Take a Breath (Take 1)

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Take a Breath (Take 1) Page 3

by Jaimie Roberts

  Chapter 4

  We both get in to work and all eyes are upon us as we walk in. Jake nods in my direction and I head off to my desk. Jessie is sitting there smiling expectantly. “So Miss Thang, why are we late this morning, did someone keep you up last night?” I flop in my chair. “Babes, what’s wrong?”

  Obviously seeing the sullen look on my face and concerned look on Jessie’s, I have no option but to tell her. “My mum has gone again.”

  She looks confused, “Ana, what do you mean your mother’s gone again?”

  I let out a heavy sigh, “She’s done it again, taken all her things and gone, vanished without a word or note, nothing. Jake tried to call her but she has disconnected her phone. I don’t think we’ll hear from her again.” Jessie looks taken aback.

  “Shit Ana, what a bitch. Oops, sorry girl but that’s harsh.”

  I smile at her, “Don’t worry about it, I feel the same way. I’m used to all this by now. I feel terrible to admit it but I’m actually relieved she’s gone, I’ve dealt with so much of this shit from her, and now I’m done. I just feel so bad for Jake and Matthew for making them think we were all one big happy family.” She doesn’t deserve a family. Jessie looks at me like she’s unsure whether to believe me or not. “I’m fine, honestly, so what’s the latest on this killer?” I quickly change the subject to avoid any more uncomfortable questions.

  “Nothing really. It’s very frustrating; he’s very shrewd and doesn’t leave any DNA evidence. The psycho knows what he’s doing. The guys are working night and day to try and nail this asshole. The good news is all the blondes were safe last night. No more killings.”

  I straighten up, “Talking about last night what happened after we left the bar?”

  She shrugs, “Not much really, Tom and I stayed another thirty minutes after you left, went home to bed and now I’m here, very uneventful compared to your night I believe.”

  I give her a grin, “Ah, but tonight may change that with Mr SHOW ME THE MONEY!”

  Jessie laughs and slaps me on the arm, “Stop Ana, you’ve put that in my head now, how am I going to be able to look at him tonight over our fettuccine?” My eyes widen, “Ahh, Italiano this evening then Miss Lindsay?” She smacks me again excitement sparkling in her eyes.

  “He’s taking me to that new Italian restaurant in Reston. I’ve forgotten the name but the food there is supposed to be to die for.”

  I raise my eyebrows, “Lovely, well you must let me know all about it.” I pause, “Well, maybe not all the details.”

  Jessie gasps, “Ana, I really do not know what you mean.”

  I look at her perplexed. “Come on Jessie, it’s me you’re talking to now.”

  She gives me a big grin, “Well, he may get a little something, something.”

  I laugh, “That’s my girl.”

  The rest of the day goes by relatively quickly and I’m away by 6pm with Jake in tow leading the way. He seems very quiet with me now, back to how it used to be. Most of the journey is made in silence until we are out of the car and settled in the house.

  “Ana?” I whip round to face him. “I’m having a couple of days off still despite what has happened.”

  I remember him taking this time off as he was supposed to go away with my mum for a couple of days to Williamsburg.

  “I’ve cancelled everything at Williamsburg and I’m staying here. I’ve decided to have a barbeque two weeks on Saturday, will you stay for that?”

  I feel the weight of sadness come across my face thinking of the chaos my mum has caused, “Of course Jake, what time are you having it?”

  He grins, “Around 4pm, should be a nice day. Matthew will not be here that weekend as he is going camping with a few of his friends. Clive’s dad is taking them all. They won’t be back until that Sunday afternoon.”

  I grin, “Matthew will enjoy that, thanks for the invite. I’ll look forward to it.”

  He lets out a sigh, “Good, well I’ll invite a few from work and I’ll be off from the Friday before so gives me time to get things organised.”

  I nod in agreement and set off up the stairs to my room.

  Chapter 5

  The next few days go by quickly and Jake was doing his best to avoid me but then that was not an unusual occurrence. Jake threw himself into work and I took my time out running to let off some sexual tension. The days Jake were home I went out with Jessie, so not much contact came between us. However, the last few days into the week started becoming stranger and stranger. It was Saturday and I decided to go for my morning run. I woke up at 8am and I don’t know why it happened like that but it did. My body must have felt it had enough sleep. Normally I like to lie in on my days off but today I woke up bright and early and full of energy, so I had to let off some steam. Jake was already up and out for the day and Matthew was getting ready to spend the night round his friend Clive’s house, so I knew I would have the house to myself when I got back. Everything was normal as I said goodbye to Matthew and wished him a great time round his friend's house. The run was pretty non dramatic and straight forward; it was when I got back that things started getting weird.

  I came home and I switched my shower on but nothing happened. It started to play up something chronic and I don’t know why all of a sudden it wasn’t working. I had to have a shower though because the heat was getting to me like nothing else and the sweat was pouring off me. I was wondering what to do and thought it best to use the family bathroom down the hall. No one was in so I could basically do what I liked. I made my way over to the middle of the landing holding on to my towel and toiletries. The poor bathroom felt unused. I bet no one has ever been in it before. The lovely marble sink is ready waiting for me just at the door, with the shower tucked neatly in the corner. To the right was a huge Jacuzzi bath that looked inviting, but it’s probably best I don’t use that as it may make me as sexually frustrated as I felt. I slipped open the glass door to the shower and turned on the faucet. Once the water felt tepid I slid the towel down to the floor and walked in. The water was lovely. I stood there for a while with my eyes closed just savouring the moment. I turned round to wet my hair taking in just how good this all felt. I put some shampoo in my hair and starting lathering. Once rinsed I went to work on the rest of me. I trailed my hand down across my breast and squeezed my nipple. I pushed my head back eyes still closed fantasising that Jake was here with me touching me, caressing my whole body. I pictured an image of his lips and the way they curved up into the sexiest smile I’d ever seen on the planet. I placed my hand down towards my sex and squeezed ever so lightly. My heart racing I go to work rinsing off the rest of the suds tracing my hands across my breasts until my nipples were rock hard. I push my head back one more time to make sure the suds are all out of my head and when I’m satisfied I pull my head back up and open my eyes. My heart skips a few beats as I stare into the eyes of the most beautiful turquoise green. Our eyes are locked for a few seconds, him gaping at me and me feeling like the world’s worst pervert for touching myself up. Why did I forget to shut the door and why did I do what I just did, but above all of those questions just how long has Jake been standing there for? My gasping is what jolted us both out of from our longing stare. Jake quickly about turns and leaves. In my panic I quickly shut the shower off, run out and then I slip going arse over on the bathroom floor. “Shit, shit, shit, and double shit,” I shouted. God my bum was going to be sore later.

  “Ana, are you ok?”

  Jake walks in and I’m still bare ass naked on the floor. Oh how much more embarrassing can this get? He quickly averts his eyes and holds out his hand to lift me up, but he does so with such severity that as I got up, I slam bang into his wonderfully solid chest. If all this wasn’t so fucking totally embarrassing it would be comical. My hair and everything else dripping wet is now soaking the T-shirt that Jake is so finely wearing. He wraps his arm around my waist and holds me up to him. We stare again for a few moments time standing still. The only thing moving are our he
arts beating against each other’s chest. Surely he’s not feeling what I do? I look down towards his lips and can’t help but lick my own in sweet tortured anticipation of locking his with mine. He trails his eyes down towards my lips catching the moment they let me down and gave the game away. I suddenly feel something hard against my groin and I gasp knowing that this is affecting him as much as me. The fire between my legs burn hotter than they could have ever done in that shower, but of course the shower just helped tip me into the horny mush I’m in now. I wait in glorious agony for him to make the first move. I grip his arm, breasts heaving against his chest. How many more hints does he need? His eyes seem to study every square inch of my face and the thought sends me into overdrive. If he doesn’t kiss me soon I think I’m going to explode. Without thinking he seems to squeeze me into him a little deeper and my legs turn to jelly. I’m yours godammit, take me, my head screams. The need for him quickly turns to rejection as he releases me and turns his head, but not before noticing just how erect my nipples are for his touch right now.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...” He’s trying to look everywhere but me now as I frantically grab my towel off the floor and wrap it around me. “Are you ok?”

  No I’m not fucking ok. I feel ashamed as hell, rejected as hell and sexually frustrated as hell. Of course I’m not ok. “I’m fine, thank you for helping me.” He nods his head still unable to look in my direction and swiftly heads down the stairs. How am I going to look him in the eyes now?

  I quickly make my way back to my bedroom to get dressed knowing I’m going to have to face him again soon when the need for food is now overwhelming me. I slip a tank top on and a pair of short shorts and head downstairs, hair still wet from the shower. I walk in the kitchen and find him there eating some scrambled eggs with toast. My stomach grumbles in protest and I quickly notice that the other side of the breakfast bar is another plate of eggs for me.

  “I made you some extra, I hope you don’t mind?”

  I smile, “No, thank you, I’m starving now after my run.” I sit down quickly and start to tuck in. Man, his eggs are good. “I’m really sorry about earlier. I’m so used to not having to close the door to my bathroom that I just forgot. I know Matthew wasn’t here but still, it wouldn’t have been my best moment.” He studies me for a moment whilst eating his food.

  “No, it wasn’t the best idea but an easy mistake to make so don’t worry about it. Why were you using it anyway?” He asks.

  “Well my shower wouldn’t turn on and I must admit I was feeling pretty desperate. I was so hot after my run, so it was the first shower I thought of to use. I hope that’s ok?”

  He chews his food for a moment then speaks, “That’s fine; it’s what it’s there for. There’s probably a faulty valve that needs replacing. I’ll have a look at it before I hit the gym room.”

  “Thanks, that’s kind of you.” I shift in my seat and visibly wince. My ass is really sore. I bet I have a bruise the size of Mount Vesuvius.

  “Are you ok? You seem in pain?”

  I rub my behind a bit to try and ease it a little. “I’m ok, I think I may have broken my ass but apart from that I should be fine.” We both start laughing easing the tension between us.

  “Maybe I could rub some cream on it.”

  The words are out before Jake could even register them and it visibly sends him into total shock mode. I had never seen anyone look as horrified as he just did right now. I sit there fixed to the chair mouth agape staring at him. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat before rising. He looks at me and then looks away and this carries on for a few seconds with me still in complete surprise.

  “Erm, I’m going to take a look at that breast, I mean shower for you now,” and with that he was gone.

  I wanted to gather myself together, grab him and yell, ‘Yes please for the love of god rub some cream on my ass,’ but it was all too late. What I wouldn’t give for him to rub cream on my bottom. The thought sends my fantasies into overdrive. I think I’ll need to take care of that later. The tension is all too much with what has been happening today.

  I decide later that day to go and get some retail therapy. Nothing like buying a good pair of shoes to make you feel better about yourself. I make my way to Reston thinking that going there is a good change to Tyson’s. I seem to spend my life there when I’m not working. I don’t shop much I just like to look around. Saving sucks at times, but today I will make an exception. I have to buy some shoes no matter what they are. Shoes will set me free, that’s what I kept telling myself over and over. After looking in a dozen shops I finally find the most sexy red patent shoes I had ever seen in my life. Someone would have to be confident enough to wear those. Am I that confident? I give myself a pep talk telling my head that I need to live life a bit more and fuck the price. They’re the sexiest shoes I have ever seen and I must have them. I walk into the shop and straight away I’m greeted with a huge smile. Don’t you just love America?

  “Good day ma’am, can I help you with something?”

  I cringe, I hate being called ma’am, I’m 22 for goodness sake. “Yes please, do you have these in a size 8?” She beams at me again showing her brightly coloured train tracks.

  “Great choice, these are always very popular.”

  She disappears for a couple of minutes and comes back holding a box. She places the shoes at my feet as I take a seat on the bench. I slip off my sandals and place my feet in the high heels. I get up feeling taller than I have ever done before and wonder whether I will end up looking too tall. I walk over to the mirror to have a look and that’s when all doubts fade about these shoes.

  “I think they look great on you.”

  I think they do too. “I’ll take them.” I pay at the till not realising they were $130, but I don’t do this all the time, I need to treat myself every now and then. I feel better already. Marvellous what buying a pair of shoes can do the for the soul.

  Chapter 6

  I was out so long that by the time I got back to the house it was already past seven. I walk in the door putting my keys down on the display table and my bag to one side. The smell of Chinese food greats me as I follow it into the kitchen.

  “There you are. I text you didn’t you get my message?”

  Jake is sitting at the table eagerly awaiting my presence. “Sorry no, I must have been driving when you sent it. I always have the radio on when I drive.” He hands me a pair of chopsticks and pulls out some little boxes from the plastic bag in front of me.

  “Please, sit. I got you your favourite, Chicken in Curry Sauce. I hope that’s ok?”

  My tummy growls at me again in anticipation. “No, that’s great. Thank you.” We sit for a while savouring our dinners. I’m feeling happy today for once. I know being with Jake is like torture but I feel comfortable like this with him. He always did have that presence about him.

  “By the way I fixed the shower for you. It was a faulty valve. It didn’t take long to do so your showers should be better from now on.”

  With a mouthful of chicken I try to say thank you. We smile at one another and my heart melts. I’d give anything to jump on his bones right now.

  “Fancy a drink at the bar?” He beams.

  Well, this is a first. “Yeah, that would be great.”

  We finish off our food and clear away all the containers before making our way around past the dining table we never use. The only time we have was on Christmas day last year and that was the first Christmas I had ever felt part of a family. Jake makes his way around the bar and I sit perched up high on one of his stools. He grabs a glass and dish cloth and starts pretending to dry it.

  “So what will the lady be having this evening?”

  I start laughing and my laughter sets him off. “I don’t know, surprise me please barman.” He smiles and brings out a bottle of tequila from the cabinet below and sets down 10 shot glasses. I look up at him eyebrow raised.

  “I think we should play a game. It’s called favourit
e things.”

  My raised eyebrow turns into a frown. “What does that entail then?” He pours the liquid into the glasses and sets the bottle down.

  “Well we ask each other what a certain favourite thing is and if we don’t like the answer, you have to take a shot.”

  I’ve never heard of this one before but it sounds like fun. “Right then, hit me with it bartender.” He hovers over me on the other side of the bar setting his hands against the sides.

  “What is your favourite cheese?”

  I start laughing, “Seriously, cheese?”

  “Yes, come on, what is it?”

  I think for a moment and can only think of one cheese I like to eat regularly. “I like a mature cheddar.” I love other mature things but something like that I’m not going into with Jake right now.

  “Cheddar cheese, that’s your answer?” I nod my head. “That’s crap, take a shot.”

  I gasp at his rudeness but he’s smiling away at me, obviously enjoying himself. “Crap, what do you mean crap? Cheddars very nice I’ll have you know. There’s nothing like a good ole’ English mature cheddar.”

  He shakes his head in disbelief, “You could have said a fine Stilton, or a great French Brie, not Cheddar. It doesn’t sound very interesting.”

  “Well, it’s what I like and I’m not making it up when it’s the truth.” I nod my head once in defiance and pick the shot glass up before knocking it back. The burn is there straight away. “Shit, this is strong.” I barely manage to get the words out my throat is so hot.

  “Hey, language,” he says abruptly.

  I look sheepishly at him, “Sorry. My turn now, what was your favourite toy when growing up?” He smiles triumphantly and I’m suddenly dying to wipe that grin from his face.

  “Well, that’s easy Ana, when I was five my grandmother bought me an action man toy. It was my favourite toy in the whole world and then it became more sentimental to me when she died a few days later. I still have it to this day as a reminder of her.”


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