Winning Ben

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Winning Ben Page 13

by JoMarie DeGioia

  A throat-clearing caught her attention about an hour later, and she peeped one eye open to see a big guy standing beside her lounger. For a second she thought it was Ben. The guy was certainly built like him. Shading her eyes with her hand, she soon saw it wasn’t him. It was pretty close, though.

  “Hello, Mr. Chapman,” she said.

  “Hello, Tammy.” Bill Chapman smiled down at her. “I see the view here at the inn has gotten better.”

  He was joking with her, or trying to charm her or something. She’d been acquainted with Bill for years now, and knew his M.O. He never gave compliments without cause, she knew she looked good, and he never expended any effort on anything that wouldn’t benefit his bottom line. Something was bugging him today.

  Sitting up, she turned so her feet rested on the cool sand. “Are you enjoying your stay?”

  He nodded, sitting on the lounger next to hers like Ben had. “The place is nice.” His use of flattery didn’t extend to the inn, apparently. “Have you had a chance to get with Ben?”

  She was glad she still wore her sunglasses after getting hit with that question. Although, knowing Bill, she guessed he was referring to the new development.

  “I have. He’s excited about the plans he’s creating.”

  Bill nodded. “He’s good.”

  Tammy figured that was high praise coming from him.

  “I bet you’re looking forward to the wedding,” she offered.

  His expression changed then, His brows drew together and lines formed to bracket his mouth. She’d never seen him as anything but capable and commanding Bill Chapman, and the difference was telling.

  “Yes.” His answer was curt but a little on the warm side. “Cassandra will be a beautiful bride.”

  Tammy simply nodded. The girl was as gorgeous as her brothers and would be stunning in the dress she’d chosen. Tammy had seen it. Lots of lace and pearls but very simple.

  He came to his feet again. “I should head back. You going to the wedding?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” she said.

  He nodded again, running one hand over his hair like Ben sometimes did. She wondered if Ben knew he shared more than DNA with Bill.

  “Then I’ll see you there.”

  Tammy watched Ben’s father make his way back up to the inn. She knew he was estranged from his kids. Rick had next to nothing to do with him and Jake barely tolerated him when he visited. Cassie was the apple of her father’s eye, but even she had little to do with him since he’d told them about Ben.

  As for Ben? She didn’t see any affection coming from him in Bill’s direction. It was so different from her and her family. Yes, they could be overwhelming at times. But she loved them and they loved her. That was never in question.

  At around three o’clock, she got in her car to drive over to the wedding venue. She was wearing one of her favorite sheath dresses, this one of creamy lace that was perfect for a fall wedding in Florida. She held her hair back with a wide headband, and flirty peep-toe pumps finished her outfit.

  As she drove, she felt a tingle of anticipation. She’d see Ben today. God, how good would he look all cleaned up? Once again, that niggle of memory teased her. That impression that she’d had some sort of contact with Ben while she’d been more than a little bit tipsy.

  She pulled up to the line of cars bracketing the open-air chapel. The lakeshore looked enchanting and very romantic, all dressed up for Ty and Cassie’s wedding. White and yellow bunting and flowers in the same colors draped low branches on the towering Cypress trees and hugged the poles holding up a canopy of thick, white ribbons overhead. Rows of white folding chairs, separated down the middle, created seating and an aisle. It was a gorgeous setting for a ceremony that was happily anticipated by friends and family alike.

  Leaving her car to one of the valets hired for the event, she turned to walk beneath the canopy and ran right into the man in question. Yes, Ben looked good. His dark gray suit, crisp white shirt and blue tie did him justice. The stubble was gone from his cheeks and his dimple was in full view. And why was that? Because he was grinning at her, that was why.

  “What’s up?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.

  In answer, he simply held up his phone.

  And just like that, she remembered. The texts she’d sent him last night. Oh, God.

  Jeez, she was in for it now.

  Chapter 15

  Ben had watched Tammy approach from the second she’d stepped out of her sweet little convertible and left the valet kid staring after her ass. After riding to the far lakeshore with Jake, he’d left his brothers to their wedding duties and had nothing to do but wait for her to arrive. There was the little matter of her dirty sexting last night that simply had to be addressed. He couldn’t wait to hear her excuses.

  Her dress was a shade lighter than her skin and hugged every delectable curve of her body. The lacy hem fell just past mid-thigh, and swished as she walked confidently on heels over the sandy ground. A whole lot of leg showed in that dress. Long, silky, smoothly-muscled legs he’d had wrapped around his neck just a few days ago. Damn.

  Her cheeks were red as she glanced at his phone. He watched as her expression swiftly turned cool. “That’s your phone.”

  He nodded. “Mmm-hmm.”


  “I received some pretty hot texts last night. From your number.” He scrolled through the texts that were waiting for him this morning. “It’s a real shame you sent these after I was already all tucked into my lonely bed.”

  “Shh.” She flicked her eyes around and leaned closer. “No bed talk.”

  “Okay.” He used his thumb to pull up one particular message. “Now, this one here I really like.”

  “Ben,” she whispered in obvious warning.

  “Yeah, this one. The one where you say just what you want to do to—”

  “Stop.” Her eyes narrowed. “I didn’t remember sending those texts.”


  She flicked some of her shining hair over one creamy shoulder and shook her head. “Not until you waved your phone in my face.”

  He tucked his phone back in his pocket. “So what am I supposed to do with this information?”

  “What information?”

  “Ah, Tammy.” He leaned closer to speak into her ear, taking in a breath of her sweet, floral scent. “All of those naughty things you want to do to my fine self.”

  Her cool demeanor shifted and the speculation in her hazel eyes nearly brought him to his knees. Yeah, he wanted to make good on every suggestion she’d sent him. And, right at this moment, she looked like she wanted him to.

  “Well?” he prompted.

  The string quartet seated near the front of the open-air chapel began to play softly, saving her from making an answer. They both turned their attention to the front of the chapel. An arbor was erected there, and Ty and best-man Jake stood waiting.

  “Looks like we should take our seats,” he said. Holding out his arm, he smiled at her. “Miss?”

  “Oh, you just had to pour on the charm, too?” she grumbled as she placed her hand in the crook of his elbow.

  “Seems to me I need all the help I can get.”

  Her lips curved a little bit and he took that as a point in his favor. “Where to?”

  Most of the seats were filled, with the exception of the ones in the rows closest to the front. Unofficially reserved for family, he guessed. He paused at the third row of chairs on the right that had a couple seats free on the aisle. “Here?”

  She nodded and he claimed the second seat in. “I thought I’d leave you the aisle,” he said.

  She smiled more fully now. “Thanks.”

  As they settled into their seats, he turned and noticed his father walking down the aisle toward them. Ben gave him a nod and Bill sat down directly behind him.

  “Ben. Tammy,” he said.

  “Hello again, Mr. Chapman,” Tammy said.

  “Again?” Ben asked.

sp; “Tammy and I met on the beach by the inn this morning,” Bill said.

  “Yes,” Tammy said, turning to Ben once more. “I was dressed much more casually.”

  “But you looked just as pretty,” Bill added.

  Ben puzzled over that for a second before it struck him. The beach at the inn. Bill had seen Tammy in her bikini. Ben didn’t think Bill was shopping for wife number five, but you never knew with the guy. In fact, sometimes the only contact he and his mother would have with him over the years was a wedding announcement.

  A knot formed in his belly. Christ, was he jealous of his father? He looked at Tammy and saw she was staring at him again, laughter in her eyes. Apparently she guessed where his mind went and found it funny. He would take that as a good sign. He really couldn’t see her sexting his father in the middle of the night.

  The quartet began to play more loudly and the guests turned in their seats to watch the procession. Ty’s little niece, Riley, was the first to walk down the aisle. She wore a puffy dress in pink and sparkly shoes that had to be his sister Cassie’s doing. She was an adorable little thing, with light blond hair and big blue eyes. Holding a wicker basket of white rose petals, she dumped handfuls as she walked solemnly to the front of the open-air chapel.

  “My God, she’s adorable,” Tammy said softly.

  Ben silently agreed. His nephew Nick wasn’t one to be outdone by the flower girl, and hurried to walk close behind her with the pillow holding the rings. His suit was a miniature of Jake and Ty’s black, and he beamed a smile at everyone as he passed their row. When he came up to Bill, he furrowed his brow. Bill waved at him and Nick lifted his hand a little in response. Then Nick caught sight of him and Tammy.

  A smile split his face and he waved wildly. “Hi, Uncle Ben! Hi, Tammy!” His voice was pitched in a little boy’s idea of a stage-whisper, and from the soft laughter around them it was clear everyone had heard him.

  “Hey, buddy,” Ben whispered. “Good job.”

  Nick clutched the pillow tighter to his chest. “Yep.”

  Ben chuckled as a warmth spread through him. Tammy touched his hand and he glanced over at her.

  “He likes you,” she said softly.

  Ben grinned. “Yep,” he said, mimicking Nick.

  Claire came down the aisle next, followed by Harmony. They looked really pretty in dresses a darker pink than little Riley’s. Then a swell of music came from the quartet and everyone stood.

  He heard Tammy gasp and Ben followed her gaze to see his little sister framed by the bunting stretched over the entry. She was on Rick’s arm, and Ben felt a shift in his chest. These people were his family. He caught Cassie’s eye and she beamed a smile at him as she and Rick came closer. Turned toward the back as he was, Ben could see Bill’s face. The guy looked stunned, and his eyes were misty.

  “Cassandra,” he said on a breath.

  Ben exchanged a look with Tammy, who raised her brows. It was clear Bill loved their little sister. When Cassie reached Bill, she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Tammy sniffled and Ben felt his throat go tight. What was it about weddings, anyway?

  Rick nodded at their father and continued to lead Cassie to the arbor where Ty and Jake stood waiting. Ben got over his emotional storm, small though it was, and sat with the rest of the guests. He didn’t know why but he took Tammy’s hand in his. She held on to him and it made him feel more grounded.

  He didn’t know what they were right now. They weren’t even fuck-buddies. But holding her hand made it easier to get through this ceremony involving so many of his new family. He sure as hell wasn’t going to cry. No friggin’ way.

  After vows were exchanged and the happy couple was announced to the gathering, the bridal party went off for pictures. He escorted Tammy to the valet line for the drive to the Clubhouse for drinks and dinner.

  “That was amazing,” she said, clutching her fingers like she wanted to hold his hand again.

  He wouldn’t say no if she did. That was for sure.

  “They look so damn happy.” He smiled. “At the risk of handing in my Man Card, I’ll admit I nearly teared up in there.”

  She smiled brightly. “I definitely did.” She handed her ticket to one of the valets and turned to him. “Did you bring the Jeep?”

  “No. I hitched a ride with Jake. I was kind of hoping you would give me a ride to the Clubhouse.”

  She smirked. “Letting me drive again, are you?”

  A spark of heat stroked over him. “Tamara.”

  She lost her smile, her eyes big. Before they could trade anymore innuendo, her car was brought around and they climbed in.

  He would have her tonight. In his bed or hers, it didn’t matter. He had to, or he would go crazy. No question. He had to be really careful, though. Weddings tended to make women think about forever. Yeah, he’d bagged a few bridesmaids in his time but he made sure they knew what it was all about.

  Tonight could go either way, given the woman in question. Tammy could jump him and forget all about her worries of commitment and forever. Or she could shy away from anything else with him, thinking to keep herself safe from what she thought she saw in him. He didn’t care at the moment.

  He guessed she didn’t know what she really wanted, except for him. He sure as hell didn’t know what he wanted himself, except for her under him. And over him.

  Tonight, they would make each other happy and leave the rest of it alone.


  Tammy stood on the edge of the dancefloor in the Clubhouse’s large event hall, taking small sips of champagne from the flute in her hand. The dinner had been delicious, crab cakes and big steaks done perfectly accompanied by adorable little baby vegetables and potatoes. The toasts and the couple’s first dance was all that it should be.

  She stood here now, all choked up. At a wedding! Jeez, she hadn’t even cried at her little sister’s wedding last May. There was just something about seeing two people so perfect for each other in a setting so perfect for the two of them that did it to her. Seeing Ben choke up had been eye-opening, too. The guy was growing attached to his family in spite of himself.

  Ty swayed with his new bride on the dancefloor again, sharing the kind of smiles Tammy had never seen flashed in her own direction. When Ty’s niece joined them, her arms wrapped around Cassie’s waist, Tammy almost lost it.

  “They make a gorgeous couple, don’t they?” Lettie asked.

  Tammy turned to smile at Lettie. She was dressed like a grand lady tonight, with ropes of pearls and a dress that might look silly on a woman her age if Lettie looked like a woman her age. She even had on kitten heels instead of her ever-present crocs.

  “They really do.” Tammy glanced at the table where Ty’s mother sat with a big smile on her face. “How’s Ty’s mom feeling today?”

  “Oh, Sharon isn’t going to let a little something like Fibromyalgia dim her bulb at her son’s wedding.”

  “She does look pretty happy.”

  “Why not? Her son is getting the perfect woman for him.”

  “Cassie is that.” Tammy watched the couple share a kiss, and raised her flute when those around her began to applaud. “I think they’re pretty perfect for each other.”

  “Yes. And seeing a handsome man dressed to the nines is sure a nice way to spend an evening.”

  Like a reflex, her eyes strayed to where Ben stood talking to Jake and Claire. Yeah, Jake looked great but it was Ben who took her breath away. Maybe it was because she’d seen him with a lot fewer clothes on. She recalled how sculpted that body was. The broad, hard chest. The flat, ridged belly. Those strong legs and arms that tangled so nicely with hers.

  “Now there’s a look I haven’t seen on your gorgeous face before,” Lettie said.

  Tammy blinked and faced her again. “What’s that?”

  “Pure desire, honey.” She leaned closer, dropping her voice. “You want that man in the worst way.”

  “Oh, Lettie,” Tammy said in a whisper. “I want that man in
the best way.”

  Lettie stared for a second, and then let loose with a brash yet musical laugh. “I’m proud of you, girl.”

  Tammy grinned at her. “Well, Claire assures me I’m following in your footsteps.”

  “Is that so?” Lettie sipped her own champagne and slowly nodded. “Then you best get busy. By your age I’d already won my Mr. Fairfax.” She winked. “In the best way.”

  “I’m not trying to win anybody,” Tammy said.

  “If you say so. But if the look he just threw in your direction was any hungrier your panties would melt right off.”

  “Lettie!” Tammy chuckled. “You’re just this side of too much, aren’t you?”

  Lettie gave a very elegant shrug of one shoulder. “I suppose I have to be, don’t I?”

  “I wouldn’t have you any other way,” Tammy told her.

  “Hmm. Seems to me that line lacks the punch it would have if this beautiful man had said it.”

  Tammy was about to ask her which beautiful man she was referring to when she felt Ben standing just behind her. His scent hit her first, and then his warmth surrounded her.

  “Lettie, you are a vision tonight,” he drawled.

  Lettie’s blue eyes danced. “My dear Ben Chapman. I told you that accent is wasted on me. Now Tammy here? I just bet she’d faint dead away if you turned the full effect of those eyes and that dimple on her.”

  Tammy closed her eyes and prayed for strength as she turned to welcome Ben into her and Lettie’s tight little circle. “Hey, Ben.”

  “Hey, Tammy.”

  His eyes and his dimple did all the magic Lettie just predicted. Melting panties, all right. Lettie’s soft chuckle told her that the woman didn’t miss the heat between them.

  “Oh, just look,” Lettie said. “Sharon is crying now.” She touched Ben’s arm and gave it a squeeze neither he nor Tammy missed. “Ty’s poor mother has been rain and sunshine all day. I’ll say farewell to you two now.”

  “See you, Lettie,” Tammy said.

  “Good bye, Lettie,” Ben put in.

  Lettie gave him another squeeze, raising her graceful brows, and left them.


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