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Maxon Page 24

by Christina Bauer

  I’ve become an air elemental.

  Screw Zephyr and his Kristalli. All I wanted to do was protect Lianna. Now, I’ve no clue if she’s safe and I’m stuck whipping around. Pangs of worry spin through me, whatever ‘me’ is anymore. I’ve no clue how to control this shit. I try to focus. Come up with a Plan B.

  No such luck.

  Before I can string a strategy together, my consciousness gets yanked in a new direction. This time, it’s an ocean-bound hurricane at night. The thing is one vast mess of tall waves, lightning, and wind. My mind gets tossed around like one of the dumbass ships trying to navigate this storm. All the twisting around isn’t helping my concentration.

  One thing does help, however.

  Now that I’m over the ocean, there’s an unmistakable aura in the air. Even though I’m being spun around like crazy, I can’t miss the sensation. Damn, I’m not even sure what to even name it. Energy. Magic. Elemental power. Whatever it is, it’s bringing her closer.


  Is she really here? Is she all right?

  Man, do I need those answers. I try like hell to take some kind of human form. That’s not happening, so I do the next best thing. Scream for all I’m worth.

  “Lianna!” My voice comes out rough with excitement and fear.

  Please let her hear me.

  Little by little, a hazy shape appears on the storm. It’s her. The hurricane winds whip through her hair and long robes. Still, she appears perfect, strong, and beautiful: Lianna, my blue-skinned goddess. Watching her, I can only think about what I said to her.

  I love you.

  Sure, saying those words got me into this mess. My lightning powers changed into Scala stuff and ended up getting me killed or shredded or whatever happened to me. Even so, I can’t regret the feeling. After Armageddon, some part of my soul was broken and should have stayed that way. But she fixed it. Actually, we fixed it. Maybe I only had that feeling for only a minute or two. That’s enough.

  No, that’s everything.

  A warm sense of joy moves through me and that’s when I realize it—I have a body again. No way am I missing this chance. I may be a gray and smoky blob, but I’m here. The wisps of smoke that are my arms reach for her. Seeing her helped me take solid form again. If I can only touch her…

  “Lianna! I’m here!”

  She turns toward me. “I’m trying to stop the storm.” Her face is the picture of bone tired. “It’s so strong.”

  “No time for that. Hold onto me.”

  I set my palms onto hers and whoa, I didn’t see that coming. Some kind of elemental charge moves through my soul. It doesn’t feel bad, necessarily. In fact, I’m pretty sure this rush was why Zephyr ran across the after-realms trying to suck off other monarkki. It’s a huge wallop of energy, though, and that’s not what I was expecting.

  My limbs start to disintegrate into the windstorm.

  Damn, I’m losing it.

  “Can you hold back your elemental energy?” I ask. It’s hard to howl over the crazy winds.

  “Yes, I think I can.”

  Lianna reaches for my hands, her fingers trembling. The storm lashes against us both as we hover above the churning waters. We’re getting tossed about, making it harder and harder to connect. My body is almost completely faded now, but I’m not giving up. Not on her. Not on us.

  “Come on, beautiful.” I move the wisp of smoke that is my hand toward hers. “A little farther.”

  Finally, her fingers brush mine. There’s no elemental power rush this time, either. Almost instantly, I take solid form. My skin is now the same dove gray that Zephyr’s was. I wouldn’t care if it came out plaid with green polka dots; I’m solid once again. I fold Lianna in my arms. Peace and joy swirl through my soul. The storm slowly dies down, leaving Lianna and me as two solid points in the night sky, holding each other close. I rub her back in soothing strokes.

  “You okay, beautiful?”

  “I’m so tired,” she says. “I couldn’t figure out how to control the storm.”

  I kiss her cheek. “You did great.”

  She meets my gaze and smiles. “No, we did great.”

  And since that’s the truth—and my life tends to change on a dime—I decide that now is the perfect time to kiss her.

  So that’s exactly what I do.


  I watch Maxon pace across his makeshift bedroom. The place is pretty sparse. A mattress on the floor. Gray concrete walls. A metal folding chair. Believe it or not, this is one of the nicer rooms in Zephyr’s old compound. Not a shocker, actually.

  Two weeks have passed since we killed Zephyr, and we’re both still recovering. Right now, Maxon practices changing from elemental into human form. Half the time he hits one state or the other, he forgets to add clothes. I’m watching from the room’s only chair.

  Needless to say, I’m enjoying myself immensely.

  A knock sounds at the door. Maxon changes back into his elemental state. In this form, he wears gray body armor. His skin has a light gray tone as well, although his eyes have stayed a searing shade of blue.

  A warm sense of affection blooms through my chest.

  That’s my blue, right there.

  Maxon pauses by the closed door. “What’s up?”

  I can’t stop the smile that rounds my mouth. I love how Maxon doesn’t do all the formalities of court.

  “It’s Viktor here. I’m your new general. I was wondering if you were in need of any assistance.”

  “I know who you are, Viktor.” Maxon says with a sigh. “I’m the same as I was fifteen minutes ago.” The Air Valta keep checking on Maxon, like he’ll disappear or turn back into a thrax. Can’t blame them, though. Maxon’s a precious commodity now.

  He’s agreed to become their new Monarkki of Air.

  That said, if there’s some kind of special clingy disorder for elementals who just lost an evil monarkki, then Maxon’s Valta have it.

  Excitement seeps into Viktor’s voice. “Does that mean you need something?”

  “No, it means that I’m still perfectly fine, thanks.” A long pause follows as Viktor quietly steps away from the door. Maxon turns to me, his mouth winding into an all out grin. The sight makes me gooey inside.

  “That was Viktor,” he says.

  “I noticed.”

  This is when I also notice that my ass has fallen asleep. To restart my circulation, I go into mist form and hover for a while.

  Maxon’s forehead crinkles with concern. “You sure you should be going misty?”

  I shrug. “I’m trying to get my endurance up.”

  “It’s too soon, beautiful. You shouldn’t overdo it.”

  “Says the guy who’s practicing changing forms and refusing any help from poor Viktor. Give the guy a letter to take to the post office or something. Sheesh.”

  “Oh, Viktor will be fine.” Maxon changes back into his thrax state. This time it should be jeans and a black Henley, but he forgets his shirt again. Nice. “How was that one?”

  “You forgot something.”

  “My shirt?” He offers me a sly look. “The way you keep ogling my chest, I didn’t think you minded.”

  “I don’t. You forgot your tail as well, though.”

  “Good call.” Maxon snaps his fingers, and his tail reappears behind him. “That’s better.”

  “Do you miss it? Your demon side, I mean.”

  “A little. It was integrated with the rest of me, though.”

  “Because of your Furor training.”

  “Right. So now, I feel a little off. Still, I feel like me, if that makes any sense.”

  “Hope you haven’t lost any skills.”

  I didn’t mean for that reply to come out sexy, but it sure did. The way Maxon raises his eyebrows, though, I can’t say I’m bummed that he got the wrong idea. Or the right one, depending on how you look at it.

  “Want to do an experiment, beautiful?” He prowls toward me. “Right now. You and me. I bet it’ll be so good
as elementals, we won’t be able to speak.” He leans in until his mouth is above my ear. “And you know how I like to talk.”

  Before I have time to respond, his left arm slides around my waist while his right curls into my hair. His mouth is right above mine, and yow, do I ever want him to kiss me.

  “You know what I like about being an elemental?” he asks.

  I’d try to speak, but all the energy that would normally fuel rational thought has gone south. I can only manage to shake my head.

  “Clothes.” Maxon nips my earlobe. A shudder of want moves through my core.

  “Hmm?” Not sure that’s an answer. Not sure I care, either.

  “We can make them disappear with a thought.” His fingertips glide up my belly, sending a ripple of desire through my center. “Especially these blue robes of yours. Make them disappear, and we could be skin-to-skin in a matter of seconds.”

  So I do just that. Maxon eyes me and sucks in a heavy breath. That’s pretty satisfying.

  “Your turn,” I say.

  Maxon gives me one of his dimpled smiles. More yum. More gooeyness. “I like that it’s my turn,” he says.

  Another knock sounds at the door. I grit my teeth in frustration.

  I’m going to kill that Viktor guy.

  “That’s enough for one day, Viktor,” calls Maxon.

  A voice answers, and it’s not Viktor. “Open up, my child.”

  I know that tone. It’s Maxon’s grandmother.

  “Damn, G. Give me a minute.”

  “Are you ill?” she asks through the closed door. I can picture her mouth pressed by the doorjamb, her wrinkled lips drooping into a frown.

  “I’m fine, G. Hold your horses.”

  Maxon conjures his jeans and T-shirt back on, checks his tail, and then inspects me as well. Evidently, neither of us is missing clothing or limbs, so Maxon steps over to the door and swings it open.

  A lot of hugs and hellos start up as Octavia enters the room, followed by Maxon’s parents. They’ve been visiting regularly and we’re all getting downright friendly with each other. Of course, Octavia’s still pulling together a huge ball for me. Now, it’s to celebrate my coronation. At least, that’s what she says it’s all about. I’m pretty convinced that it’s more of a ‘Maxon has a girlfriend and we actually met her’ kind of thing. Even so, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited. I missed every prom and dance and club experience growing up. This will be great.

  Octavia moves to stand in the center of the room. “Let’s review seating charts, shall we?” She pulls out a sheath of papers from seemingly nowhere.

  Maxon’s Mom leans against a nearby stretch of concrete wall. All the color drains from her face. Maxon rushes to her side.

  “You okay, Mom?”

  “Your mother is fine,” says Maxon’s Dad. He may be in jeans and a T-shirt, but he still looks like a King as he pulls his Queen into his arms. He whispers to his wife. “Do you need to lie down?”

  “A nap might be good.”

  Looks like Maxon and I aren’t the only ones who’d rather be doing something else.

  I plunk down onto the metal folding chair and let out a huge sigh. “You know what? Maxon and I were practicing all day.”

  “What kind of stuff?” asks Maxon’s Grandmother.

  “Elemental, uh, things.”

  Not my best lie. Hopefully, it’ll still do the trick.

  “We’re pretty tired, too.” Maxon quickly moves to stand at my side. “I think we could all use a break.” He gives G one of his patented smiles. “You set up the seating chart, G. We trust you.”

  Octavia scans the room, her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “If you insist.”

  “We do,” says Maxon. He’s got his ‘I’m not arguing about this’ face on. No one pushes him when he’s like that, even Octavia. Maxon opens the door and ushers them outside with lots of thank-you’s and kisses.

  Once they’re well and gone, Maxon summons Viktor. The guy is so excited to have an actual task, he could burst with pride.

  “Yes, Your Eminence?”

  “No disturbances for the next twenty four hours. I need to you to guard my door with your life.”

  Viktor’s face brightens. “As you command, Your Eminence.”

  Maxon closes the door and turns to me. A sneaky light shines in his eyes.

  “What are you thinking, Your Eminence?” I ask.

  Now, I know exactly what’s on his mind, but I do love to hear him say it.

  “Remember when you tackled me outside Charybdis?”


  “I think we should do that again.” Maxon runs his finger along my neckline. “Only naked.”

  “All right,” I say slowly.

  And as Maxon predicted before, that’s the last word either of us utters for a long time.


  Maxon and I stand on the same stretch of Australian beach where I first summoned the Water Palace to confront Fisk, one month and a million years ago. An impossibly blue sky arches over us. Palm trees sway in a gentle breeze that Maxon summoned. I’m still getting used to the idea that wind means good stuff—like Maxon approaching—versus imminent death.

  A good problem to have, I think.

  Behind us, a hundred Air Valta line the beach. Their gray bodies shimmer in the morning sunshine. When Maxon’s looking at them, they wear faces that are placid and supportive. But when he turns away? They scowl for all they’re worth, mostly at me.

  Maxon leans in to whisper in my ear. “Don’t think I don’t notice.”

  “Notice what?” I ask with mock innocence. “That the Air Valta loathe the idea of crowning us both at the Water Palace?”

  “Yeah, that.” Maxon’s careful to keep his voice low. “Zephyr drilled it into my people’s heads that Air is the ultimate element. It’s not. We’re all brothers and sisters. That’s why you and I are getting crowned together in the Water Palace.”

  “I get that concept, sure.” I look at him out of my right eye. “Do you really think that idea will stick with the rest of them, though?”

  “Oh, I got a plan.” Maxon winks. “You ready?”

  “Sure thing.”

  I take his hand in mine and set out on a trek across the water. This time, we don’t need to hold hands, considering that Maxon can float as smoke if he likes.

  We stroll across the ocean for a time, the Air Valta following behind us. Once we reach a fair distance from shore, I raise my right arm.

  Like before, the Water Palace comes bubbling up from the water. I visit all the time now, so you’d think that this shell-shaped castle wouldn’t leave me gaping in awe anymore. But it does. Every time.

  Once the palace is fully visible, the front door swings open. Maxon and I march through, hand in hand. We pass the reception arcade and head right into the Hall of Fountains. The place looks especially lovely today, with blue lights dancing through the waterfalls that line the space. A few hundred Water Valta stand in a rough circle on the chamber floor.

  We move into the center of the room. The Air Valta follow, mixing in with their water counterparts, just as Maxon ordered them to. Once everyone is in place, Maxon’s first to speak.

  “Air Valta, connect to your brothers and sisters.” In response, all of Maxon’s people raise their right arms, placing their palms onto the shoulders of a comrade in arms. Viktor rests his hand on Maxon’s shoulder.

  That’s my cue.

  “Water Valta, connect to your brothers and sisters.”

  My soldiers do the same, reaching out their right arms and placing their palms onto the shoulders of another Water Valta. Esau’s father rests his hand on my shoulder. With that, the connection to our people is complete. If I could look down from the ceiling, I’d see an intricate snowflake of gray and blue bodies.

  The ceremony is ready to begin.

  Raising my arm, I summon the Kristalli of Water to appear in my palm. Maxon does the same with the Kristalli of Air. We both lift our stones high. I�
��ve practiced this particular move for years. Many times, I’ve raised this stone in preparation for battle practice.

  Today, I lift it to change the Kristalli into my crown.

  Excitement strums through me, like my inner life is a musical string that’s just been plucked. Maxon and I share a small smile that’s full of hope and promise. After that, we speak together.

  “Who names us their monarkki?” we ask.

  The crowd replies in unison. “The Valta.”

  Blue and gray light dances around the room as one by one, the Valta’s bodies glow with emotion. Their feelings pass through their connected bodies, compounding as they go. Soon the full weight of their sensations slams into me. There’s love, support and—if I’m being honest—a little fear, too. My Kristalli fills with their emotion and power, growing brighter by the second. Maxon’s does the same.

  My Kristalli juts out small prongs into my hand, extending, contracting and pricking into my flesh as it begins climbing up my arm, shoulder, neck, and cheekbone. From there, it creeps around my temples, taking the shape of a crown.

  Across from me, Maxon’s Kristalli is making the same journey. The power of his Valta is changing his people’s stone into a crown. I smile so hard, it feels like my face could break.

  Once our new crowns are firmly in place, the Valta lower their arms and fall to their right knee. Again, they speak in unison.

  “Our monarkki.”

  Suddenly, I sense the water elementals in my realm. In my mind’s eye, I see them all. Young naiads frolic in lakes, their long blue hair steaming over their naked bodies. Rain golems pour moisture into the clouds, their great blocky shoulders carrying huge vats of glowing liquid. Ocean guardians patrol the depths, their long seaweed cloaks flowing behind them.

  I see and sense my people. Joy, pain, peace, and worry… All their feelings move through me as my own. We are no longer separate. I connect to their consciousness and speak to them through my soul.

  I will fight for you, heal you, and help you. I am your monarkki. Together, we will be strong.


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