The Sex On Beach Book Club

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The Sex On Beach Book Club Page 26

by Jennifer Apodaca

  “Brad’s an idiot.” Holly shoved that down. It didn’t help. “I think Helene maneuvered things as dramatically as possible. She set up Cullen’s murder in Wes’s bookstore, and made it look like a mob hit. Drama for the book. Then she arranged to have Wes’s sister show up in his bookstore with an e-mail from me. Wes gets angry and fires me in front of Brad and cameras. More drama.”

  “He fired you?”

  Holly ignored that. “A book that’s going to make Helene/ Ashley famous has to have a big dramatic finish. So what’s the real reason she has Wes and his sister in one place?”

  “To murder them.”

  Chills ran down her back and arms. “I have to see the book. Brad said it’s finished. I think she’s already written the ending. Now she just has to make it happen.” Holly was convinced that Maggie had backed up the computer’s hard drive before throwing it in the ocean, as a sort of insurance.

  Maggie studied Holly. “How do I know you aren’t setting me up?”

  Damn it. Holly didn’t have time for this shit. She didn’t care about Maggie’s worries of prosecution. She had to keep Wes and Michelle alive. If Michelle was hurt or killed it would destroy Wes.

  If Wes was hurt or killed, it would destroy Holly.

  She leaned her hands on Maggie’s desk and looked her in the eye. “If Wes is murdered because of you, I will personally make sure you go down for it. I will do whatever it takes to secure you a place in prison for the rest of your days.”

  Maggie believed her and said, “Flash drive. My lawyer, Bradley Knoll, has it.”

  Wes’s cell phone rang while he sat around Holly’s condo and tried to control his impatience. He yanked it out and looked at the name on the screen. He looked across the living room to George. “I don’t recognize it.”

  Seth stood behind the couch and said, “Answer it.”

  Wes put the phone to his ear. “Hello.”

  “Brockman, it’s Brad Knoll.”

  Wes mouthed, “Brad Knoll,” to Seth and George. He saw Seth’s face tighten with anger, but the man got it under control. Wes leaned back, falling easily into the role he’d played for so many years: ruthless negotiator. “Knoll, what do you want?”

  “I have a deal for you.”

  “Not interested in any deals with you.” Wes hung up.

  “What the hell did you do that for?” Seth asked, keeping his voice low.

  Wes glanced at the doorway to the kitchen. Michelle was in there entertaining Jodi and Kelly with her adventures in surfing while Kelly cooked to soothe her nerves. They heard bursts of laughter every few minutes. The sound of Michelle’s easy laugh tugged hard at his gut. He turned his gaze back to Seth. “I know what I’m doing. Brad is the puppet, and probably not smart enough to realize I wouldn’t walk on the same side of the street as him. But Helene, aka Ashley, is. If she’s there…”

  “She’d expect you to be uncooperative,” Seth finished. “I’m not so sure, but we’ll see how it plays.”

  His cell rang again. Wes lifted it off his thigh and looked at the display screen. Same number. He answered, “Knoll, do I have to get my lawyers on you?”

  “Brockman, you’d be wise to listen to me. I am going to make you rich.”

  Look at that, three years out of the game and the lines were still the same. Bored, he said, “I’m not having money problems.”

  “Do you want Holly to get rich off of you?”

  Well now, the boy had some balls after all. He felt George and Seth’s stares on him, and caught sight of Michelle walking out from the kitchen. To Brad, he said, “How would Holly get rich off me?”

  “She used you. You know it. She exposed you to build her PI agency, and now she’s going to use that to get on TV, book deals, anything she can milk it for.”

  Wes had to admit, if he had been dumb enough to believe Holly would betray him, Brad would have his attention. “I have lawyers who will—”

  Brad cut him off. “Beat her at her own game, Brockman. I have a client who has a book about you ready to go. And she’s willing to cut you and your sister in on the deal.”

  Wes said, “What kind of book?”

  “A biography. She wants to meet with you tonight in my office. Say five-thirty. She’ll have a copy of the book for you to review and we’ll discuss terms. We’ll get this book out before Holly can do anything. She’ll be left in the dust.”

  Wes stayed quiet. Thinking, and letting Brad stew. Holly had been right, there was a book. But Wes didn’t believe for a second Helene was going to share profits. He was pretty sure there would be a nasty surprise waiting at the office when they got there. It was a setup, and the beauty of it was that if Wes had believed Holly had betrayed him, he might have been pissed off enough to fall into their trap.

  Brad said, “Brockman, at least come and listen. What will it hurt? Both you and your sister. She’s part of the deal.”

  “We’ll be there.” He started to hang up.

  “One more thing,” Brad said.

  “Which is?”

  “We want to keep this quiet. We don’t want Holly or anyone finding out and getting the jump on us. Just you and your sister.”

  “I’m not signing anything until my lawyers look at it.” Not even Brad could be that much of a moron. He was a lawyer.

  “Of course. You can take a copy of our offer to your lawyers first thing tomorrow.”

  Might be hard to do, Wes thought, if he was dead. “Five-thirty,” he said, and hung up. Quickly, he filled in Michelle, George, and Seth on the parts that they missed.

  “What now?” Michelle asked.

  Wes went to her and put his arm around her shoulders. But before he could reassure her, the front door opened. Holly came in, followed by her dad. She said, “We both got here at the same time. Do I smell cookies?”

  Before Wes could respond, Jodi and Kelly walked out from the kitchen carrying a plate of sandwiches, chips, paper plates, and another plate filled with cookies. They set it all down on Holly’s coffee table.

  Kelly pushed her hair back and blushed at everyone watching her. “In case anyone’s hungry. I also found slice-and-bake cookies, so I, uh, made them.” She hurried back into the kitchen.

  Jodi looked at Wes. “She cooks when she’s nervous.”

  “Nervous or scared?” Holly walked over and helped herself to a sandwich.

  “Both,” Jodi said.

  Holly nodded and touched Jodi’s arm. “Nothing wrong with that.” Then she turned to George. “Do you want a sandwich?”

  “And cookies.”

  Jodi laughed. “I’ll get them and something for you to drink.”

  Five minutes later, everyone had food and was crowded into the living room. Wes told Holly about Brad’s call, and they all agreed that it looked like Helene/Ashley was using Brad to lure Wes and Michelle into one place, probably to kill them. Then he listened as she filled them in about Maggie making a copy of Cullen’s hard drive before dumping the computer in the ocean.

  Holly turned to her dad. “What did Rodgers say?”

  Eric wiped his mouth. “It took me a while to track her down. She wants to talk to Nora about the gun, but can’t find her. She also can’t find Helene. Maggie told her she refused to answer questions without her lawyer. Right now she’s confirming that Helene is really Ashley Gaines. She said to keep her in the loop.”

  Wes didn’t like it. “Where’s Nora? Where’s Helene?”

  Holly said, “I’m going to try and talk some sense into Brad and get him to let me look at the flash drive.”

  Wes shook his head. “He won’t, Holly.”

  She opened her mouth but a cell phone’s ring made them all jump.

  Wes realized it was his. After looking at the screen, he said, “Unbelievable. It’s Nora.” He put the phone to his ear. “Nora, what’s up?”

  “I’m in trouble, Wes.” Her voice shook.

  The room had fallen deadly quiet. Wes kept his voice sympathetic. “What’s the matter?”

p; Her voice edged up to panic. “It’s gone, Wes. I’ve looked everywhere! I don’t know what to do!”

  He looked at Holly and said into the phone, “Nora, let me help. What is gone?”

  A beat of silence, then she said, “My gun.”

  “Your gun is missing?” He repeated it so the others would understand.

  “What will happen to Ryan if I go to prison?”

  Wes could practically feel her dark desperation for her son coming through the phone. Gently, he asked, “Nora, did you kill Cullen?”

  She started to sob. “No. I didn’t even know she was going to do it. What do I do now?”

  George said, “How long has her gun been missing?”

  Wes asked, “Nora, when did you notice your gun missing?”

  “A few days ago. When I tried to call you. But I got scared. What do I do? Where do I go?”

  “Nora, if we tell the police—”

  “No! I can’t go to prison! You have to help me.”

  Wes took a breath. She’d called for a reason. “How do you want me to help you?”

  “Where is she?” Seth whispered.

  Wes added, “Tell me where you are, Nora. Let me help you.”

  “That detective has been to my house and work. I had nowhere to go. I don’t know what to do. I want to make this stop before it gets worse. But the police won’t believe me.”

  Wes used his most reasonable voice. “They’ll believe me, Nora. And I have a group of lawyers that will help you.” He looked over at George, who nodded for him to keep going.

  Nora said, “I’m hiding. And I have something else. Maggie gave me a copy of what was on Cullen’s computer. Wes, you have to help me make the police believe me.”

  Excitement and nerves ramped up his adrenaline. Once he’d lived for this kind of high—doing the deal. Now he was fighting for his and Michelle’s lives. Wes turned his gaze to Holly. She was what he wanted, not the excitement of the deal, the power of his old position, not superstars on his speed dial. He wanted the woman that he loved. But first he had to resolve this nightmare, and the answer was on that flash drive Nora had. “I’ll come to you, Nora. We’ll work it out together.”

  “What about your sister?”

  Word had spread. “I’ll come alone,” he assured her.

  “Just you and your sister. Don’t leave your sister alone, Wes. She’s not safe. Neither of you are. I can’t live with anyone else getting killed!”

  “My sister is safe where she is.”

  Nora’s voice rose. “You don’t understand! You can’t trust anyone. Keep your sister with you.”

  Everyone leaned forward.

  Wes believed that Nora was desperate, and that she had the flash drive and knew what Helene was planning. “Where are you, Nora? I’ll help you, I swear.”

  Her breath did that odd hitching thing women did when they were crying. He waited her out and she said, “I’ll meet you at your bookstore in an hour.” She hung up.

  Wes put his phone away and relayed the information.

  “I’ll go with you,” Holly said. “Michelle stays here.”

  Michelle leaned around Wes and said, “I’m going with Nick. I’m not taking a chance on losing my brother again.”

  Wes took her hand. “I’m not going to disappear on you this time.”

  Her eyes glittered like emeralds. “I’m going with you.”

  Holly stood up. “Let’s get going. We want to get there first and be prepared.” She looked at her dad and Seth. “You two stay here, okay?”

  Eric looked at Holly. “You have to call Rodgers.”

  “I don’t want to scare Nora off. Once she’s there, I’ll call her.”

  Wes agreed with Holly.

  George leaned over, undid his ankle holster, and held it out to Wes. “Take it.”

  Wes took the gun, ignoring the cop looks passing between Eric, Seth, and Holly. He pulled up his pant leg and strapped on the gun.

  “This isn’t a good idea,” Holly said.

  He looked up at her. “Afraid I can outshoot you, Hillbaby?”

  She met his gaze and said, “No, I’m afraid you’ll shoot your dick off.”

  George laughed. “Relax, Holly. Wes can shoot. I taught him myself.”

  She whipped her head around and glared at Wes.

  “Hey.” Wes held up both hands. “You never asked me if I could shoot. You just assumed a bookstore owner would be harmless.”

  She blinked. “Damn.”

  Chapter 21

  Holly kept checking the area while Wes parked in the lot behind the bookstore. It was about three o’clock in the afternoon. She didn’t see any reporters, thankfully. She did see the usual assortment of afternoon shoppers, and people heading down to the beach.

  They got out of the car and rushed down the alley behind the bookstore. “Hurry.” Holly would feel better once they were inside. After all, someone had shot George when they were walking to Cullen’s boat. Nora insisting that Wes bring Michelle with him could be a real concern. Or there was the possibility it was a setup to get them out in the open where Helene could shoot them and get away. Wes reached the door first and slid his key into the lock.

  Holly stood in front of Michelle, practically smashing her against the wall next to the door. Her adrenaline pumped, making her stomach burn. Something about the key nagged at her. As Wes pulled open the door, Holly took her gun from her purse and stepped into the doorway that led to the small office and storage room. It was dark. She moved toward the outline of a desk and said, “Get the light, Wes.”

  She heard the door close behind them at the same time the overhead fluorescent light flickered, caught, and flashed on.

  Holly’s hackles rose on the back of her neck. Damn it, the key! They knew Nora had a copy of the key made!

  Before she could adjust her eyes enough to make out Helene standing in the doorway of the meeting room, she heard the other woman say, “Drop the gun, Holly.”

  Holly hesitated, trying to assess the danger and their options.

  A loud pop startled her. Then hot pain brutally arrowed into her right arm. The impact knocked her back a step. She heard her gun hit the ground. She heard screaming. Was it her? She didn’t scream. It would be so embarrassing if she screamed just because she was shot. There was a roar, too. Sounded like her brothers when they were pissed off.

  Get control of yourself! She had to focus. Keep Wes and Michelle alive. It was Michelle who was yelling. She looked back. “Stop that screaming.” She had to think.

  “Don’t move!” Helene snapped.

  Holly turned back, keeping her body in front of Michelle and Wes. She forced herself to bring up her left hand and clamp down hard on the wound in her right arm. Christ, it hurt like a bitch. But her brain was clearing enough to realize that Helene had warned Wes not to move. He was trying to get to her. He needed to stay back and behind her. Holly took a steadying breath and said, “It’s not going to work, Helene.” She refused to feel the hot blood pouring over her hand.

  Helene kept the gun on Holly, while taking two steps toward them. She used her foot to kick the gun back to the meeting room door, and said, “Stupid bitch. Now I have to write you into the ending of the book. God, I hate rewrites.” She backed up to the doorway, carefully squatted down, picked up the gun, and stuck it into the waist of her pants.

  “Excuse me if I don’t exactly sympathize.” Holly tried to take in her surroundings. How could she stop Helene? How could she keep from passing out? She had to. There was a desk and filing cabinets on her left. On the right were metal storage shelves with the usual office supplies, and an open space next to that where a couple stacks of boxes were probably filled with books. A glint of silver caught her eye on top of one of the boxes. A utility knife, used to slice open boxes. Unfortunately, it was too far behind Holly for her to get to it. Her right arm was useless.

  Helene regained her attention. “Get into the meeting room.” She took a step back, indicating they should proceed h
er into the room.

  Holly wanted to keep Wes and Michelle near the door. How to give them a chance to get out? Maybe if she caused a distraction, but what? Could she trip into Helene?

  Would Wes leave her, knowing she was shot?

  To save his sister, he would.

  She didn’t have time to debate. She took a step, doing her best to look shaky. She took another step and threw herself into Helene.

  Holly hit the ground, and white hot pain exploded in her entire right side. It sliced deep into her, making her roll on the carpet, clutching her arm. She had missed Helene, but had Wes and his sister gotten out? She opened her eyes, but all she saw were wavy lines and black dots.

  And a pair of shoes.

  Instinct warned her and Holly rolled away, ending up taking a kick in the middle of her back. A groan tore loose from her throat. Nausea rolled up and sweat coated her body. She fought to move air in and out of her lungs.

  “Stop it!” Michelle screamed.

  Holly heard Wes say something else, which meant that he and Michelle were still in the bookstore. Now she had to live through this just to yell at him for not being fast enough to get him and Michelle out of the bookstore. She focused on that, narrowed her mind down to one thought: Wes.

  She stayed still on the floor. The spots faded, and the pain lifted to mere agony.

  “Get up,” Helene said.

  “Let me help her,” Michelle said.


  Holly rolled to her back, seeing Helene standing two feet to her right. Too close to her injured arm. Holding the arm, she used her stomach muscles and sat up. She took a breath to control the wave of dizziness. Then she got her knees under her and stood up.

  She was facing the door that led to the bookstore. Slowly, trying to control the pain, she turned around.

  Now Helene was on her left. Nora sat at one of the four tables arranged in a rectangle, tears rolling down her face. Wes and Michelle stood in front of Holly a little to the right. Wes had put his body between Helene and Michelle, and closer to her.

  She knew the gun was strapped to his right leg, but how could one of them get it? It must not have occurred to Helene that Wes might have a gun. Holly searched Wes’s face, seeing that his jaw was clenched tight and his green eyes blazed on her, while a nerve jumped in his left temple. He was furious, barely in control.


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