Highlander Besieged (Highland Adventure Book 10)

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Highlander Besieged (Highland Adventure Book 10) Page 29

by Vonda Sinclair

  She laughed, tugging at his hand. "Come here, before I crawl out of this bed to join you on the floor."

  He arose and sat on the mattress facing her, impatiently awaiting her answer. When she slid her hand around his neck, he leaned down and captured her lips in a stunning kiss, so delicate, yet fierce at the same time. Saints, how he treasured her.

  He pulled back to search her beautiful amber eyes. "Does that mean you accept my proposal?"

  "Aye, of course." She beamed. "Nothing would make me happier than to be your wife."

  He had never felt such relief. "Thank the saints, for I cannot imagine my life without you."

  Tilting her head, she gave him a sly grin. "You knew I would say aye."

  He stroked his thumb over the corner of her beautiful lips. "I was unsure because you are an independent woman who has little need for a husband."

  "Well… I need you, Cyrus MacKenzie. And I love you."

  Joy such as he'd never felt filled his entire being and the words leapt out before he could stop them. "I love you, too."


  Cyrus poured a round of whisky for Rebbie, Dirk, Fraser, and Kilverntay in the library later that night after supper. He hoped Elspeth was sleeping and recovering. Though he would miss holding her this night, she needed a lot of rest.

  "Did you two talk about Lily?" Rebbie glanced back and forth between his father and Cyrus.

  "Aye." Kilverntay accepted the small glass of whisky Cyrus offered him. "He had already decided not to sign the betrothal contract."

  "He did?" Rebbie quirked a brow and eyed Cyrus. "Has the impossible happened?"

  Hell. Cyrus knew what was coming.

  "He has indeed found a love match." Kilverntay grinned.

  "Lady Grey?" Dirk inquired.

  "As if there was any doubt." Fraser smirked. "He was smitten from the moment he saw her."

  How the devil had Fraser known that? Frowning, Cyrus felt a slight heat rise to his face. Damnation, he could not be blushing. He would do no such ridiculous thing. But to have been so wrong about what he thought he'd wanted for his own future, he did feel a bit embarrassed.

  "Isobel will be thrilled with this news," Dirk said.

  "Well, I for one am glad you've come to your senses." Rebbie smiled. "Has she agreed to marry you?"

  "Aye." Cyrus was thankful for that. What if she'd refused? He would've been miserable.

  Kilverntay raised his glass in toast. "To the Earl of Stornmor's upcoming marriage."

  "Slàinte," they said in unison.

  Later, after everyone retired to their chambers, Cyrus paused outside Elspeth's door. He was glad someone had given him the room next to hers. Had that been her idea? If so, he was pleased she wanted him close-by.

  He wondered if she was alone and awake. Gently, he opened the door and stuck his head in. He could see her in the firelight, lying in bed.

  "Cyrus?" She sat up.

  "Did I wake you?"

  "Nay. Come in. Is everything all right?"

  "Indeed." He entered and closed the door back. "I but wanted to see you again before I retire for the night."

  She took his hand and drew him to sit beside her on the bed. "I missed you. How was supper?"

  "Delicious. I wish you could've joined us." He kissed her temple, inhaling the clean lavender soap scent. The maids must have helped her wash her hair. With her ginger curls down, she more resembled a young lass instead of the sophisticated lady he knew her to be. "I'm thankful you want to be my bride, especially after you said you would never marry again." He kissed her knuckles.

  "Considering the way I feel about you, how could I not?" She blinked rapidly and he hoped she was not getting ready to shed tears. "I did not ken such vibrant and blinding emotions were possible. Mayhap 'twas how my father felt about my mother and why he was so devastated when she passed."

  Cyrus nodded. "My parents had a loving marriage, though 'twas arranged by their fathers to form an alliance. They were lucky that they found so much happiness together."

  "I wish they could attend our wedding."

  "Aye, they will be there in spirit. Speaking of which… when do you want to marry?" He hoped it would be soon.

  "I need to tell Adam first, and I wish him to attend the ceremony."

  "Good. I would like to meet him. But… what if he doesn't approve?"

  "Nonsense. He will admire you greatly." She grinned.

  "You need your rest, now, lass." Cyrus kissed her cheek, preparing to take his leave, but she turned her head, brushing her lips across his. A quick desire blazed through him, searing away his good sense. Not wanting to hurt her neck, he kissed her gently on the lips. Amazingly, his restraint intensified his yearning for her. But he held still and accepted all the kisses she wished to give him, then leisurely took some of his own.

  "Do you wish to sleep here?" she breathed.

  Excitement stampeded through him. He craved holding her more than ever before. "I would love to, but you must rest and recover."

  "You will not prevent it." The dark longing in her eyes made him feel like the luckiest man on the face of the earth.

  "'Twould be most difficult for me to keep my hands to myself."

  She grinned, looking too eager by far.

  The heat of arousal curled through him, but he clenched his jaw in restraint. "I fear I will injure your neck or your knee further."

  She snickered. "You are rather energetic."

  He laughed. "I cannot help myself. You fire my blood. But when you are recovered… watch out." He gave her the passionate kiss she had been asking for with her teasing and tempting, then he pulled himself away.

  "How can you leave now?" she whispered breathlessly, reaching for him.

  "I don't wish to, but for your sake, I must." Taking her hands, he kissed the backs of her fingers. "Promise me you will sleep and feel better."

  "I do promise. The faster I recover, the sooner I can be your wife."

  Happiness flowing through him, he nodded, unable to wait for that to happen.


  The next morn, Elspeth sent Vance with the coach along with guards and the nursemaid to St. Andrews to bring her son to Greymont for a brief visit. She wanted to tell Adam in person about all the important happenings. Plus, she wanted him to meet Cyrus.

  Elspeth improved quickly over the following days with Mistress Almsly's poultices and healing balms, but Cyrus still had not spent the night in her chamber. He had been tempting her mercilessly with his scorching kisses. Was it possible he was waiting for them to be wed? Or did he simply not wish to cause a scandal within the castle?

  Vance and his party had been gone a week, traveling to St. Andrews and back. Thankfully, they were now approaching the walls. Holding onto Cyrus's strong elbow, she limped down the steps toward the courtyard.

  "I wish you would let me carry you," he murmured.

  "Nay. I don't wish to grow weak."

  "'Twould never happen," he scoffed.

  She smiled, glad to know he thought her strong. "I hope you and Adam will get on well."

  "I'm certain we will. The way you described him reminds me of myself as a lad."

  'Twas true. They were both too serious by far.

  The coach pulled to a stop and one of the guards hopped down and opened the door. Adam leapt out and raced toward her, his bright ginger hair glinting in the sunlight. Though he was mature in some ways, she was glad to see that he was still a wee lad in others. Reaching her arms out to him, she smiled, tears burning her eyes.

  "Ma, they said you were injured."

  She drew him into a tight embrace, hoping he felt how much she loved him. "I hurt my knee, sweeting, but I'll be all right. I've missed you so." She pulled back to look at his dear face. "What a handsome lad you are."

  His curious gaze darted up to Cyrus beside her. With a frown, Adam glanced down over the belted plaid.

  "Adam, I want you to meet someone important," Elspeth said. "This is Cyrus MacKenzie, the Earl
of Stornmor and Chief of the MacKenzie clan."

  Eyes widening, Adam bowed. "Pleased to meet you, my laird."

  She was so proud of him and his respectful manners.

  Smiling warmly, Cyrus bowed, then held out his hand. "'Tis a great honor to meet you, Adam. Please call me Cyrus."

  "Let's go inside where we can talk," Elspeth suggested.

  Adam nodded, then bounded up the steps ahead of them. Cyrus tucked her hand around his elbow and escorted her inside. She was ever so glad for his help. Some of the blue bruising was fading, but her knee still pained her with every step she took.

  Once Adam had some refreshment after the long journey, they went into the library and closed the door. Cyrus and Elspeth took the settle to one side of the hearth and Adam plopped down on a chair facing them. Obviously remembering he was in the presence of an earl, Adam quickly straightened his posture like a wee man.

  "I'm afraid I have some sad news, Adam," Elspeth said. "Darby Hall has burned down."

  His eyes flared wide. "What happened?"

  After she explained the situation briefly, Adam nodded. "You can live here as long as you wish."

  She smiled at his sweetness and generosity. "I appreciate that. Now for the good news." She turned to Cyrus, meeting his affectionate gaze. "Laird Stornmor has asked me to marry him. And I've accepted."

  Adam's brows quirked, and she could tell he didn't fully understand why she would decide to marry.

  "I should've sought out your blessing first," Cyrus said. "But I was unsure when I would get to meet you. I wish you to know that I care about your mother very much. The truth is… I love her."

  When Cyrus glanced at her, the look of devotion in his compelling dark eyes near took her breath away.

  "And I love him." Elspeth had never been more certain of anything in her life. She doubted her young son would understand the love a man and woman might share.

  Adam observed Cyrus closely, then nodded. "I believe you, sire. And I'm glad you're not like Laird Dalacroy."

  Elspeth knew he was referring to Alexander and not Henry.

  "What was he like?" Cyrus asked.

  Adam grimaced. "He didn't truly care about my ma. He didn't like me, either."

  "In truth?" She couldn't remember Alexander ever talking to Adam. She'd had the nursemaid keep her son away from the older earl, as he didn't seem keen on children.

  "Nay, he always glared at me." Adam sent her a disgruntled frown. "And I didn't like the way he looked at you."

  She couldn't believe how insightful her son was. "You're wise for one so young."

  Adam shrugged.

  Cyrus grinned, then whispered in her ear. "You ken who he reminds me of?"

  She nodded, realizing that if they had sons, she was in for a whole family of grumpy males.

  "Rest assured, I will always protect your mother with my life," Cyrus told Adam. "I only wish the best of everything for her."

  Her son's gaze darted back and forth between them. "I can tell you like each other."

  Elspeth smiled. "Indeed, we do. And Cyrus is a good man. He came to my rescue several times."

  "Where will you live?" Adam asked.

  "I'm having a new castle constructed west of Inverness." Cyrus looked to her. "I'm hoping your mother will want to live there with me."

  "I would love it." Elspeth looked forward to a new adventure.

  "When will you get married?" Adam questioned.

  "'Haps in a few weeks," she said.

  Cyrus observed her closely, his brows raised. "Or tomorrow."

  "Good heavens. The bans cannot be read in the local church that quickly."

  "'Tis not necessary. I'll simply pay the fine."

  "I'd prefer to wait a few days until I can walk better, at least. I don't even have a suitable gown here. Most of my clothing burned up in the house. But I do have a couple of gowns at my shop that could be altered to fit me."

  He nodded. "I don't want you to be in pain as we stand for our vows. As for your gown, the one you have on is perfect. You don't need the latest design. I want to marry you for you, not for your clothing."

  She grinned, her face heating. "You always say the sweetest things."

  "'Tis just like Aunt Emmaline and Uncle Peter all over again." Adam glanced heavenward.

  "Oh." Elspeth chuckled. "My sister and her husband," she reminded Cyrus. "They have a love match."

  He grinned and shook his head. "Never thought I would want such a thing."


  The next day as wedding preparations were underway, Cyrus took his friends and some of the MacKenzies with him on an excursion to Darby Hall, as well as her shops in Aberdeen. She'd wanted to travel with them, but he'd convinced her she was needed at Greymont, and the trip would only take a couple of hours if they didn't need to wait for the coach. She was glad she didn't go, for it surely would've worn her out.

  When Cyrus and the men returned that evening, a rented coach from town followed, two trunks on top and two roped to the back. She was thrilled to see Audrey—her head seamstress—and Gracie climbing from the coach. Both approached, then curtsied.

  "Welcome, Audrey and Gracie," Elspeth said. "I'm so glad you've come. What is all this?" She motioned to the trunks.

  "Dresses, m'lady." Audrey grinned. "I hope you will like them."

  "How many?"

  "A dozen or so."

  "Good heavens," Elspeth gasped. "Please, come inside, both of you. And Gracie, I'm so glad you're all right. Did Mistress Brown treat you well?"

  The lass grinned. "Indeed, m'lady. She sends her regards."

  After kissing Elspeth on the cheek, Cyrus instructed his men to carry the trunks inside. Elspeth squeezed his elbow as he escorted her up the steps to the great hall. She hated that she was still limping a bit.

  "I thank you for bringing them," she whispered to Cyrus.

  "Well, I couldn't have you going about naked, now could I?" he murmured too low for anyone else to hear. "I mean, I would love it in the bedchamber, but out here…" He scowled and shook his head.

  Her face flaming, she burst out laughing, then smacked his thick arm. "You are mad!"

  "Indeed. Mad for you." He grinned, then kissed her cheek again. "Come, I'll help you to your bedchamber as the men carry the trunks up."

  Once Cyrus and the men had left her chamber, Elspeth turned to Audrey. "How on earth did you have time to sew all these gowns?"

  "We only had a few customers during your absence, m'lady. Nellie, Verona and I set to work catching up on all the gowns you've been drawing and choosing the fabrics for during these last several months. We were behind, you ken, after those two ladies who had large orders for their trousseaus."

  "Aye, of course."

  "When his lairdship said you lost all your clothing in fire at Darby Hall, I kenned you would need these."

  "Oh, you are a blessing, Audrey. I thank you."

  "I'm glad to help. When he told us that you two would marry tomorrow, well… I was beside myself with happiness for you. I'm hoping the pale blue gown might suit for your wedding." Audrey grinned.

  Elspeth knew she was beaming with joy at the very idea of marrying Cyrus. "I'm certain the gown will be lovely."

  Audrey opened one of the trunks and pulled out the bodice, skirts, and petticoats of the gown on top.

  The skirts were many diaphanous layers of pale blue gossamer silk, while the bodice had been embroidered with tiny forget-me-not flowers. Elspeth gasped, remembering drawing this gown in the spring, just after she'd seen an enchanting drift of forget-me-nots near a splashing burn in the morning mist.

  "Oh, Audrey. 'Tis stunning! You do such remarkable work." The wee flowers were perfection.

  The rest of the gowns, in many different colors, were equally gorgeous. Elspeth would have to give Audrey and the other seamstresses bonuses for working so hard on her new wardrobe.

  After calling in Bernice to assist her, Elspeth quickly tried on the blue gown, and they set to work with f
itting and alterations. Elspeth was glad to see that young Gracie was enjoying helping Audrey and that thankfully she didn't seem to have any lasting trauma from the incident outside Darby. Elspeth wondered if 'haps the lass would like to become a dressmaker instead of a servant.

  That evening and the next morn went by in a whirlwind of activity. The servants took care of the food and decorations, while Audrey worked on the gown. Even Mistress Almsly pitched in with the floral arrangements, which contained many wildflowers and herbs.

  Finally, 'twas time, and Elspeth was giddy with excitement.

  She was dressed in the exquisite new gown, which fit perfectly, when Mistress Smith notified her that the rector had arrived. Adam helped her descend the spiral stairs. Her knee pained her a bit less today, thankfully. At the bottom of the steps, Mistress Almsly handed her a beautiful bridal bouquet, a mixture of flower colors and types.

  "Good heavens," Elspeth whispered. "How lovely." When she recognized the special Velvet roses of deepest burgundy from her garden back at Darby Hall, her throat tightened, and tears filled her eyes.

  "M'lady, are you well?" Mistress Almsly touched her arm.

  Elspeth nodded and wiped at her tears. Had Cyrus done this… gone back to Darby to bring her favorite flowers? How did he know about them? Had the blooms not been ruined by the fire's heat? What an extravagant surprise. Sniffing their amazing scent, she glanced across the great hall to see him, gorgeous and smiling, as he waited before the floral-draped fireplace beside Reverend Whittier. Cyrus was dressed impeccably in a white linen shirt, belted plaid, and blue doublet.

  "Are you ready, Adam?" Elspeth whispered. She could not wait to become Cyrus's wife. She had never been more certain of anything in her life.

  "Aye." Dressed in his fine clothing, Adam looked like a wee laird.

  Holding the bouquet in one hand and her son's slender arm with the other, she walked forward as smoothly as she could, hoping her limp didn't show.

  She could not believe the powerful love gleaming in Cyrus's penetrating eyes.

  "You look stunning," he whispered and kissed her cheek.

  The next few minutes went by in a blur and all she could focus on was Cyrus, his smiling dark eyes and his deep voice murmuring the vows. She did not know how she got through her own vows as she stumbled over a few of the words. She only knew she had never been happier than she was this day.


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