Clash (The Forever Duet #2)

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Clash (The Forever Duet #2) Page 4

by Jennah Thornhill

  Tommy walks in just as the last girl before lunch leaves the room. “Errm, so, Bon. How about we go get some lunch? You know, maybe we can talk about that night we got a little hot and heavy at that party.” Tommy's invite to lunch is a little suggestive if the small grin and the wiggle of his eyebrows are anything to go by.

  Oh, someone just shoot me right now.

  Before I can answer and diffuse the situation, Neil jumps up out of his chair and charges at Tommy, punching him square in the nose.

  Oh. My. Fucking. God.

  “Neil, what are you doing?” A voice shrieks from the doorway, just as he’s about to pound into Tommy again.


  Chapter Ten


  Dylan grapples at my arm to pull me off Tommy as I hear her voice. What the fuck is she doing here? She never comes to the office; she can’t usually bear to hear Dylan’s voice, let alone see him.

  Tommy scrambles away to the other side of the room as my attention is brought to the woman standing in the doorway. Shaking my hand out, I shrug out of Dylan’s grasp and not even giving a shit about anyone else, my eyes find Bonnie’s right away. She doesn’t look happy, though. What the fuck am I doing? I never, and I mean never, lose my cool.

  I can see her disappointment in me coating her eyes, and I can’t bear it.

  Turning on my heel, I push through the door, past Sarah and ignoring Dylan, and carry on to my own office. Giving the door a hard shove behind me until it slams shut, I go to the window wall. Scraping the tips of my fingers over my scalp and clasping them behind my neck, I tip my head back to try to get rid of some of this tension.

  The door opens, and I know who it is without turning around.

  “What the hell is going on, Neil?” Sarah shrieks.

  Blowing out a sigh, I close my eyes before turning around to face her.

  “What has gotten into you lately? I feel like I don’t even know you anymore.”

  In all fairness, she doesn’t know me anymore. I’ve changed—she’s changed if I’m honest—but this, for once, isn’t on her. It’s on me. My head has been fucked up ever since I left Bonnie’s four days ago. I’d left the ball in her court, hoping she’d call me or message me, but she hasn’t, and I’ve been like a raging bull. Someone had been bound to get it, and Tommy had just been a crosshair: the little scrote who fucks anything with a pair of tits. I refuse to stand by and let him use Bonnie like that.

  “Why are you here?”

  Staring at me with her hand on her cocked hip she gasps. “What do you mean? I came to see if my boyfriend would like to go to lunch and I walked in on that. Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

  “No. It’s office shit. Nothing for you to worry about.” Eyeing her closely from her blonde hair that’s pulled tight into a bun, to the blue trouser suit she’s wearing right down to her heeled shoes. I’d been hoping there would be a little spark there, but I get nothing. When I think about it, when I’d seen Bonnie standing in Serena’s office this morning, I’d had more than a spark. It had been like a fucking firework setting off. Fuck me. I’d thought my dick was going to break out of my trousers. All I’d been able to think about was peeling those leather trousers from her legs and fucking her on the desk with the spikes of her heels digging into my arse cheeks. I’m getting hard just thinking about it.

  Pushing my nasty thoughts of Bonnie away, I turn back to Sarah. “Look, maybe you should go back to work. I got shit to deal with. I really don’t have time for lunch, anyway.” I keep my distance from her and go around my desk, slumping into my chair, just long enough for the evidence of my thoughts of Bonnie to go.

  “Why are you avoiding me? You've barely spoken to me for four days. Has this got something to do with one of those sluts in the other room? Has Dylan rubbed off on you? You thinking that now he’s taken you’d have a go?”

  My head hangs back on my shoulders as I let a heavy sigh out and close my eyes. I’m hoping when they open again, she’ll be gone. “Well, thanks for that, Sarah.”

  I hadn’t even heard the door open over the sound of the annoying screech of her voice, and at the sound of my best friend's voice, I keep my eyes closed and shake my head.

  “Neil, we need to go back in.”

  Shooting up from the chair, I walk around the desk and past Sarah. “It’s time for you to go. We’ll talk about this later.”

  Dylan leaves without another word, and as I go to walk through the door to follow him, she catches me by the elbow.

  “Do I get a kiss goodbye?”

  Turning, I look her in the eye. “After what you’ve just said?”

  “I didn’t mean it…”

  “Then why say it? I’ll see you later.”

  Leaving Sarah in my office, I turn the corner and walk back down the corridor to the main conference room, closing the door behind me. All eyes are on me as I retake my seat, all but one set.

  For the rest of the casting, we go through the motions. I look to the other side of the table, and every now and again, Tommy dabs at his nose. He's lucky I didn’t break the fucker. Maybe now he’ll know to stay away from Bonnie.

  The casting runs over longer than it should. After what happened at lunch as well, it took longer to get back into work mode. One by one, the girls exit the room, leaving just us guys that work for the company and Bonnie.

  “You, outside. Now.” Dylan taps me on the shoulder as he goes past me and leaves. Bonnie looks up but doesn’t say anything. Shoving my chair back in frustration and sighing, I stand and follow him out.

  Dylan’s pacing the floor of the corridor with his hands on his hips as I reach him.

  He spins around, glaring at me. “You better tell me what the fuck is going on. I know there’s something between you and Bonnie. And Sarah… what the fuck? Does she really think that little of me?”

  Leaning against the wall, I tip my head back and without thinking I let it roll off my tongue. “Unfortunately, yes. She thinks that little of you. As for me and Bonnie, I don’t know what’s happening.” Bringing my head back down to look at Dylan, I add, “I’m sorry, okay. I didn’t mean for that to happen with Tommy, but he’s been winding me up since he got here this morning.”

  “Neil, man. I don’t get it. This isn’t you, so whatever’s going on”—he points his finger in my chest— “sort it fucking out. I need your head in the game.”

  Nodding at my best friend and business associate, I go back into the room, grab my folders and briefcase and head back out to my own office.

  I sort my shit for the next day, and once I’m satisfied with everything, I decide to leave for the day. I lift my head to see Bonnie walking past with her head down, trying her hardest not to look in as she passes. I let her walk past then run out of the door and look down the corridor to see where she’s gone. The door to the lift is opening, and I see her step in. Sprinting down the corridor, I manage to get there in time and step inside the lift before the doors can shut.

  Glancing to the side of me, I catch her eyes closing. Once the doors are tightly shut and it begins to move, I turn around, pressing the ‘STOP’ button. The lift halts its descent with a jolt, and Bonnie's pretty eyes spring open.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she squeals, obviously panicking.

  “Something I’ve wanted to do since I saw you standing in that office in those tight as fuck trousers and fuck me heels. Something I’ve wanted to do for four fucking days,” I explain through a gasp walking her backwards towards the wall and taking her hands in mine. I lift them above her head and use my body to keep her there. Without wasting anymore time, I slam my lips against hers in a desperate kiss.

  Chapter Eleven


  I’m pissed as hell. And why the fuck am I allowing him to kiss me? That’s right… because I don’t know how to say no to this man. Even after what went down today and with Sarah turning up, I still can’t find the strength to turn him do
wn when we clash together in a mixture of tongues, lips, and growls.

  My bag drops to the lift floor, and I grip the lapels of his jacket in my fists. I want to shout and scream at him for his behaviour today, but I can’t. The minute he touches me, my whole body melting into his, fitting perfectly together. He lets loose so many butterflies of excitement in my stomach that I know, in the end, I’m going to be the one hurt when he turns and walks away from me. Yet I can’t seem to stop this—whatever this is between us.

  Sex! That’s all it is. Sex and nothing more. I should just enjoy it whilst I can. If in the process I get ruined, so be it. I’ll just have to live with it.

  “I’m mad at you.” I shove at his shoulder and pout my lips.

  “I know you are, baby, but I just couldn’t stand that he was ogling you all day and when he tried to ask you to lunch and started spouting off about you two, I just lost it. I saw red, and I just wanted to rearrange his face. I hate the idea of sharing you.”

  That’s when I see red.

  He hates sharing me. Well, technically, I’m not his.

  With my weight behind me, I push him even further away from me, sidestepping him so I can press the button to make the lift start up again, picking my bag up just before we reach the lobby floor.

  Turning back to him, and kneeing him straight in the dick I spit, “But I have to share you with her. Goodbye, Neil.”

  As the lift doors open, I hear him fall to his knees behind me groaning in agony from my assault.

  Eighteen missed calls, eleven text messages—all of them from Neil—and I haven’t answered a single fucking one of them. Swiping away his latest attempt at getting in touch from the screen, I switch my phone off and toss it into my bedside drawer.

  Who the fuck does he think he is? How dare he stand there and say he hates the idea of sharing me? I’m not attached to him; we aren’t in a relationship. He has a relationship with Sarah yet expects me to be okay with him going home to her every night. Hypocritical much.

  Changing into some shorts and a tank, I release my hair from its messy bun and allow it to tumble down my back. Going into the kitchen, I grab the bottle of white wine I have stashed in there before taking a glass from the cupboard and pouring myself a large measure. Gulping down half of it, I sigh in appreciation when the alcohol hits just the right spot.

  What should have been a good start to this fantastic opportunity that Serena and Dylan are giving me, has turned out to be a complete nightmare.

  Curling up on the sofa, I relax into the throw pillows, and just as I feel my begin to eyes close, my letterbox bangs.

  Who the hell is that at this time of night?

  I swear if it’s Neil, I’m gonna do more than just kick him in the dick this time.

  Climbing to my feet, I drag my arse into the hallway and a shudder rolls over me when I see a white envelope on the mat. I pick it up and peel it open, sliding the single sheet of paper out and reading the typed words.

  You’re nothing but a slut. I know what you’ve been up to.

  Right there on my hardwood floor, the wine I’ve just drunk makes a reappearance.

  Chapter Twelve


  Cupping my wounded bollocks in my hands, I slide down the wall of the lift and squat. Feeling sick does not even cover it. If my ball bag weren’t scooped up into my hands right now, I swear they’d be somewhere in my stomach. Watching her sexy ass walk away from me and not able to get up and run after her is a bitch. I can’t even call out to her because I can’t fucking speak, let alone shout—it’d probably come out more like a squeak.

  The doors to the lift slide across, and before I know it, it’s going back up to where I come from, but I don’t care, because I can’t fuck move. I’m still holding on to my crown jewels as the lift opens again. With my head tipped back against the wall, I don't see who’s waiting to get in until I hear the voice.

  A snort and a loud chuckle make me look up. “Looks like she didn’t want you, mate. Maybe I should have taken her to lunch anyway.”

  “Fuck you, Tommy.” Pushing myself up the wall and still cupping my balls in my hands, I try to stand up straight but it’s difficult. Still, I manage to shove him against the wall on the opposite side. “Do yourself a favour and don’t fucking speak.” Reaching over I stab the buttons for the ground floor and take my position back up, but the doors begin to open again.

  Fucks sake!

  Looking up from my bent over position, who has to get in the lift next, none other than Dylan.

  “What the fuck have you done now?”

  The doors slide across and we begin to travel back to the ground again.

  Taking me by the elbow, he helps me stand upright and I rest my back against the wall. I take a few deep breaths, but they don’t cure the sick feeling residing in the pit of my stomach. “You don’t want to know.”

  “It was that sexy bit of stuff: she obviously doesn’t like his shit sense of humour…”

  Dylan ignores the twat in the corner. “Bonnie?”

  I glance at him, seeing the smirk settling across his smug face. “Fuck you, Dylan. And you can shut the fuck up before I knock you fucking out,” I tell Tommy.

  “You don’t look like you’re in much of a position to me.”

  Springing from the wall I reach out to grab him, but Dylan pushes my arm back.

  “Alright, Rocky, that’s enough. Tommy get the fuck out before I fire your arse.”

  The doors open, and I slowly make my way out. Dylan grabs my briefcase and walks with me to the car, leaving Tommy in the lobby laughing.

  “I’m gonna knock that little cunt out.”

  Dylan doesn’t say anything until we reach my car. “So, you’re my best friend, you're my business associate and if you can’t trust me, you can’t trust anyone.”

  With my hands pressing against the top of the car I lean over and hang my head between my arms.

  “What the fuck is going on, and don’t fucking lie to me.”

  Pulling my head up, I look at him and know I have to tell him; I have to be honest. I’ve never been able to lie to Dylan. “I’ve been seeing Bonnie.” I blurt out. To be honest it’s a relief to finally get it off my chest…

  “Hang on, you’ve been seeing her? In other words, you’ve been shagging her. What the fuck are you playing at mate? What about Sarah?”

  “Yes, yes and who fucking knows. Does that answer your questions?”

  “Does she know?”

  “Who Bon? I fucking hope so,” I joke, trying to make some light of the intense situation.

  “Sarah, you fucking dickhead!”

  “No. I don’t think so anyway.”

  If there’s one thing about Dylan, he never acts disappointed, and right now, when he could turn into my dad and lecture me, he remains neutral.

  “It hasn’t been a lot, like not all the time, but she makes me fucking crazy, Dyl. Like crazy, crazy.”

  “So, is this why you looked so tense this morning?” Dylan chuckles.

  “Please don’t tell Serena.”

  “Ah man, now you’re asking for too much.”

  “Not for me, for Bonnie.”

  “Neil man, we don’t keep secrets—not anymore. Do you not remember what happened last time I kept a secret from her?”

  In all fairness, I do remember. When he’d finally plucked up the courage to tell her about his ex, shit had hit the fan and he’d had to grovel like shit, which, if I remember right, is how me and Bonnie got holed up together for the first time. That, and after he knocked some poor bloke out on the dance floor all because of Serena.

  “I do remember it—like it was yesterday.” Sighing I stand, place my hands at my hips and attempt to breathe properly while leaning my body backward and stretching my stomach out. “Please give me some time and I promise I’ll sort this shit out.”

  Nodding he slaps me on the back of the shoulder. “Okay but sort it. Don’t fucking hu
rt her because if you do, best friend or not, I will tell Serena it was you that hurt her best friend and believe me, she’s got one hell of a right hook, so on your head be it.”

  “Thanks, dude.”

  Opening the car, I sling my briefcase over to the passenger seat and ease myself onto the driver's seat. I probably shouldn't even be thinking right now how hot she’d looked when she turned around and kneed me in the bollocks. I’d almost been turned on until I felt the excruciating pain. Talk about dropping a man to his knees—she’d done that alright. My dick has wilted like a flower that hadn’t had any water in days.

  Pulling my phone from the inside pocket of my jacket, I find Bonnie’s number and give her a call. After four rings, it goes to voicemail. “Bon, it's me give me a call.”

  I don’t do much once I’m home other than have a shower and nursing my injured anatomy. The bitch got me good and proper.

  When Sarah comes back from work, she grabs a glass of water and goes straight to our room while I stayed in the living room. We barely say two words to each other.

  I’ve called Bonnie so many times I’ve lost count. I’ve even left her messages and nothing.

  Man, I think I’ve really fucked up this time.

  Cupping my phone in my hand, I decide it’s probably best if I sleep in the spare room tonight. I take each stair carefully until I reach the top, entering the spare room, easing my trousers off, because movement is still a bit hard, and sliding between the covers of the cold bed.

  I’ve not been in contact with Bonnie at all for two days—she obviously doesn’t want to talk to me, so I’m not going to chase her. In fact, I’m gonna do the exact opposite. I’m not going to let her bother me. If Tommy wants to chat her up, so be it. It’s time I got my feelings in check. Sarah and I still aren’t really talking, and in all honesty, I think it’s time we sorted shit out and come to some sort of arrangement. The blunt truth of this matter is that I just don’t love her anymore. The few times I’ve spent with Bonnie has shown me that and has proved my true feelings.


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