It's Still Just Us: (Sequel to It's Just Us)

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It's Still Just Us: (Sequel to It's Just Us) Page 17

by R. Phoenix

  Now I glared at him. "Well, thank you."

  But Carter took my hand and squeezed it. "Come on, let's move this to the living room. There's more room so you can show me.”

  Finn just nodded and followed us downstairs again, where he placed everything on the coffee table. He launched back into the explanation about how to apply which kind of makeup, which I had already heard — and it was every bit as overwhelming as it had seemed the first time.

  Daddy was so much better at getting me pretty, so this was probably for the best. In any case, I tuned them out, and noticed the toys in their bins again. Since Finn hadn't reacted to them earlier, I'd kind of forgotten, but now I saw them with absolute clarity again. How could I have forgotten that for a moment?

  I should have excused myself earlier and found some way to hide all of it, but I’d just missed it. Now it would be even more obvious if I tried anything.

  "And then you do it like this—" Finn took my chin in his hands, applying something around my eyes. "It's not that hard, you see?"

  He and Carter seemed to have hit it off. They were discussing things I immediately tuned out again, like which kind of foundation to use with which kind of makeup. How the hell did Finn even manage to remember all of this?

  I had enough trouble not moving when Daddy started practicing putting makeup on me, especially since my body got excited every time he did something like that. I wriggled around, trying to hide the fact that I was getting hard, but it was close to impossible. I couldn't hide it completely, and, given his smile, Carter knew it too.

  But he deliberately ignored it, even though his grin grew wider and wider. He and Finn laughed and joked, and while I fell in when something funny, my mind drifted off to other things. Things we could do once Finn was gone for the evening. And boy, he needed to hurry up.

  Finally, Finn picked up the stuff he’d bought for me and helped me put it away before saying goodbye to Carter.

  I walked him to the door, where he pulled me into his arms.

  "It was so nice to spend an evening with you again. And Carter is an absolute sweetheart. I can totally see why you’ve fallen for him. I know I looked at him earlier, but he only has eyes for you, so don't worry. Besides, I have the feeling I wouldn’t be into the same things as you guys."

  I stared at him, unable to even breathe. "You—"

  "Either you have kids coming over, which you never told me about, or you guys are doing things I personally am not into. But that doesn't mean I'm not fine with it. I figured I'd talk to you about it. I probably should’ve said something so you didn’t freak out all evening, but I wasn’t sure." He grinned at me. “Am I right, or am I completely wrong and just made a fool of myself?” He raised an eyebrow. “Please tell me I got it right?”

  I stared at him, too speechless to even reply.

  Finn looked away, suddenly finding the floor very interesting.

  “I… have no idea what to say.”

  “Whichever it is, I just… wanted to let you know I’m not gonna judge you.” With those words, he turned around and walked to his car.

  I stood there, speechless. He’d guessed completely right, and yet, he was absolutely fine with it. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, but either way, I was grateful for it.

  With a tiny smile on my lips, I turned to go back inside.

  Carter and I definitely had plenty to do now that Finn was gone.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Six months later

  I’d waited, hoped, and feared, but there was nothing. There hadn’t been a single word. My parents had clearly chosen their prejudices over me — over us.

  They didn’t bother to respond to Micah’s letter, and they didn’t respond to the wedding invitation we’d sent them either. Micah never said anything about it, but he didn’t have to. I could tell how much it hurt for him to be rejected by not one set of parents, but two.

  At the very least, his would be at the wedding. They hadn’t shown any interest in getting to know me — or in spending time with their son at all — but they’d texted to let us know they’d show up.

  So he had one set of parents whose love seemed to only go so far, and one set of in-laws who refused to even acknowledge us or our wedding.

  I hurt for myself and for him.

  At least we had each other — and our friends, who would celebrate with us. That was enough. As I’d told Micah the night before, they were the people who truly wanted to be there.

  Despite that, I couldn’t help myself. I looked around, scanning to see which familiar faces would turn up. It was only a small gathering, where Rick and Sean would be our best men. They had already arrived, along with Finn, and a few others we knew from the lifestyle had come as well. Finn fluttered around, his colorful clothes and expertly applied makeup stealing the show. He might not have known anyone before the wedding, but he seemed to make friends easily.

  Sean stood by Rick’s side across the room, looking serious and professional in a suit, while Rick talked quietly to Micah. We’d already shaken everyone’s hands and gotten some drinks, and the official part was about to begin.

  My gaze wandered to Micah again. Like me, he wore a dark blue suit, but he also wore a bit of makeup. It wasn’t nearly as much as Finn’s, but it was a noticeable addition to his existing beauty. It had taken all of my restraint to keep myself from jumping him when I’d seen him in the suit for the first time, and that hadn’t changed at all.

  Even better than the suit and the makeup was the smile that never left his lips — and the love that shone from his eyes every time our gazes met. He was happy, completely and absolutely happy.

  And me? I was over the moon. I’d get to call this man my husband. There was nothing better.

  My smile faded as an older couple approached Micah, though. I knew everyone at the party, so it had to be my future in-laws. I studied them, trying to get a read on them, but I doubted anything would change my opinion of them.

  How anyone could neglect a man like Micah was beyond me. It wasn’t fair to anyone, especially Micah, who always wanted to be loved. They were the reason he craved it so badly. They’d hurt him with their lack of caring. I’d agreed to have them here, but when I saw the way Micah stiffened when they hugged him, I regretted it.

  Before I could go over to them, Rick shook his head, laughed, then nodded in my direction.

  Micah blushed an adorable shade of pink, though I doubted he’d see it as being as cute as I did.

  Instead of saying anything, Micah walked over to me without even looking over his shoulder to see if they followed. He wrapped his arms around me, burying his face against my shoulder. “Why? Please, Daddy, just tell me why?” he pleaded.

  I kissed the top of his head, but before I could reply, his parents were standing in front of me. They looked me up and down, and I gave them equally measuring looks. I would be civil, but nothing more.

  “Micah, would you please introduce us?” His mother’s voice held little patience. If anything, it radiated disapproval.

  I held Micah tightly against my body as I shook their hands.

  “Carter, these are my parents, Madeline and Chad. Mom and Dad, this is Carter.”

  Madeline’s eyes were critical as her gaze raked up and down my body. When she finally looked back at my face, she gave an obviously forced smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Carter.”

  Micah shifted uncomfortably at my side, but he said nothing. Chad was similarly silent, and I had to wonder why they’d even shown up if they intended to behave like this.

  “How did you meet my son?” Madeline asked.

  I winced. I didn’t want to tell them we’d met at a bar, but it was the truth. “We met at a bar.”

  “A bar,” she repeated. “And what do you do?”

  “I’m a teacher,” I told her.

  “I see.” She pursed her lips. “Well, congratulations to you both,” she said stiffly.

  “Thank you.”

echoed my thanks, his voice faint, and I knew the radiant smile on his lips had vanished. It infuriated me that I’d allowed these people to attend our ceremony only so they could make my baby unhappy.

  But they didn’t stay long. They made polite small talk for a few minutes, then excused themselves in a hurry.

  Only then did Micah look up at me again. “They talked to Rick like he was the groom,” he said in a low voice. “There was a picture in the invitation! And they still managed to confuse the two of you?”

  Rick and I looked nothing alike, even in frame. He was much broader than I was, more like a football player.

  I laughed, but then I pulled him into a kiss. “Look at it this way: after thinking Rick was the groom, I probably looked like the better choice.”

  Micah chuckled, but he turned serious again after a moment. His eyes met mine. “Thank you for loving me, Daddy,” he whispered.

  “I love you too, baby. And everyone else can… you know.”

  He giggled, his mood seeming to brighten a little bit. “No cursing, Daddy.”

  I kissed him again, then released him. “I’ll try not to.”


  I turned around when I heard the familiar voice behind me, and I froze as I saw my mother standing there. She wore a floral dress, and my father stood beside her in a suit. They’d dressed well, but their matching expressions of apprehension and anxiety made it clear they weren’t comfortable at all.

  My heart fluttered at seeing him there, but I shoved every bit of hope down. I didn’t know what they were up to, and I didn’t want to get hurt all over again. I would just have to wait and see.

  “Mom. Dad.” I nodded in their direction as they stepped closer.

  Micah stood next to me, now looking at them as well. I held him more tightly against me, showing him I was there for him.

  They stopped in front of us, but they didn’t say anything.

  I didn’t want to be the one to start the conversation, not when I had no idea what they were doing.

  Mom wrung her hands, while my father looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. The uncomfortable silence stretched on until she finally cleared her throat. “Carter, Micah. I’m… We want to…” She trailed off, then looked at my dad.

  He shook his head, staring at the ground.

  I wouldn’t say anything to make this easier on them. Not after the things they’d accused me of.

  “Carter, we…” She sighed. “We’re sorry. We wanted to apologize.” She fiddled with the belt of her dress, not quite looking up at us.

  I waited for her to continue, but when she didn’t, I said, “Apology accepted.” I didn’t really feel like forgiving them at all. What they’d done was simply too much for me to excuse after a simple apology. Still, they’d made an overture, and that had been because of Micah. I wouldn’t turn them away after they’d responded to his letter.

  Micah stood next to me, watching them, but he didn’t speak.

  “I… We… Thank you for inviting us,” my mother went on.

  “Thank Micah for that. I wouldn’t have bothered. I honestly didn’t think you’d turn up.” My voice was cold, even though I ached inside for the warm relationship they’d obliterated.

  “Thank you.” She looked at Micah. “I’m sorry we had such a bad start, and if you’d allow it, we’d like to start over.” Her voice grew gentler. “I read your letter many times, Micah, and I was deeply touched. It simply… took us time. I’m sorry for that.”

  Micah nodded. “I understand.”

  I kissed the top of his head then quietly asked him, “Do you want to go over to Sean and Rick?” I wanted to give him the opportunity to leave, should things get messy.

  “No, Daddy.” Micah raised his head and looked at my parents. “If they have to say something, I want to hear it too. This concerns both of us.”

  I was so proud of my baby that I could barely stand it.

  My mother visibly flinched while my father looked away.

  “All right, baby.” I kissed him again. “Okay. You said your piece. I’m still not sure how to get back to where we were before, but you can stay and celebrate with us. Then we’ll see how it goes?” I offered, unsure of what else to say.

  Mom nodded. “Yes, that would be nice. If we could give you a call, after the wedding? We could get something to eat somewhere, and just talk… And we want to get to know our son-in-law, of course.” She offered a tentative smile to Micah. “If you would allow us to.”

  Micah nodded. “I’d like that. Just… one thing. We explained our relationship as much as we’re going to. If you ever touch that topic with anything but respectful questions, every chance of having some kind of friendship is over.”

  I gasped. My baby was always so soft and nice and lovely. He’d already stood up to my parents with the letter, but seeing him do it in person was even more endearing. I kissed him right on the spot. I didn’t need them in my life, but I wanted it for Micah — who had apparently taken it upon himself to protect us from getting hurt again.

  “Duly noted.” My mother’s eyes were sad but I didn’t say anything to lessen the severity of those words. She’d hurt both of us, too. “Thank you for giving us this chance. We’ll talk to you after the ceremony…” She trailed off. “If you’d like.”

  “Thank you,” I told her.

  She and my father turned and left, heading in the direction of the drinks.

  I breathed out deeply while I watched them. “Thank you, baby. I love you.”

  Micah got up on the tips of his toes and kissed me. “You know I’ll always follow your lead, and I love being submissive to you… but I guess there’s one thing that brings out the mama bear in me. And that’s when someone talks badly about you.”

  I grinned at him. “Or when someone mistreats an animal.”

  Micah almost looked offended. “Well, of course.”

  Chuckling, I said, “I’m sure I have plenty more animals to look forward to welcoming into our home.”

  “At least Snowflake doesn’t get along with other dogs.” He smiled back at me. “That saves you from some additions.”

  I pulled him close. “There are worse things.”

  He kissed me. “True. Like missing our own wedding because we’re talking about our future menagerie.”

  I blinked at him as he pulled me toward the simple tent we’d set up in our backyard garden. A man stood beneath it, waiting for us. Greg, one of the handlers who regularly attended bar night, was ordained. He’d agreed to hold the wedding for us.

  We’d decided to walk together to him, hand in hand, and when the music started, we made our way to the tent. The guests rose from their seats, watching us. Next to me, Micah beamed.

  His hand was sweaty, but I also knew he was sure about this. Once he made up his mind, he was pretty stubborn, and he’d decided we were going to move forward together.

  We stopped in front of Greg, and next to him stood Rick and Sean, our best men.

  I took a quick breath then cast a glance at Micah. His dark suit was stunning, right down to the pink pocket square — and to the blue and pink lace panties that had been a wedding gift from Finn.

  Micah had turned all sorts of red when he’d gotten that early present.

  He hadn’t worn them before today, and I knew only that they were sexy as hell. I couldn’t wait to get a closer look.

  Greg began the ceremony, but I only had eyes for Micah. When it came time for our vows, I zoned back in on Greg.

  I’d spent a few nights pondering my vows, and I knew Micah had been agonizing over his as well. Hopefully, I’d found the right words to show him my love. Well, he knew, but I still wanted to get it right.

  Greg fell silent and looked at me.

  I cleared my throat, turning toward Micah. Taking both of his hands in mine, I began to speak. “Baby, the day you walked into my life, completely lost and sad, was one of the luckiest days in my life. I see that now. Back then, I was also lost and sad, mourning my
former life.

  “But with you, I found back to the light, back to living my life, and back to happiness. I never expected it, but you were the best gift I ever got. I’m not a man of a lot of words, so I’ll stop here, with just the words: for the rest of our lives, I’m going to do everything I can to make you happy. Because you’re my reason to live, baby. I love you.”

  I paused, looking at my baby. His eyes were watering, but he held the tears at bay.

  My own throat was tight, choked up with all the emotions running through me.

  Micah squeezed my hands and spoke, his voice starting out quiet but slowly getting stronger. “When I met you, I had no idea my life was about to change forever, let alone for the better. You took what should’ve been a terrible night and turned it into one of the best I’ve ever had, and it only led to more perfect days and evenings with you.

  “I never thought I’d fall in love with someone who understands me and supports me so completely. I didn’t really think that someone like you existed, let alone that I could ever have you. But you found me, and you kept me, and you made me feel loved in ways no one ever has before.”

  Tears were trailing down his cheeks then, and he struggled to keep going.

  “I don’t have the words to thank you for that. All I can say is that I love you, and I’m so honored I get to spend the rest of my life with you. Thank you for loving me.”

  I carefully wiped the tears from his eyes, then kissed him softly while our guests applauded behind us. There were a few chuckles, and I turned to see Finn walking down the aisle with Snowflake on a leash.

  He’d gotten a trip to the groomer, and now his white fur seemed to glow in the sun. Around his neck was a broad black ribbon with a little box on it. Finn tried to lead him carefully through the chairs, but once he spotted Micah, it was more of a struggle to hold him back. He scrambled for my baby, nearly knocking him over.


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