Cinderella Dreams of Fire (Fairy Tales Forever #1)

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Cinderella Dreams of Fire (Fairy Tales Forever #1) Page 13

by Casey Lane

  His smile was wide and intoxicated. “My boy. Look at how well you clean up.” He whistled loudly. “If I were of a different persuasion, I would have to shower you with affection."

  Braedon sighed. “I'm touched, Falstone. But please don't talk about showering me with affection."

  The hefty knight slapped the prince on the shoulder. “Have I told you lately that you are like a son to me?"

  The prince looked up at the man's bearded face. “You can't have it both ways. You can't say that I'm attractive and also your son."

  Falstone's laughter echoed through the prince's chambers. “They've kept you sober too long, my friend. Your wit is getting almost too fast for old Don Falstone to understand it."

  The knight looked around in every direction. “Where are the drinks? I thought you'd be celebrating your night among the ladies."

  The prince gestured with his chin toward the guards at the door. “My mother's welcome wagon isn't very interested in letting me imbibe today."

  Falstone returned an incredulous look. “I've never heard of a worse atrocity in all my life. And I was married three times!"

  The prince pointed toward his dresser. “You can have all the tea you like. In the last day I've had more tea than my body can handle."

  The large knight wrinkled his face but stepped up to the makeshift bar anyway. He poured himself a small glass of brown, pungent liquid, and revealed a flask from his pocket. He expertly concealed it from the guards' view, helped himself to a mighty portion, and stowed it back in his trousers. He took a sip and smiled. “Not half bad with the right extra ingredients.” He raised an eyebrow. “How goes our demon problem?"

  The prince shook his head. “I haven't been allowed to investigate, so Cinderella has probably had to do it all on her own."

  He squinted. “You still haven't gotten over her yet?"

  "It's been a day, Falstone."

  "Exactly. You are about to have dozens of women fawning over you.” Falstone tried to mimic a waltz as he walked over, but he just looked like his body was twitching uncontrollably. “If these beautiful vixens smell even a hint of love for another woman on you, you have little to no chance to bring them back up here."

  The prince balled up his fist and knocked his knuckles on Falstone's head. “I'm not interested in them. I don't even know if I'm fully interested in Elle, but I need to get in touch with her.” He looked over at the guards by the door. None of them were paying full attention to him and Falstone. He ran over to a small table and began scrawling something on a piece of parchment. “I have a mission for you, Falstone. Secret, royal business."

  The knight's smile grew wide. “My favorite kind of business. What do you need me to do? Drink a foreign dignitary under the table? I'd be great at that."

  The prince finished his message and held it up in the air. After checking it over one more time, he nodded his approval and folded it up. “You're always intercepting my messages. I'd like you to deliver one, instead."

  Falstone nodded. “I can do that. I can certainly do that, my boy. It's about time you trusted me with some secret royal business."

  The prince handed over the message, which Falstone promptly put into his flask pocket. “Find Cinderella and deliver this to her."

  He raised an eyebrow. “Wait. You want me to leave the ball? I had plans for this. I've got my eye on a vintage brandy and several vintage widows."

  Braedon put his hand on Falstone's shoulder. “Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to come back and get the party going when you return. The… drinks will still be here."

  "Very well. In the name of the Prince of Loren, I will fulfill this duty for you. But you may need to give me some more tea on the way out. This is actually quite good."

  Braedon patted his heavyset friend on the shoulder. “That's the spirit. You can have all the tea you want."

  Falstone surprised the prince by spinning toward him and giving him a massive bear hug.

  The prince struggled to breathe in his friend's massive grasp.

  "I'm proud of you, my boy. Your father would be, too."

  Braedon coughed. “Thanks– Falstone– can you– it's a tight hug–"

  The knight released him and grinned. “I just have too much love to give, I suppose. I'll make sure this message gets into the right hands."

  Braedon let as much oxygen as possible into his lungs. “I appreciate that. Goodbye, old friend."

  Falstone dashed over to the dresser, filled his cup halfway with tea, and topped the rest off with his special concoction. “And goodbye to you, Your Royal Highness.” He took a large gulp. “Ahhh. The sweet taste of secrets.” Then he lumbered out of the room and past the group of guards.

  The prince chuckled to himself. “If that message ever sees the light of day, it'll be a miracle.” A flickering light caught the prince's eyes from just outside the window. “Now what the heck is that?"

  Braedon stepped toward the clear glass before him and saw that what glimmered wasn't just a light, it was gold. A bird he couldn't help but recognize flapped its wings and stared right at him. But that wasn't even the most interesting part. The bird appeared to be wearing something around its neck that dangled all the way beneath its feet. The prince had a sneaking suspicion that whatever this object was, it was meant for him.

  Chapter 33

  Cinderella prepared for the ball by sharpening her weapons.

  She loved the sound of stone on metal and the sparks that shot into the air when she moved her blade at just the right angle. Part of her wished she could stay in preparation mode all night long, but tonight would be a confrontation ten years in the making. She felt a presence behind her and turned to see the Godmother staring down at her.

  The thief blew metal shavings off a dagger as she placed it into the third scabbard on her belt. “I think I'm ready for this. All the weapons are in good condition, and I believe I have a strong plan of entry. Did you need anything?"

  The Godmother beamed with pride. “You really have turned into quite the young woman."

  The thief wasn't sure exactly how to react. Her forehead creased. “Is this about the twins telling me everything? I know you had your reasons for not being forthcoming, so you don't need to get all weepy on me."

  "I don't plan on crying; it's just an observation. You're strong, you're smart, and the prince wasn't able to take his eyes off you the second he saw your face. I would have to say that you are a very impressive young woman."

  Cinderella grunted. “If this is your idea of a pep talk, I'm not sure it's working."

  The Godmother stepped into the light. “I'm sorry that I didn't tell you more, sooner. You learned what you needed to learn in the exact order it came. But that doesn't mean it was easy for you, or that it was right of me to withhold that information."

  The thief stood up. When she first entered the care of her mentor, she would have to look almost straight up to meet her eyes. Now, they were nearly the same height.

  "Why did you take me in all those years ago? Was it just to stop Armenia when she rose to power, or was there something else behind it?"

  They heard a small child's grunt from the other room, followed by several whaps against a burlap sack. Hannah was already training to be just like the thief.

  The Godmother searched for the right words. “People who have had a horrible tragedy in their lives tend to gravitate toward one another. It's only when pain is shared that it can be turned into something so much greater."

  Cinderella huffed. “I'm not so sure about that."

  "Prince Braedon might have a different idea than you do."

  The thief gave a sharp chuckle and turned around. “The prince abandoned me. We had a chance to take this on together, but he decided he had to go through official channels. If I had any momentary… feelings for him, his little act of treason surely snuffed them out."

  Her mentor laughed. It was so rare for Cinderella to hear mirth from her caretaker that her chest began to warm.

  The Godmother looked wise as she smiled. “It's never that simple, Elle. If we expect everybody in our lives to be perfect all of the time then we will most surely be alone. But you are not alone, and I have a bit of evidence to prove it."

  From behind her back the Godmother revealed a glowing golden dress. It was the most incredible thing she had ever seen. The thief had spied countless dresses paraded before her by Malina and her stepmother, but she wasn't sure anybody had laid eyes on an outfit quite like this.

  The thief's voice hitched. “I was planning on sneaking in."

  The Godmother walked closer and gestured with her eyes for Cinderella to touch the dress. When she did, she could feel just how silky and smooth it was. It also smelled incredible, as if it belonged at the ball.

  Her mentor cradled the dress like an infant. “The twins spun this dress themselves in repayment for you saving their lives."

  The thief looked up. “How am I going to–"

  "Don't worry, it has hidden weapon holsters built in."

  Cinderella laughed. “I guess they know me after all.” Her hands paused above the dress for a moment until she finally decided to take what was hers. She grabbed the golden garment and prepared to change into it.

  Before she could, the Godmother took her by the shoulder. “I need you to remember something, Elle."

  The thief nodded.

  "Revenge is about hate and anger. If you go into this to help other people, and if you think nothing of yourself in the process, then you may be able to take a much more positive, loving approach. Trust me when I say, it's a lot more fulfilling than revenge."

  Cinderella looked between her mentor's eyes and the dress. She let her teeth press into the inside of her cheek. “Dammit, everything is going to make me cry today.” She grabbed the Godmother in a tight hug and didn't want to let go. Her mentor held her back in a moment the thief didn't want to end. When she finally let go, Cinderella didn't hesitate on her path to the next room.

  When she was alone again, she looked at the dress not like an object of clothing, but like a partner on her most important mission.

  "All right, dress. Let's see exactly what kind of damage we can do."

  Chapter 34

  Beset by bright, shining colors and decadent foods all around her, Kiyara could feel a dark war raging inside. As she smiled and twirled next to her sister Malina, she could sense all the pain, anguish, and grief that her mother had channeled into her on one side of her mind. On the other side cowered the goodness and love that desperately clung to her soul. On the inside, she knew which side was the real her, but it was trapped in a mental prison.

  She no longer looked at her sister as one of the scariest people she knew, but as a rival for the prince's affection. When she laughed with incredible confidence, she was fixated on how the other women at the party looked at her with envy. It made the new additions to her personality crave the adoration and jealousy of others. It was a feeling that was completely insatiable. As her spine stood straighter than it had ever been, Kiyara moved to the music of the violin and saw Prince Braedon from across the room.

  The timid parts of her that remained on lockdown were absolutely terrified. They compelled Kiyara to step away and hide herself among the gathering's wallflowers. Instead, she stuck out her chest and strode in a straight line toward her prey. She could feel her mouth curl in a smile that was nearly too perfect to be believed. She watched the prince dance with another woman. She had dark hair and looked about the same age as Kiyara and her sister. To the new, darker parts of Kiyara, the girl was nothing but a rival to be torn down and thrown to the wolves. While a small part of her could detect the deadness in the prince's eyes, the majority in control chose to ignore that fact.

  She expertly spun close enough to the prince's dance partner to smell the girl's skin. With one twirl, a sharp diamond from one of the rings her mother had given her made contact at the exact right moment with one of the straps of the girl's dress. Nobody saw that Kiyara was the cause of the garment tearing apart. The girl shrieked so loud it pulled Braedon out of his stupor. He jumped back as his brunette partner clutched at her dress and turned red. She walked away in utter embarrassment, with partygoers laughing and gasping at her.

  One down. A few dozen to go.

  Kiyara twirled until her hands were in the prince's. He was shocked by the quick switch, until he recognized the girl before him.

  "Kiyara. Thank the gods. Someone who probably wants to be here just as little as me."

  She smiled an immaculate smile and pulled herself closer to him. “I can't believe you remembered me. I was a mess at that party."

  The prince backed away slightly to provide a bit more space between them. “You were real.” His eyes scanned the rest of the crowd. “You weren't hiding your emotions like most of these people. Some of them are even betting their lives on being able to romance me."

  Kiyara let out a flighty laugh, a sound that had never before exited her mouth. “Romancing doesn't sound so bad, with the right person."

  Braedon turned his attention back toward her. He had a confused look on his face. “You seem different. Are you okay?"

  Kiyara wanted to press herself into him and take him away from all of these awful people, her sister included. She also knew in the darkest parts of her that she deserved to be the future queen.

  "Everything has changed. I'm not the girl who cried all over you just a few days ago.” Her fingers pressed into him. “I'm a woman who's willing to take what she's earned."

  The prince started to let her hand go. “You don't need to be different. Seeing your emotions open up like that made me know who you really are."

  Undeterred, Kiyara tightened her grasp on the prince. “This is who I am. The girl you saw in the garden is gone forever."

  The prince wrenched himself free of her and politely moved to the side. He shook his head. “It's a shame you felt the need to change. Showing who you really were was all that made you stand apart from your sister. All that made you stand apart from everybody else here. Excuse me."

  She watched the prince's back as he left. After the wave of confusion subsided, hate and anger bubbled to the surface. She looked down at her dainty, pale hand, and saw the sharp metallic claws begin to extract themselves from her fingers. She was about to let them all the way out in the midst of the crowd, when Armenia took her hand and begin to soothingly rub the palm.

  "My dear, dear girl. He doesn't understand who we are and why we must be loved."

  Kiyara couldn't let the rage subside so quickly. “He said I was better before. He said I wasn't being real anymore."

  Her mother hushed her. As she continued to stroke her palm, the claws retracted back into her human fingers. “His poor judgment of your character will be the beginning of his downfall. Failure to choose either you or your sister has made quite a different choice for him indeed. Tonight is when it ends. Tonight is when we reclaim all that we deserve."

  The silent part within Kiyara screamed and pounded to get out. It was no use.

  The dominant persona smiled at the thought of retribution. “I feel like I should already start calling you queen."

  The glow of a burning ember lit up Armenia's eye. “Soon enough, Princess. Soon enough."

  Kiyara noticed several guests around her turn their attention to the top of a tall marble staircase at the other side of the room. She watched her mother's eyes stare in a curious manner in the same direction. She followed the path to the topmost step, and her jaw began to drop. A graceful, golden young woman with matching glass shoes took her first step toward the party. The dress was truly captivating, and Kiyara wondered how easily she could kill her own dressmaker for failing to match the sheer beauty of the outfit she saw walking toward them. Even the music stopped when the girl reached the halfway point, her eyes fixed forward into the middle of the crowd.

  Several waves of realization hit Kiyara all at once. The first was that the woman in gold wasn't merely looking at just a
ny point in the gaggle of guests. Her eyes were locked upon Prince Braedon's. The second was that the man with whom she'd just been dancing, who had shunned her embarrassingly, was looking right back. But it was the third point that stung her the most. It was the moment she finally realized that the girl was her lowly stepsister, Cinderella.

  The room was so quiet, Kiyara could hear the individual breaths of the people throughout the room. She wanted to end their unimportant lives, along with the lives of both Braedon and Cinderella.

  She knew that within the hour, she would have a chance to destroy them all.

  Chapter 35

  Prince Braedon forgot how to breathe. For a moment, he'd forgotten how to walk and talk as well. The only thing his body would allow him to do was to stare slightly upward to see Cinderella descending her way back into his life. Even though her attire was a far cry from her thieving cloaks, which in his opinion looked pretty good to begin with, he knew her the moment the rest of the party turned in her direction. When her eyes connected with his across the room, Braedon felt as though the entire ballroom had frozen. As if they were the only ones there.

  He wished that everyone around them would magically vanish, because being alone with her in this moment would be pure perfection. His mother had once told him that she hoped he could find both the perfect partner and someone to fall in love with. He wasn't sure if love was the combination of the fast heartbeat and locked brain that he experienced right now, but the sensation was certainly something new.

  The prince wasn't sure what guided his feet to the base of the staircase, but he was there when the golden woman of his dreams reached the final step. He took her hand and guided her to the middle of the dance floor, where the rest of the crowd had created a path for them to travel. Cinderella waited until the partygoers around them formed a bit of a bubble around the two before she finally spoke.


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