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Harbour Page 5

by Claire Boston

  “I was, but they didn’t need me for anything else. I’ll be back in half an hour.”

  “Make sure you are.” He hung up.

  Why did he even care? He had Yvette now, was even seen in town with her, though he was always careful to say she was a colleague. His father would never let scandal touch the family and had been the only person who could get Mark to do anything. Mark had always been desperate for his father’s approval.

  Exhaustion swamped her. She was so tired of all this. Maybe it would have been better if she’d fallen overboard yesterday and drowned. It would have ended this half-life.

  She dragged herself to the shower, locking the bathroom door automatically, and washed her hair, letting the warm water run over her.

  What would her life be like if her parents had survived, or if she’d kicked Mark out when he’d wanted to move into her parents’ room? Who would she be? Certainly not this husk of a person, going through the motions, trying to keep her parents’ business afloat. She scrubbed at her body as if she could wash the shame away. She’d lost control of her parents’ house, their land, their business. Trapped with no way out.

  Not one where she didn’t end up dead or in jail.

  It was so easy to blame Mark, but it wasn’t just him. She’d let him do this, signed those papers without reading what was on them.

  With a jerk, she turned off the hot water and shivered as the spray turned cold. She deserved it for being so naïve, so trusting.

  She shut off the shower and dried herself. A check of the time had her hurriedly dressing in jeans and boots. Which top? A small part of her wanted to look nice, pretty even, because Kim would be there.

  But looking attractive would only stir Mark’s interest. Goosebumps leapt to her skin. She should get a stronger lock for her bedroom door. Her hands shook as she finished dressing.

  She definitely had to keep him happy.

  The photograph of her parents on the dresser filled her with shame. They would be so disappointed in her.

  She blocked the thought, grabbed her purse and drove back into town.

  The clubrooms were well lit and the car park almost full. Alyse hugged her jacket around her as the wind blew and she strode inside into light, warmth and laughter. So many people, some already sitting at their tables, others chatting by the bar, waiting for their drinks. Tinsel and baubles decorated the hall to celebrate the Christmas in July theme. Alyse spotted some high school friends, but they all ignored her. No matter.

  Her gaze caught on Kim standing with some of his friends. He laughed at something Jeremy said, his eyes crinkling at the sides and the joy hit her in the chest. She couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed.

  Jeremy shifted and a small Asian woman next to him came into view. Zamira.

  Alyse clenched her teeth. She’d like to say hello, but it would only cause trouble. Where was Mark? By the bar, two empty pint glasses already in front of him. She swallowed hard. Would he be too drunk to care tonight, or just drunk enough to want to show her who was in charge?

  She moved towards him and a voice called, “Alyse!”

  Surprise had her stopping to find Zamira crossing the room, waving at her. Her gaze darted to Mark. He spoke to the guy next to him, oblivious to her. Phew. Alyse waited for Zamira and then gave her a small smile. “Kim mentioned you arrived back today.”

  Zamira beamed. “Yes, they were all so welcoming. I’m glad to see you again.”

  Her enthusiasm warmed Alyse. When was the last time someone had been glad to see her? Her gaze found Kim. Well, aside from him. “So, you’ve moved to Blackbridge?”

  Zamira nodded. “Got a new job at Border Force and I’m living with Jeremy.” Her face flushed.

  Alyse stepped back. Border Force. They’d raided her next-door neighbour’s place about a month ago and Mark had been furious. She hadn’t dared ask why, but he’d mentioned an ‘Asian bitch’ who’d ruined everything. He really wouldn’t like her talking to Zamira. “That’s great.”

  “Maybe we can get that coffee soon?” Zamira continued. “It would be nice to get to know my neighbours.”

  She was far too nice to be hanging around Alyse. Not with the problems Mark would cause. Still Alyse nodded. “Sure. If you’ll excuse me, I’m helping with dinner.”

  “Of course.” Zamira stepped aside so Alyse could move past.

  She stopped by Mark. “I’m going into the kitchen to help.”

  He snaked his arm around her waist, pulled her close, his beer breath wafting over her. “Princess, I was wondering when you’d get here.”

  She stiffened and at his glare, forced herself to relax. She smiled at the man he was talking with. “Hey, Troy.”

  “Nice to see you again, Alyse. Has Mark been hiding you away again?” He laughed but Mark’s scowl was sharp enough to cut glass.

  “Been busy with the bees.” She winced at her choice of words.

  Mark lowered his voice, pulled her closer. “She’s been going through a depressive stage. Her mother’s birthday is coming up.”


  Mark pinched her side and she shut up.

  Troy’s expression was sympathetic. “I’m sorry. It must be hard. I have a cousin who is bi-polar.” He cleared his throat. “I’ll have to get more of your honey. Where are you selling from these days?”

  What lies had Mark been telling people? She swallowed. “Mostly online,” she said. “But the shop next to On the Way bakery has some too.” If she had her way, she’d have her products in multiple shops around the state, but Mark wouldn’t let her. Didn’t want her business to get too big, didn’t want her to become too stressed… didn’t want her to become financially independent more like it.

  “I’ll pick some up tomorrow,” Troy said.

  Alyse nodded and moved towards the kitchen but Mark pulled her back.

  His voice low he asked, “Who were you talking to?”

  “Jeremy’s partner,” she said. “You met her a couple of weeks ago at the apiary. She’s new in town.”

  He grunted. “Thought I recognised her. Don’t see her again.” He turned back to Troy.

  Alyse’s skin crawled as she walked away. He dared restrict her actions, because she’d let him get away with it. To disobey him meant pain and terror. But it had been years since she’d had a tiny flare of hope, the idea she could perhaps have a friend Mark didn’t know about, who he couldn’t control. She pushed into the kitchen and inhaled the heat that came from the ovens roasting the turkey, ham and vegetables. It smelled like Christmas.

  Her heart ached for her parents.

  “Do you need a hand in here, Barbara?” Alyse asked.

  “Oh, I think we’re all set,” she answered, bustling from the oven to the stove where a pot of gravy was simmering. “Only the meat needs carving.” The doors behind Alyse opened and Kim walked in. Barbara grinned. “And here he is now. Knives are on the bench, Kim.”

  Kim gently placed his hands on Alyse’s hips and moved her to the side. “Excuse me, Aly.” His grin sent her heart racing and her body still felt the gentle press of his hands on her hips. It had been far too long since anyone had shown her any affection that her body was overreacting now. That’s all it was.

  She hesitated by the door. Staying here was far preferable to being out there with Mark, but she didn’t want Kim to suffer from Mark’s jealousy.

  “Aly, why don’t you grab the other knife?” Kim called. “You can cut the ham.”

  Her feet moved on their own accord towards him. Barbara placed the ham on the big stainless-steel table next to Kim and Alyse picked up a knife.

  Mark couldn’t complain. She was doing exactly as he asked. She was helping with dinner.

  But she glanced towards the door to make sure he couldn’t see her anyway.

  Chapter 5

  When Kim finished carving the first turkey, Barbara rolled up the divider which separated the kitchen from the function room. “Dinner’s ready!” It would take time for eve
ryone to serve themselves. Alyse had said nothing since she’d started cutting the ham, but he didn’t mind. It was nice simply having her next to him.

  “Think we’ll finish this before the horde empty the plates we’ve done?” he asked.

  “They’re a bunch of locusts, so probably not.” She smiled and then her gaze darted towards the opening into the main room. She shifted away from him and kept her eyes on the ham in front of her.

  Kim frowned and checked the crowd. Mark waited in line, his eyes stony as he glared at Kim. Right. Mark’s comments hung between them, but Kim was beyond caring. He nodded a greeting.

  Kim finished carving and washed his hands. Alyse moved confidently, slicing the ham with precision, all of her attention on the meat. Watching her work reminded him of the focus she’d had talking about the apiary and the changes she wanted her parents to make.

  Had she done any of them?

  When Alyse finished, Barbara moved the trays of meat over to the serving area. “Thanks for your help. Make sure you both get a plate before you leave.”

  Kim gestured for Alyse to go first and then filled his plate. He followed her out, almost bumping into her as she paused outside the kitchen. Her gaze was on Mark’s table which had no spare seats. What an asshole.

  He bent close so she heard him over the din in the room. “Sit with me.” Kim had asked Jeremy to save two seats in case he could convince Alyse to sit with them.

  She hesitated, scanning the room, but it was the only place still free.

  “All right.”

  Elation filled him as they moved through the crowd and placed their plates on the table, Alyse sitting next to Zamira.

  “Can I get you a drink?” Kim asked.

  Again she hesitated.

  He smiled, trying to appear as friendly and non-threatening as possible. “Soft drink, wine, beer?”

  “Lemonade, please.” She fumbled in her bag. “Let me get you some money.”

  “My shout.” He walked to the bar. Tonight would be good for Alyse. If she could see she had support, it had to help. Mark had isolated her from everything and everyone.

  He ordered the drinks and then grunted as someone shoved him hard against the bar. He tried to move but was pinned to the wooden surface. Pain spread through him and he twisted to see who it was.

  “Keep your hands off my woman,” Mark growled, his yeasty beer breath wafting over Kim.

  Kim gritted his teeth, his temper spiking. No, better he keep calm around Mark. “My hands are over here. She’s only sitting with us because there was no room at your table.”

  Mark grunted and shoved him again before stepping back. “I saw you with her on the boat. You undressed her.”

  Kim breathed through the pain. “Because she was freezing to death,” he said. “It’s part of my job. I did the same with the women I rescued a couple of weeks back. Hypothermia’s a real threat.”

  The barman put Kim’s drinks in front of him and took his card, giving Mark a wary look. “Another beer, Mark?”

  Mark nodded. He lowered his voice. “If I catch you around her again, you’ll both pay.”

  Kim froze, his hackles raising. “What do you mean by that?”

  “Alyse doesn’t know what’s good for her. Sometimes she needs to be shown.”

  The barman handed Mark his beer and Mark strode away.

  Kim took a minute to steady his breathing, tension coursing through his body. If Mark had meant to scare him off, he’d done the exact opposite. Now Kim was more determined than ever to help Alyse—but he’d have to be careful. He didn’t want her to suffer further.

  When the tension in his stomach calmed, he returned to the table. Elijah regaled Alyse with tales from his time in Europe and Jamie watched him, the love in his eyes clear. Kim smiled as he placed Alyse’s lemonade in front of her. He liked seeing his friends falling in love.

  Last year half the team had sat at their table, all bachelors spending the night bullshitting each other and it had been fun. But this year with Zamira, Alyse and now Elijah, it was different. A shift. Only Adam and Guy were unaccompanied and if Will wasn’t still on his honeymoon, he would have brought Fleur with him.

  Kim frowned. He shouldn’t think of Alyse in that way. She wasn’t his. She still might see him as the dorky friend she’d hung out with at the markets because there’d been no better options.

  He barely tasted the turkey he ate.

  Alyse laughed at something Elijah said, a throaty, sexy sound that shot right to Kim’s groin. He hadn’t heard her laugh in years, he’d forgotten the sound. She slapped her hand over her mouth, eyes wide as if she hadn’t meant to. Kim murmured, “You OK?”

  She nodded, swallowing hard, not looking at him. Instead her gaze darted across the room to Mark. He spoke to the blonde next to him. She relaxed and turned to speak with Zamira.

  Kim wanted to hear her laugh again. Wanted to be the one to make her laugh. Wanted to bring her back to life.

  It didn’t matter if Alyse only saw him as a friend. He would help her.

  Whatever it took.


  The night ended way before Alyse was ready. Though most of the people were practically strangers, she’d had fun listening to their stories and banter. They were all people who’d seen her at her worst; Elijah and Jamie had witnessed Mark hitting her after he’d fallen off the roof, Adam had come to her place when she’d finally built the courage to report a domestic assault, and Guy was the paramedic who’d been there when Mark had broken his leg. She’d expected judgement, but instead they’d welcomed her and included her in the conversation.

  Next to her, Zamira asked about the people the men spoke about and Alyse pointed out most of them and explained where they fit into the community. She might have been isolated from the town, but she still knew who was whom.

  Between the courses, the organisers sold raffle tickets and organised games to raise more money. At the end of the night, the trophy was awarded to the football team who’d won the Chrissy Cup and people began to go home. Alyse had lost count of the number of times Mark had ordered another beer, so he would be well plastered. Hopefully he’d be so drunk he’d fall asleep in the car. If not, she’d have to move fast and lock herself into her room before he could get stuck into her for everything she’d done wrong that night.

  She kept an eye on Mark as the others on her table spoke about leaving.

  “Do you need a lift?” Kim asked.

  She jolted as he touched her hand to get her attention. “No. I drove.” She checked for Mark and saw him on his feet glaring at her. Quickly she pulled her hand out from under Kim’s and stood. “I should go.”

  “Wait.” Zamira pulled out her phone. “Let me get your number so we can go for coffee next week.”

  Alyse felt Mark’s gaze on her as she rattled off her number. She forced herself to smile at Zamira. “I’ll talk to you later.” She waved at the table to say goodbye, avoiding Kim, and hurried to Mark. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yeah.” He placed his arm on her shoulder, laying claim. His palm squeezed her breast and she flinched, but it only made him squeeze harder. “Let’s see how he likes this.” A slight slur in his words hinted he’d had way too much to drink.

  She stiffened and increased her pace, hoping to get him out of the building and into the dark outside before too many people saw them. Without looking, she knew Kim was watching. Shame washed over her and her face flushed. Mark fondled her breast.

  Despair and fury fought a duel in her mind, each battling to win. She gritted her teeth and finally they stepped out of the clubhouse into the cold darkness. “Let me get my keys.” She stepped away and he let her go. Her hands shook as she fumbled with her bag, finding the keys, and she strode towards the car, not waiting for Mark, but he kept up with her. He held his liquor well.

  Without another word, she drove home. He was silent until they left town and darkness fell around the car, no street lights to illuminate the way. She switched on high be
am to give her more warning of any kangaroos crossing the road.

  “He wants to fuck you.”

  He could only be referring to Kim, but still she asked, “Who?”

  “The Asian prick. You want to fuck him too.”

  She swallowed hard, fear crawling over her skin. She recognised that soft conversational tone. He was furious. Would she have time to unlock the front door and get inside before he caught her? “No, I don’t. I sat with him because there was nowhere else to sit. I spoke with Zamira most of the night.”

  “She’s the bitch who ruined Henk’s operation. I told you not to see her again.”

  Alyse clenched her jaw. It wasn’t fair of him to choose her friends. But she daren’t defy him. “I’m sorry. It was the only spare seat.”

  “I mean it, Alyse. If I see you with her…”

  She could fill in the blanks. He’d beat her, or mess with her hives, or make her life more miserable than it currently was. But that wasn’t far of a stretch. Her life sucked. Today was the first day in years that she’d felt like a real person. She’d laughed with Kim’s friends. She thought she’d forgotten how.

  “I’d hate for the bitch to have an accident again.”

  The threat cut through her. It was the second time he’d threatened others rather than her. Did he know his threats no longer worked? Her life was worthless. Perhaps jail would be preferable to this. But as she turned into her property and saw the farmhouse ahead, her heart squeezed. It was all she had left of her parents. The apiary had been in the family for generations. The police seized property involved in illegal operations and if Mark was involved in drug trafficking, the police could confiscate it permanently.

  Her shoulders fell. Did it really matter? There was no one to leave it to.

  As she parked in front of the house, Mark squeezed her hand. “You and I need to have a little chat before you go to bed.”

  Fear caught her breath in her throat. She nodded rather than speak. To disobey a direct order in his current mood would only be worse for her. He’d likely break down her door like he’d threatened to do before. Slowly she climbed out, her muscles tight. She waited for him and together they walked up the front path. The keys dug into her palm, as she waited for the first attack—verbal or physical—it didn’t matter. As long as it started.


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