The Alora and the Knightlys Trilogy: Books 1-3

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The Alora and the Knightlys Trilogy: Books 1-3 Page 4

by A. J. Medina

  I followed the young squire through the maze of stone walls until I finally saw a familiar sight. We passed through the doorway and I found myself in the open courtyard where the king had welcomed us earlier. The squire stopped in front of the stage and motioned for me to stand by his side. He bowed his head and then left the same way we came in.

  I tried to control my shaking and to force my hands to stop sweating, but I couldn’t. He was the king after all. And me? I was just a farm girl. The king stood and I quickly dropped to one knee.

  “Please rise. What is your name?”


  “Alora? Such a pretty name. And your hair, such a beautiful color. Very rare. Where do you hail from?”

  “From the Village of Kingsley, the Kingdom of Ly’vera.”

  “Village of Kingsley? And what do you do there?”

  “Your Majesty?” I asked, confused by his question.

  The king smiled and turned to the wizard. “Every single one of them.”

  The wizard shrugged. “The king is asking do you work? Are you to be married?”

  “Nay, Your Majesty. I am not to be married. I currently help out with the chores on my mother’s farm.”

  “Why do you wish to become a knight?” the king asked, his eyes burning a hole through me.

  “I would like to serve my king, kingdom and become the best knight I can.”

  “Any other reason?”

  “I choose not to become someone’s wife and servant and don’t want to farm forever.”

  “Ah yes. The farm. You said you help your mother on your farm. The only farm in that village belongs to Biron.” It sounded more like a question than a statement. “Are you Biron’s daughter?”

  “Nay... aye...”

  “Well which is it?”

  “He’s not my real father. My mother married him after my father fell in battle.”

  “In battle? Was your father a knight?” the king asked, moving in closer.

  “Aye. His name is Ser Henry.”

  “Ser Henry?” His voice level rose. He turned to the wizard and then back to me. “Ah, I see it now. I believe he had the same color hair as yours. He was a good knight. Very honorable.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.” The king remembered my father. Remembered that he was honorable. For a moment I forgot what I was doing there.

  “Alora, to your left are different types of training weapons. They are metal, but the edges have been blunted. They will still hurt, but they won’t kill. Pick whichever weapon you like, but you can only use one.”

  I eyed the weapons. Among them were multiple swords of different lengths. There were maces and battle axes. A crossbow, a bow and a quiver of arrows, and different types of shields. “Your Majesty, may I have one weapon and a shield or can I only have one?”

  “You may only use one.”

  I nodded and returned to eyeing the weapons. I walked over and lifted the different swords, feeling the weight of each one. They were quite heavy, much heavier than my training sword and the sticks I was accustomed to practicing with. I placed the sword back down and walked to where the shields were lying on the ground.

  The one on top was round and small. I picked it up and tested its weight. It was light, but barely shielded my body and I didn’t want to make myself such an easy target. I tried the next one. It was just as light, but was in the shape of a triangle. It would give me better coverage and the point could be used like a blunt sword tip. Switching it from my left arm to my right, I started making circles with my shoulders.

  “That one then?” the king asked.

  I nodded.

  “Then take position.” He pointed to the ground where I stood before. When I was in position, the wizard stood and calmly said, as if it was nothing to him, “On guard.”

  I heard it, but didn’t react quickly enough. The wizard’s clothing and staff vanished in an instant and were replaced with the black and silver armor of the knights. He held a shield on his left arm and a long sword in his right. He jumped off the stage, sword overhead and when his feet landed in front of me, his sword came down with such force—more force than was necessary.

  I leapt to my left and rolled on the ground. Quick to my feet, I stood on guard. I squeezed my fist hard, ready to use my shield. I lifted it in time to deflect a blow from the side. As soon as his sword pulled back, the wizard’s shield pressed against my chest. A sudden feeling of weightlessness overcame me. Flying backwards, I landed on my back with barely any time to focus before the wizard was charging again.

  I jumped to my feet and ran towards the weapons. I realized what the king was actually saying. He said I could use only one weapon, but when I asked if I could have only one, he said it again, “You can use only one.”

  The shield I had wasn’t working for me and I decided it was time for a swap. I ran towards the barrel of swords and with the wizard on my heels, I turned and launched the shield at him. He stopped to deflect it with his own and when he moved his shield to resume his attack, I stood in front of him with my sword aiming at his chest.

  With a loud metal clang, my sword was slapped across my body. I raised it and slashed down at an angle making contact with his shield. Using his shield to push my sword off to the side, he thrust his sword forward. My next move was something I practiced on Lucah time after time. It happens so fast Lucah’s never really been able to master it.

  I rolled to the ground, barely missing his sword and kicked the back of his knee. With his knee involuntarily bending I stood quickly, gripped his armor and with all of my weight behind it, threw him to the ground. The wizard was quick to counter the move by whipping his sword over his body and almost catching my legs. I jumped over it just in time, but he was already on his feet. He sure was fast.

  The wizard didn’t let up one bit, slicing at me from the side. I dodged left and swooped my sword around smacking his knuckles. He dropped his sword and yelped in pain. I swung my sword around again, but he blocked it with his shield. I thrust again, chopped, and then sliced, but he blocked every single attack. On the next slice, I made contact with his shield and then hit him in the face with my fist. He was stunned and I used the opportunity to pull his shield down and aim my sword at his neck.

  He ducked at the last moment, my sword missing and I felt my feet being lifted off the ground again. He flung me over and behind him. I hit the ground hard on my back. “Ouch!” I yelped. He placed his shield on my throat and pressed down. I writhed underneath the pressure, wrapping my fingers around the edges and trying to get him off.

  “Enough!” the king shouted, causing the wizard to lift his shield. I coughed and held my neck. If he had pressed any harder, I think it would’ve been crushed. The wizard held out his hand and helped me onto my feet.

  “Well done.” King Remi applauded, making his way over to us. I started to kneel, but the wizard gripped my shoulders and stopped my descent. I stood, unsure of what to do next.

  “Well done, Alora,” the king said, and then patted my shoulder. “Join the others in the hall.”

  “Aye, Your Majesty.” I handed my sword to the wizard and bolted towards the exit so fast I almost tripped.

  I followed the squire back to the hall and took my place at the table between Tessa and Lucah. Ser Erwin spoke. “You have all had your turns. You will now sit and wait for King Remi’s decision.” He addressed the servants. “Bring them water and bread, until it is time for the evening meal. You may all speak once again.”

  The other volunteers began boasting and chattering about their own auditions. What had occurred, who they fought and whether they won or lost.

  “I don’t think the audition is over,” Tessa announced while stuffing her face with bread.

  “I agree,” Lucah said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, unsure of what they were implying.

  “We have an audience,” Lucah said, and then motioned towards Ser Erwin. He had pulled up a chair by the dining hall entrance and appeared to be wat
ching us intently.

  “So. How did you two do?” I asked.

  Tessa’s eyes looked up and to the left as she recalled her encounter with the knight. “I got pounded a bunch. I don’t think I’m that good with weapons, but I’m fast and good with my hands. I got the knight with a few good kicks and punches, but in the end he would’ve cut off my leg if his sword wasn’t blunted.”

  “You fought a knight? Not the wizard?” I asked Tessa.

  “The wizard? You fought the wizard?” she answered, in awe of the revelation.

  I nodded.

  “And you Lucah?” I asked.

  He didn’t respond.

  “Did you fight the wizard?” Tessa asked him.

  “What does it matter?” he griped.

  “Why are you being this way?” I asked, annoyed by his response.

  “I’m tired,” he said, and then stuffed his mouth with bread.

  Lucah didn’t say anything further after that. I decided not to press the issue and took a large bite out of my own bread. Tessa didn’t ask him anything else either, asking me to pass her the butter instead.

  Chapter 5

  A knight handed the wizard a piece of parchment. He read it, staring intently at the words.

  “What is it?” the king asked him.

  “The apprentice’s army grows in size, m’lord, and he’s already taken the Castle at Ry’uet,” the wizard explained.

  “She’s the last. I like her. I think we should make her the one,” the king said, almost ignoring him.


  “She figured out that she could only use one weapon at a time, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t use others.”

  “She wasn’t the only one to figure it out.”

  “Nay, she wasn’t, but we’ve already decided he’ll be our secret weapon. And according to Ser Erwin, he hasn’t said anything to anyone. I believe we can trust him.”

  “You put too much faith in the young ones. Don’t you remember what it was like to be that age?”

  “Of course I do. That’s why I have faith in them.”

  “I don’t know about her, m’lord.”

  “I’ve told you, when we’re alone you can call me Remi. Now, why not?”

  “Her desire to join comes from a position of selfishness. It was all about her doing this or becoming that.”

  “We were all like that when we were young, or have you forgotten how I was before I became a knight, old friend?”

  “Aye, but selfishness has no standing in a position where she may have to give her life to protect you.”

  “Make her the best. Make her believe it, so that when the time comes she will want to stand face to face with him.”

  “Do you think it wise, m’lord?”

  The king nodded.

  “If we pick her, we must release someone else. Who shall that be?”

  “We have chosen twelve boys and four girls. One of the squires can go back to his knight and add Alora to the list.”

  “Aye, m’lord.”

  “And stop calling me that!”

  “Aye, m’lord.”

  “Really Wizard?”

  The wizard laughed. “We must stop him, at any cost then?”

  “We must keep it secret from everyone. They mustn’t find out why we have chosen young ones.”

  “I fear this is for the best.”

  “We have until he crosses the kingdom of Ry’uet to get them ready. Can you do it?”


  “Then let it be done.”

  “Aye, my king.”

  — — —

  One by one Ser Erwin called out the names. Each person stood and was escorted out of the dining hall by a squire. My name hadn’t been called and it started to worry me. Had attacking the wizard cost me my chance? Or had losing to him done that? I sat waiting, looking across the table into the empty space that once held other volunteers. “Do you think we’re next?” Tessa asked.

  “I have no idea,” I responded.

  I turned to Lucah to see if he had any ideas. He shrugged.

  Ser Erwin put down his list and didn’t call out any more names. Among the few of us left in the room waiting impatiently to find out what happens next, were me, Lucah, Tessa, the boy with the violet eyes, the girl from the courtyard and a few others I vaguely noticed. In all, there were sixteen of us—five girls and eleven boys. Ser Erwin ordered us to stand when our name was called and to remain standing.

  One by one we all stood, when only one name remained. “Silas of Monteras, Kingdom of Ky’lima,” Ser Erwin announced breaking my focus. I finally knew his name. Silas was the boy with the violet eyes. Silas... Silas... I repeated again and again, making sure I remembered it.

  I watched as the king and wizard entered the hall and paused to speak with Ser Erwin. The king was no longer dressed in his armor, now wearing a similar outfit to what the squires wore—a brown tunic with brown pants. His of course looked like it was hand stitched this morning. “Everyone please follow us,” the king commanded. We were led out of the rear entrance of the dining hall and up a spiral flight of stone steps.

  When the stairs finally ended, we passed through a door and were greeted with the green sky I loved so much, the sun was beginning its evening routine. Standing on top of the tower, over looking the kingdom, I grabbed the closest person to me, Tessa, and froze.

  We were high, very high and I didn’t want to fall. To the north was water as far as my eyes could see. To the east, water. to the west, land. To the south, land, the direction we came from. Castle Ly’vera stood almost at the end of the world.

  “You have all been chosen,” the king began, “for my army. I wanted you all to see what it is we are fighting for. My kingdom is the furthest east. Ky’lima the furthest west and right in the middle lies Ry’uet. Your training will begin in two days. You do not need to bring anything with you. All that you need will be provided. You may however, bring any trinkets or personal items you wish to keep.

  “Each of you will be required to have your parents send a falcon, turning you over to me. If they refuse, you will not be joining my army and your place will be given to someone else. Carriages are already waiting to take you and the others back to your villages.

  “It is late. My servants have placed water, bread, potatoes, corn, and chicken in the carriages for you to enjoy on your ride home. Safe journey. Ser Erwin if you please.”

  “Aye, Your Majesty. Everyone, follow me to the carriages,” Ser Erwin commanded. Everyone was excited upon hearing the good news. “Silently please,” he commanded us when we tried to talk about it.

  We made it to the carriages at the front of the castle. Everyone that hadn’t been chosen was standing around talking. Ser Erwin reminded us to send falcons with our parents permission before the second day and wished us all a safe journey. He waved his hand high and the carriage drivers, standing at the rear of their carriages, started yelling out different village names and kingdoms.

  Immediately, everyone began pushing and cutting each other off trying to get to their respective carriages. “Over there,” Tessa said, “he’s calling out Nightwood and Kingsley. C’mon.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me after her. “Lucah,” I called. He shifted into a run and pushed his way through the others.

  This time there was a different driver and a much smaller carriage. I guess this time they knew how many people were going to be in it, so there was no need for the roomier, bigger ones. While Tessa, Lucah and the two annoying brothers climbed on board, I stood off to the side looking back at the castle. I wanted this. Mother better send her permission. If she doesn’t, I’ll never forgive her. My step father will probably give his permission. I’m sure he would like nothing more than to have one less mouth to feed. And then they can have the whole cottage to themselves and do whatever they want.

  On the ride up this morning, I had peered out at the steep drop, but standing at the side of the carriage — with my foot on the step and holding onto the rail —
I glanced out past the bridge gate and froze. My view to the sides was blocked by the gate and the walls, but straight past the gate all I could see was the road to the castle slowly disappearing as it was swallowed by the night. I sure hoped this driver was good at his job because I didn’t feel like plummeting to my death.

  Although, it might just be better than facing my mother. She didn’t yell at me much. After all, I’m a pretty good kid, if I do say so myself. But when she did, I wished I was anyone else besides me. Her shrill screams would cause my head to retreat into my neck like a human turtle and when she was done, she would stand at attention, her body rigid as a board, and point to my room. That was her signal for me to vanish.

  “How will you be able to see where you’re going?” I asked the driver.

  “My lady, the wizard has given us a potion that increases our ability to see in the dark. Don’t worry, you’re in good hands.”

  “Thank you,” I said, and then climbed into the carriage.

  The boys had taken the seats at the rear and Lucah sat by one window, Tessa by his side in the middle. I could either sit next to the blonde boys or I could sit next to Tessa and have the window. I would rather sit facing the direction of travel instead of having my back to it, but the choice was clear. I sat by Tessa. There was the sound of the reins snapping and then the carriage lurched forward.

  The ride home was uneventful, just like the ride in the morning. Tessa was no doubt excited about the days to come.

  “What do you think we’re going to be doing when we get back?” Tessa asked.

  “Learning how to fight, obviously,” Yargi said sarcastically.

  “Shut it,” Tessa answered, waving her fist at him. “You’re just mad because you didn’t get chosen.”

  “Maybe if they didn’t let girls in we would have,” Kylar added.

  Tessa stayed silent. So did Lucah. Normally he wouldn’t let something like that slide. Whenever the boys in the village would say something like that he would always defend me. Now he just sat there staring out the window into the darkness.


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