Earth's Angels: The Earth's Angels Trilogy

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Earth's Angels: The Earth's Angels Trilogy Page 11

by Beth Worsdell

  I couldn't even begin to understand the fear and frustration James and the men must have felt. Being told something like that and being made to feel so helpless and worthless.

  “We are truly sorry our angels gave that impression to you and the others, James,” she told him with such sadness. “During my long life, I have never encountered any of our race who would behave that way. It is difficult for us to understand why and what has caused this. We have tried to gather the angels you recognized as responsible; however, they have disappeared.” she explained. “I have to assume that they had help from someone on this vessel,” she added, her voice full of sorrow.

  “We will help you any way we can,” James told her, and I could tell he meant every word.

  As we carried on down the long shimmering corridor, Christik and Livik updated us on how the others were doing. Apparently, the women were doing extremely well and handling all the new information brilliantly.

  Mimi was still telling everyone that she’d like to see a birth, now she’d got used to the idea of helping save the planet. I was starting to feel very proud to be human.

  “How are you feeling, Mel?” Livik asked, out of the blue.

  “I’m feeling wonderful thanks,” I replied, giving her my best smile.

  Christik stopped in mid-glide and turned to face me,

  “That is good,” she said, with her own best smile, “as you are going to have the first human baby since we arrived here,” she declared.

  I looked from her to Livik, to James and then back to her

  “How on earth has that happened?” I asked, utterly dumbfounded, “I’ve only just given birth to a tiger cub!” I shrieked.

  Christik and Livik were both smiling humorously while James stood with his mouth agape, looking exactly how I felt on the inside. I honestly couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  “When we deliver the animal babies,” Livik said gently, “we use our power to make your body reset, so it’s as if you have never had the baby. This way, your body is ready for conception straight away. You and James have been intimate, and your body was ready to have a baby,” she added, matter-of-factly.

  “Woah,” James whispered, as he stood there looking stunned.

  If his eyebrows had been raised any higher, they’d have been nestling in his hairline!

  “I’m going to be a daddy again!” he said, as he grinned like a Cheshire cat.

  Suddenly, he grabbed me and began to kiss me all over my face and neck, taking me by surprise. I couldn’t stop myself from giggling as the bloody idiot was thrilled.

  “Well I wasn’t expecting this,” I managed to say between giggles as James lowered me back to the ground.

  Christik and Livik began to glide onwards with James and I following alongside, and both of the angels were smiling. I wasn’t sure if they were smiling because of the new baby or because of James acting like a lovable fool. I was smiling because he was mine.

  “This is going to be a big boost for all of us,” James said.

  He looked at me with so much love; it was intoxicating.

  “You are right James,” Christik said. “You are going to be very important in the healing process for your people and your planet. You Elita and all your children.”

  I was confused but also excited at her words. It sounded as if we were being given an important role to play. I’d always thought that everything happened for a reason and maybe that’s why I had woken up on my own. I still couldn’t get over the fact that not only was I pregnant, ’God knows what the kids were going to make of that news,’ but also that the angels knew before I did.

  “How could you know that I’m pregnant already?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me, “I haven’t felt any changes.”

  Christik and Livik both smiled at me.

  “We see what you would call auras when we look at you,” Christik explained. “All your auras are different. James’s aura is mainly red and dark orange, showing great strength and courage. Your aura, Mel, is mainly shades of blue and white, showing peace, love, compassion and logic. Your aura has got brighter because you have a new life inside you.”

  I wondered to myself if their auras were white because they all seemed so pure and innocent. It was intriguing because I’d always thought an aura was a feeling about someone, how they came across to you, not an actual color emanating from a person's body.

  “Do you remember when we were trying to find the angels? Who lied to you?” Livik asked.

  James and I both nodded a yes.

  “We used our power to enhance those angels’ auras, so we could all see. When their auras turned dark grey, we knew they had somehow lost themselves to something dark,” she added. “We are going to need your help to find the angel or angels, who have helped them escape from us.”

  “Of course,” I replied.

  James gave my hand a little loving squeeze.

  “We’ll help you any way we can,” he told them.

  I was very glad we were on the same page. As we kept walking, I couldn’t help touching my stomach. A new baby. ‘Wow,’ I thought as my hand stroked my stomach through the gown I was wearing.

  Chapter 10

  We arrived at the control room, and everyone was just as busy as the previous time we were there. Only this time the men and their partners were all intermingled with the angels. Either looking at what the angels were doing and asking questions, or stood talking next to the massive glass window; maybe discussing the water cleaning process.

  I could see Mimi was one of the people down by the window, and she appeared to be thoroughly enjoying the conversation. It was absolutely wonderful seeing their relationships building so quickly, with humans and angels all becoming firm friends.

  Christik glided forward and in a louder voice than her usual tone said, “Please follow us, and we shall begin.”

  I watched as Mimi and the others thanked their new friends and bid them goodbye, dipping their heads in respect. We all made our way to the meeting room.

  When we walked into the room, and I noticed that the table was again laid out with food and drinks. ‘These angels know how to lay out a feast,’ I thought as I took a seat between James and Christik.

  “Please enjoy your morning food; we have a lot to do today,” Christik said as she motioned to the food and juice before us.

  I was absolutely famished, and I don’t think I was the only one as everyone was tucking into the fresh feast on the table. ‘Maybe they’ve been catching up as much and James and I,’ I thought, smiling to myself.

  Just as we all started eating and talking, James abruptly stood up and cleared his throat, grabbing everyone’s attention.

  “Ladies, gentlemen and angels, can I have your attention for a moment please?” he asked. “I can’t contain myself any longer; I’ve got to share our news!” he declared, turning his head to look at me with that great big grin on his face again.

  ‘Oh oh,’ I thought.

  “We are having a baby!” he announced.

  I didn’t think his grin could have got any bigger, but I was wrong!

  “It’s going to be the first human baby to be born since the angels came,” he told them excitedly.

  He bent down and kissed me as everyone clapped, erupted with cheers and shrieked with excitement and genuine joy for us.

  “You bugger!” I whispered, “I can’t believe you told them all already,” I said, giggling at the goofy face he made.

  “I couldn’t help it, baby, I’m so thrilled,” he whispered back.

  During our meal, James and I got asked many questions about how we knew, so we explained the conversations we’d had with Christik and Livik before arriving. We told them everything, including the auras which only the angels could see. We also explained about the angels who’d gone missing, explaining that we needed to help find whoever had helped them flee.

  Derek was the most vocal; he stood and looked directly at Christik and the other angels sitting all around the ta

  “I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we value and appreciate what you’re all doing for our planet and us. None of us would even consider sabotaging what you’re doing to save us and our planet,” he stated. “We’ve all lost people and animals we loved, and we would never risk losing anyone else. I think we all feel respect and friendship towards you all, and we’ll keep helping you to heal our planet,” Derek added.

  He spoke with so much passion he was magnificent, and he said exactly how we were all feeling. We all applauded him and agreed with every word. Christik dipped her head in respect to Derek and everyone else, as did the other angels. They seemed to believe every word Derek spoke and also appreciated his response.

  “We are going to do great things together I believe, for your planet, and for your race,” Christik said to everyone at the table.

  As we carried on eating and talking, I was pleased to see how everyone was doing. The women were full of life and happy to be with their men again, and the men were all in their element; obviously thrilled to have their women back.

  Considering how much had changed for the women, they were handling it all very well. Their men seemed to have totally different demeanors now, compared to when they first arrived at the main craft.

  Gone were the anxious faces and the tense postures of their stance. Now they were relaxed and happy; especially now they were with their loved ones. It was wonderful to watch them all talking and laughing together, and as I looked around at the angels, I saw that all the angels were enjoying themselves too.

  While we were finishing our food, Christik began to tell us what we were going to do next.

  “This morning, we will go to the women's sleeping room, and find the last female,” she explained. “We would then appreciate your help in locating the angel or angels who helped the fallen angels. We are eager to find them all and discover their reasons for sabotaging the water filtration craft. As well as hurting their fellow angels, and lying to you all,” she said.

  I looked across the table to John, and I could see the anxiety in his demeanor. He must have had the patience of a saint, and I wondered if he’d had any decent sleep. I really hoped that we’d find his wife quickly because he obviously loved her very much.

  “We need some suggestions as to how we can identify the helper of the liars,” Christik said as we were finishing the last of our meal.

  “We have never had this situation before, so this is new to us. Do any of you have any ideas?” she asked.

  I should have known that James would be the first to come up with a strategy; I had a feeling he was a good problem solver.

  “I think the best way to trap the angel or angels would be to inform everyone that we’ve discovered where the angels are hiding,” he stated, “Then maybe you can trace any communications from the helpers to the other fallen angels. Are you able to do something like that?” he asked as he looked at Christik and the others.

  Christik looked to the other angels in a silent “What do you think?” kind of way. After a few moments, all the angels nodded to each other.

  “We can do that James; that is an excellent suggestion!” Christik told him.

  Everyone around the table nodded in agreement at James’ idea, and I felt very proud of him. He leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, “Who’d have thought watching crime shows would be so useful?”

  I giggled at the cheeky grin he was wearing in his gorgeous face.

  As we finished up, Harrik entered the meeting room, and Christik told him of our plan; he looked very impressed with the idea. He told Christik that he’d activate the tracers from the control room, and he left the room.

  Within moments, we were following suit and all entering the huge control room. Looking across all the consoles, I saw Harrik standing near the huge glass window. He looked at me, and then he gave Christik a small nod of his head. I assumed Harrik’s nod was confirmation that the tracers were ready to go. Christik stepped forward with all her grace to address all the angels in the room.

  “Attention please all angels,” she said, her voice loud and strong, “We have good news. We now know the location of the fallen angels who lied to these men,” she added, indicating to James and the other men, “and who sabotaged the filtration watercraft, hurting our own,” she continued. “We have angels en-route to collect them for questioning. Please carry on.”

  She then turned back to us.

  “Let us see how quickly this works, if it works. Come, let us go to the sleeping room,” Christik said, as she began to glide towards the exit leading the way.

  We hadn’t even got to the other side of the room before Jakiz, and two other angels pounced on an angel who was at one of the control consoles nearest the huge window.

  When I say pounced, I actually mean they raised their palms out facing the angel and shot their power at him. He froze on the spot instantly, and it was quite amazing to watch the angels in action.

  We could suddenly see the dark grey aura surrounding the fallen angel’s body. The diamonds on his wrist markings darkened to a deep grey as he stood in the angels’ white glow of power. The prisoner dipped his head, this time not out of respect, but maybe out of shame or regret that he’d been caught.

  When he dipped his head, I noticed something in his hair, a small, round, black ring attached to a lock of it. I was surprised because I’d never seen any of the angels wearing anything decorative; jewelry or clothes.

  “He tried to send a communication out,” Jakiz said calmly, as her power flowed steadily from her palms.

  “Did the communication get out, Jakiz? Did it reach the other fallen ones?” Christik asked.

  “No Christik, we stopped the communication before it could reach the source. We will take this fallen one to a holding room for now,” Jakiz replied.

  Christik nodded to Jakiz and then continued to lead us to the main corridor.

  “What did you mean by fallen ones?” I asked.

  I’d heard that expression before in movies and books, and I felt intrigued as to what it meant for these angels. Christik looked so sad when she turned to me.

  “In my very long life, I have heard tales from the elders of our race that angels have turned bad before. Although I have not encountered it myself, until now,” she said. “If an angel is influenced by wrongdoers, we call it falling, as they fall away from our way of life,” she explained. “There are more worlds than we can count with some very evil races, and no race is infallible Elita.”

  “I have heard the term fallen angels before,” I told her, “What will you do with the fallen angels when you find them all?” I asked.

  She smiled kindly at me, and I think it was her way of putting a brave face on it.

  “We will find out what caused them to fall, and if we cannot change their auras back, so they are good again, then we will have to seek our elders for help. Our elders are even more ancient than I am,” she added with her smile.

  “Are your elders here on Earth?” James asked.

  “No, they are not James; they are on our home planet, which is half of your Earth year away,” she replied. “I hope we will not have to summon them,” she added.

  Not wanting to want to upset the angels, we didn’t ask any more about the topic. We all talked between ourselves about their work as we made our way to the sleeping room. I still couldn’t stop myself from admiring the beautiful corridor, touching the shimmering walls, taking in every detail of the archways and their stunning hieroglyphs.

  “I keep seeing repeated hieroglyphs on the archways,” I said, more to myself than anyone else.

  “That is because you are seeing symbols for your most common words,” Christik said.

  I was very impressed with her sense of hearing, as well as the symbols.

  “Our language does not have an alphabet like yours as many of your scholars believed. The hieroglyphs mean whole words and expressions,” Christik added. “We have used the same language since before I existed.�

  I think we were all fascinated, and I could see everyone else starting to pay a little more attention to the symbols now too. I couldn’t wait to be able to read all of the archways and learn their language. The prospect was very exciting, especially because I loved to learn.

  John was very quiet while we made our way to find his loved one.

  “Are you okay?” I asked him.

  His face looked so full of worry and anxiety it made me sad. When he looked at me, he tried to force a smile.

  “What if she doesn’t remember me or our twins?” he almost whispered, utter pain in his words.

  I felt for him with all my heart.

  “I don’t think you need to worry John, I didn’t remember anything when I woke up, but I did dream about James and our kids the first night,” I told him gently. “Also, when I saw James, I felt an instant connection to him, like I knew him but didn’t know how. I’m sure you and your wife will be fine John, and at least she’s alive with or without memories,” I added.

  When we arrived at the sleeping room, it was quiet and peaceful, just like before. Not a sound could be heard apart from the machines monitoring the sleeping women. They all looked so good with a healthy glow. I wondered if I still looked that healthy now that I was up and about. The one thing that was missing in my bathroom was a mirror, so I couldn’t check even if I wanted to.

  John had already started making his way down the rows of women, heading to the rows we hadn’t reached the day before.

  “I’ll go with him,” I said, turning to James.

  I tried to walk off, but James gripped my hand.

  “We’ll go together,” he replied with a smile.

  It seemed we were going to do everything together, and to be honest; I was both relieved and pleased. We walked after John leaving everyone else behind. The guys and other women were talking and asking the angels more questions about the baby animals.


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