If We Were Us

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If We Were Us Page 27

by K. L. Walther

  “So if Luke’s Q,” Charlie said now, “that means I’m Bond.”

  Luke and I exchanged an eye roll from our beach chairs; he and Charlie had brought them up here earlier in the spring. There might’ve been X after X on their secret campus map, but I suspected this was truly their spot. They hadn’t forgotten to leave their mark: CCC + LGM was tastefully written on a skylight (meanwhile, Nick and I’d stolen the sixth hole’s flag).

  “No.” Nick shoved his twin. “Bond and Q aren’t a couple.”

  Charlie shoved him back. “Yeah, they are.”

  “Says who?”

  “Certain people on the internet. You should see the GIFs.”

  “Okay, you wish,” Nick said, and trapped Charlie in a headlock. I heard Luke release a deep sigh as they wrestled.

  “You know, Sage,” he said. “I’ve discovered something.”

  “Oh yeah?” I turned to look at him, an eyebrow raised. “What’s that?”

  Then Luke Morrissey smirked at me, and in that deadpan delivery of his, said: “We have terrible taste in boyfriends.”


  My hands are shaking, I am smiling, and my heart is beating so fast. There are so many people who helped make this book happen, and I am so excited to give them the thanks they deserve. Hopefully no music plays me off the stage…

  Thank you to my agent extraordinaire, Eva Scalzo. I know we always joke about our partnership being meant to be (usually with Harry Styles GIFs), but I profoundly believe it was written in the stars. I can’t imagine anyone but you responding to my rambling emails with such care, composure, and insight. You are, without a doubt, the coolest. Should Nick suddenly become available, I will let you have him.

  To Annie Berger, my editor: After submitting this book to you, I crossed my fingers and toes that you would fall in love with it. Thank you for doing just that, and more. Your thoughtful suggestions and comments both stretched me as a writer and made the story even better.

  And to the rest of the Sourcebooks squad, particularly Sarah Kasman, Cassie Gutman, Jackie Douglass, Beth Oleniczak, Christa Désir, Ashley Holstrom, Nicole Hower, and cover artist Kat Goodloe. All of you must have slipped into my dreams to create such beautiful concepts for this book. It is everything I could’ve hoped for, and I’m still in awe.

  I am so grateful to Liz Denton, whose office feels like being wrapped in a hug, and to Sydney Blair: I will never forget the afternoon you kept me after class and told me I had the stamina to someday write a novel, and the way you grinned and said “Good” when I told you I already was. You will always be in my thoughts. I miss you.

  My girls, my beta ­readers! Madeline Fouts, Emily Kovalenko, Erica Brandbergh, Stacy Brandbergh, Kelly Townsend, Hannah Latham, and Margaret Rawls. Thank you for reading and swooning. A special shout-­out to Mikayla Woodley, my library study buddy. “How’d the Hamlet essay go?” you asked at the end of the night, and laughed when I replied, “Hamlet? Hamlet, who? I wrote Luke and Charlie’s first kiss!”

  Michael Atkins, did I ever truly tell you what this book was about while writing it? I don’t think so, but your friendship and “premonitions” helped get me to today. You passed your bar, I passed mine.

  Thank you to House Schenker for letting me camp out in your kitchen last summer. The change of scenery and an endless supply of seltzer did wonders for my writer’s block. I’ll water the geraniums anytime. Delaney, I love how much you love my characters’ humor and heart. Madison, I love that you always want to hear my word-­vomited thoughts and don’t sugarcoat your well-­articulated ones afterward. If I have a problem, you and Oishi have the answer.

  To Trip Stowell, the most epic godfather in the galaxy. Sarah DePietro, I trust your creative eye more than my own, and cannot imagine where this book would be without your input. Kathleen Webber, thank you for writing about me when I’m too modest to write about myself. Josh Walther, for being there when I needed you most. Grandparents, you bring the hype. Thank you for all your enthusiasm and encouragement!

  Hats off to my siblings: Hardy, I don’t care if you think releasing your name is a security risk. You contributed to this story, and I think you’re pretty great. Emily, I know I talk about Bexley a lot (like, a lot), but thank you for bearing with me and reading every word. Your light is so bright, and I love seeing it shine. You inspire me every day.

  Mom and Dad: Thank you. Thank you for building me that dollhouse, for tying my skates, and letting me stay up late to read another chapter. Thank you for filling so many photo albums, for all the Rangers games, and for picking me up when I’ve fallen down. For your unconditional love and support. I know I’ve written so many letters to you over the years, but I am so blessed to be in our family, to call you my parents. I love you both very, very much.

  And finally, to my high school alma mater. This book is not about you, but you are everywhere in it. You made me laugh, you made me cry, and you gave me a collection of memories that will last a lifetime. Bexley may be cobalt blue, but I will always bleed Big Red.

  About the Author

  K. L. Walther was born and raised in the rolling hills of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, surrounded by family, dogs, and books. Her childhood was spent traveling the northeastern seaboard to play ice hockey. She attended a boarding school in New Jersey and went on to earn a BA in English from the University of Virginia. She is happiest on the beach with a book, cheering for the New York Rangers, or enjoying a rom-­com while digging into a big bowl of popcorn and M&M’s. Visit her online at klwalther.com.

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