Take a Breath (Take 1)

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Take a Breath (Take 1) Page 16

by Jaimie Roberts

  We both take an appreciative sip of our coffee when Tom walks in.

  “Wow, I walk into a room and see two beautiful women standing before me. It must be all my Christmases and Birthdays rolled into one.”

  I shake my head and Jessie tuts at him.

  “Tom, you really are a slime ball, you know that?”

  He looks offended, “I just paid you a compliment, can’t a guy pay you both compliments?”

  Jessie retorts, “Not when the person complimenting just wants to get in everyone who has a skirts panties it’s not. You’re a male version of a whore Mr Pendleton.”

  I start laughing and Tom just shrugs his shoulders and smiles in defeat.

  “How is Debra by the way? Are you still sleeping with that poor girl? I don’t know what she sees in you to be honest, but I suppose some girls have to get it somewhere. I just thought she’d have better taste.”

  Debra is a patrolwoman and I knew nothing about this. “What else am I not being told around here? Tom, you’re holding out on me.”

  He smiles and winks at me, “Only because the girl I really want doesn’t seem to want me.”

  Jessie puts two fingers down her throat and pretends to gag. “See, I told you the flies would come.” She looks at me and Tom just looks baffled. “Anyway Tom, it would seem Ana has found herself someone who can keep her warm at night a lot better than you can.”

  I blush a scarlet red.

  “Yes, so I’ve seen.” He gets his coffee and walks out the door. “By the way, that colour suits you Ana.”

  I realise he’s talking about me blushing, and it makes me flush even further. Is it that obvious? We go back to our desks and there is a flurry of activity, as people are coming and going outside Jake’s office. I think he’s trying so hard to get this psycho caught, and I know he is deliberately keeping me well away from it all. I pick up my phone to text him.

  Did Matthew get to school ok?xx

  I boot up my computer to get ready for my day and sort my desk putting out all my files in order when I get a text back.

  Yes, he’s fine. Miss u.xx

  My heart explodes and I can’t escape the stupid grin on my face. I begin my text back.

  I miss you too.

  Do you want me to come into the office and show you just how much?xx

  I wait for a response and it soon comes.

  Ana, you’re going to get a smacked bottom if you’re

  not careful. Now get on with your work.xx

  I giggle and realise that Jake is playing hardball with me. I love the fact he tells me off, then leaves two kisses at the end of the text. I sigh and proceed on with my schedule of things to do. I’m engrossed in reading my emails, when I feel a hand upon my shoulder. I jump and look up to find Tony. He doesn’t look very well. “Hi Tony, how are you? Are you ok?” He nods and grabs a chair to sit with me.

  “I’ve just not been feeling too well the last few days. I must have caught a bug or something.”

  I reach up and place my hand on his forehead and as I touch him, he closes his eyes. Maybe that was a little too informal of me under the circumstances, but I can’t help but care. “You do seem to be running a temperature. Have you taken anything for it; I may have some Advil in my bag if you want some?” He shakes his head and slumps on the chair.

  “You’re always looking out for other people and no one is looking out for you.”

  I frown not sure where he’s coming from. “Tony, don’t worry about me I’m fine, always am.” I try to smile as best I can at him, but he still looks sad. Jessie turns round to face us both, “Man you look like shit Tony. Don’t come near me, I don’t want to catch whatever he’s got.”

  I shake my head, Jessie so kind and considerate as always.

  “What? Just saying.”

  Tony gets up to move away, “I hope you feel better soon Tony. Come back to me if you need any tablets or anything.” He nods at me, smiles and walks away.

  “Geez he looks like death. Maybe he knows about you and Jake and he’s heartbroken.”

  I look at Jessie in wonder. “No, he can’t know. Only you, Michael and Tom know around here and you’ve all been sworn to secrecy.” I go back to looking at my computer when Jessie speaks, “Come out after work to Sam’s? Just the two of us. It’s been a while since we had a drink together.”

  I nod and smile. I think Jake will be busy after I’ve finished anyway and I need a ride home. “Ok, that’ll be good.” I pull back to my desk and quickly grab my phone to let Jake know.

  Babes no need to worry if you need to work late.

  Going to head to Sam’s after work with

  Jessie for a quick drink, so you can

  get on with what you need to.xx

  I put my phone back on my desk and I’m just about to start looking through my emails again when I hear this booming voice.

  “Ana, in my office now please.”

  Oops, this doesn’t sound good, what have I done?

  “What’s pissed him off Ana, are you going to soothe the savage beast now?”

  I glare at her and she puts her hands up in surrender. I walk over to his office and open up the door. Jake is sitting there hands clasped together in his chair, face like thunder. What have I done wrong?

  “Shut the door please.”

  I do as he asks and sit opposite him, “Jake what’s the matter with you, you seem agitated.”

  He squirms in his chair and huffs at me, “Agitated doesn’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling now. I got your text and no, you’re not going to Sam’s bar after work.”

  I stand up furious at his demands and his sudden anger towards me. “Don’t you tell me what I can and can’t do. Jessie misses me, she wants to go for a quick drink after work and I said yes, what’s the harm in that?” Jake quickly rises out of his seat towering over me and presses his fists into the table.

  “Sit. Back. Down.”

  I do as he asks as he seems pretty pissed. I don’t want to cause a scene at work but he’s made me so angry.

  “You’re not going out with Jessie tonight or any other night until I know you’re safe, you got that?”

  I try to protest but he puts his hand up, “I don’t want to hear anymore, that’s the end of it. I’ll be finished by 6pm and you will wait for me. Now get out of my office, as I am trying to gain every ounce of strength I have not to come over to you right now.”

  I huff at him and he waves me out.

  “Go, out now.”

  I rush to grab the door and head out closing it a bit too loudly on the way out. Everyone looks up at me and I blush. Oops, way not to cause a scene. Tony suddenly appears from nowhere.

  “Ana, what’s wrong, has he hurt you?”

  I look at Tony stunned, “Tony, no, why on earth would Jake hurt me?” He looks sheepish and rubs his hands on his face.

  “You don’t look happy.”

  I place my hand on his shoulder, “Tony, we just had a bit of a disagreement about something, nothing major. I’m fine; you should be more worried about looking after yourself. Don’t you think you should go home, you look terrible? No offence Tony, but you look like you need the rest.”

  He nods and moves away, “Maybe I will.”

  I walk away stunned at Tony’s reaction to my door slamming and head over to my desk. Jessie as usual is sitting there waiting to hear what had just happened. I sit down in a huff, “When we’re finished after five, we shall go for that drink shall we?” I put my hand up and she high fives me.

  “Way to go girl, what happened?”

  I told her what went down in Jake’s office and it seems to amuse her.

  “I know he has a point to a certain extent, but I’ll be there and so will lots of others. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  I smile, “I know Jessie, and we’re only going for a quick one. He’s so overprotective at times.” Jessie rolls her eyes at me.

  “Yeah, I can imagine that would be a bitch.”

mouth drops, “Are you taking the piss?”

  Jessie snorts, “No Ana, of course not, but what woman wouldn’t want to be made to feel wanted, special and protected?”

  I throw my hands in the air, “Hey missy, whose side are you on here anyway?”

  Jessie puts her hands up in surrender, “Yours, you know that, but I’m trying to be devil’s advocate here. I mean come on, every woman loves that sort of shit deep down, it’s just that we would never admit it out loud?”

  I can’t help but smile at Jessie. Why is she always right? I do hate the fact he’s trying to rule my every move, but at the same time it does ignite a certain familiar fire between my legs. I don’t know whether to hit him or throw myself on the desk and demand that he ravish me. Why do we have to have such conflicting emotions?

  “Admit it Ana, I know you want to go for a drink, but one of the reasons you want to, is so that you can make your ‘Overprotective boyfriend,’ even madder than he already is. You want to goad him for a reaction. You’re going despite the fact you know he will be mad at you. You love it.”

  I inhale a deep breath, “Jessie, you’re supposed to be on the side of women here, power to us and all that. If I just sat here like the good little girl he wants me to be until 6 o’clock, then it shows him that he can boss me about not only here, but in all areas of my life. I’m not giving him the satisfaction.”

  Jessie pulls her chair over to me and nudges my shoulder, “And power to you girl, you show him. I’m all for it, but just be prepared for the consequences later that’s all I’m saying.”

  I swing my chair round, “Oh for fuck's sake, it’s only a fucking drink.”

  I jump at the sound of a voice, “Whoa, steady there girl, what’s only a fucking drink? You’re not going behind Jake’s back with someone are you?”

  I turn around to find Michael hovering over me. “Not you as well Michael? All I’m doing is going for a quick drink with Jessie after work and Jake forbids it, as at the moment I seem to have a target on my head.” Michael winces at my choice of words and gives me a sympathetic smile. It is only then that I see just how good looking Michael really is. He’s in his late twenties, has dark blonde wavy hair and dark blue eyes. His face has chiselled features just like my Jake, but not as roguish as Jake. He’s very tall like most of the cops round here and doesn’t seem to have a chip on his shoulder unlike his partner.

  “Would it help if I came along? I could be your bodyguard for the duration.”

  I look towards Jessie and back at Michael, “I think we’ll be fine Michael. I don’t want to keep you from your work, but thanks anyway.”

  Michael proceeds to pout, “I can take the hint where I’m not wanted.”

  I feel bad all of a sudden, “Oh come on Michael I didn’t mean it like that.” He starts laughing. “You’re a little shit Michael.” I get up and whack him one across the arm. He’s laughing harder, but then suddenly stops and turns looking serious in the direction of Jake’s office. I turn and find Jake staring over at us, with blind fury written across his face.

  “Maybe it’s not a good idea. I’m going back to work, see ya later Ana, Jessie,” with that said, he quickly runs off.

  Jake is still staring at me with those piercing eyes of his, so I quickly decide to sit back in my seat and try to get back to looking like I’m doing some work. Man I’ve really pissed him off today.

  Another ten minutes into work my phone buzzes with a text message.

  I’m seriously either thinking of moving

  you in here, or handcuffing you

  to my bed at home so all the hawks

  around you will piss off. Stop

  fucking flirting!

  Oh dear, he is pissed. Maybe I should cancel that drink if he’s going to get like this. I quickly chastise myself. No, I have to show him that I won’t bow down to his demands. I put my phone down on the desk choosing to ignore his text message and try to get back to doing some work. It is really hard with everything flowing through my head at the moment, what with Jake and this killer out there doing god knows what. Concentration seems to be my weakest point going for me at this present time, the mind is everywhere but work. Maybe I should have taken more time off, but Jake wouldn’t have allowed that. He wants me here where he can see me at all times.

  Chapter 20

  Time at work seemed to drag on and at lunch I was about to head out and grab something, when Tom came running over with some salad for me. He then told me that he had been given orders from the highest authority and to please not leave the building or he will get into a lot of trouble for letting me go. I had sighed in exasperation but did as I was told as it would have caused Tom some heartache if I did. Jake is a smart ass douchebag using other people to enforce his will on me. He thinks he’s being a clever dick, but I’ll show him later. The little imp inside me is fisting the air and I’m suddenly feeling a little turned on by Jake’s possible reaction, once he finds out where I am. Damn that Jessie.

  Later on in the afternoon the forensics report came back from the scene of the crime, which concluded that the victim had been stabbed 27 times with a kitchen knife. The knife found at the scene had unfortunately been wiped clean and so had the room. This meant no fingerprint evidence again. The upside to all this was that in his frenzied attack a hair had come loose on to the victim, which did not belong to the woman. This will hopefully give them some direction now, as before we had nothing to go on. The bad news though, was that Marcos is ordering that everyone in the station be tested, people at the party first to eliminate them all from their enquiries. I felt terrible for that, but there was some hope that we may be a step closer.

  As 5 o’clock came around Jake quickly peeked out of his office door to see if I was still at my desk. I looked at him like I wasn’t amused and he quickly retired back to his office. I rapidly gathered my things and turned to Jessie, “Right, Jessie, are you ready because I certainly am?” She shuts her computer down and gathers her things.

  “Sure thing missy, let’s go.”

  I grab her arm and practically drag poor Jessie out of the station and into Sam’s bar.

  “Wow girl, I guess you really need that drink.”

  I let go of a breath I didn’t realise I was holding and we both start laughing hard as we make our way to the bar.

  “Nice to see such beautiful happy smiling ladies enter my bar for a change. I’m guessing gin and tonics for both?”

  “Yes please,” Jessie says.

  “I’ll have a double brandy on the rocks please Sam.” Jessie looks at me baffled and Sam smiles.

  “I love a girl that likes her hard liquor.”

  He gestures with his thumb up, and winks at me. After placing the drinks on the table, I quickly swig it back and order another letting the burning sensation in my throat die down.

  “Jesus Ana, what’s gotten into you?”

  Sam grabs my glass to pour another shot seemingly impressed that a girl can handle the hard stuff. “Just letting off some steam a bit Jessie. My minds going crazy what with this killer out there somewhere. It’s just a moment's release from it, that’s all. Let me be please?” Jessie squeezes my arm and turns to Sam. “I’ll have the same as Ana then please.”

  I turn to Jessie and we both smile at one another.

  Once the drinks are on the table Jessie raises her glass to me, “Are you ready?” I nod.

  “Fuck ‘em,” Jessie says and we clink glasses.

  “Fuck ‘em,” I repeat back as we both down the glass again and order another. I’m now feeling the slight tipsy effect of the drink and know that the next one must be slower.

  “Jesus, that’s strong stuff. We’ll be off our heads within a few minutes, if we’re not careful.”

  Just then I feel a presence behind me and I look round.

  “Hi Ana, long time no see.”

  I stare into the eyes of my last and only one night stand. “Hi John, how are you doing? John this is Jessie, Jessie, John.” Jessie gets up a
nd shakes his hand.

  “Oh you’re the John.” John smiles and I elbow her to shut up.

  “I hope whatever Ana has told you, it has all been good?”

  Jessie spits her drink back in the glass and coughs. I quickly try and change the subject, “Not working today then John?”

  He shakes his head, “I was actually hoping to bump into you. I’m just here with a couple of mates Trevor and Jackson.”

  He points to a couple of men sitting at a table and we give them a wave. They then take that as their cue and make their way over to us.

  “So this is the famous Ana that you won’t stop talking about. I see your reputation precedes you Ana, you’re a stunner.”

  I shake hands with Jackson who is not shy in making his feelings clear, whilst he pours his eyes all over me.

  John thumps him in the arm, “Knock it off Jackson.”

  I then shake hands with Trevor, who seems very shy, and Jackson then quickly turns his attention to Jessie.

  “So, how have you been Ana?”

  I nod and sip my drink, “I’m fine thank you just same old, same old. What about you?” Same old couldn’t be further from the truth, but I didn’t want to get into details with John about this.

  “Well, ok, but you see I have this problem. I really like this girl and I’m not sure what to do about that.”

  I sag my shoulders, “John, is it about me because I can’t…”

  John interrupts me, “Yes Ana, it’s you. I can’t stop thinking about you since that night. I kind of feel bad because I did take advantage of the situation, but only because I wanted you so much, not because I’m an asshole or anything. I felt even worse when Mr Bennett showed up at my apartment and started shouting at me. Boy is he intimidating.”

  I wince inwardly for him. “I’m really sorry about that Tom, I only recently found out myself that he did this.”

  He smiles, “It’s ok Ana; I felt I deserved it to be honest. I thought it was a good idea to stay away from you for a while until the dust settles, but I haven’t stopped thinking about you. I want us to hang out Ana. Wait, I’m not doing this right am I? I mean, I want to ask you out you know, on a proper date. I really do like you. A lot.”


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