she ever know if someone loved her for herself? Not that it was any different than before, when your parents were the king and the queen of a small country on the rise, you never knew if someone wanted to be w
ith you or because you were heir to a fortune.

  Different time, same life. She turned to walk inland wondering how close she was to her actual destination. The sun had slipped behind the clouds while she was lost in her past. She picked up her pace; she had to come to this spot even though she was centuries late. She needed to be able to say to herself that she kept her promise.

  She got as close as she could to the actual meeting spot while once again her eyes filled with tears. It would be the last time she cried for everything she lost. She had gained her health, but lost the whole world. She still didn’t believe it was worth it.

  The roaring of a car engine dragged her out of her thoughts. She had to shake her head. There were no cars anymore.

  “Goodbye Mom. Goodbye Dad, I love you both. Thanks for trying to give me the best life possible. I’m sorry, Ash. I wanted to meet you more than you will ever know. I wish I could have been there that Monday. Who knows, we may have been amazing together.”

  “It didn’t have to be that Monday. I will take any Monday, as long as you show up,” a voice spoke.

  She stiffened. It couldn’t be him behind her. He was long dead, just like she was. Except she was alive.

  “Who are you?”

  “I was asking myself the same question about you.”

  “I asked first…”

  “The name’s Ash. I believe we met a few centuries ago.”

  “That’s impossible. If we had met that long ago, one of us if not both of us should be dead by now.”

  Could it really be him? No! She shouted to her inner voice, not that it stopped her heart from beating faster. There was no way it could be him. What if…

  “How are you still alive?”

  The sound of his voice brought her back. It sounded like him. How could anyone here know that his voice would sound like pure silk, it was so soft in her ears making her heart thud like it did all those centuries ago and as sweet as honey. Yeah, it sounded like Ash. She placed her hands over her heart trying to make sure

  the darn thing didn’t jump out her chest.

  “I thought I was asking the questions.”

  “I have a better idea. Close your eyes and touch my face. That way you can tell if I am lying or not.”


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