Racing Dirty

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Racing Dirty Page 12

by J. Lynn Lombard

  “You good?" Xavier asks me.

  I nod my head, my eyes drifting down to the bulge in his jumper. He swallows hard when he sees where my eyes wander too.

  “We need to load your car up and I have to get mine ready.” Xavier’s rough voice turns me on more. I exhale and bring my eyes up to meet his. He has a smirk on his face, he knows what’s going through my mind.

  “Ok, guide me in." I tell him. My heart beating rapidly as he leans closer to me.

  “That’s your job B, guiding me in.” He growls in my ear. I shiver.

  “Well, get on with it so I can. I’ll guide you in any which way you want.” I say breathlessly.

  Xavier leans into my car and nips my ear. “I’ll hold you to that.” he whispers.

  My breathing becomes erratic, my chest heaving, and my heart’s thumping in my chest as he pulls away and walks into the trailer. I watch his tight ass as he leaves, licking my lips.

  Nolan approaches my car from the shadows and knocks on my door, causing me to jump.

  “Move it along, Izz.” he laughs.

  “Jesus, you’re a sneaky fucker.” I reply, my heart in my throat.

  “If you only knew.” Nolan whispers. I see something painful cross his face, but it’s gone before I can ask him what’s wrong.

  I start my car and flip Nolan off as they guide me in the trailer. When I get to the spot they want it, I turn the engine off, and climb out. Xavier’s hands are strong as he tightens up the tie downs. He stands up, looking at me with lust and pride.

  “I gotta get out there.” Xavier says.

  I nod my head and follow him out of the trailer. He checks under the hood of his car and the tires before he gets in. Checking to see if anyone fucked with it. When he’s satisfied he grabs his helmet, tucks it under his right arm and pulls me into him with his left. He kisses me hard, leaving me breathless.

  “I love you B, I’ll see you in a little while. Please stay with Nolan.” Xavier pleads.

  “I will.” I answer back. I’ll do what I can to put Xavier’s mind at ease while he’s out on the track.

  “Thank you.” Xavier says as he puts his helmet on. He climbs into his car and gives me a wink. His long dark lashes cover his piercing blue eyes.

  “I love you too, X. I’ll see you on the other side,” I tell him before he drives off. I've always told him I'll see him on the other side. To me, it means no matter what happens out there on or off the track, I'll be waiting here for him to return to me safely. If something does happen to him and he doesn't come back, I'll be waiting for him wherever he goes.

  Even as kids I’d say that to him, it was my way of telling him I loved him without saying it. Someday I’ll tell him what it means, but not until he tells me why he calls me B.

  Xavier fires up his car and the engine purrs. The vibrations from the beast sends tingles through my body and I want to say fuck the race and take me home, but I hold back. I really want to see him race tonight. He drives off, giving me a final wave. I wave back, a smile gracing my lips. Nolan walks up next to me.

  “You ready to watch your man race, Izz?" He asks.

  “Yeah Nol, let's go watch my man race." We make our way up to our spot, my heart thumbing in my chest. I’m a ball of nerves. Once all the cars line up, I see Xavier in the third position back. Two other people had better times than he did during qualifying and I hope it wasn't because of me. I bite my bottom lip with worry as Mia finds us and stands next to me. Christian is behind her.

  “It’s not you Izzy,” Mia says.

  “What's not me?" I ask.

  “Xavier's position. He always does that. He always lets someone else take the pole. It gives him more of a challenge to have to get past these guys and win."

  They do another lap around the track, getting the cars warmed up before the green flag. I watch as he goes by, his hands are tight on the steering wheel and his body is rigid. He’s in the zone. I know that look all too well. Nolan is standing on the other side of me and I look up at him.

  “Nolan, I have something I need to say to you while we have a minute.” I tell him.

  He turns his head and looks at me, questions in his eyes.

  “What’s up, Izz?" He asks.

  I’m trying to find the words I need to say to him. “I’m sorry, Nolan. I’m sorry for leaving like I did and not keeping contact with you or anyone. You’re one of my closest friends and I shut you out completely. I shut everyone out. I was an idiot and my stubborn pride got in the way of my friendship with everyone. I hope you can forgive me."

  He turns his body toward me, his brown eyes bore into mine. “Izz, I was never mad at you. I was pissed about you leaving like you did, without talking to anyone. I was hurt yes, but never mad at you. I really thought we all would be together forever, but life throws us curve balls. All we can do is forget about the past, move on in the present and dream about the future."

  I smile at him and nudge him with my shoulder. “When did you get so smart?" I tease. He smiles back and turns towards the track. “I’ve always been smart, but it’s more fun to be smart ass.” I laugh.

  “You definitely have that down. Thank you for being here for him and being a great friend to him these last five years."

  “I’ll always have his back. I’ll always have yours too. Now quit getting all sentimental on me and be prepared to lose your voice yelling for your man instead of yelling in the heat of passion."

  My face turns red and I swat him in the stomach. “You’re such an ass!" Nolan throws his head back and laughs.

  Watching him, I can see the carefree smile he puts on. Beneath it there is something missing, something I can’t quite put my finger on. There’s more to Nolan Ryan than he lets any of us see.

  I turn my attention back to the track and watch as the flagger drops the green flag. The cars all come to life, the smell of performance fuel fills the air. Xavier gasses his car, they’re all bumper to bumper when they come into turn one and two. Excitement passes through my body as Xavier drifts hard to the left, passing us by in a blue blur. I watch as he shifts, coming out of turn two and shoots ahead of the second car. He comes into turns three and four, cranks his wheel and takes the inside of the turn. He smoothly pulls out of the drift, his tires squeal in protest. He shifts again and shoots off around the pole position car, taking him over before they reach turns one and two. His car is extremely fast, and I can tell he hasn’t even used all the horsepower under the hood. I scream and cheer him on as he pulls away from the pack, the pole car hot on his tail, as they take turns three and four again.

  The race goes on, lap after lap, the track is filled with dirt, excitement, and adrenaline. Xavier has held the lead through the whole race. Mia is cheering right along with me, her voice is hoarse like mine by the time the drivers reach the final lap.

  He’s passed several cars, lapping them in the process. Mia’s hold on my hand is so tight, there’s no circulation to my fingertips. When Xavier comes out of turn two next to us, the car in the pole position to start with, is still on his ass.

  The car rams the rear of Xavier’s car just before he hits turn three, causing him to lose control. He gains control of his car back and guns it, passing the pole guy again. My adrenaline’s pumping, my temper is flaring at watching the asshole hit my man, trying to get him to spin out.

  Xavier must have expected the next move because when the guy backs off a little and comes up behind him in turn four and tries to do it again, Xavier steers his car to the side creating a gap and the guy to misses. He spins off into the middle of the track.

  Xavier is the first to cross the finish line, winning his feature and the crowd goes wild. He passes us and gives me a little wave. I wave back and when there’s a break in the cars heading into the pit, I run across the track to greet him.

  I reach him just as he’s getting out of his car and throw myself at him before he even has his helmet off. He brings his hands around me to catch me and spins me around. I laugh, my body humming
with excitement. Watching him race still turns me on and all I want to do is take him home right now. Xavier finally sets me down and removes his helmet. He kisses me hard, just as the announcer reaches us.

  “Hey there race fans. I’m here with our fourth-time winner this season so far, and undefeated champion from the last 6 years, Xavier Sweeney." The announcer booms into the microphone.

  The crowd in the stands cheer, a smile breaks across my face as I step back, so Xavier can talk to the announcer.

  “Mr. Sweeney.” The announcer’s voice is serious. “Tell me, what was your motivation tonight? I have seen you race several times, but tonight was different. Instead of pain and anger, you raced with heart and motivation."

  Xavier’s blue eyes lock onto mine as he answers. “Well Joe, I’d say it’s because the love of my life came back. She makes me want to be a better person and she supports me to be a strong racer. Knowing she is here watching me, gives me a bigger push to driver faster, drive harder and not give up. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and get her." The crowd cheers as Xavier walks away from the announcer and toward me. There is a glint of passion in his eyes when he reaches me, and I sigh.

  The announcer continues, his voice is a distant memory as Xavier kisses me. “Well race fans, the winner of our Super Late Model UMP class again tonight, Xavier Sweeney. Let’s give him another round of applause." Cheers and cat calls erupt from the stands. Xavier breaks the kiss, leaving me breathless and wanting more. He smiles at me, his dimple making an appearance.

  “Ready to go home?" He asks.

  I nod my head, words won’t form from my brain as he takes my hand and we walk to the side of his car. He poses for a few pictures and then pulls me into one and I stand in front of him, smiling for the camera.

  When the photographer’s finished, Xavier picks me up and carries me over to the passenger side of his car. He sets me inside and kisses me again. I whimper into his mouth at the onslaught of his tongue. Xavier barely pulls away and he shudders.

  “Woman, we’re not going to make it home if you keep making noises like that,” he chuckles. His hot breath fanning against my lips.

  “I’m good with that.” I reply.

  Xavier pulls away and walks around the front of his car. I lick my lips as I watch his muscles tense up with passion. He never takes his eyes from me until he climbs into the car.

  Feeling bold, I grab his hard cock as he slides into the window. My move makes him pause for a minute when he settles in his seat. I rub him over his jeans and he lifts his hips, pushing into my hands. He lets out a harsh groan and covers my hand with his, halting my movements.

  “B, with as good as that feels, I can’t get you home and under me if you keep doing that and I’d rather have you holding onto my cock with your pussy and not your hands.” His voice is husky with need.

  I shudder. “So get driving, X." He starts his car and drives into the pits. I climb out when he reaches the trailer, so he can pull his car in. Nolan and Christian are inside the trailer, waiting for him to pull in and I walk over to Mia standing in front of the trailer.

  “Hey, what’s your plans for tonight?" I ask her. We walk over to the side of the trailer and I open the storage box. I take my jumper off and fold it up to put it inside.

  “I think I’m taking Christian home. We’re going to get a drink when we leave here first, but who knows. The man can’t keep his hands off me and let me tell you, he knows what he’s doing with his tongue.” Mia answers on a sigh.

  “Just be careful. I know you’re looking for love girl, but please don’t do anything rash.” I plead with her.

  “Yeah, I know. I just feel special with him. He doesn’t judge me and seems to accept me for who I am. I’ve been crazy all night. Cheering you and Xavier on, and he didn’t try to hold me back or make me stop. If anything, he was just as into the races as I was."

  “That’s good Mia, it’s what you need but please just be careful.” I give her a hug.

  Mia has had bad experiences with men. She can’t seem to find a good one that sticks around. When she gives her heart to someone, they always crush it.

  The last guy she was with didn’t only crush her heart, he tried to crush her spirit. I felt bad when she called me, sobbing on the phone and I couldn’t be there for her to hold her, sooth her during her time of need. Being a thousand miles away, all I could do was talk to her and help her through it on the phone. We stayed up for hours and I will never leave her again. She needs me just as much as I need her.

  Xavier approaches us having our moment, his eyebrow raised, as I wipe a tear from my eye. He wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my neck.

  “Ready to go?" Xavier asks.

  “Yeah, I’m more than ready. I have to do something first though,” I answer.

  I walk away from Xavier and approach Christian. “Can I have a word with you?"

  Christian nods his head and we walk away from the trailer. Xavier’s eyes are burning into my back, watching us. I turn to Christian when we’re away from everyone. It’s time to play the BFF card. Mia is falling hard and fast in just a few short hours.

  “Listen up. I know you’re an officer of the law, but I don’t know anything about you personally. That girl,” I say pointing to Mia. “Has been through too much to be strung along. If you aren’t in it with her full force, I suggest you let her down gently or not only you will have Nolan and Xavier to deal with, you will deal with me. I might be sweet, but if you fuck with my best friend, sweet goes out the window and you get the crazy bitch side."

  Christian clears his throat. “I don’t know where this is going with Mia. I really like her, but I don’t know where we will end up. She makes me smile. I haven’t smiled or laughed this much in a long time. In my line of work, I’ve seen so many horrible, unexplainable things out there, it’s nice to just be able to let go and not worry. It’s hard to describe the way she makes me feel." I step closer to Christian, looking him dead in the eyes.

  “Christian, all I have to say is don’t play mind fuck games with her. She loves quickly, and she protects those she cherishes."

  Watching him struggle for words, I turn and walk back to Xavier. Christian goes over to Mia, putting an arm around her shoulders.

  “Ok, now I’m ready.” I tell Xavier.

  “Everything ok?" he asks, nodding his head in Mia and Christian’s direction.

  “Yeah, everything is good. I just had to warn him that if he is playing games, my crazy bitch will come out and he won’t like it,” I answer, shrugging my shoulders.

  “He will learn soon enough not to fuck with my woman’s best friend if he is playing games." Xavier laughs as he brings me closer to him.

  “Say that again.” A shiver wracks my body when he said that. He raises an eyebrow, “Say what?" he teases.

  He knows what I want him to say, so I swat him in his hard stomach. He lets out a grunt and laughs. He brings his lips to my ear creating another shiver down my spine.

  “My woman,” Xavier whispers. My body breaks out with goosebumps and I let out a groan.

  “I love you, X,” I say against his lips.

  “I love you too, B." He kisses me hard, taking my breath away. We break apart from the kiss. My breathing is shallow and erratic. A dull throbbing is between my legs and I can’t wait to get him home. We say goodbye to Nolan, Christian and Mia. I give Christian my best glare and he nods his head at me. He’s got my point.

  We make it to Xavier’s house and barely through the door when Xavier rips my clothes off. We make love all night long, passion and adrenaline pouring from our bodies. Rough and fast, sweet and slow, making up for years of being apart.

  Chapter 21


  It's been over two weeks since my father’s accident and he still hasn’t woken up yet and it’s taking a toll on me. Xavier is taking me out on a date tonight to our favorite Italian restaurant.

  He dropped me off at my house late this afternoon, so I could get ready. H
e’ll be here around nine, and it’s eight o’clock now. There haven’t been any more leads to my father's accident and we are all starting to relax a little.

  Last night’s race went well, and I won my feature again. We went back to his house and had hot, crazy sex. I take a deep sigh thinking about the many ways Xavier made me scream his name in passion. From his mouth to his hands, to his big cock, that man knows how to use all his assets.

  Now I’m all worked up again as I get into the shower. The steam surrounds me as I lather up, imaging Xavier’s hands all over me again. These past two weeks have been pure bliss, full of love, racing and great sex.

  As I turn off the shower and start to dry myself off I hear a loud thump coming from down stairs. My heart’s beating quickly as I quickly throw on a pair of black yoga pants and a dark blue tank top. I quietly open the bathroom door when I hear another thump and a curse. It’s a male voice downstairs.

  I sneak to my room, quietly close my door, and lock it. Panic is setting in as I grab my phone from my dresser. No one has a key to the house, not even Xavier. I make my way quickly into my walk-in closet and hide in the back behind a bunch of clothes hanging up. I dial Xavier’s number with shaky hands.

  My heart is thumping loudly in my chest as I pray he picks up. I hear the stairs creak, whoever is in my house is making their way up them. Footsteps pause at my door and I hear the handle jiggle as Xavier picks up his phone.

  “Hey babe, miss me already?" Xavier says in my ear. I can’t answer him right away, fear gripping my voice. “Izzy, are you there?" Xavier asks, his voice is laced with worry. I finally find the courage to talk as the doorknob rattles again.

  “X, please help someone’s in here.” I whisper into the phone. I hear him move around on the other end.

  “I’m on my way. Stay on the line with me. Where are you?"

  “I’m in my closet. Hurry whoever it is, is trying to get in my room." Tears are in my eyes as the door rattles again and a curse follows. I jump as they slam their fists into the door. “X, please hurry.” Pleading in my voice.


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