Compromising Positions (Invested in Love)

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Compromising Positions (Invested in Love) Page 15

by Bayley-Burke, Jenna

  “Are you afraid I can’t whip up something appropriate for dessert?”


  The driveway was dark as she pulled in. Stepping out of the truck, she noticed shattered glass on the ground. Crazy teenagers must have thought breaking the lights that usually illuminated the parking area was a funny prank. She shook her head and grabbed her backpack. She wanted to get inside and make sure she hadn’t left anything embarrassing lying around before David got there.

  Too late. The headlights from his car lit up the area. Sophie shrugged.

  “How long has the light been out?” David asked as he pulled himself and the box of mandarins from the car.

  “It was on this morning,” Sophie said, noticing the extra key and alarm pad on his key ring as he slipped it in his pocket. She looked down at her new keys and smiled. He had her spare, like he planned on keeping it. That had to be a good sign.

  “You’re sure the safety lights were on when you left this morning?”

  She glanced at the darkened side of her building. “Maybe the power is out.” She started toward the stairs but ran into his arm.

  “Do you have your cell phone?” His voice was calm, but the look in his eyes was anything but.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Did you leave a light on?”

  “Of course not.” She looked up at her dark apartment windows. Was he trying to scare her?

  “I thought I saw a light inside as I pulled in. Why don’t you call the police, just in case.”

  She shook her head. Who was playing games now? “It’s just dark, David,” she said, stepping into his arm again.

  “Fine. You stay here, and I’ll check it out first.” Lifting her hand, he pointed to her alarm pad. “If anything spooks you, just press the red button. It makes the alarm on the truck go off, and I’ll come right back.”

  “You’re starting to freak me out,” she said, dropping her hand. He shrugged and made his way to the staircase. Two could play at this little game. She dug her cell phone out of her backpack to call her home number and spook him as soon as he stepped inside.

  But instead, she heard crashing, bumping, growling, wood breaking, and saw the flicker of light in the window that he must have seen earlier. She didn’t dial her own number, she hit 911.

  She wanted him more than she wanted to breathe. In the long minutes waiting for the police to arrive, she imagined so many things that could’ve gone wrong.

  Even after he called down to her that he was all right, she still worried. Once the cops handcuffed the intruder, she clung to David as tightly as she could, wishing it was all over so she could tell him exactly how she felt. No games, no future, no regrets. Just now.

  Once in the apartment, she hadn’t been able to find a thing that had been taken. Stuff was thrown everywhere, but nothing seemed to be missing. Every time she closed her eye the flicker of light in the window, the flashing police lights. What if she’d come home alone?

  She’d teased David about his cautiousness, not thinking anything was wrong. The thoughts buzzing around her head wouldn’t let her forget how mistaken she’d been.


  Six minutes. That was how long the police said it took them to respond. Six minutes of sheer hell as David held the creep down and tried not to imagine what might have happened if Sophie had come home alone. Into a dark apartment. Where that loser was rifling through her things. Probably waiting for her. Every time his mind had gone there, he twisted the little snake’s arm farther up his back.

  He was grateful she’d stayed by the truck and waited for the police to arrive. It might have scared her to see him that way. It had scared him just to feel it. To feel how close he had come to losing her, losing any part of her.

  He was glad she’d let him take her home, even if she’d insisted on staying in his guest room when he’d offered his own. Her words still haunted him. “Not unless you’re going to let me sleep with you.” They were barely audible, and she hadn’t even looked up when she said it. It wasn’t a good idea. Even with as much as he longed to hold her close and make sure she felt safe, he didn’t trust himself. She’d closed the door over an hour ago, but he hadn’t managed to sleep at all.

  A shuffling noise coming from the kitchen had him sitting straight up. He knew it was her, but got out of bed just in case. Pulling on a T-shirt, he walked toward the kitchen. She must be hungry, and she needed him to show her where he hid the chocolate.

  Sophie sat on the counter, opening a tube of refrigerated cookie dough with a knife. Seeing him, she set her project aside. “I can’t sleep,” she admitted before forcing a smile. “You don’t have any food. Are you sure you actually live here?”

  “I live here,” he said, opening the cabinet on top the refrigerator where he hid his chocolate from Kelly. “I just don’t eat here very often.”

  Turning to offer her the silver bag, he noticed the tears. “I should have called the police when you asked. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” He shrugged and set the bag on the counter beside her. “I just had a feeling. You couldn’t have known.”

  She filled her hands with his shirt. “I shouldn’t have let you go up there. If anything had happened to you…”

  “Sophie, it’s fine. I’m a big guy. People don’t really mess with that.”

  “You’re not bulletproof.” she said, choking on a sob. “The police said he had a gun.”

  “Hey, it’s okay.” He stepped forward and wrapped her up in the protective shell of his arms. He remembered the feel of the gun against his knee as he’d held the jerk on the ground. If the guy had been smart enough to go for it, the whole thing might have gone down very differently. “I’m fine. You’re okay. It’s over.”

  “I know, but every time I close my eyes, I see it.” She looked up into his eyes. “I was so scared.”

  “Me, too.” He inched back and cupped her face in his hands, using his thumbs to brush away the tears. He leaned in and kissed her softly, gently sweeping his lips against hers.

  She reached up and pulled him to her, deepening the kiss, and he felt her legs wrap around his waist. There was no holding back. Her mouth provided such a sensual assault he had no choice but to give in. It took every ounce of strength he had to pull away.

  “Please,” she begged. “I don’t want to think anymore. Please.”

  If he questioned her intentions, her hands removed any doubt. She pulled at the waistband of his sweats, sliding her hands beneath the fabric. He tried to remember why he kept stopping this when it always felt so right. There was just enough blood left in his brain to form one rational thought.

  “Sophie, not like this. Not tonight. Your first time should be candlelight and roses.”

  She released him and her hands drifted to his hips and pulled him closer against her. “We have moonlight, I’m allergic to roses, and the only thing I ever wanted for my first time was you. David, I—”

  He silenced her mouth with a kiss. He was barely breathing after hearing her say she wanted him. If she finished her thought, he’d melt right into the floor.

  He lifted her from the counter and carried her effortlessly to his bedroom. Laying her against the mattress, he decided he was going to make love to her. There was a lot he couldn’t give her, but he could make her forget her fears for a moment, make her feel cherished and beautiful.


  Leaning back on her elbows, Sophie watched as David lifted his white T-shirt over his head. The angled muscles rippled with the movement as he dropped his sweats and stepped out of them. He was magnificent with his unabashedly male confidence. He could have been sculpted from marble, fit for a gallery pedestal, except for the thick member pressing against his concave belly. That was more suitable for one of the erotic art galleries she’d read about.

  Yes, this was exactly what she needed to keep from thinking about anything else. Whenever he was this close, her mind shut down and opened up only to him.

  “Sophie,” he whispered, l
ifting the hem of her T-shirt. She raised her arms, helping it slide off quickly. She was instantly grateful her obsession with him had made her switch to lacy pushup bras as his gaze stuttered on her breasts. The look in his eyes was all she’d ever really wanted from him. He wanted her. Now.

  Her body moved across the rumpled cotton sheets as he slid on top of her. In one fluid motion, she had gone from having her feet firmly on the floor to having her head at the headboard. Fantastic.

  “David,” she said, her mouth finding his. The taste of him filled her, making her throb for him. Tonight, she wouldn’t take no for an answer. She wouldn’t regret not being with him another moment. She would have him, even if she had to play dirty.

  Reaching down, she wrapped one hand around him and rubbed her thumb across the swollen tip. He jerked in her hand. Freeing himself, he pulled her hands over her head and pinned her legs with his shins. With his body on top of hers, she was reminded she still had on her pajama pants.

  “Slow down,” he said, looking her in the eye.

  She shook her curls from side to side. “Now.”

  “If we go too fast, it could hurt you, and I still need to get a condom.”

  She watched his expression freeze before his forehead hit the pillow beside her head. He must not be prepared.

  “It’s okay.” He was so militant about using protection she knew he was safe, and besides, she wanted it to be different for him, too.

  He pinned her harder to the bed. “Don’t you dare flip me.”

  “Don’t you dare back out on me again.” The way he was holding her down should have scared her. Her arms were stretched above her head, and his shins pinned her parted legs on the mattress. But all she could think was if it weren’t for the unneeded layer of clothing, he could be inside her in seconds. Hell, she could probably manage the act herself by distracting him with a kiss and tilting her hips upward.

  “We’ll work around it.” He bent and kissed her neck but didn’t seem to trust her enough to give her an inch.

  “I’ll just wait until you’re asleep,” she said breathily, trying not to moan at the exquisite way he ravished her neck.

  The light reflecting into the room from off the water sparkled in his eyes. “You wouldn’t dare,” he said between clenched teeth. She felt his hands tighten around hers as she arched her back.

  He wanted her as much as she wanted him. She could see it in his eyes, feel it in the air in the room. “I’m going to have you. Tonight.” She held his gaze.

  His head shook slowly from side to side. “That’s a lot of bravado from a woman pinned to my bed.”

  “You can let go. I’m not leaving.” Without letting up his hold, he kissed her again, forcing her to remember who was really in charge. For all her bold words, she was completely at his mercy. When he kissed her like that, deep and full and hungry, it was even up to him just when she could breathe.

  He had full possession of her mouth, nibbling and sucking until she purred like a kitten. She didn’t even care she’d lost whatever control she had, that they were now moving on his timeline. She only cared that he continued to taste and taunt her. Because she was painfully close. If he would only brush against her once, she would be there.

  She tried to arch up, but he pressed her back down. With her arms pinned, she couldn’t even reach between them and take care of herself. She whimpered as his tongue worked slow circles down her neck.

  “Please, just touch me.”

  He grinned up at her wickedly. “So soon?”

  She nodded furiously, biting her lip.

  He laughed. He actually laughed as he held her down, torturing her even more with his evil tongue. Their size difference was being used against her now, as his impossibly long arms still anchored hers over her head while he tugged down the cups of her bra with his teeth. She could see her pink buds standing at attention, with arousal so deep it was almost painful.

  She watched her nipple disappear into his mouth with one long pull. As his tongue flicked across the tip, her vision blurred. She closed her eyes, riding out the sensation as stars prickled the backs of her eyelids. Her body was not her own as she absorbed the pleasure he offered up. Every nerve was firing. It was as if she felt him everywhere all at once.

  When her eyelids finally fluttered open, she realized her arms were at her sides, her bra undone and loose on her belly as he lapped at her other nipple. She rid herself of the garment and threaded her fingers in his hair as he worked her nipples more and more.

  She felt herself slick with wetness. She remembered how he had liked to watch her before, and slid her hand inside her pants. Her fingers rubbed at the smooth folds as he sucked and nibbled harder. Sliding her pants and thong down her hips and kicking them to the floor, she gave him a better view. The pleasure began to swirl anew, but she wanted to wait for him this time.

  Slowing down, she dragged her wet fingers up over her belly. Kissing his way between her breasts, he grabbed her retreating hand and placed an open-mouthed kiss on her palm that sent shivers to the base of her spine. As she watched, he drew her wet finger to his lips. He parted them and drew her inside, swirling his tongue in a wicked dance. Breath stuttered in her throat at the building sensation. She couldn’t wait. Running her fingers through his hair, she tried to pull him up to her as he kissed his way down her belly.

  “Now. Please, I need to feel you inside me.”

  “You have to let me. I need to taste you.”

  “Later, please.”

  “Later, you’ll taste like me.”

  She moaned at the thought, her blood pumping even thicker at the thought of him filling her. She couldn’t control her body, her back arching wildly as his tongue pressed against her. She was thankful for his hands on her buttocks, pulling her open, anchoring her down.

  His tongue made one long wet pass from her entrance to her clit that sent her soaring. As his lips focused their attentions, she felt her muscles begin to spasm. He slipped a finger inside of her, curled it upward, and coaxed her climax to go on and on. Breath escaped her, as the only thing that mattered was the next contraction of her muscles. He removed his finger, allowing her to come back down and oxygen to once more flood her brain. She needed him now—soon—before she was too far gone to notice.

  After kissing his way back up her body, he lifted himself so his large frame loomed over her. She reached for him and brought his mouth down to hers, searching for the taste of her he had talked about. Wrapping one leg around his back, she arched herself against him.

  “Sophie, wait,” he said, breaking the kiss.

  Her heart stopped. He couldn’t deny her again. Not now. She wrapped her other leg around his back, lifting her hips completely off the bed and anchoring herself to him.

  She felt his fingers in her hair as his kind brown eyes looked into hers.

  “Promise me you’ll tell me if I hurt you.”

  “You won’t,” she said in relief.

  “Promise me,” he said, lowering his body until her hips again met the mattress.

  “I promise,” she whispered.

  Closing her eyes, she pressed against him, feeling his thumb spreading her lips and rubbing his impossibly large member between them, soaking up her wetness. She should be afraid, nervous…feeling anything but the tightening she felt again deep in her belly. It was more than the stroking of his fingers or the pressure of his cock as he slid against her. It was the realization that soon they would finally be one.

  Very soon, she realized as the swollen head of him pressed against her opening. Splaying her hips wider, she thrust up, pushing him farther inside. He moved his hand to her hip and held her back.

  She opened her eyes and studied the concentration on his face as he inched in, frustratingly slow. The initial sting melted into a stretched fullness, warming her from head to toe. He was there with her, inside her, filling her completely. The sensations overwhelmed her as all of the blood in her body traveled to the source of her pleasure. So close. Closi
ng her eyes, she lived the feeling completely.

  The fire of pleasure and rising passion burned within, her muscles tightening around him. And yet he remained stoically, perfectly still.

  “David, please,” she whispered, offering her hips up to help him begin the motion.

  He brushed his lips against her temple. “Just a second. I’m not sure if I can.”

  “I’m close,” she whispered, running a hand down the planes of his chest.

  His eyes flew open. “Promise?” he growled.

  She only got to nod once before his downward thrust smacked into her body, pressing her against the bed. His strokes came at her now, fast and hard as she rose to meet every one. She bit her lip, forcing herself to wait for him though she felt the dam starting to overflow. She heard her moans echo through the quiet room, mirroring David’s panting breaths.

  Sophie couldn’t hold back any longer, and the dam broke, her orgasm crashing against her. More powerful than the last, it seemed it would never end. His insistent rhythm forced her spasms to continue, drawing them out longer and longer until she thought she might pass out from the sheer intensity.

  She was terrified she might have to tell him to stop, might not be able to before she blacked out. His rhythm slowed and she could actually feel jets of warm liquid streaming into her body. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she brought him to her, crushing her breathless body with his. She lay under him with her eyes closed, enjoying the intense sensations she was experiencing for the first time.


  David hated it when women asked to cuddle after. He never wanted to imply intimacy with them. But his chest tightened when Sophie turned away. He rolled closer and wrapped his body around hers. She’d curled into a ball, so small her feet came to his knees. “Sophie?”

  She rolled into him, burrowing against him. He felt the wetness of her tears against his chest. “Oh no. Sophie, I hurt you. I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She looked up at him, her big blue eyes wide and surprisingly clear as she tried to force a smile. “You didn’t hurt me, not even a little.”


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