Take a Breath (Take 1)

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Take a Breath (Take 1) Page 12

by Jaimie Roberts

  Jake sits beside me and holds my hand. I can see Michael and Tom watching our every move. I bet they’re loving this.

  “I have managed to sort out some protection for the evening, so the house is watched. I doubt very much he will do anything if their presence is known.”

  I look longingly into Jake’s eyes. I know he will protect me and keep me safe. Just being next to him makes me feel as if I’m wrapped up in the finest, softest cotton wool known to man.

  “I’m not letting you out of my sight from now on.”

  His piercing green eyed gaze is back on me and I suddenly realise how embarrassing this little encounter must be for Michael and Tom. I grab Jake’s hand, “Listen, I know I now seem to be the pawn in this little game the sadistic prick wants to play and I realise I have to watch my back everywhere I go, but I can’t be watched 24/7 Jake and I can’t ask that of you. You have a job and everyday life events to take care of. You can’t be with me every minute of every day.” Jake huffed, “You just watch me. I’m not given that sick fucker the time of day. He’s made it personal now and I refuse to give him the satisfaction of thinking he can just take what he likes, whenever he likes. He will have to get past me first.”

  I felt like laughing and calling him my caveman, but now was not really the appropriate time. He cares for my welfare and is very serious about the whole thing. I won’t argue with him. There really is no point. I sigh in defeat.

  I look over at Michael and Tom, who seem to have been enjoying a good round of Jake and Ana Table Tennis. I feel exhausted and just want to go to bed and have Jake’s arms wrapped around me all day and all night. I’m overwhelmed and I can feel many eyes upon me and I’m starting to feel uncomfortable. There are many men and women in and out of the house and I just want them all to go away. I know why they’re staring at me. It’s the same reason all the men like to have a sneak peak in an interview room at a rape victim. They want to see what all the fuss is about. It is sick I know, but it’s true. When a woman is raped, they want to see if she is worth raping. Disgusting, but it’s the mentality of people like that at times and I know they are doing the exact same thing with me now. I bury my head in my hands; I just want this all to go away.

  Sensing my frustration Jake pulls at one of my arms, “Look, maybe it is best that you go to my room until this is all over. I’ll take you up and come back down and hurry things on a bit so you can get some breathing space ok?”

  I nod my agreement and Jake excuses himself for a moment to fetch something from the kitchen. It’s the sandwiches he made earlier. He won’t forget about my eating, I have to smile. He gestures for me to follow and I turn to Michael and Tom. “Well, I guess I will see you two soon.” They both get up and give me a hug and try to reassure me that everything will be ok. I nod and can’t help the tear that escapes my eye.

  I follow Jake upstairs, along with the sandwiches I know he is going to force me to eat once we’re up there. I just can’t think about food at the moment, I feel as sick as a dog. Where does that expression come from anyway? Do all dogs feel sick all the time?

  We get to his bedroom and he sits me on his bed as he shuts the prying eyes out.

  “You must eat Ana.”

  There it is again, just like clockwork. “Jake, please I can’t eat right now. This shock needs to sink in a bit first before I can eat. The whole thing is making me feel sick. I can’t even look at food right now, let alone contemplate placing it anywhere near my mouth. Please just leave it there for a moment. I promise I will eat it later, just not now, ok?”

  He smiles, “Am I being overbearing? Sorry. I’m not sure how to cope with this. Instead I just deal with it the best way I know how and that is to try and control everything around me. It’s all I know.”

  He places the sandwiches by the bedside and moves closer to me. Despite the gravity of the situation I am immediately pulled in by Jake’s magnetism and for now it is all I can think about. He faces me and his hand rises up to touch my face. With one finger, he glides down from the top of my head, down past my cheek and under my chin. I shiver at his touch and he lets out a little laugh.

  “Are you cold, or does my touch affect you that much?”

  He cups my face and I lean my head into his hand and gently trail my fingers down from the top of his arm right down to his hand. He seems to have the same shivering effect that I do.

  “Maybe we are both feeling cold in here?”

  I let out a giggle, and a contented sigh escapes me. “I think we both know the answer to that question don’t we?” Can I seriously not get enough of this man? Even if we were locked in a room together for weeks, months, years, I would still not be able to get enough of him. He pulls me towards him and gently kisses the top of my head and strokes my hair behind my back. This is the most tender moment I have ever felt. In the ugliness we are embroiled in, this is the beauty that cannot be denied or tainted. No one, not even the monster out there can take that away now. I move my hands up to cup his face and look deep into those eyes. My heart is pounding and my eyes watering from the enormity of this day. A single tear falls and Jake takes his thumb and wipes it from my face. I can’t help myself as I race to find his lips. His warm, enticing sweet lips that I have laid claim to. At first we are gentle, but soon our breathing picks up and the kissing becomes more frantic. Our tongues are everywhere and our hands grabbing at every part of our bodies. We are both pulling each other closer, as if being this close isn’t enough. It could never be enough. My head is spinning and I’m delirious with all things Jake filling my head, my body, my soul is his. I climb on top of him and wrap my legs around his waist. I find a fistful of hair that I lace between my fingers, as I tug him deeper into our kiss. I can’t help it but the tiger in me wants to be let out. With his hair in my hands I pull him towards me further. He growls at me and scratches my back with both hands, I let go of his mouth and pull my head back in ecstasy as I gasp, my pussy throbbing as if it has never had sex the past few hours. I can’t seem to get enough. I push my head back up and look at Jake, the same piercing hunger in his eyes as my lips find his mouth again. As soon as it has begun it is suddenly stopped by a knock on the door.

  We are both quickly pulled back into the reality of what is happening around us. I jump off Jake causing me to slip and fall off the bed. I start laughing, I can’t help it. Jake is stunned and quickly bends down to help me up.

  “Shit, are you ok? I forgot where I was, fucking shit, fuck.”

  Jake helps me up and I give him a smile. “Jake, calm down, it’s ok. Sit there and I will answer the door. I don’t think you can in your state.” I look down at his obvious arousal and he looks down with me.

  He pops his head back up and smiles, “I’m sure whatever he has to say will kill anything I have going on down here rather quickly.”

  He seats himself on the bed and props a cushion on his lap. I let out a little giggle, straighten myself and answer the door.

  “Sorry to disturb you, but I just wanted a word with Jake a minute. You will be glad to hear that I think we’re nearly done and will be out of your way very soon.”

  A very red and all of a sudden shy agent Marcos is standing not sure where to put himself. He obviously feels very uncomfortable and by the looks of things wants to be away himself as soon as he can.

  “I’ll be out in just a second; I need to use the bathroom first.” Agent Marcos nods and I shut the door. “Oh dear, how embarrassing was that?”

  Jake throws the cushion on the bed, “Not only that, but it is not the sort of thing we should be doing in a house full of unwanted guests. As per usual, I don’t know what came over me.”

  He gets up and takes himself off to the bathroom shaking his head as he goes. I lay myself on his monstrous bed trying to calm my breathing. After a couple of minutes have passed, Jake reappears and looks at me.

  “I have to get out of here right now.” With that he leaves abruptly and I start giggling. I don’t know why I am finding things so fun
ny in a situation that is far from amusing, but I can’t help it. I lie on my back and close my eyes trying to relax. The thrum of the air conditioning is whistling in the background and I sigh, suddenly feeling so tired. For a moment I hear only that sound and concentrating on nothing else. I can feel my eyes getting heavy as I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 16

  I can smell the stench of whiskey fill my airways. It is dark and I cannot see around me, but I can smell all the same. I feel sick. A hand clasps over my mouth as I try and thrust out a scream.

  “You will get what’s coming to you bitch. I’m going to rip your pussy apart and you will love every minute of it. You’ve always been a prick tease and I have yet to claim you.”

  I go ridged as I recognise that voice. I feel the pressure of his body pressed against mine but I cannot open my eyes, why can I not see? I try to wriggle and scream but I can’t seem to move or get any sound out. I hear him laugh and the fear is crippling me. Why is he here, what does he want from me? His hands are everywhere and the weight of him is unbearable.

  I suddenly feel his hot breath on my ear as he whispers, “Ana, soon you will be mine.”

  I scream and kick and punch out of all my might. It's him, that son of a bitch is here.

  Suddenly I feel arms wrapped around me and a soothing voice, “Ana, it’s ok. Ana please, it’s Jake, you’re ok, you’re safe with me. Jesus Ana, please calm down.”

  I’m gasping for breath as my eyes suddenly open wide to a darkened room. Sweat is pouring off me and I can’t escape the tears streaming down my face. The nightmares are back. It has been a couple of years since I had one about Alan and now he is back again taking control of my life. I’m shaking from head to toe. How much did Jake hear if anything? His arms are wrapped around me tightly as he is rocking me back and forth and trying to comfort me. “Please put the light on Jake, what time is it?” He leaves me for a minute and my body feels the emptiness. He puts the light on and comes back to me.

  “Shit, Ana, are you ok, please tell me you’re ok? What was that about?”

  I look at the bedside and see the clock says 21:23hrs. Shit, how long have I slept for? Jake grabs a tissue and wipes my face.

  “I’ll go start a bath for you ok?”

  I look up at Jake and nod still pondering over how much if anything I have given away of my nightmare. He gets up and disappears into the bathroom and shortly after I can hear the water running.

  He later comes back over to my side of the bed. He is completely dressed still so obviously hasn’t been sleeping. I’m wondering where he has been as he strokes the hair away from my eyes.

  “You gave me a heart attack when you suddenly started screaming. You were kicking and your arms were punching the air. You were shouting for someone not to hurt you. You were pleading.”

  A fresh set of tears escapes as I try and gather some sort of control, “I had a nightmare that someone was on top of me and I couldn’t see his face. He had his hand over my mouth and told me I would soon be his. It was a nightmare, that’s all. I think all that’s happened today is just playing it out in my dreams.” Jake sighs and cups my hand with his, “You’re safe Ana; you will always be safe with me. I promise.”

  I smile and suddenly feel better as my sleep frenzied head is disappearing. “Where were you, downstairs?”

  “No, I was right here with you. When they finally all left I came up and saw you sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you, you needed the rest so I sat on the chair and just stared at you. You looked so peaceful. I admit I must have dosed off watching you sleep, as next minute you’re screaming and I’m thinking the fucker managed to get in here and had somehow managed to get to you. I was cursing myself for dozing off.”

  I laugh, “Jake, you have to sleep too, you’re not a robot, you need rest just like everyone. I’m sorry I scared you.” He comes closer and pulls me into his arms. I bury my head in his chest and breathe in his scent. He is so delicious and all mine.

  “You’re not to be sorry for anything, that fucker is the one who will be sorry when I get my hands on him.”

  I pull my head back astounded, “Jake, you can’t take the law into your own hands; you of all people should know that.”

  He heaves a big sigh deflated, “I know that Ana, but I really cannot be responsible for my actions if I find I’m alone in a room with him.” He gets up and gestures to me, “Come, we have a bath awaiting us.”

  I smile up at him and pull off the covers and take his hand.

  “Would Miss Sinclair like some bubbles?”

  I suddenly dance up and down like a little girl the whole nightmare forgotten, “Oh yes please, some Jacuzzi action. I’ve never been in one before.” He looks up at me complete shock on his face.

  “Well, we must remedy that right away and break your Jacuzzi cherry with a bang.”

  I can’t help but chuckle, I’m a little over excited about the prospect of trying this out for the very first time. I stand there watching whilst he pours a little bubble bath in the water and starts the Jacuzzi going. Everything comes to life quickly as the bubbles form everywhere and the sweet smell of Jasmine feels the air. The concentration is high on Jake’s face as he seems to want to make everything perfect for me.

  “Right, I’m popping downstairs for just two minutes ok? I’ll be back in a flash.”

  I nod and smile and then he disappears down the stairs.

  I walk over to the mirror and study myself. I look tired despite the sleep, with purple marks lying under my eyes. My blonde locks now seem to be a wavy mess. What must I look like to Jake? I brush my teeth and splash some cold water onto my face to try and wake it up a bit. I run out into my room and grab a brush and a band to tie my hair. I’m combing through my knots as I walk back towards Jake’s bedroom when I see Jake marching up the stairs with a bottle of what looks like Moet and Chandon and two champagne glasses. I stop in my tracks as I’m pulling up my hair and tying it back. “You know, you didn’t need to go to all this trouble.” He smiles that devilish grin I love so much and my knees nearly buckle from under me.

  “If one is going to have the Jacuzzi experience, one must do it properly you know.”

  I gasp as I realise he is mocking the British accent and I give him a swift smack on the arm. “Eh, don’t take the Michael!” He looks at me offended. “What’s Michael got to do any of with this? I’m certainly building up my case for domestic violence now. That’s twice you’ve hit me, I’m seriously upset.”

  I almost choke, “I think we have forgotten that one smacked ones arse a little earlier and made ones bottom very sore and red.” He cocks his eyebrow at me.

  “Really, one is deeply sorry, here let me rub it better.”

  He comes running up to me as I quickly sprint into the bedroom giggling like an idiot. I make my way into the bathroom where there is nowhere else to hide and turn around. Jake is standing in the doorway drinking me in. He sets the champagne and glasses down by the Jacuzzi and slowly walks towards me. My breath hitches up a notch as I steady myself on the sink afraid my obvious reaction to him is a dead giveaway. He takes me into his arms and kisses me. I melt.

  He traces his hands from around my waist and down to my bottom and rubs it, “And what a nice bottom it is Miss Sinclair.” He gives it a light tap and I jerk. He laughs and pulls away from me, “We have a Jacuzzi to attend to; you have to stop these constant interruptions.”

  My mouth opens and he looks over to me. “Close your mouth Ana, before you catch a fly.”

  He turns around and quickly unhooks the champagne before hearing the great popping sound we all know and love fills the room. He pours two glasses and sets them down by the bath.

  “Now we must undress you Ana, so you can enjoy your first Jacuzzi experience to its full.”

  He slowly creeps towards me and I suddenly beat him to it. I slide my hands up to the little strands of my dress and pull them down. The dress very quickly slides off me and it is then he realises I’m buck naked u
nderneath. He stops and catches himself and the familiar eyebrow creeps up. I give him a triumphant smile as if to say, ‘My job here is done,’ and make my way to the bath. It does look so inviting. Jake with a pained expression offers me his hand so I can climb into the bath.

  “You don’t know how hard this is for me right now.”

  I giggle and set my foot into the bath. It feels like heaven. I can feel the bubbles are massaging my foot, then my other foot and then my legs and finally my whole body, as I sink myself in. I close my eyes and make a pleasing sound and when I finally prize them open I find Jake still staring. “I’m sure you can show me just how hard this is for you Mr Bennett.” I flutter my eyelashes and laugh. I then slowly bring my finger up to my lips and lick it and trail the finger across my bottom lip. I know exactly what I’m doing, but I can’t help myself. Jake growls and throws his clothes off as quickly as I did mine. He steps in arousal obvious for anyone to see and grabs hold of me. He places me on top of him so I am straddling him, feeling his hardness pushing into me.

  “You’re a little sex kitten, do you know that?”

  I sigh as the familiar throbbing sensation arises between my legs. Is my sudden fantasy yesterday about to be realised? I pictured it just like this. Jake turns and grabs a glass and places the champagne in my hand, we clink glasses together and I take a sip. The liquid runs all the way down my throat and can feel the coldness slide down through my chest and into my stomach. It tastes and feels so good.

  “Are we enjoying that Miss Sinclair?”

  I take another sip and place my glass down by the bath, “Oh yes Mr Bennett, and I’m sure I will be enjoying myself much more in just a minute.” He smiles at me as I place my lips onto his. I push myself in closer to him and press his erection deeper into my stomach and he growls that familiar sound I have come to love. He trails his fingers across my back and I arch towards him as my head slides back. I feel him licking and sucking my nipple and the sensation of that along with the bubbles hitting all the right spots sends me spiralling. He places a finger down to my clit and starts rubbing. It is the most delicious feeling.


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