Take a Breath (Take 1)

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Take a Breath (Take 1) Page 19

by Jaimie Roberts

  Chapter 22

  “Wake up sleepyhead.”

  I don’t want to move, I’m happy lying just where I am thank you.

  “Ana, you have to wake up now so we can get ready for Matthew’s match.”

  He snuggles up and trails kisses from my cheek to my neck, which suddenly spurs my attention.

  “You were talking in your sleep.”

  Now that got my attention. I shot up, “What did I say Jake?” Seeing the horror on my face he starts laughing.

  “Whoa there tiger it was nothing bad. You were talking about me.”

  Oh god, what did I say? I can see he looks very pleased with himself about something. “Jake, are you going to keep me in suspense here all day or are you going to tell me?” He lies on his back, same silly grin on his face and clasps his hands together, twiddling his thumbs.

  “I think I’ll keep it to myself. I would prefer to hear you say those words when you’re not comatose.”

  I pull on his arm and shake him, and he starts laughing. I’m mortified, what on earth does he know that I don’t? “Don’t do this to me Jake, come on tell me?”

  He looks in my direction, “Nope, no can do. I’m keeping this one tightly zipped in here.” He pulls his hand to his mouth and makes a zipping motion across his lips.

  I feel my cheeks flush with anger, “Jake, you’re such an asshole at times.”

  His smile fades as he quickly snaps up, throws himself on top of me and pins my hands to the bed. I try to wiggle my way out from under him, but he’s too strong.

  “Ana, what have I told you about your filthy mouth? Now, not only are you using bad language, you’re using a bad word to call me, which I cannot tolerate.”

  He smiles down at me and I stick my tongue out at him.

  “Do you realise how much I could take you right now?” He pushes his groin into me and I feel how hard he is. “I can’t get enough, and for some reason having you under my will like this with you unable to move, is quite the turn on I must say. I can do what I like to you and get away with it. Maybe my handcuffs could come in handy one day.”

  I wiggle about from underneath him trying to free myself, but getting seriously turned on at the same time from this bulk of a man on top of me.

  “Like that is helping the situation Ana. You wriggling like that is only making me want to take you more.”

  I frown up at him, “So why don’t you then?”

  He smiles, “Because you have been asleep for three hours and we only have an hour to get ready before Matthew’s practice. Besides, Matthew is only down the hall.”

  I snap up and look at the time and Jake starts laughing. “Jake, get off me we have to get ready.” He releases me and watches me practically hopping around the room.

  “I did try to tell you Ana.” He lies there on his side watching my every move with mild amusement.

  I say a choice few words under my breath as I scramble into the bathroom to run a shower. I need a good wash. Jake enters the bathroom and brushes his teeth whilst he waits for me to finish.

  The shower again feels welcome but Jake’s showers always feel that way especially when he is in it with me. I toy with the idea to ask him to join me, but then I knew that was going to be a non event. I turn off the shower and Jake passes me a towel.

  “Matthew wanted to know if I would let him go out with a few friends after the match for a couple of hours.”

  “Ok, what did you say?” I ask.

  “I said yes, but told him as it’s a school night he must be back by 11:30 at the latest.”

  “I take it they expect to win this match so they are planning their celebrations already?”

  “I expect so yes. I think they’re quietly confident they’ll kick ass. I’m looking forward to it.”

  I smile, “So am I.” I start towelling myself dry.

  “Do you want some help with that?”

  I take the towel away and spank him with it. “If you carry on anymore we will never get moving.” I walk over to the drawers and put some white lace panties on. Jake is watching my every move. I look and notice that there is something twitching in his trousers. He finds me staring.

  “You see what you do to me? You’re as sexy as hell. I’ve never seen breasts that phenomenal.”

  I blush and turn to find a dress in the wardrobe. After hunting through them all I finally settle for a white fitted halter neck dress, that hangs just above the knee. I ask Jake to zip me up which he complies.

  “You’re seriously going to kill me in that dress. I just want to push you over that bed, lift your dress up, rip your lovely lace panties off and have you over my bed, like the animal I’m feeling.”

  He gently traces my bare shoulders with his fingers and I shudder. I’m as wet and horny as hell, but I know we can’t do anything. I think the thought makes the situation even worse. I can’t help it. I turn around, “Why don’t you?” He growls under his breath, shakes his head and moves away from me.

  “I don’t want to have a fumbled quickie over my bed Ana when I can have you all to myself later on.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him and try to calm the burning sensation between my legs. The need for him still hasn’t eased one little bit. In fact I think it’s getting stronger.

  We all leave at 6pm knowing it is a very short drive to the school and Matthew should have plenty of time to get ready. When we get there the crowds of teenage pheromones hits you between the nostrils, as we try to make it through the gates and into the stands. Matthew says his farewells and we wish him good luck as he rushes off to get changed. It is packed with people waving Waverly high school red and white flags and cheers are filling the stadium as we search for somewhere to sit. Finally we manage to spot a couple of places on the fourth row.

  Moments later Jake disappears and comes back with a bag filled with sandwiches and it is then I realise just how hungry I am. “You think of everything don’t you?”

  His face guilty he admits, “Well because I didn’t want to leave you, I asked Matthew to make them for us, so I can’t be blamed for how they’ve turned out.”

  It makes my heart flutter at his thoughtfulness and I eagerly take a bite of the ham and cheese sandwich with tomato on rye. It is actually pretty good. I nod my approval at Jake who takes a bite and is about to say something when the crowd cheers at all our players heading on the pitch. It is hard to tell which one is Matthew until I remember he has the number 7, which I manage to quickly pick out amongst them. Matthew is a valued quarterback in his team and has been doing this ever since he was able to walk, once Jake taught him. Jake was also a quarterback in high school so I guess it runs in families. I don’t really follow American football too much but I will know the gist of what is happening. I look across at the board which has ‘The Waverly Giants,’ against the Roosevelt Revels.’ Blimey what a tongue twister that would be when you’ve had a few.

  They all take their positions on the field and as the whistle blows the crowd goes wild. The ball is then thrown back and caught with ease. Everything seems to be going super fast. It is thrown to Matthew and he then sprints to the other side of the pitch. Within moments he has the other team on his tail and he is thrown to the floor, just as he gets over the first line. I shoot up without thinking and shout out Matthew’s name. Lots of people around me stare and Jake is tugging at my dress. My face turns bright red and sit down as quickly as I can.

  “Shit, now I have other dad’s to worry about now.”

  I turn to Jake, “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you’ve certainly made yourself noticeable now, haven’t you? I’ll be fending off more wolves.”

  I wave him off, “Don’t be silly Jake. I did kind of cause a scene didn’t I?” I think I worry too much.

  “You’d make a great mother, do you know that?” The shock on my face was evident. “I’m just saying.”

  He smiles at me gently, not knowing if he has made a mistake coming out with something like that, or whether I will treat i
t as the compliment he was trying to convey. I smile back at him, “Thank you.” The awkwardness pulls us back into the game as Matthew is yet again running the field, getting closer and closer to the end line. He manages to bump out the way a member of the other team as he races on. The crowd is going wild and Jake and I stand up cheering him on. He makes it just in time with a touchdown. Everyone screams and Jake and I hug each other. I see the cheerleaders in the distance dancing away waving their pom-poms and the thought gives me an idea for later. I quickly start planning it out in my head. The game plays on and the Waverly Giants are kicking ass. The results in the end with two touchdowns from Matthew were 28-14.

  The crowd dissipated as we made our way towards Matthew. His face is beaming as we give him a big hug.

  “See I told you I’d kick ass.”

  Jake pulled a face but I patted his head. “So you did Matthew, so you did.”

  Clive comes sprinting over towards us, “Hey Mr Bennett, hey Ana.”

  He looks on at me with a shy expression as a girl suddenly appears beside him, and reaches up to kiss him on the cheek. This little blonde moppet did not like me at all. If looks could kill. Oh dear, don’t tell me she knows about me.

  “Guys this is Stephanie, Stephanie this is Matthew’s dad Jake and Matthew’s…” He scratches his head not knowing what to call me. “This is Ana,” he finally manages. We say hi and she immediately starts drooling over Jake.

  A feeling comes over me I have never felt before and an overwhelming desire to claim him takes over. Without thinking, I grab Jake’s hand and pull him towards me. He looks at me like I’ve grown two heads, but takes my hand anyway. Everyone notices, of course. Clive’s face scowls whilst his friend Stephanie looks at me bringing a smirk to her face. I immediately blush as I realise just how high school I am behaving. I’ve just never had to deal with this sort of thing in my life before. I’m supposed to be a little more mature than this, but I couldn’t help it. Just as I’m mentally chastising myself another girl appears squealing towards Matthew. This girl seems a lot nicer than Stephanie, slim with hazelnut brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. She really is very pretty. She gives Matthew a big hug and Jake and I look at one another.

  “Dad, Ana, this is Cindy.” She gives us both a beaming smile, which I immediately warm to.

  She shakes our hands, “Nice to finally meet you Mr Bennett, Ana. I’ve heard so much about you both.”

  And yet we have heard nothing about you. I glance over to Matthew and raise my eyebrow questioning him and he shrugs his shoulders.

  “It’s nice to meet you too Cindy. Did you enjoy the game?” Jake smiles and Cindy swoons in his direction. Not another one.

  For some reason though, I don’t feel intimidated by this girl. She seems to look at Matthew with the same adoration as I believe I do with Jake.

  “It was great, Matthew was fantastic,” she beams.

  We all say our goodbyes as we head off back to the car congratulating Matthew and wishing him a good evening.

  As we near the car Jake still hasn’t let go of my hand, but he pulls it up towards my face, “So what was this about Ana? I thought we were supposed to be keeping a low profile? Not that I mind I just worry for you that’s all.”

  I go a bright scarlet, “I’m sorry Jake; I don’t know what came over me.”

  He smirks, “Does it have anything to do with Clive’s girlfriend perhaps?”

  Oh he did notice that then. How silly am I? “If I’m completely honest with you, yes. I saw her staring at you her eyes all flickey flickey in your direction and I saw red. I couldn’t help myself. Sorry.” Jake bursts out laughing and pushes me up against the car door as he brings my hand around my back.

  “Ana-Lucia Sinclair, are we getting a touch of the green eyed monster?”

  My face frowns. I didn’t like that feeling it was awful. I know I felt the pain when my mum was with him, but this was different. I feel like he’s mine now so it makes it harder to control. God, if I was a male animal I’d be pissing all over the place. “I might be, a little.” Jake kisses me, hunger setting in.

  “I think I like it. It makes me feel wanted. Now get in the car so I can take you home. I’ve already waited long enough to have you again.”

  I eagerly jump in the passenger seat as Jake starts the engine. Jake is obviously keen to get us back home, whilst I sit there running through my head how I’m going to plan what I have in store.

  Chapter 23

  We get back home, and there’s an air of sexual tension between us. I have to think of something before Jake becomes all caveman on me. “Jake?” I ask. “Yes?” He answers.

  “When we get back, I have a little surprise for you, do you think you could enlighten me?” He looks over and raises that eyebrow.

  “Surprise eh?”

  I nod, “I need to go upstairs on my own so I can get it ready for you.”

  “Can we not go upstairs and let me have my wicked way with you first before I get my surprise?”

  I abolish him, “No Jake, you’re not going to get away with it that easy. Surprise first, no exceptions.” He looks a bit put out, but when we get home he lets me go upstairs on my own, which surprises me somewhat. I know he keeps a pair in his draw somewhere. I go rooting through each one until I eventually come across a set in a box, placed in the top drawer. Heart pumping with adrenaline I now need to get Jake upstairs and get him positioned where I want him without any complaints or grumbles. That’s going to be hard. I grab a wooden chair that Jake keeps in the far corner of the room. It’s perfect for what I’m about to do, although I can’t believe that I’m doing it. I have never done something like this in my whole life and yet Jake seems to bring it out of me. I grab one of his ties and call him up waiting eagerly, handcuffs placed hidden between my legs.

  Jake quickly emerges pushing the door open, he looks at me and then the chair. He’s looking rather confused. “I need you to sit here a second so I can give you my surprise.”

  He huffs, “You know the only reason why I’m doing this is because I’m so intrigued by what you’re up to.”

  He sits dutifully and I pull the tie around his eyes, whilst willing my legs to keep a tight hold of the handcuffs. He jerks and tries to pull the tie off. “You need to be blindfolded for this surprise. Don’t you trust me Jake?” He doesn’t look happy but complies. I can’t believe how well this is going so far. “Right I need you to pull your hands round so you can feel this.” He does as he’s told and I grab his hands. He’s frantically trying to feel for whatever his surprise is, so I quickly click both handcuffs on him in a millisecond and give myself a high five.

  “Ana, what the fuck, get these off me.”

  “Now, now Jake, you’re spoiling my surprise here.”

  He’s seething, “Ana, what the fuck are you up to?

  “You will see in a minute, but for now I must get ready,” I answer.

  “What the hell does that mean? Ana, at least get this tie off me so I can see.”

  “All in good time Jake, all in good time.”

  I quickly make a beeline for the drawer that has my black and red silk Basque with the bows on, and I set about getting ready. I attach stockings to my belt, grab a CD from my room and set it up in his CD player. I then get a top hat, that I knew Jake had in his closet and a riding crop that has been buried in there from his horse riding days. I light a candle, dim the lights and slip on my racy red patent high heel shoes. Right, I think I’m set. Jake is wriggling around in his chair noticing that the lighting has changed in the room, he tries to look around. It is a rather funny but sexy scene in front of me now. “Right, I’m going to let you see now Jake.”

  He huffs, “About fucking time what have you bee...”

  I take the tie from him and he stops and gapes, his eyes wide with lust.

  “What the fuck, Ana you have to let me out of these handcuffs.”

  “Ah, ah Jake.” I shake the riding crop in front of him and he wriggles a bit more. I star
t the music up choosing Feelin’ Love by Paula Cole as it is a very sensual song, and quite fitting for what I have in mind. Jake’s mouth is agape as I dance around the room. This is exactly what I was aiming for. I place the riding crop on my lips and trail it down towards my stomach, and then towards my sex. Jake strains against the cuffs and the thought of him like this turns me on like nothing ever before. I place the other hand above my breast and I squeeze emphasising that I’ve pinched my nipple. I then trail down my hand pointing south towards my sex as I scoop to the floor. I spread my legs out towards him cupping myself. He’s pulling more and more, pain evident on his face. I move across to his bed and with my back against the bedpost, I slide down with the riding crop between my legs. I move it up and down and throw my head back as if in ecstasy. My god this is sexy as hell. Jake just brings the tigress out in me. I move over to him, his frustration seeping through every pore of his features; but it spurs me on to position myself straddling his lap. I pull the riding crop up to my lips and push the tip of it in my mouth and suck. Jake closes his eyes and growls. I am obviously giving the desired effect. I trail the riding crop down from his cheek towards his chest and down to his groin. I spin myself around and bend over in front of him and he strains again against the handcuffs once more. I move my hand around my legs and up towards my derriere and rub around it seductively. I watch his reactions and his face looks like he’s on fire. This was definitely worth the wait. I’ve never enjoyed myself so much. The anticipation of knowing that soon he will be inside me is burning its way deep into my soul. The soul Jake owns hands down. I love this man, want this man, yearn for this man. No one could ever come as close.


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