The Initiative: In Harm's Way (Book One)

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The Initiative: In Harm's Way (Book One) Page 28

by Bruce Fottler

  Sam held her tight. “Thanks, Sues.”

  “I want you to promise me that you'll keep our dinner date this month. It's my birthday and I expect you to take me somewhere special.”

  “I'll be sure to have a nice surprise ready for you.”

  “Good,” Susan replied as she released him. “I had better be surprised, but in a good way.”

  “That's my plan.”

  “I'm holding you to that,” Susan barely said through her quivering voice. Her emotions were starting to overtake her. “I've got to get out of here before I say something really stupid.”

  Susan stood up, walked to the door and left without another look.

  Sam tried not to hear Laura's voice echoing in his head.


  Monday, September 11, 1995

  O'Hare International Airport– Chicago, Illinois

  It was a mostly cloudy but warm afternoon as Sam climbed out of the maxi-van in front of a white airliner. It was identical to the one he had flown with Hank out of Burbank back in May. He was shuttled with four other operators to the foot of the stairway where Marcus Elliott and the pilot were patiently waiting.

  “Hey, Sam,” Marcus greeted with a handshake. “Great to see you again. Welcome to Dignosco-Two”


  “This is our pilot, Craig Lucia.”

  A handshake was exchanged. “Nice to meet you.”

  “I understand a last-minute change was made and Hank's ditching us?” Marcus asked.

  “That's correct,” Sam replied as he was handed his carry-on bag.

  “Is he okay?”

  “He's fine. He was called away on a last-minute assignment.”

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Craig said, “but we're set for wheels-up in fifteen. The aircraft is ready.”

  “Good,” Sam replied as he started climbing the stairs with him. “I'll get everyone started on equipment pre-flight.”

  “Colin briefed me on what to expect,” Craig quietly said to Sam and Marcus after they went inside the airplane.

  “I'll trust that you won't hesitate to do what's needed if everything goes south on us,” Marcus replied.

  Craig laughed. “Don't worry about us up front. We used to drive BUFFs over Iraq.”

  “BUFF?” Sam asked.

  “Our fond nickname for a B-52: Big-ugly-flying-fucker. I'll tell you that this bus is a bit more agile than a BUFF.”

  Sam gave a nervous smile. “Look, I've already been through one crash--”

  “Hey, Sam,” Craig interrupted, instantly reading his expression. “My code of flying is simple. I try to make my number of landings equal to my number of takeoffs.”

  “Sorry, just climbing into one of these things again is freaking me a little.”

  Marcus shared a smile with Craig. “Flying isn't dangerous. Crashing is dangerous. You should know that by now.”

  Sam winced. “Yeah, no shit.”

  “Can I get you a stiff drink?” Craig offered.

  “I just gave it up.”

  “Hell of a time to stop.”

  Blanchard Mobile Command Center – Puyallup, Washington

  A black Lincoln Town Car pulled up to a mobile command trailer at the far end of a mostly empty parking lot. Situated at the Blanchard facility close to McChord Air Force Base, it was an elaborate fold-out 48-foot trailer with its own generator. Neil stepped out into the cool overcast of the late morning. A door to the trailer opened and Walt came down the short staircase.

  “Neil? Wow, welcome back. It's great to see you again.”

  “You're looking well, Walt,” Neil replied as they shook hands.

  “Thanks. I couldn't believe what Colin was telling me on the phone just a couple of minutes ago: that you'd be joining us to watch the test flight.”

  Neil smiled. “It's nice to be back. Are Colin and Merrill on their way?”

  “They landed in Tacoma a little while ago. They should be here soon.”

  “Good, would you have a minute to show me around?”

  “I'd be happy to. Dignosco-Two should be taking off from Chicago any minute now and won't be positioned to start for another hour, so this is a great time to show you around. You won't believe what we've done while you were away.”

  “I can hardly wait to see.”

  Dignosco-Two– In Flight

  “We'll be at altitude in twenty minutes,” Craig's voice reported over Sam's headset as the aircraft climbed into the sky. Sam was strapped into his seat at the back, just as he was on the first flight. His eyes were closed and he fought to keep himself calm. Intense memories of the crash abruptly resurfaced, which was something he had not anticipated.

  “You okay?” Marcus asked.

  “I'll be fine.”

  “Maybe this was too soon for you?”

  “I made a promise,” Sam retorted in a determined tone.

  “No problem. The OP is yours when we reach altitude. I'm just here to back you up.”

  “Thanks.” Sam then spoke into his headset. “Craig, can you get me Blanchard Control?”


  There was a pause for a few seconds.

  “Go for Blanchard Control.”

  “This is Dignosco-Two. We're airborne and all systems are normal. We anticipate to start the test on schedule. Can you please confirm if Sentinel flight is in position?”

  “Sentinel flight will be airborne soon.”

  Sentinel-One – Outside of Lancaster, California

  Eva got the go-ahead wave and a quick salute from the ground controller. She throttled up and the sleek X99B lurched forward. The engines surged to a deafening roar on the newly named Angela, which was painted in cursive yellow lettering on both V-tail wings. Eva gave the controller one last nod in her oversized helmet, and then looked to her lucky gold necklace that was allowed to hang in it's usual spot. The matte-black aircraft then pitched up and lifted off the ground like a helicopter, kicking up a dust cloud in its wake.

  “Sentinel-One is wheels up.”

  Blanchard Mobile Command Center – Puyallup, Washington

  Another Town Car approached the mobile trailer and stopped to let Colin out. He waved to a sedan parked nearby as he climbed the staircase.

  “Hello, Neil,” Colin said as he entered the central control room. Walt was still showing off the details of their operation.

  “Welcome,” Neil replied.

  “Hi, Colin,” Walt added.

  “Everything in place?” Colin asked as the door closed behind him.

  “Dignosco-Two is close to position and Sentinel flight is airborne,” Walt reported.

  “The Senator's flight just took off from LAX,” Neil reported as one of the control room operators nodded in agreement.

  “Senator's flight?” Walt asked.

  “Where's Merrill?” Neil asked Colin, just then noticing his absence.

  Colin gestured to the back. “Let's talk.”

  “Is something wrong?” Walt asked as Colin and Neil stepped away.

  “Keep everything going as planned,” Colin replied. “We'll be back in a few.”

  Colin closed the door to a small office at the back of the trailer. He pulled out an envelope from his suit jacket and handed it to Neil.

  “What's this?”

  “It's from Merrill. He won't be joining us. You need to read it now.”

  Blanchard Gulfstream – In Flight

  Senator Hector Barlow leaned back in his plush, white leather seat looking out the oversized portal window. On the other side of a short, wall-mounted table, one of his aides looked over a large report.

  “We've got plenty of time to review that before we touch down in Honolulu,” Hector scoffed as he took a sip of his drink. “Enjoy the ride. We don't get these accommodations very often anymore.”

  “Sorry, just looking over the revisions before we arrive at Pearl.”

  “The Admiral will certainly let us know what he wants. He's particularly good at it.”

>   “Is your drink okay?” Merrill asked as he emerged from the cockpit.

  “You did well for not having any in-flight attendants. Did you downsize them or something?”

  Merrill chuckled as he sat. “She got ill just before takeoff, so I again apologize for the skeleton crew.”

  “Hey, it's fine. I'm more than happy to hitch a ride on one of your plush jets. Did the pilot let you take off?”

  Merrill nodded. “I like to keep my piloting skills sharp, so I try to squeeze in as many flight hours as I can.”

  “I'm jealous that you can maintain your license.”

  “One of the perks of being CEO,” Merrill mumbled as he took out his laptop and checked something over.

  Dignosco-Two– In Flight

  “Blanchard Control, Dignosco-Two,” Sam said into his headset. “Five minutes to test. Is everything ready?”

  “Dignosco-Two, Blanchard Control. Gulfstream in position.”

  “Dignosco-Two, Sentinel-One,” Eva chimed in. “I'm on station.”

  Blanchard Mobile Command Center – Puyallup, Washington

  “Is this for real?” Neil asked Colin in a shaken voice. He dropped the multi-page document from Merrill on the desk.

  “Apparently so,” Colin stoically mumbled. “I just got it delivered to me twenty minutes ago, and just after learning Merrill went to LAX to pick up Senator Barlow.”

  “Should we abort the test?”

  “It's too late. Everyone's in position.”

  “Do you think he's sincere?”

  Colin cringed. “He arranged for a Blanchard jet to be used instead of a government plane. My gut tells me there wouldn't be a point in doing that if he wasn't going to go through with what he wrote in his letter.”

  “Are there any precautions we should be taking?”

  “I've already called in an alternate target package for Sentinel-One in case he's got something else in mind.”


  “Yeah, and you know what that has to be.”

  “Makes sense.” Neil sighed and leaned back in his chair. “Did you suspect anything?”

  Colin looked Neil straight in the eye. “Neil, I'm sorry. I had absolutely no idea. My resignation will be submitted when this is over.”


  “Come on, Neil. I'm supposed to be on top of these things. I monumentally fucked-up.”

  “We'll talk about resignations later. Let's get back out there and pray that everything goes as planned.”

  Dignosco-Two– In Flight

  “Okay, Sam, we're in engine transition,” Craig reported. “Just so you know, at the first sign of trouble, I'm not going to give you any warning if I have to take that engine back.”

  “I totally understand,” Sam replied. “Blanchard Control, this is Dignosco-Two. We're standing by.”

  “Blanchard Control to all stations, repeat, all stations. The go code is Victor. I say again, Victor.”

  “Dignosco-Two. All transponder codes are working.”

  “Dignosco-Two, Blanchard Control, you're clear to commence testing.”

  “Dignosco-Two, affirmative,” Sam replied and turned to his controllers. “Let's spin it up.”

  “LIDAR is active. System is painting the hemisphere.”

  Sam watched the monitors as the system quickly cycled through the identification of all aircraft. Marcus stood next to him keeping a careful watch on the situation.

  “Initial sweep is clear.”

  Sam continued to watch for the next few minutes. All the operators intermittently reached for towels in order to wipe away the sweat from their foreheads.

  “I have two bogies! Check that, three bogies entering the thermosphere at mach six.”

  Sam rushed over to the closest station.

  “Dignosco system confirms they are bandits.”

  “Right on schedule,” Sam mumbled to Marcus with a smile. He looked up to a monitor showing a detailed rendering of the triangular shaped craft.

  “It's your show, Sam,” Marcus said with an affirming nod.

  “Dignosco-Two to all stations,” Sam spoke into his headset. “We have acquisition. Three bandits identified bearing one-nine-two at mach-six. Sentinel-One, I'm sending you a target package.”

  “Sentinel-One,” Eva replied a few seconds later. “Package received and setting my intercept vector.”

  “Sentinel-One, Dignosco-Two. We're at plus one bandit. Can you handle?”

  “Sentinel One, you bet your sweet ass I can! Just watch the Blue Bitch do her magic.”

  “Bandits have split up,” a controller reported. “I've got one bandit coming down on Blanchard Control and two coming down on the transponder signal.”

  “Sentinel-One, Dignosco-Two,” Sam announced. “Showtime! Take the Blanchard Control bandit first.”

  “Sentinel-One, affirmative. On my burners. Going supersonic.”

  “Sentinel-One, Dignosco-Two, you're cleared for weapons hot. Engage. Engage. Engage.”

  “Sentinel-One is Judy. First bandit acquired. One minute to lock-up.”

  “This one's for you, Angela,” Sam mumbled to himself as he watched Sentinel-One close in. There was no attempt by the enemy craft to evade. It had no idea the Angela was lining it up.

  “Sentinel-One, I've got a lock! Fox three!”

  “Missile is off the rail!” an anxious controller announced. Everyone's attention was fixed on a small blip that quickly traversed the space between Sentinel-One and the target.

  “Splash Bandit-One! Splash Bandit-One!” Eva's excited voice called out. “Turning west to bounce bandits two and three.”

  “She'd better hurry,” a controller said. “The remaining bandits are closing on their target fast.”

  Sam nodded. “Dignosco-Two, Sentinel-One, gates out now. Expedite.”

  “Sentinel-One, affirmative. On my burners. Feet wet.”

  Blanchard Mobile Command Center – Puyallup, Washington

  “That's a confirmed kill on bandit-one.”

  The control room erupted in cheering.

  Colin allowed a faint smile as he turned to Neil. “The missile guidance fixes weren’t compromised.”

  Neil gave a tense nod. “Did you update the target package?”

  “I did.”

  “Sentinel-One is closing on the other two bandits at mach four,” a controller announced. “But she's not closing the distance fast enough. Our Gulfstream is vulnerable. Should I have them cease their transponder signal and attempt to evade?”

  “Do not break communications protocol,” Colin firmly instructed.

  “What?” Walt asked.

  “Walt, stay on your station,” Colin scolded.

  Neil frowned. He and Colin were the only ones in the control center who knew that the plan didn't call for the Gulfstream to survive.

  Blanchard Gulfstream – In Flight

  “So, Merrill,” Hector said as he took the last swig of his drink. “I've been looking forward to getting some face-to-face time with you. There are some interesting developments we need to discuss. New directives were passed on to me this morning.”

  Merrill frowned and looked down to his laptop screen. “New directives?”

  “I know they normally go through you, but plans have changed.”

  “We've been seeing a lot of that from them lately.”

  “Look, I know you're probably still upset over how they handled the first test flight.”

  “They shot it down, Senator,” Merrill snarled. “It cost several lives and brought down a bureaucratic nightmare on us. And then there's that little matter of making it personal by coming after one of my employees – twice!”

  “What about Dignosco?” Hector rebutted. “And while we're at it, what about the X99? Both prototypes are working far better than anyone was led to believe. That's not what we arranged with them. I'm sorry Merrill, but once this Dignosco test is terminated, I've been instructed to develop new strategies to defund future Initiative developments. It
's time for this whole thing to go away before it turns into something that really pisses them off. Blanchard will just have to become an ordinary company making money the old-fashioned way.”

  Merrill nodded and turned his laptop screen to Hector. It displayed the avionic controls to the Gulfstream. “It's amazing what computers can do these days.”

  Hector paused with a confused expression. “What are you doing?”

  “Making sure our auto-pilot and transponder signal is still functioning.”

  “I don't understand.”

  Merrill sighed. “Senator, I think it's finally time to enact my directives, which is sure to really piss them off. The Initiative will continue without any interference.”

  “What have you done?”

  “Our transponder signal will indicate that we're the Dignosco test flight. The attack is coming down on us as I speak.”

  Hector's mouth hung open and he went pale. “Why?”

  “Did you think I was going to build something that wouldn't actually protect us? That I'd sell out our race for a cushy retirement? Besides, they pushed it much too far.” Merrill paused as he looked out one of the windows. A look of profound sorrow overcame him. “That poor girl.”

  “But you had everything lined up for us,” Hector pleaded. “We were set to retire with more money than God.”

  Merrill smiled as he continued to look out over the clouds. “Fitting that you'd put it like that. Senator, the only regret I'll have is not being around to see how fast Congress approves additional funding after this is over.”

  Sentinel-One – In Flight

  The rapid cycling tone turned steady in Eva's ear-piece and the HUD target display flashed red.


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