The Anunnaki Unification, Book 3: A Stargate SG-1 Fan Fiction Story

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The Anunnaki Unification, Book 3: A Stargate SG-1 Fan Fiction Story Page 34

by Michele Briere

  “O’Neill. Well, beam him out! Oh, fer…… alright. Take me to him.”

  Moments later, Jack was stalking his way through a group of villagers. SG-1 was standing defensively as Daniel waited for the guards to get tired of pointing arrows at him.

  “Daniel, what are you doing?” Jack asked, coming to a halt next to Reynolds.

  Sam beamed in along with SG-3. The women muttered about ‘magic’.

  “Jack, just chill, will you?” Daniel asked. “I’m fine.”

  “Daniel, you have …1, 2, 3….. nine women pointing arrows at you. In what way is this “fine”?”

  “I’m negotiating,” Daniel said.

  Jack crossed his arms and waited. He felt a hand on his back.

  “Let me?” he heard Sam ask. He nodded and she stepped forward.

  “May I ask what the problem is?” she asked the archers.

  One of the women lifted a haughty chin.

  “These men say we must leave,” she informed Sam. “They say our world is dying. It is a demon-lie and we will have no more of it!”

  “It isn’t a lie,” Sam assured her. “An asteroid, a very large rock from space, hit a southern continent. I can show you the damage.”

  The woman’s eyes narrowed. “You are under their control.”

  “We are a military organization and General O’Neill is my superior officer,” Sam clarified, gesturing toward Jack. “That is all. We are trying to help you. Most of your people are already on another planet and they will make their new home there. We want to help you to survive, too.”

  The woman poked at Daniel with the tip of her arrow. “This one touched me without permission.”

  “Daniel, apologize for touching the lady,” Sam told him.

  “I did,” he said.

  “Well, tell her again.”

  “I’m sorry for touching you without permission,” Daniel said easily.

  The woman looked closely at Sam. “These men will obey you?” she asked.

  Sam leaned on her P-90 and shifted. “Well, he’s one of my husbands, so if he doesn’t obey me, he’ll be sleeping alone.”

  Someone hid a snicker as the women relaxed slightly and whispered amongst themselves.

  “You have more than one man?” the first woman asked.

  “The general is my other husband,” Sam said, cocking her head in Jack’s direction. “He only gives orders when we are at work.”

  “Two is an honorable number,” the woman reluctantly conceded. “I have three.” Her chin was held high, daring Sam.

  Sam inclined her head respectfully. “You must be very powerful and wealthy in your village, to support three men. Will you allow me to show you the damage to your planet? It might help in decision making and making sure your men are safe.”

  The women whispered again.

  “We will hear your words,” they decided.

  “Thank you. Daniel, do you have your laptop?”

  “It’s in my bag,” he said. “They took it.”

  “May I have the bag he was carrying? There is an instrument in it that will show you the damage.”

  The woman sent one of the men to fetch the bag. He held it out to Sam from a polite distance and stepped back when she took it.

  “Thank you.” She took the laptop and powered it up as the women gathered cautiously around to watch. She brought up the active monitors from the Prometheus in orbit and carefully told her audience what they were seeing. They didn’t really understand how the gash in the planet could hurt them on the other side of the world. Sam looked around and found a round melon.

  “General, would you please take a shot at this?” she asked Jack, offering a silent apology for the order. Jack understood. He aimed and hit the melon once. People jumped at the unexpected sound and looked at the melon. Sam tried to roll it. “That’s what your planet is going to do,” she said, exaggerating slightly. “It’s going to keep trying to turn, but it’s going to get stuck on that hole and it will turn on its side. Are there caves here? What kinds of things grow deep in the caves where no sunlight ever goes?”

  “Poison plants,” someone called out. Others called out names of plants and poisonous insects.

  “Right,” Sam said. She held her hat over the melon, shading it. “The blast into the planet kicked so much dust into the air that it will be years until the sun will shine again. All the plants will die. Without plants, people and animals will die. We can’t force you to leave, but this is what is going to happen if you stay. Before the year is over, you and all the plants and animals will be dead. We want you to live. We want you to grow and we want your children to grow.”

  The villagers looked at the clouded sky and the poor melon as they considered Sam’s words.

  “Where is Queen Hannan?” someone asked.

  “She’s on one of our ships helping people who were injured,” Sam said. “We can bring her here, if you’d like.”

  The people would like that very much. While the queen was being found, Sam had Lisianna beamed in. The villagers were somewhat relieved to see the young lady as she walked around, reassuring people of the good intentions of the strangers and that she had flown in their ships and had seen the damaged land with her own eyes. The land was rumbling and breaking apart near the damage and it was spreading along the ground’s power lines. Mountains were being born amidst red rivers so hot that they burned and melted everything in their path. Some people wanted to know about the evil god that had brought their ancestors to the planet. Sam assured them that the god was dead; they can live as they will on the new planet and no one will bother them.

  The queen was beamed in, impressing the people once more by the magic. She smiled with a superior grace and walked among them, letting them see that she was alive and well. Jack was glad Inanna was dealing with the queen because he would have walked away from her two days earlier. He contemplated vetoing a protectorate status for them, and then decided he was being pissy; can’t condemn an entire society based on the arrogance of one queen. She flicked her robes away from the grubby hands of a child. Jack scowled and shifted his feet.

  “You alright?” he asked quietly as Daniel came to his side.

  “I’m fine,” Daniel said, wiping his glasses on the hem of his shirt and rearranging them on his face. Several people had recommended laser eye surgery but Daniel shuddered at the thought of a laser beam in his eyes. “They’re a little more conservative than the city people. New York versus Kansas. I did make a discovery, though.”

  “What’s that?” Jack asked.

  Daniel leaned in and nudged Jack’s arm with his. “Think I can get Sam to dress up in one of those archer outfits and hold an arrow at me while she makes me do things?”

  Chapter 54

  “Paul, if you don’t keep still, I’m going to tie you to a chair,” Daniel threatened. Davis was in the midst of a panic attack two hours before his handfasting.

  Paul paused and then shook his head. “Don’t tease me, Danny.” He took it well, having his ‘day’ pushed back due to the off-world emergency.

  Daniel yanked him still again and adjusted his tie. Across the room, Jack was having a glass of wine with Nick whose own panic was more subdued. Jack took the glass from Nick’s hand and shoved his head between his knees.

  “Don’t you dare faint on me,” Paul warned him.

  “You know, you’re being pretty mouthy lately,” Nick commented from between his knees.

  “Just offering excuses,” Paul said helpfully.

  The door opened and Inanna came in.

  “Speaking of queens,” Jack commented. She swatted at him.

  “You shush. Are you gentlemen deliberately being fashionably late or will you be joining us shortly?” she looked at Paul and Nick. They looked at watches.

  “Oh, shit!”

  Everyone hustled to their posts while guests watched in amusement as the wedding party hurried out to the yard behind Paul and Nick’s house. There were a couple of ducks in the pond. Jack wonder
ed how they managed to get ducks to attend. Zu was in a tree, eying the ducks with a look Jack was sure boded ill for the ducks.

  “And they pick on women for being late,” Cassie said from the sidelines. There were chuckles around her. Harper sat next to her, trying not to look uncomfortable with gays, lesbians, and people wearing leather, multiple piercings, and tattoos all sitting nearby. Others in uniform were also wiggling, trying not to stare at the small, select crowd. Some assumed that the oddities were from Nick’s side of the guest list.

  The party was hastily reassembled, the grooms having been a week late due to off-world complications. Daniel stood at the front of the isle, facing the guests.

  “We apologize for being late,” he said. There were smiles and soft laughter of understanding. Paul and Nick tried to rush to the front of the isle.

  “NOT….. that late,” Daniel scolded them. Jack caught the backs of jackets and pulled. The men slowed and walked properly, much to everyone’s amusement. They came to a halt in front of Daniel and nervously waited as Jack and Paul’s cousin Rebecca stood a step behind them.

  “Looks like a shot-gun wedding,” someone murmured. There was laughter and the tension was released. Paul smiled and hung his head for a moment before taking Nick’s hand.

  “I’ve known Paul for a long time,” Daniel said. “If anyone deserves to be loved, Paul does. And having gotten to know Nick over the past year, I encourage everyone to see how his heart shines for Paul. This is truly a match made by the gods.

  “As we all know, same-gender marriages are not legal in this state. This is a handfasting. Paul and Nick’s contract with each other can be viewed and witnessed after the ceremony. Marriage or handfasting, the words are merely semantics. Paul and Nick love each other and have invited us all here to witness their promises to each other. Please give them your attention and bear them your witness.

  “Paul and Nick are here to confirm in the presence of witnesses a lovers' covenant between them and declare a partnership to establish a household together. This agreement into which Paul and Nick are entering is a holy covenant, made in faithfulness and peace to stand forever. It is a covenant of protection and hope. It is a covenant of devotion, joining hearts like the covenant David and Jonathan made, as it is said: And Jonathan's soul was bound up with the soul of David. Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. It is a covenant of mutual loving kindness.

  “Get yourself a companion. This teaches that a person should get a companion, to eat with, drink with, to study with, to sleep with, to confide all one's secrets, secrets of the heart, and secrets of worldly things.

  “Paul and Nick commit themselves to a life of kindness and righteousness as a family and to work together toward the communal task of mending the world. Paul and Nick pledge that one will help the other at the time of dying, by carrying out the last rational requests of the dying partner, protecting each other from indignity or abandonment and by tender, faithful presence with the beloved until the end.”

  Daniel paused, looking out at the guests and Jack and Sam for a moment, smiling quietly at them, before looking at the grooms.

  “Paul, will you speak the words?”

  Paul turned to face Nick, taking both hands in his and clearing his throat.

  “I will espouse you forever. I will espouse you with righteousness and justice and loving kindness and compassion. I will espouse you in faithfulness and you shall know my heart is true. I shall treasure you, nourish you, support you, and respect you.” His hands trembled slightly as he slid a ring on Nick’s left hand.

  Daniel waited until Paul had himself together.

  “Nick, will you speak the words?”

  Nick was silent as he tried to find his voice.

  “I will espouse you forever. I will espouse you with righteousness and justice and loving kindness and compassion. I will espouse you in faithfulness and you shall know my heart is true. I shall treasure you, nourish you, support you, and respect you.” His hands were also trembling as he put a ring on Paul’s finger.

  “Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is stronger than death.” Daniel motioned to Davy to come forward and took a length of blue silk from the boy’s proud hands, and sent him back to Sam’s side. Daniel held the silk up to the sky for a moment.

  “The Lover's Knot is a symbol of the harmony that is found between two people who, in acknowledging one another's individuality and uniqueness, acknowledge their own. With the closing of this ceremony, celebrating their commitment to each other, Paul and Nick intend to: One: Continue living together and sharing all expenses and ownership of their assets. Two: Practice honesty and understanding with respect to their physical and emotional lives. Three: Strive to support each other's aspirations as they change, evolve, and possibly separate them professionally. Four: They intend to leave a space to re-evaluate these intentions on or around their anniversary each year of their lives together. With this Knot, they seal their promises to each other and embark on their journey unending.”

  With their hands together, Daniel wrapped the silk around their wrists and arms, gently draping the end of the silk over their joined hands.

  Together, Paul and Nick turned to face their guests and said together,

  “We promise to try to be ever open to one another while cherishing each other's uniqueness; to comfort and challenge each other through life's sorrow and joy; to share our intuition and insight with one another; and above all, to do everything within our power to permit each of us to become the persons we are yet to be. We also pledge to establish a home open to the spiritual potential in all life; a home wherein the flow of the seasons and the passages of life are celebrated through the symbols we hold dear; a home filled with reverence for learning, loving, and generosity; a home wherein ancient melody, candles, and wine sanctify the table. We declare this union to be valid and binding.”

  They faced each other and, looking into each other’s eyes before leaning in to press their lips to one another’s. Nick, usually reticent of public displays, flushed at the applause and cheering.

  Jack was resigned when Jonathan and Ninurta stepped up to the front with a guitar.

  Live in my house

  I'll be your shelter

  Just pay me back

  With one thousand kisses

  Be my lover - I'll cover you

  Open your door

  I'll be your tenant

  Don't got much baggage

  To lay at your feet

  But sweet kisses I've got to spare

  I'll be there - I'll cover you

  I think they meant it

  When they said you can't buy love

  Now I know you can rent it

  A new lease you are, my love,

  On life - be my life

  Just slip me on

  I'll be your tenant

  Wherever - whatever - I'll be your coat

  You'll be my king

  And I'll be your castle

  No you'll be my queen

  And I'll be your moat

  I think they meant it

  When they said you can't buy love

  Now I know you can rent it

  A new lease you are, my love,

  On life - all my life

  I've longed to discover

  Something as true as this is

  So with a thousand

  sweet kisses

  If you're cold

  I'll cover you

  And you're lonely

  With a thousand sweet kisses

  I'll cover you

  You've got one nickel only

  With a thousand sweet kisses

  I'll cover you

  When you're worn out and tired

  With a thousand sweet kisses

  I'll cover you

  When your heart has expired

  Oh lover I'll cover you

  Oh lover I'll cover you

  Before anyone could move, Ninurta shouted,
  “Zu! NO!”

  With a startled squawk, Zu dropped the struggling duck. Laughing, everyone surged forward to congratulate the couple.

  Jack leaned against Daniel’s shoulder and watched as Paul welcomed his family to his home.

  “Parents didn’t make it?” Sam asked quietly, watching Davis with a small contingent of cousins that had come out from California to support him. She stood in front of the men and leaned back into their chests. Someone kissed the back of her head.

  “Nope,” Jack said.

  “Looks like the younger half of the family did, though,” Daniel commented. “That’s nice. I’m happy for him.”

  “You and Stacey will be spending time with your family next week,” he reminded Daniel.

  Daniel shook his head. “I wasn’t thinking about me,” he said. “I’m just finding it strange that it took so much for our families to either find us or accept us.”

  “It’s mostly the younger ones,” Sam said. “Maybe it has something to do with the rest of the changes. A lot of the argument against the changes has been coming from the older generations and not so much from the younger ones. I still don’t talk much with Mark.”

  “You guys knock it off?” They looked to see Cassie standing with her hands on her hips. “It’s a party. Go have fun and stop analyzing everything to death. And, Jack? We took a vote. You’re singing at least once today.” She turned on her heels and strode back to Harper.

  Jack watched her. “It does say General on my uniform, doesn’t it?” He was beginning to wonder about it.

  “……well, I’m hungry, too.” They turned to see Shara trying to reason with the bird. “If you cannot wait, then go into the mountains to hunt. Leave the ducks around here alone. Just make sure you clean off the blood before you come back or you’ll scare the civilians.”

  Zu squawked something at him and flew off toward the tree line. Daniel winced.

  “He really does have a colorful vocabulary,” he commented.

  “You have no idea,” Shara groaned. “You try living with him for a couple thousand years.”


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