Kosh's Omega

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Kosh's Omega Page 9

by Carolyn Faulkner

  "So I was right—there was something more than what I already know you were unhappy about?"


  "It happened when Vaudt and Emmy were here, didn't it?"

  How could he not know? she wondered.


  "Was it something I did?"

  "Do you want me to tell you or do you want to interrogate me first?"

  That got her five even harder smacks. "Attitude and tone of voice, Tura."

  She sobbed softly, but said, "Vaudt talked about Emmy and he sounded so proud of her."

  "He is—and he has every right to be."

  "He mentioned that…" she gulped hard, choking on a sob, surprised at how difficult this was for her, "…that she could read. And then she offered to teach me."

  "I remember."

  "And you said no. Just like that."

  He was dumbstruck. "I said no because I knew she had a lot of other things to do and because I know how to read, too, and I wanted to be the one who taught you."

  Tura could not have been more surprised to hear that. "But you didn't say that."

  He reached beneath her, pressing two fingers into her before he said, "I thought it might bring us closer for me to teach you something like that, and I would have told you that, if you'd bothered to ask me about it. But you just destroyed my things like a naughty little girl who hasn't gotten her way." He was rewarded by, not only a strong clench of those fingers, but a distinct whimper from her.

  Unable to reel himself in, he lifted her and placed her on her hands and knees on the bed.

  "Not like this!" she mewled.

  "Yes, just like this, specifically because I know you don't like it. But I bet I can make you like it."

  She was even bound again, legs still bent and ankles tied well apart, gagged, too, as she wept. She hated this position—it made her feel even more submissive not to be able to see him when he took her. In her mind, it was even more of something that was done to her, somehow, emphasizing her utter lack of power.

  "Head down," he ordered gruffly, and she obeyed, knowing she would just be making it worse for herself if she didn't. The instinct to call her "good girl" was there, but he didn't say it. She was still very much a naughty girl, as far as he was concerned.

  But this time, he made damned good and sure that she enjoyed it, although he knew that she was trying with all her might not to. Kosh liked her resisting him. It made his inevitable occupation of her just that much more satisfying.

  When he sank his unforgiving bristle into the spot that it was made for, she cried out and sobbed piteously for several long minutes as he simply knelt there behind her, holding her hips still, so that no matter how hard she tried, she could barely move a muscle between his hands and the bindings.

  Just about the same time as his knot began to fill and lock them together, her sobs had changed to muted groans, but still he waited, keeping her immobile until he achieved his maximum size before reaching around in front of her, to that wet, open, waiting cunt of hers. He could feel how her cream was already dripping out of the top of her cleft, and he just used that to lube up the fingers with which he attacked her clit as he fucked her viciously hard.

  Tura tried every mental trick she could think of to keep herself from responding to him—she'd been trying to do that all along—but that was the problem. When it got like this—or even just when she was within a hundred miles of him—all she could think about was how good it felt when he had her like this.

  Just. Like. This.

  Then he leaned down and pressed a hand to her neck, and he knew that it was the right move because not only did she clamp down on him so hard she nearly made him release early, but she released a guttural groan that literally made him shiver.

  He could tell where she was in her journey, and he knew she was close.

  "That's it. I'm going to make you come while I plant my seed in you. I'm going to do exactly this, every time, from now on. I'm going to punish you good and hard, because you have a lot of naughtiness to make up for. When your bottom is still sizzling, I'm going to take you from behind, as a good Omega should be taken, and then I'm going to do it all again as soon as I am physically capable of it. I'm going to get you bred, little girl."

  Chapter 7

  He was as good as his word, and Tura thought he was going to drive her crazy with it.

  She was kept restrained almost at all times, for what she estimated to be about ten days, except when he was feeding her—a duty from which he relieved Anja, who just delivered the dinners—or in the bathroom.

  And he kept at her at almost all times. The first thing Kosh did when he came back after leaving her was punish her very harshly—then he claimed her—sometimes harshly, sometimes not, but it didn't really matter. The results were utterly devastating to Tura, regardless. Every single time he did it, she ended up a mindless mass of quivering nerve endings, her body spasming for want of even more from him. But her mind—when it slowly returned to her—seethed at this treatment. Although she had to admit that it was becoming harder and harder to maintain that level of anger, even when, once he'd withdrawn, Kosh would put his hand over her still hard clenching cunt to feel the evidence of just how strongly her body craved to be bred. And he wasn't wrong.

  He fed her from his own hand—from his own plate—and stayed close to her, even when he didn't need to, his touch and nearness both soothing and aggravating her. He massaged her sore muscles, rubbed some kind of sweet smelling lotion all over her, paying particular attention to intimate areas where she became sore from his use of her.

  But he did not apply anything to her backside except his hand, the brush, and his belt. Sometimes, all three. Sometimes before and after he fucked her.

  But there was one thing he did that she loved—as much as she really didn't want to like anything about him. He began to teach her how to read but, even before that, he read to her.

  Kosh was not only the second in command, he was one of the best scavengers out there. He enlisted Hinda's aid regarding what kinds of books Tura might like, and the older woman was very helpful. She gave him a couple of volumes that looked very flowery and pretty, but he frowned.

  "Not right for her?"

  "I don't mean to be ungrateful."

  Hinda patted the young man's hand. "Stop now. What does she like?"

  Kosh shrugged, confessing with a blush, "I don't really know. She likes to fight."

  "Hmm. Sounds like a very unusual Omega, but that's fine. I have some very old magazines about fighting—something called karate—over here—and if she's just learning to read, they have pictures, which might help with that. I also have some primers for her to start on, too, that you can take. But I would also suggest that you might want to just ask her what she might like to hear or read about."

  He left with an armload of stuff, so that when he got back to the room, it was now full of the bed, the two of them, and books. He didn't think she knew it, but he had caught the way her eyes lit up at the sight of his burden, and he brought a magazine over to her immediately.

  That established a bit of a ritual, where, once he'd fed her and massaged her, he read to her. He even untied her arms, moving them down—because he knew they were hurting her—but he bound her wrists together, instead, just in case, holding her almost cuddled on his lap.

  As he read, he pointed out smaller words—like "a" and "the"—making a terrible sentence as an example by saying, "Hand me 'the' brush, naughty girl," which she did not seem to appreciate much. But he especially chose those words that he could then show her a picture of. She seemed to enjoy the articles, and so did he, he was surprised to realize.

  When whatever timeframe he had set his mind on was up, he began leaving her untied while he was in the room with her, and he discontinued the punishments—not that she was never punished from that point on; she most certainly was. Tura was much too stubborn and still prone to fighting him to be able to go very long without a trip over his lap. He even began r
eplacing some of the things she'd damaged with newer—well, new to him, anyway—and different things. A larger table for them to eat at—equipped with straight backed chairs that she quickly found he intended to put to other uses—a better desk for him, complete with a huge, comfortable chair that almost looked like a throne, a taller bookshelf that, when he brought it in, he told her he hoped would eventually house her books, too. In fact, he put the books he got for her from Hinda there, too.

  "I would like you to teach our children to read, too," he said, catching her around the waist as she crossed from the bathroom. But he still didn't allow her to wear any clothes unless someone else was coming. Even Anja saw her nude.

  Then he said something that she never expected as she stood there within the circle of his arms. "Tura, I want to kiss you."

  She looked startled. "What's stopping you? You do everything else to me. Why not that?"

  In answer, he simply held up his hand, showing her the still healing back of it, which would probably always bear the imprint of her teeth marks. It was healing well, though. Emily had been keeping an eye on it for signs of infection, but there were none, despite his propensity for keeping the clean bandages she'd carefully applied to it soaked in his mate's essence.

  It surprised him when she actually blushed. "Well. You have to give a girl a break—all of you guys were descending on me—I was trying to defend myself as best I could."

  "I understand that. And I hope you understand that, if you should bite me again, in any way, the punishments you'll get from me will make the others you've received seem like massages."

  With that, he tipped her chin up then halted for a moment, looking down at her questioningly. "You were a virgin. Have you ever been kissed by a man?"

  "Groped, yes. Kissed, no."

  His protective instincts came flying to the fore at that alarming information. "Groped? When? By whom?"

  Tura laughed in his face. "Considering what you do to me, you're concerned about someone else having felt me up?"

  Kosh scowled down at her. "Answer me, little girl."

  She brushed it off. "It was nothing. It happened several months before you kidnapped me. I was an Omega alone—it was somewhat inevitable that some man was going to lay hands on me."

  He wasn't happy with being labeled a kidnapper, either, but he guessed—from her end of things—that might be what it felt like had happened. He framed her face with his big hands, bringing his lips slowly to hears, tasting them almost tentatively.

  Tura fought the urge to close her eyes, but she ended up doing it anyway, and she was glad she did—sort of. It felt magical, perhaps because he was being so tender with her, not taking a kiss from her, but more giving one to her, and she found it impossible not to join in.

  The thought of biting him never came into her head—which was just more proof about how badly she'd lost her way—but nibbling was definitely a possibility, especially after he did it to her.

  "Come here," he said, taking her hand to guide her to the bed and sitting down on it. She had followed him—because she didn't have much choice one way or the other—and then he added unexpectedly, patting the bed next to him, "Please."

  Kosh was unprepared for how beautiful she looked when she smiled. It was a small one, soft and tentative, but he liked that he'd made her smile.

  This time, he took it very slowly, making sure that she was with him at every single point, starting with long moments of just kissing—tongues meeting, lip tugging, tip nibbling kissing was all either of them needed or wanted to do for quite a while.

  Then, Kosh stood and reached for his armor, turning towards her and taking it off as she watched, watching with big eyes as he revealed himself to her, occasionally asking curious questions about what the pieces were, and blushing softly when she realized that she recognized some of them because they had been used on her in various unholy ways.

  When he got to the black leather pants he wore beneath his armor, she put her hands out to him, and he took a step towards her. Her small hands fell on the big buckle, which she undid, then the button and zipper beneath it. Kosh stepped back and shucked his pants down, taking his heavy military boots with them, until he was standing in front of her completely naked and unabashedly aroused.

  Tura was literally shaking with need of him, which Kosh noticed and appreciated.

  "Shh-shh-shh," he soothed, taking her into his arms, then rolling the two of them more fully onto the bed and settling her full length on top of him, for a change. And he received another smile for that, a brighter one.

  "It's an interesting view from up here." Her hands reached out to touch his chest, but then stopped, as if she was worried that he might not want her to do that.

  "You may always touch me, little girl. I crave your hands on me."

  When she rested them very gently on the big plates of his pectorals, he proved the truth of what he'd just said by shuddering beneath them, which emboldened her. She'd touched him before, but not like this, not nearly as freely as this.

  It was one of the most incredible encounters with him that she'd ever had. Tura felt like she was much more a part of their mating with her hands free, her mouth open to him and his to her. She couldn't seem to get enough of touching him—he was so different from her!

  She did what he had done occasionally to her and ran her hands over him everywhere, although she was understandably shy about touching him in some places, even if her eyes did keep going to his huge erection where it sprouted from his lower belly.

  "I promise it won't hurt you if you want to touch it, but you don't have to if you don't want to."

  She didn't think he'd ever really given her a choice like that before—he was always autocratic with her—his way or no way. Or, more accurately, his way or she would end up over his knee, receiving a painful correction for not having obeyed him.

  Kosh was praying that she would—she'd explored nearly everywhere else in a manner that both delighted and tormented him—but he had resolved not to force her. He was going to try to do more coaxing, instead. As Vaudt had said to him once, Omegas want to mate with their Alphas. He'd decided that some gentler guidance might be what she needed, rather than being as heavy-handed as he had been with her.

  She could be naughty, but he would never hesitate to discipline her for it. But he was hoping to find that he didn't necessarily need to land on her like a ton of bricks.

  And he intended to continue to teach her how to read, and perhaps—if she behaved—even impart some of his fighting techniques to her. As she'd just reminded him, she was an Omega, and although she was now bonded, she could, possibly, come in contact with a rogue Alpha, and although it was likely that he would be there to defend her, he wanted her to know how to defend herself.

  But for the moment, what he wanted most in this world was to feel her hand on the place on his body that was most sensitive to her. So, experimentally, he reached down and cupped her cheek, asking huskily, "Please. Touch me."

  It was an irresistible invitation—her palm was fairly itching to do just that, so she scrunched herself down him to where she was comfortably draped against his side with her good hand free, and then she, very slowly, from where he was lying, brought her hand to that rock-hard tumescence that was both the bane and the boon of her existence.

  His breath hissed loudly in through clenched teeth as those little fingers wrapped almost all the way around him.

  But at that sound, she took them away, looking at him worriedly. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

  Kosh gave her one of the few chuckles she'd heard from him at that. "You didn't, little girl. Just the opposite. Put your hand back around me." She was already well on her way to obeying him when she heard his somewhat belated, "Please."

  He felt like a strange combination of soft and hard there—the flesh like marble but the skin over it surprisingly soft, which led her to stroke him naturally up and down, until her fist encountered the top of his penis, and she drew her hand aw
ay again, looking to him. "W-will it prick me to touch you there?" she asked hesitantly.

  It took him a few seconds to work through his lust-addled mind to what she meant, then he relaxed a bit, wanting to reassure her. "No, little one. The barb only comes out when I'm inside you."

  "I wish it didn't come out at all," she whispered, and he could see her close her lower body in, crossing her legs as if against him and that part of their mating.

  "I know it hurts you when I first set it, Tura," he said quietly. "But it feels much better once it's done, doesn't it?"

  She was unwilling to admit to him that there were any mitigating factors. A lot of what he did to her in the course of them coming together did hurt her—the barb, the knot—even just his sheer size stretched her to discomfort, every time, and the knot brought that almost to the point of being unbearable.

  But she knew there was no denying his ability to then force her past any point of resistance she tried to maintain—if he hadn't already achieved it before then. The drive to surrender herself to him—his maleness—to the very core of him as an Alpha—as her Alpha—was something she was realizing she would never be able to control, no matter how hard she tried or how much she wanted to. All of her vows of resistance, and yet here she was again—and he wasn't really even forcing her to participate. She wanted to.

  And that was the biggest reason why she had to find a way out.

  Having no idea about what his mate was thinking, it didn't take Kosh long to get to the point where he could no longer take her gentle explorations of him, and he lifted her up so that she was set over the very spot she'd been so fascinated with, only he carefully kept himself from penetrating her. Instead, his cock slid between her sopping folds as she sat down on it, and he guided her to simply glide up and down the length, which proved an incredibly exciting thing to do. He was surrounded by moist, soft flesh and the tip of him rubbed over her clit with every forward surge.

  Unfortunately, he couldn't take much of that, either, and remain sane. So, in a move that startled—and frightened—his mate a little bit, he reached down and took her by the hips, pulling her slowly up his body, giving her a lopsided grin when he realized that she was leaving a trail of dew in her wake, up the center of his body and not stopping until her legs were spread and her delicacies were poised directly over his face.


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