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Maxon Page 10

by Christina Bauer

  My tail bobs menacingly behind me. “What else you got?” I re-wrap my tail around his throat.

  “Once Zephyr gets Lianna, he’s going after the other Kristalli.”

  I tighten the hold on his neck. Not enough to stop him from talking, but enough to make my point. “Keep going.”

  Silas’s eyes glimmer with fear, good.

  “Zephyr’s afraid of Tempest,” he says.

  “And what does Tempest have to do with this?”

  “Zephyr captured one of the Water Valta. He found out where the other Kristalli are hidden. The Kristalli of Fire is in Furonium. Once Zephyr gets Lianna, he’s sending all his Air Valta after Furonium.”

  “And why would Zephyr tell you something like that?”

  “I’ve promised to fight as well. Me and my poppets.” He gestures to the skinned rat, and then fixes me with a pointed stare. “Do we still have a deal?”

  Damn. I’d so love to kill him. That said, breaking my word is another step toward becoming like the monsters I fight. And I’ve taken enough steps in that direction already.

  “We still have a deal. And you’ve got fifty-five minutes.”

  “Excellent.” A shower of black dust fills the air. My stomach twists with nausea. I’ve been around enough demons to know what that means. Silas just cast the spell to lock in our agreement.

  “Didn’t your mother ever tell you?” asks Silas. “Never enter into a deal with a demon.” His face brightens with an evil grin.

  And it’s that fucking smile that does it. Monster or not, Silas isn’t walking out of here without a mark. On reflex, my tail skewers Silas deep in the shoulder. His bones make a satisfying crunch as they snap.

  “That,” I say. “Was for Lianna.”

  “Liar.” Silas grips his injured shoulder. “You broke your word.”

  “You’re not dead, are you? The deal stands.”

  “No, you changed the terms,” says Silas. “You made things inequitable.”

  “Tough.” As I walk away, a shock of pain tears into my side. I look down to see Silas’s scalpel embedded between two seams of my armor. It hurts, but I’ve had worse.

  “Now we’re even again,” says Silas quickly. “Our deal, you know.”

  Rage spikes through me. Every cell in my body burns to take Silas down. It takes everything I have, yet somehow, I keep to our deal. I smashed the guy’s shoulder and he jabbed me with a scalpel. I’m still ahead. I tear out the scalpel and flick it toward Silas’s face. It barely misses his ear and embeds into the concrete wall.

  “Fifty minutes, Silas.”

  He takes off at a run, and I wish I could wait here and track him. After this encounter, Silas won’t be dumb enough to go uncloaked. There’ll be no more finding him with my enchanted painting. Silas will become tough to track, but he was also right. The information he gave me is time critical.

  I have to go warn Lianna and Tempest.


  By the time I walk back into my library, it’s late morning. Edward’s already there.

  “Welcome back, Your Highness.”

  “Morning, Edward.” I head straight for the bar and my magically refilled bottle of Macallan ’46.

  “I brought coffee,” says Edward leadingly. “It’s on the credenza.”

  I pause. “Coffee, eh?”

  “Yes, Your Highness.” Edward’s milky old-guy eyes look at me hopefully. He’s always trying to get me to go healthier. You know, stuff like having coffee for breakfast instead of whiskey. I can’t say no to him.

  “Coffee sounds great.” As I head over to the credenza, I thank fuck for the millionth time that I’m part demon. Otherwise, I’d be way dead by now, considering all the crap I do to my body. Staying up for weeks on end. Eating junk, when I eat at all. At least I get lots of exercise while killing demons.

  Once I pour my hot cup of java, I head to my writing desk and jot down a quick note on parchment. It’s a recap of Silas’s news for Tempest. This way, he’ll have some time to prepare his troops. I know for a fact that T doesn’t know where the Kristalli of Fire is. Otherwise, he’d have pawned it off on someone else ages ago. After sealing up the parchment, I wave Edward over.

  “I need you to get this message to Furonium.”

  All the color drains from Edward’s face. “Surely you don’t expect me to visit demons?”

  I exhale a frustrated breath. “How is it that the thrax adore my mother and yet, you’re all terrified of the Furor?”

  The whole demon hunter side of the thrax sure dies hard.

  Edward collects himself. “Of course, if Your Highness wishes me to go to Furonium, I shall go.” A drop of sweat rolls down his cheek.

  “Don’t get your boxers in a twist. I’m not asking for that. All I want is for you to get a messenger and have them deliver the parchment.” I set the envelope into Edward’s hands. “This is important. The safety of the Furor is at stake.”

  Edward nods quickly, a movement that makes his jowls shake. “Yes, Your Highness.” He takes off at a jog, or what passes for a jog for Edward. He’s really getting up there, even for a thrax. Some of us live for five hundred years.

  As I watch him go, I feel a twinge of worry about Furonium. Sure, the Furor love a good fight. That said, no one knows what elementals are capable of, especially a nutjob like Zephyr. I hope Tempest gets my message in time.

  I wander over to the library shelves. My battle journals are stored here, and I always take notes on new demons. This morning, I have lots to record about Silas and the Incarnate. Since my logs are stacked on the top shelf, I climb one of the rolling ladders to reach them. With every step, a jolt of pain sears across my chest.

  Damn, Silas’s scalpel left a sting. Probably poisoned.

  I make a mental note to run over and see Ty later. He can clear up even late-stage poisoning with a quick incantation. In the meantime, the leather-bound journal I want is in the top corner of the library wall. That’s a stretch away, so I pull the volume out with my tail. As I move the volume to my hand, a sweet voice sounds below me.

  “Morning, Maxon.”

  No question who that is. Lianna.

  I smile like a fucking idiot because, let’s face it, I am one. I mean, who brings the first new Monarkki of Water in twenty thousand years into the busiest castle in the after-realms? Me, that’s who. And all because I couldn’t stand the idea of Ty watching over her. Just thinking about his offer, I almost snap the ladder rungs in two.

  Since when do I get jealous? I thought it was a breakthrough learning Lianna’s name. Most girls never get that far.

  “Did you hear me, Maxon?”

  Case in point. I’ve been staring at the journal for two minutes now, smiling my fool face off and not able to say something basic like ‘good morning.’

  “Heard ya, beautiful.” I look down at her and wave. “Be right there.” Lianna’s wearing something the Mistress of Cloth picked out. It’s a white sundress that shows off her long, lean body. Since I’m a guy, I picture what she looks like underneath that thing.

  Huh. I think she’d look pretty damn good.

  Tucking the journal under my left arm, I use my tail and right hand to swing my way down, Tarzan-style. Sure, it hurts like hell and yeah, I’m showing off like a nine year old, but my self-control is crap around this woman.

  I land right in front of her without even wincing from the pain. Not an easy thing to do, considering how Silas’s slice is starting to sting.

  She arches her right eyebrow. “The ladder has steps, you know.”

  “Yeah, my Grandma uses them all the time.”

  “And she’s not a big strong warrior like you.”

  “Come on, like you’d take the safe way down, either.”

  She scans the ladder and smiles. “No, I suppose I wouldn’t.”

  “Thought so.”

  She’s like a magnet or something. I can’t help myself; I step closer to her. Lianna gasps a little and I wonder if she makes hot noises like that in
bed. Sure, it’s a dumbass thing to think about. I’m not a total moron; I know I’m playing with fire.

  Wasn’t it only hours ago that I swore to put on the brakes?

  Now that I’m near her again, I’m man enough to admit the whole ‘putting on the brakes plan’ was bullshit. I step nearer and set my hand on her hip. She makes another little gasping noise and I’m lost.

  Only, I’m not.

  Something inside stops me from going further. Maybe it’s a spell or insanity, because I’m not known for my conscience. The bottom line is this: Lianna’s special. She’s beautiful inside and out, and she needs a guy who’s as perfect as she is. That’s not me. I’m broken. Sure, I’m good in between the sheets and on the battlefield. But that’s it. Lianna deserves better.

  “What are we doing, Maxon?” Lianna tilts her head closer. Her warm breath moves over my lips.

  Damn, she wants this.

  I take a pointed step away. “I think we’re having coffee. That’s it.”

  “Oh,” says Lianna. Her face turns slack with shock and hurt. Suddenly, I feel like a total dick for sending mixed signals. She clears her throat. “Sure, coffee sounds good.”

  We stare at each other again for a crazy-long time. Lianna’s the one to get her head together and break the silence. She gestures to my left arm. “What’s the book?”

  “It’s one of my demon battle journals.” I toss it onto a red leather couch. “I went out last night and faced a new kind of enemy.”

  Lianna’s voice raises with suspicion. “Anything I need to know about?”

  “Definitely.” I hate how the playful mood has suddenly gone to hell. I want to put off the Silas conversation for a bit. “How about we go through all that after breakfast? My guy Edward loves to feed me.”

  “No, thanks.” She grins. “I’m not hungry.”

  “Cause you can’t eat or won’t?”

  “Don’t need to, anymore.” Her pretty smile fades.

  “What’s wrong, beautiful?”

  “There’s a lot on my mind.”

  I remember what she said at the Pulpitum. She wanted to hide with humans and get her head together.

  “You’re worried about your power.”

  “That’s the problem.” She rakes her hands through her long blonde hair. “I’m not a full monarkki yet. I need to take my crown. To do that I have to visit the Water Palace.”

  A jolt of realization moves through me. Lianna leaving and being at risk… That’s what Silas was talking about. “On second thought, I don’t think our conversation can wait.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Last night, I went after Silas.”

  Lianna gasps. Her skin starts to glow blue and her blonde hair takes on a sea green shade. Guess when she’s upset, she goes into water elemental mode.

  “And what happened with Silas?” she asks.

  “I wanted to kill the guy, but he offered me a trade. He gave me information in exchange for a head start before I track down that fucker.” I raise my fist. “For the record, I did not promise to let him live.”

  Lianna’s skin gets even brighter. “What did Silas tell you?”

  “Zephyr knows that you need to leave Antrum to claim your crown. He’s watching all the Pulpitum.”

  “I’m guessing you have secret Pulpitum stations on Earth, just like you have hidden ones in Antrum?”

  “Yeah. I’ll get you total access, whatever you need.”

  “Thanks, Maxon.” Her voice breaks a little as she speaks. “Everything that you did with Silas.” She steps closer again. “That means a lot to me.”

  She licks her lips and my mind goes straight into the gutter. Or in this case, her mouth. Why didn’t I kiss her before? It could have been epic. I bet she’d start off all slow and shy, and then go bad girl on me and bite down. The energy between us takes on a life of its own.

  Lianna steps even closer and runs her fingers down my arm. Her touch feels so good, I want to roll my eyes back into my head and moan. I don’t, though. It isn’t easy.

  “Did Silas cut you?” she asks. “He always kept a few special scalpels handy just in case.”

  “He got me once.” I gesture to the side of my rib cage. “It’s a small slice.”

  “It’s poisoned, right?”

  I shrug. “I know my poisons like I know my punches. This one is slow acting. I got time.”

  “Consider it an honor. The guy hoards his poisoned scalpels. They’re incredibly hard for him to make.”

  I offer her a half-smile. “I’m honored.”

  Lianna sets her hand on my side. The feel of her sends a jolt of heat through me. “I could heal it for you right now. Just need to set my palm directly on the wound.”

  Okay. More touching sounds like a great idea.

  “Sure, that’s—”

  “Maxon!” A loud female voice booms down the hallway. I don’t give a crap about visitors. I was promised some skin-to-skin action.

  “Maxon!” There’s that voice again.

  Lianna lowers her hand. “Who’s that?”

  “I’m not sure. There aren’t a lot of people who’d barge in here, though.”

  “I got the idea that no one would.”

  “That too.”

  “Where are you, dear?” With that, I know exactly who’s calling for me. My grandmother, Octavia, G for short. Not the kind of person that you get all lovey in front of. The energy between Lianna and me takes a major nosedive. I step away.

  “Thanks for the offer, but I get hurt all the time, poison included. I’ll heal up soon.” I nod toward the open doorway. “Besides, we’ve got company.”

  “And who is that, exactly?”

  “Someone the guards shouldn’t have let in.” Only they’re too big of pussies to say no. “I’ll handle this.”

  I reach the doorway just as G rounds into the outer hall. She’s a little thing in her black gown, with long gray hair down her back. Too many thrax buy her ‘sweet old granny’ act. My G is sharp as a razor and twice as lethal.

  “Maxon! There you are.”

  “G. Why’re you here?” I block her from passing through the doorway.

  “The guards let me in.”

  “That’s how, not why. What’s up?”

  She twists from side to side, trying to see past my torso. Good thing I’m broad chested and solid as a brick wall. I shoot her a sly smile. She’s not getting around me that easily. “Want something, G?”

  “Stop blocking the doorway, Maxon. I know she’s in there.”

  “How’d you find out?”


  I shake my head. “My bad. I should’ve asked Ty for a memory wipe.”

  “Uther said to tell you that he’s sorry for being a ‘weasel dick.’” G makes little quotation marks with her wrinkly fingers while she says the last part. “His words, not mine.”

  “I guessed that part, G.”

  “Good. Now, step aside, my boy.”

  I groan like a baby. Still, I step back and let her in. Short of spontaneous human combustion, nothing will stop my G when she’s on a mission. She brushes past me and into the room.

  “Lianna,” I say. “This is my grandmother. She has a ton of titles but I call her G. G, this is Lianna.”

  “So pleased to meet you, my dear.” G kisses Lianna on both cheeks. “You’re the Monarkki of Water, I hear.”

  “That’s right.” Lianna gives me a sly look. “One of the guys was in a chatty mood, I guess.”

  “Yup. It was Uther. I’m coming up with payback ideas, don’t worry.”

  A servant appears at the doorway. “Where would you like your tea, Your Highness?”

  “Over on the credenza,” says G. “We’ve more coming.”

  I suck in a surprised breath. “More?”

  G goes all ‘sweet old lady’ on me and pats Lianna’s hand. “Fancy some tea, my dear?”

  I’m not buying her act for a second.

  “G, you didn’t answer my question.”
  “Because I’m getting Lianna her tea.”

  “She didn’t ask for any,” I say.

  “I heard it, clear as a bell,” says G.

  Sure, she did.

  G rushes to the credenza and starts fiddling with teapots and spoons and shit. “Milk and sugar, my dear?”

  “Yes, please.” Lianna looks at me and smiles like a cat who just chomped down one big-ass canary. “I can’t wait to learn all about Maxon.”

  I wink at her and mouth the words ‘payback to you, too.’ She sticks out her tongue at me. It should be funny, but my mind goes right into the gutter again. Her tongue is cute, pink, and hot. I picture her licking all the way up my thigh and shiver. The way my body wants this woman is something I haven’t felt in a long time. Maybe ever.

  More footsteps sound down the outer hall, breaking up my internal peep show. Not good. I step into the doorway to find Mom and Dad heading toward me. Like G, they’re in full royal get-up. Dad looks like a total king with his black tunic, broad chest and graying hair. Mom looks otherworldly in her Scala robes and black over-gown. Her tail waves at me over her shoulder.

  I try to act surprised. “Hey, what’re you two doing here?”

  “Octavia sent for us,” says Mom. “The guards say she’s in the library?”

  “That’s what they’re saying.”

  Dad shakes his head. “Didn’t think it sounded right, either. We never come to your chambers, let alone while wearing our formals.”

  G’s sing-song voice wafts in from the library. “I’m in here, children. Who wants tea?”

  Dad’s eyebrows lift in surprise. “You invited your Grandmother over for tea?”

  “For the record, that’s a big no.”

  “I invited myself over,” calls G. “And Maxon has a girl in here.”

  I pinch the bridge of my nose. I can’t believe this.

  “He does?” asks Mom.

  “You do?” echoes Dad.

  They both try to peer around me.

  “Yeah,” I say. “There’s a girl in here.”

  “Wow,” whispers Mom.

  “What kind of girl?” asks Dad.

  “Thrax.” Sort of.

  They start trying to peep around me, so I step back again. “Come on in, guys. Who’s next? Hildy?”


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