Winning Ben

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Winning Ben Page 11

by JoMarie DeGioia

  She liked being in control. Calling the shots. Any guy she’d been with? They’d usually both made their intentions clear to each other from the beginning, not that much time passed between the beginning and the end.

  Before long, they reached the big, gorgeous B and B. He parked and turned to face her, one brow arched. She just looked at him, not hiding a thing. Why pretend she didn’t want to get tangled up with him again?

  He must have seen it, because his eyes grew dark. “Damn,” he said, his voice low.

  They were soon in his room, which was a very pretty place. She set the pizza down on the small table set near a tiny fireplace done in gray tile. The room didn’t have the same Old Florida style as the exterior or the lobby and common rooms. It was furnished like a fine hotel. Ambient lighting. Clean lines. Sleek furniture. A big spa-like bathroom she could see through a doorway just beyond the enormous bed piled with pillows. The pillow top on the bed must be five inches thick. She couldn’t wait to stretch out on it with the softness beneath her and Ben on top of her.

  “You weren’t kidding about the bed.”

  “Really big tub, too.” Opening the small fridge, he turned to her. “Beer or wine?”

  “Out of the minibar? Really, Ben. Such extravagance.”

  He chuckled. “No expenses spared, honey.”

  “Wine, then.” When he handed her a tiny, single-serving bottle, she twisted off the cap and toasted him with it. “To my host.”

  He grabbed himself a beer and did likewise. “To my…friend.”

  Oh, how could he make that innocent word sound so naughty? They sat at the table and began to eat. She nibbled at her slice of pizza but he ate like a guy. Just watching him bite, chew and swallow got her thinking all sorts of things. She drank her wine down. She had to get on more sure footing and fast. She was in real danger of throwing herself at him. At that big bed. At a future she knew didn’t exist but was starting to crave anyway.

  Setting her empty bottle on the table, she leaned back and kicked off her shoes. “When, Ben.”

  He nearly spit out his beer, but apparently soon recovered. A slow smile spread across his face. “Now, Tamara.”

  Before she knew it, they were both tangled up on that bed and it was as comfortable as it looked. Ben was as hard as she’d imagined, too. The contrast was delicious as he pressed his body to hers, lifting himself onto an arm only long enough to remove and discard one article of her clothing after another. She was in her bra and panties when she finally held a hand against his chest.

  “What?” he rasped. His hair was mussed and his eyes a little clouded. He looked adorably horny and a little confused.

  She pushed herself up on her elbows and lifted one hand, making a swirling motion with it. “Clothes off.”

  He grinned, and then stood at the side of the bed and stripped like his clothes were on fire. Whoa. His legs were long and strong-looking. His chest was sculpted and his abs were perfection. His arms were defined. Was there a better sight in the world than a hot, fit guy in boxer briefs? She didn’t think so.

  It was clear through that thin layer of cotton that he was in a bad way. Good. That she could fix. The rest of it? Her feelings and the confusing way he made her feel? She’d just leave those over on the table with her empty bottle of wine and the nearly-empty pizza box.

  Crooking her finger at him now, she sighed as he covered her again. His skin was hot on hers. His every muscle tense as he rubbed his chest against her breasts. Her nipples tightened in an instant, her body arching of its own accord to gain more contact.

  He kissed her, giving her his tongue. She took it, kissing him back just as ravenously. Slanting his mouth over hers, he took what she gave him as his hands began their magic. He’d pleased her twice before with those clever fingers. When her bra was gone he put them to amazing use on her flesh.

  “God, you’re gorgeous,” he said, pinching and teasing her nipples.

  He lowered his head and sucked on her. Hot pleasure shot through her. His teeth were sharp on her flesh and his hands began to wander again. She spread her legs to him, needing his hands on her.

  “Touch me, Ben,” she breathed.

  He gave her nipple a long lick, and lifted his head. “I’ll touch you, honey.” He moved downward, his tongue stroking over her belly. “And taste you.”

  Her pulse spiked as he said the words, and then shot to the moon when he began to kiss her there. His tongue was as gifted as his hands, and with every lick he sent her higher until she couldn’t hold on any longer. Arching again, she cried out as she climaxed.

  Breathing fast, she held a hand to her chest as she tried to collect herself. It was nearly impossible with this man. The bed felt like it was spinning.

  He dropped a kiss on her navel. “I love to watch you come.”

  “What can I say?” She took in a breath. “You’re good at what you do.”

  He laughed, a rumble against her belly. Pushing up on his hands, he covered her again. The cotton of his briefs rubbed against her still-swollen center and she bit her lip to keep back a moan of need. She wouldn’t sleep with him. She couldn’t sleep with him.

  “Ben, you’re making me want things I can’t have,” she admitted on a sigh.

  “You can have it, Tammy.” He growled softly as he ground tighter against her. “Take it.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “No. Not fair.”

  “Fair?” He kissed her neck, causing tingles to course through her. “Seems fair to me. I want you.” He fit himself against her and she gasped as she imagined how amazing they would be together. “You want me.”

  She shook her head again, opening her eyes to stare into his. “No.” She gently pushed at his chest again. “On your back, Big Ben.”

  After a second he rolled over, obviously happy to accommodate her. She stretched out on top of him, managing to keep her traitorous lady-parts away from the part of him they craved. Instead she kissed him, memorizing his taste and catching hers on her tongue as well. His arms were strong around her and she leaned up on her hands to stare down at him.

  “I haven’t even known you two weeks,” she stated.

  It didn’t really matter, but she figured it bore mentioning.

  He shrugged, running his fingers through her hair as he smiled at her. “And yet, I’ve made you come three times.”

  She couldn’t let him win that one. Cupping his erection, she smirked as he groaned loud and long. “Then I have no choice but to try and catch up.”

  He blinked, and then closed his eyes as she snuck her hand beneath the waistband of his briefs. “Tammy…”

  She didn’t answer him. Instead she bent her head, and gave him just what he’d given her. It was all she would allow herself. It would be enough for him. He was a guy.

  It would just have to be enough for her, too.

  Chapter 13

  Friday morning, Ben was whistling as he entered the Sales Center. Tammy had driven him crazy last night. Her lips. Her tongue. And as she’d gone down on him he’d grabbed her and shifted on the bed so he could get another taste. He’d never come so hard. The memory made him hum.

  The girl was amazing, even if she insisted on keeping her promise. She didn’t stay over and she didn’t let him close the deal. He’d grabbed her cell phone while she was in the very nice, spa-like bathroom he hadn’t gotten to share with her. Put his number right in her contacts. Just in case.

  Claire peeked her head out of her office as he passed, her face pink.

  “Ben! Thank God.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  She stepped into the hallway. “Can you do me a favor?”

  Ben nodded. “Sure. What do you need?”

  “Those darn cake layers should be done by now.”

  He held up his hands. “Whoa, don’t ask me to bake.”

  She blinked, and then laughed. “I’m not! The layers are in my oven and I need to take them out. I’m stuck waiting for this darn program to finish
running so I can get the mid-month figures to Mr. Forbes.”

  “So you want me to go take them out of the oven?”

  “I wouldn’t ask, but Jake has a bunch of guys in to test the new apparatus.”

  “No worries. I’m happy to help.”

  She smiled and pressed her keys into his hand. “Just take them out and put them on the racks to cool.”


  She stared at him for beat, and then nodded. “The racks, Ben. Wire racks. For cooling off things you bake?”

  “You have to forgive Ben, Claire.” Tammy walked up behind him, brushing her hip against his ass. “He’s not well-versed in the kitchen like you and me.”

  “Go and show him?” Claire asked.

  Ben felt her stiffen and step back. “I’m sure he can figure it out.”

  Ben slowly shook his head. “I don’t know. I’m pretty clueless in the kitchen. I’d hate like hell to ruin Cassie’s wedding cake.”

  Tammy snorted. “Fine. Let’s go.”

  “Yes, hurry!” Claire said. “I don’t want them to burn.”

  Ben waved Tammy ahead of him, hiding his smile. “Speaking of hot,” he whispered in her ear.

  She clicked her tongue. “Smooth-talker.”

  They got into Ben’s Jeep and headed over to Jake and Claire’s house. As he drove, he checked out Tammy’s legs in her short-yet-professional skirt.

  “I missed you last night,” he said.

  “Nuh uh,” she said. “You can’t miss me if I’ve never stayed over. And I’m never staying over.”

  “So you said.”

  “Why do I feel like you’re not taking this seriously?”

  “Oh, I’m dead serious honey. I’m going to get you in my bed for the whole night. Which we’ll need, by the way.”

  She shuddered just slightly but he caught it. “Just drive, Casanova.”

  Chuckling, he pulled up to the house and the two of them went inside. He sniffed and let out a whistle.

  “This place smells like the inside of a chocolate cookie,” he said.

  “Yep.” Tammy hurried into the kitchen and headed for the wall oven. “Whew. Just about three minutes to spare.”

  He stepped closer, peering into the oven window. There were several pans sitting on the racks. “I don’t get it. The wedding isn’t until tomorrow.”

  “The layers have to chill before she can ice them.”

  “I guess that makes sense.”

  She looked at the timer again, and then leaned back against the counter. “I take it you don’t do much in the kitchen.”

  He laughed low at that. “I could.”

  She shook her head. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “I enjoy designing them but no, I don’t cook much. And I’ve never baked.”

  She stared at him. “Seriously?”

  “My mother used to bake all the time.” He shrugged. “I guess I never had to learn, so I never did. Got to lick the spoon, though.” He winked. “Still do.”

  She laughed. “No naughtiness in your brother’s house.”

  “Then come over tonight.”

  “Nope. The bachelorette party is tonight. And don’t you have cigars and strippers awaiting you?”

  “I doubt there’ll be strippers. Cigars, yeah. We’re hanging out at the tent-cabin.”

  “Have you ever been out there before?”

  “No. Ty pointed it out when he took me on the tour Tuesday.” He thought for a second. Both of his brothers had a history with that little house-thing. Did they have a history with Tammy, too? “Have you?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “What exactly are you asking me, Ben? Did I fool around with your brothers in Ty and Cassie’s love shack?”

  He held up his hands. “I wasn’t asking.”

  “Yeah. You were.” She crossed her arms, her brows snapping together. “Look, I flirted pretty hard with both of them when they first came down here. It never went anywhere. Least of all to the tent-cabin.”

  Ben reached for her and put his hands on her shoulders, rubbing at the tension he felt there. “I didn’t think you slept with my brothers. I’m pretty sure they would have told me.”

  “Or Claire or Harmony would have. Do you think either one of them would be my friends if I’d been with their guys? Besides, once they fell, it was clear I had no chance with either one of them.”

  “Did you want a chance?” he had to know.

  She appeared to consider his question for a few seconds. “Honestly? I think I wanted what they represent. They’re hot. And real. And…” She shrugged beneath his gentle hold on her.

  “Forever,” he finished for her.

  “No.” She shook her head. “Not forever. I never wanted forever.”

  He stared at her, seeing a glimpse of something else in her eyes. Regret? Maybe. Not for what she’d missed out with Rick and Jake, though. Maybe she wished she hadn’t insisted they keep this thing between the two of them “friendly.”

  “What do you want now?” he asked.

  She licked her lips, her eyes wide. Before she could give him an answer, the buzzer on the oven went off and she literally slipped through his fingers. She stuck a toothpick into each of the layers, but he couldn’t guess what she was checking. She was smiling, though. She must have seen what she was looking for.

  “Done!” she said.

  She grabbed the thick mitts set near the oven and took out the pans to set them on the cooling racks. At least he knew what those were now.

  “All set?” he asked.

  “No. Just a few more minutes, though. Then we take them out of the pans.”


  “All right. I take them out of the pans.”

  “A few more minutes,” he said.

  She crossed her arms again. “Don’t get any ideas. I don’t want to talk about your brothers again, either.”

  “Nothing to talk about there.”

  She lifted her chin. “What about you? I’m sure you had a lot of fun out there in California.”

  “I did all right.”

  Her eyes ran over him, assessing and apparently liking what she saw. “You did all kinds of all right, didn’t you?”

  “Maybe. Does it matter?”

  “Not at all.” Her expression said otherwise, though. Her gaze slid away to the cooling pans. “Did you ever fall in love?”

  “Nope,” he answered easily.

  Her face turned to him. “Never?”

  He shook his head. “If I ever fall in love, I won’t let go.”

  Her lips parted and he wished he could take the words back. Since when did he ever think about falling in love? It had to be the smell of chocolate cake. He must be getting a contact high.

  She turned her back to him, facing the cake pans once more. “These are almost ready to take out of the pans.”


  “Don’t, Ben.”

  “Don’t what?”

  “We’re not going there.”

  Her head dropped to her chest and he wanted to grab her and kiss away all this tension he’d caused. First with his questions about his brothers and now that crack about love? He was an idiot.

  “Just forget what I said, honey.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and gently pulled her against him. “I must be woozy from all the chocolate fumes.”

  She seemed to relax as she turned in his arms. “No more love talk. Got it?”

  He nodded.

  “And no more thinking I did any of those things I did with you with either of your brothers.”

  “Scout’s honor.”

  A smile lifted one corner of her delectable mouth. “Why do I have trouble believing you were ever a boy scout?”

  “Hey. Take me up on my offer and I promise I’ll be prepared.”

  His statement was just what was needed at the moment. Light humor with a dose of heat. It seemed to put them both on more familiar footing.

  She leaned up to kiss him, and then pushed him back. “Cakes.”
r />   He stepped away, turned on from their brief contact. She washed her hands and then made quick, careful work of the cakes. They were puffed and moist-looking and sitting proudly on Claire’s cooling racks.

  “Perfect.” She wiped her hands on a dish towel and turned to him. “All set.”

  He stared at her for a long minute. She was pretty damn near perfect for him right now. She didn’t want a commitment and neither did he. He should just keep the questions to a minimum and take whatever she gave him. It had always been enough with any other woman he’d known.

  Why did it feel like it would never be enough with her?


  Tammy returned from a tour that afternoon and handed her people off to Ollie. He was always the best at the in-house spiels and was currently lording over six other prospects in the gallery. He stood near the model of the development, and as she left him he gave her a pointed look. She just rolled her eyes. So he’d seen her leave with Ben bright and early this morning. Did he think they were at it like rabbits out in the golf cart?

  “Not that it hadn’t happened before,” she murmured as she entered the breakroom.

  “What’s that, Tammy?” Rick asked.

  She smiled at her boss. “Nothing. Looking forward to tonight’s bash?”

  “Should be fun,” he said.

  “And I’m sure the girls and I will get up to some mischief.”

  “You’re headed up to Orlando.”

  “Yep. Lim-o-zine, my friend.”

  He smiled. “Harmony’s excited about that, too.”

  “Excited about what?” Ben walked in and took her breath.

  She didn’t know what he’d been up to but his sleeves were rolled back and his tie was loosened just enough to show his strong throat.

  “The limo for tonight,” she rushed out.

  A smile played around that mouth she was getting to know pretty well.

  “Hey, it’s nice to sit back and have somebody else drive once in a while,” he said.

  She gaped at him but, thankfully, Rick seemed to miss his meaning.

  “Why don’t you take off early, Tammy?” Rick asked.

  “Thanks,” she said. “I think I will.”

  Rick lifted his chin to Ben. “I’ll see you later.”


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