Clash (The Forever Duet #2)

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Clash (The Forever Duet #2) Page 15

by Jennah Thornhill

  Not now, not ever.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  Is it weird that my favourite thing to do is to watch her sleep?

  I’ve never been in a relationship with anyone that makes me whole, but Bonnie… she does. I know all this shit that’s happening to us is serious, but it’s just temporary. After all this, we’re going to come out of it stronger.

  Dylan has told us to take a couple of days off. I feel like all I’ve done recently is take time off, but I can’t do it anymore. There’s work at the office piling up on my desk, and I've left Amanda holding the fort for way too long now. Kissing her temple as softly as I can muster, I leave our bed and go into the bathroom, starting the shower.

  Pushing my boxers down my legs, I test the water with my fingers and step inside. I take a few minutes to let the hot spray relax and refresh me before washing my hair. A slight draught seeps through the door, hitting my back. I rinse my hair beneath the spray, keeping my eyes shut as I feel her near me. A smile pulls at my lips as Bonnie’s hands glide up and down my skin. It doesn’t take long for the other guy to wake himself up. I mean, just having Bonnie close by can cause that.

  Sliding her hands around to my stomach, she soon takes my length in her hand. “Good morning, Mr Montgomery.”

  Within less than a second, I’m turning and facing her. “Good morning, beautiful.” Pulling her under the spray with me, I kiss her lips as the water runs between us, the heat steaming up the glass. I love nothing more than having her silky skin within reach. Running her eager hands over my chest, I let mine wander until I reach her opening and Bonnie lets out a short gasp as my fingers enter her.

  “Make love to me?”

  “You don’t have to ask me. That’s one thing I’ll do without a request.”

  Lifting her from the floor and placing her back on the tiles, I position my erection at her opening and push slowly inside of her—my favourite place to be.

  Bonnie’s coming to the office today. We don’t have any meetings, but I'll be quite honest: I’m too scared to leave her here. I’d rather her be where I can see her and can drop everything to be at her side if needs be. I refuse to let her out of my sight, but if I know Bonnie as well as I think I do, she’ll be threatening me by the end of the day.

  “Are we ready?” Trailing my eyes up and down her body just teases myself, and I probably shouldn’t do it, but nothing gives me more pleasure in life than seeing what's mine.

  “You can take that look off your face.”

  “What look?” I grin.

  “The greedy look, the one that says, ‘I want to devour you’.”

  “Hey, I can’t help it if you’re sexy?”

  Grabbing me by the tie, she leads me towards the front door. “Come on, we have to get to work. And if we don’t leave now, I know for a fact we won’t leave at all.”

  Locking the door, we go down the lift of the apartment block to the car park and get in my car.

  “Have I ever told you I love this car and you’re not allowed to sell it?” She settles into her seat and puts on her seatbelt. Once I’ve started the engine, I press on the revs letting it purr, just for Bonnie’s sake. Seeing her bite her lip and her eyes close, I lean across and put my lips to her ear. “You know, one day, I’m going to fuck you on the bonnet of this car while the engine’s still running… Does that sound good?”

  Her eyes open with a flutter. “Oh, promises, promises.”

  Leaving a kiss on her cheek, I feel the smirk pulling at the corner of my mouth while I straighten myself up in my seat and put this baby in gear, heading towards the office.

  We go straight to my office first, stopping off at Amanda’s desk to see if I have any messages.

  “Hey, Amanda.” Bonnie lifts her hand in a friendly wave before clutching my elbow. “Babe I’m going to see Serena before I set up: she’s got my fashion show designs.”

  Holding a hand up to Amanda asking her to give me a minute, I turn back to Bonnie threading my arm around her back and pulling her in close. “Not without a kiss you’re not.”

  She appeases me and plants her lips on mine without question.

  “Oh, put him down—you don't know where he’s been.”

  Following the voice that I recognise right away, I look over Bonnie’s shoulder to come face to face with Tommy, the little fucking weasel.

  Stepping back an inch, Bonnie straightens her clothes before giving Tommy the finger.

  Sniggering to myself, I can’t help but add, “I wonder how you’d look with no teeth?” I smile just to throw him off course, but inside I’m seething.

  Bonnie notices my hand ball into a fist and takes it in her hers, turning my focus on her. “Ignore him, he’s not worth it.” She whispers against my lips.

  “Oh, it would be worth it—I’d make it worth it.”

  Smiling, she cups my cheeks between her thumb and fingers and pushes my lips into a pout before kissing them. Instantly, I feel better. She turns around, and with an extra sway of that sexy arse of hers, she heads off to Serena’s office. She puts her finger in Tommy’s face as she strides past him, making me smile.

  I turn back to Amanda and thank her for holding everything down for me then go inside my office, taking my seat, and start working through the mound of shit on my desk.

  Chapter Forty-Five


  Last night, I should have been crying into my pillow and I would have been if it weren’t for Neil. He’d known I needed some time to get my head around everything, and instead of letting me fall apart, he’d taken care of me and let me go to him when I was ready.

  He hadn’t forced me to talk he’d just listened to me when I had.

  His words from this morning still float around in my mind: his promise to fuck me on the bonnet had had me squeezing my thighs together, and the thought of him making good on that promise has my spine tingling. He thinks I’ve come to work to keep him happy, because he doesn’t want me to be on my own. However, although I appreciate his concern, I’m doing this for me. I need some sense of normality and throwing myself into my work is normal for me.

  I knock on the door to Serena’s office, and she shouts for me to go in. The look of surprise on her face is actually quite comical.

  “What in God's name are you doing here? We told you not to bother.” She rushes from behind her desk and hugs the shit out of me, almost squeezing all the air out of my lungs.

  I manage to wheeze my words out. “I couldn’t stay in that apartment on my own, I’d lose my mind, and I couldn’t expect Neil to have any more time off. He’s already missed so much because of me.”

  Letting me go, she gives me a warm smile, and I suck a breath in now I’m able to breathe properly again. You know, for a small woman, she certainly has some strength behind her. No wonder Dylan is petrified of her when she threatens his dick.

  “Well, come and sit down.” She guides me to one of the grey bucket chairs opposite her desk, and I plonk my arse down, dropping my bag on the floor by my feet as she goes back to her side of the desk.

  Resting her hand in her chin, she looks at me, and I can see she’s dying to say something but is not sure if she should.

  “Just spit it out, I can see you want to.”

  “Ok, I will.” Sitting back in her chair, she drums her nails on the arm rest before she continues. “Are you sure you should be here? This whack job knows you spend time here, Bon. At least if you’re at the apartment no one knows you’re there—only me, Neil, and Dylan. I’m just concerned for you, that’s all. I wouldn’t be your best friend if I weren’t.”

  And I can see she’s worried for me; she doesn’t have to say anything else.

  Leaning forward so my elbows are resting on my knees, I clasp my hands together and look straight at her, determination flowing through my veins now more than ever. “I can’t and won’t let what’s been happening dictate my everyday living anymore. I’ve already had t
o temporarily move out of my own house. I won’t let my work be affected as well. I need to be here.”

  Something flashes in her eyes, and she smiles at me, “If that’s the case, then grab your bag. We’re going on a little trip.”

  It’s not until she’s hailed a taxi from outside the office that I learn where she’s taking us.

  The Mayfair Hotel—the same hotel my fashion show is going to be held at.

  Butterflies start up in my stomach, and for the first time since her and Dylan told me they're going to support me, I start to get excited that this is actually happening.

  The taxi pulls up at the curb, and Serena hands the driver a twenty, telling him to keep the change.

  We both step from the car, standing side by side on the pavement, and she links her arm with mine as we head to the glass doors.

  “I’ve been wanting to bring you here for the last couple of weeks; I just didn’t think it was the right time—you know, with everything that’s been going on.”

  My lips pull up into the biggest smile. “This is exactly what I’ve needed, thank you.”

  We’re greeted by an older gentleman who opens the door for us, and as we enter the lobby area, there’s a smartly dressed woman waiting for us.

  “Hello ladies, Ms davenport, Miss Jones. My name is Eve, and it’s my pleasure to welcome you to The Mayfair. I’ll be taking you down to the ballroom that you’ve hired out for your show. You’re more than welcome to take a look around and make any notes that you need. We'll do everything in our power to accommodate your needs.”

  Ever the professional, Serena plasters on her business smile and politely thanks her.

  “Now, if you would both come this way.” She goes ahead of us, and we follow dutifully.

  When we get to the massive double doors that lead to the ballroom, there’s a server waiting for us with a tray.

  “Please help yourselves to a complimentary mimosa.” Eve waves her hand out at the tray.

  Serena and I look at each other and smirk. Who are we to say no to free alcohol?

  Today is gonna be a good day.

  I think I’ve earned it.

  Chapter Forty-Six


  When a single knock sounds on my office door, I know it’s Dylan on the other side.

  “Come in.”

  “I thought you were taking some time off?” Dylan plonks himself down in the chair opposite me.

  “Oh, come on D. You know I’m a workaholic. I can’t sit at home... and let’s be honest, there’re only so many times I can ravish Bonnie's body in a day before she actually gets sick of me.” The thought makes me smile. “And being your partner makes me one.”

  Happening to glance up from work I see Serena and Bonnie outside my door. The amount of times I sat here in my chair watching her from afar after that first night is crazy. Snapping me out of my Bonnie haze, Serena comes into the office and closes the door behind her placing her back against it.

  With her hands protruding out at her sides Bonnie shrugs like she hasn’t got a clue what’s happening.

  “Right then…” Serena says, clapping her hands. “I’m taking Bonnie out.” My anxiety shoots up a few notches and she must notice because she attempts to appease me, “it’s okay I’m taking her to The Mayfair. Neil, please don’t worry, I promise I’ll keep her safe. We’re just going so I can show her the ballroom and maybe have a bottle of champagne… I can’t wait to see her face.” she says taking a breath with a mischievous grin. She leaves the office as quick as she came in and closes the door behind her. Bonnie blows me a kiss from the other side of the glass and before I know it, they’re gone.

  “That woman is like a tornado.”

  “Fucking tell me about it.” Dylan laughs. “You should live with her.”

  Dylan finally left my office half an hour after the girls left. I’m starting to wonder what it is he actually does, these days he does fuck all.

  I try to get some more work done, but I’ll be honest, Bonnie being out of the office is on my mind now. All the words on the monitor are starting to blend into one and I can’t concentrate.

  Throwing my pen down on the desk, I pick up the phone and call Dylan.

  He picks up after one ring. “What you want, dickhead?”

  “I can’t fuck concentrate.” I sigh.


  “Shall we call it a day?” Raising my eyebrows, even though he can’t see me, I wait for an answer.

  “You’re worried about her, aren’t ya?” He doesn’t wait for me to answer.

  I am worried about her, I’m not afraid to admit that. “Yes. I am.”

  “She’ll be okay with Serena.” He pauses. “Come on then. Why don’t we go to The Mayfair?”

  “Now you’re talking.” I put the phone down with a bang and shut down all my tabs on my computer. Gathering all my paperwork, I put the contracts I was working through in my briefcase. There’s nothing here that can’t wait until tomorrow. Just as I’m almost packed up, Dylan comes barrelling through the door and claps his hands.

  “Come on then, princess. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  We leave together, and I tell Amanda to take the rest of the day off.

  As we head for the lift, Tommy comes from around the corner. It’s like everywhere I am today, so is he.

  “Are you two leaving for the day?”

  Huffing out a frustrated breath, I turn to look at him. “What’s it got to do with you, Tommy?”

  “Hey,” he says, his hands going up in front of him in defence, “I was just making an observation.”

  “Well done. Full marks for getting it right.”

  While Tommy and I embark in a stare off, Dylan steps in.

  “Tommy, just remember something, mate”—he smacks his shoulder a little harder than a friendly pat—“I am still your boss, and I will fire your arse if you keep winding my partner up, who of course is also your boss. Now go back to work.”

  He shakes his head while I hide a grin.

  “Imagine that on a character reference for your next job.”

  I walk away first with a snigger, patting his arm. “See ya, Tommy.

  As the lift arrives, we both step on and turn around, facing the doors. Tommy seethes as he stares at us. With a little wave of my hand, the doors close and we head down to the car park.

  Casually strolling into The Mayfair, we greet the concierge and go to the bar. We can’t see the girls around, so we grab a couple of beers and sit in the comfy chairs to relax. After all the shit that’s been happening lately, this is what we need. I won’t lie when I say I’m a little anxious, but everything seems quiet for now. We still haven’t heard from the police, but as they say: no news is good news.

  Just as we’re finishing the first bottle, I hear the sexy husk of Bonnie’s voice. I grab a couple more beers from the bar and order the best bottle of champagne they have. The waiter sends me back to sit down and tells me he’ll bring everything over to our table. Sliding my hands into my pockets, I watch the girls shake hands with the events manager before turning around to see us. The waiter delivers our drinks, and I get up, sauntering over to the love of my life, wrap my arms around her and plant a kiss on her cheek. I take her hand and lead her to the table just as Dylan is pouring the champagne…

  “What the hell are you two doing here? Can’t us girls have some fun without you pair railroading it?” Serena stands next to the chair Dylan is occupying and taps her foot at the same time she plants her hands on her hips.

  Putting the bottle down onto the table, he holds his hands up in a defensive manner. “This has fuck all to do with me, sweetheart. Honestly.”

  The twat has literally just thrown me under the bus—all so he can save his own dick.

  I flick Dylan the middle finger and quickly take my seat again, pulling Bonnie by the hips and onto my lap before Serena sets her sights on me. Serena won’t hurt me while Bonnie is on me.r />
  “Take a seat, darling, and let’s just enjoy some good drinks and exceptional company.” Dylan tells her as he hands both the women a glass of fizz.

  “Here’s to us and the business.” we all toast together.

  Right here, right now. Nothing else exists.

  Chapter Forty-Seven


  The last three weeks have flown by. Since going to The Mayfair with Serena, and the guys crashing our girl time, everything has happened so bloody fast. One minute we’d been laughing and joking, trying to forget recent events, and the next I’m running around to get all the final details ready for the biggest event of my life: my own fashion show.

  Something I could have only dreamt about is finally happening.

  Yes, I have my own little store, but sometimes it can get lost amongst all the big designer names out there. Yet, thanks to the two most amazing friends a girl could ask for, I have every fashion magazine, editor, blogger, and department store buyers coming to attend.

  Everything is riding on this—it’s either gonna make or break my career.

  Also, in the last three weeks, the police have been in touch with Neil and me. They have no leads, and because we haven’t had anything else happen since my house was trashed, they’re hesitant to take it any further.

  We’re still living in the apartment, though. I’d be lying if I said I wanted to go back to my place. At the apartment, even though it’s not mine, I feel safer there. No one can just knock on my door without being announced by the concierge who’s always on the desk when you walk through the door to the building.

  Just as I’m finishing typing up an e-mail to the caterers for the after party, I hear a small knock on the conference door.

  “Erm, hey, Bon. I know we said two. I’m a little early. I can always come back…”

  Seeing Kate standing in the doorway of the conference room that I seem to have taken over recently, I beckon her in and stand from my chair, stretching my arms over my head as I do. “No, of course not. Come in.”


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