Uncontrollable Bachelor (Bachelor Tower Series)

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Uncontrollable Bachelor (Bachelor Tower Series) Page 5

by Jeannette Winters

  I might not like what he said, but I respected Carlton for having the balls to say it to my face. “I would never hurt her.”

  “Intentionally, no. But Jace, your lifestyle doesn’t match hers.”

  It was clear what he meant. I wasn’t looking for anything long-term. Hell, I didn’t want something short-term, either. Shannon would never go for casual sex. That’s one of the things I loved about her. She had her values and didn’t waver on them. I’m the same way, but I’m not driven by kindness and compassion. They say opposites attract. But it doesn’t mean they should be together.

  “Since she and I are going to spend time together, it’d be easier for me to keep her safe if I knew what the threat was.” If Ralph knew I was seeing Shannon, my name would probably be on the list as well.

  Carlton stared at me before finally giving in. “No one can know what I’m about to tell you.”

  “You can trust me.” At least regarding this.

  “Shannon was dating a guy overseas. They met during one of her assignments. I don’t know if you want to call it love, but whatever it was, he wanted to marry her. She declined his offer and that’s when it started.”

  She was easy to love. I’m sure many men have fallen for her. It makes me happy to know she shot them down. I wonder if she’d have said no to me, too.

  “It doesn’t explain why she needs your protection.”

  Carlton added, “He wasn’t just anyone. He’s a prince. When she refused him, he reached out to Mr. Hamel and tried to…purchase her.”

  What the fuck! “I’m sure Ralph had a few choice words for him.”

  “He did. But the prince swore she would be his, one way or another.”

  Damn. I’m not the nicest guy, but when a woman says no, it’s no.

  “And you think this is a viable threat? You said this was three years ago and Shannon, to my knowledge, is still single.”

  “We’ve intercepted quite a few attempts to…”

  “Talk to her?” I asked.

  “I wish it was that simple. Her last trip they tried to kidnap her.”

  My heart was pounding and I felt sick. Shannon actually was in danger and I was out for a stroll in the fucking park with her. “She needs more security.”

  “She has plenty. Normally she runs in a very tight circle of friends. You, on the other hand, come with your own set of risks. I’m only sharing this with you because I have a feeling you’re planning on seeing her again. If you are, then I need you to keep me abreast of where you’re going and what you’re doing,” Carlton stated.

  “She’s safe with me.”

  “Are you willing to bet her life on it?” Carlton asked. “Because that’s what’s at stake.”

  I had once been willing to give Shannon all I had to give. Back then, it wasn’t much. All I had was my love for her. Ralph made sure I knew that wasn’t enough. Now I had the resources to give her anything she desired. But what she needed most of all Ralph was already providing for her. I don’t fit in her life any more now than I did before. It wrenched my gut to admit it, but I’d still do everything I could to ensure her safety.

  “I’ll text you when we’re going out. I’ll let you know where we will be. What we are doing, well that’s none of your fucking business. Either you can trust me or you can tell Ralph. I really don’t give a fuck which you choose,” I growled.

  Carlton raised a brow and put his empty beer bottle on the bar. “I’m not sure what’s motivating you, but I hope you’re not out to prove something. It will be Shannon who gets hurt. I know that’s not something you want to happen.”

  “No, it’s not.” I also don’t want her being controlled. She used to be such a free spirit. I want her to live the life she wants and deserves, not something that Ralph or some prince in another country is forcing on her. To help her see that, I needed to know what she really wanted out of life. That was going to take time. I was already working toward my own future. I knew seeing Shannon was somehow going to get in the way of that. But this wasn’t something permanent. I just need to make sure she will be okay. It’s something I should’ve done before I left the first time.

  “It looks like we are in agreement. You’re backing off,” Carlton stated.

  I grinned. “Not exactly. I’m asking Shannon to join me for dinner tomorrow.”

  “Jace, you’re not hearing what I’m saying,” Carlton stated firmly.

  I got up off the stool, tossed a twenty on the bar. “There’s nothing wrong with my hearing.” Listening is another story. I walked out of the bar into the cool night air.

  Carlton had known me long enough to know I don’t take orders. But he also knew that the only commitment I have is to myself. Why am I getting involved with this? Carlton obviously had it under control if nothing had happened to Shannon in the past three years. I don’t own a security company, but I sure know about security software. Unless I planned on putting some sort of tracking device on Shannon, how was I going to be any help?

  Walking out on Carlton might not have been wise. He was an ally and I wanted to keep it that way. But I’d never needed help regarding a woman before, and I wasn’t about to start now. Let Carlton handle things his way. I’m going to do it mine.

  I pulled my cell phone out of my suit jacket and dialed Shannon’s number.

  “Hello. I wasn’t expecting to hear from you. Is everything okay?” she asked.

  I could hear concern in her tone. Normally that would piss me off, but not with her. Nothing about Shannon ever got on my nerves. I couldn’t say the same about me.

  “Ice cream didn’t do the trick. I’m still hungry. How about you?” It’s not what I planned on saying, but now that I had, seeing Shannon again tonight worked for me. Maybe not for Carlton, though.

  “You know what goes great with ice cream?” she asked.

  Fucking all night? Because that sure would address what I’m hungry for. “More ice cream?” I guessed.

  I loved hearing her burst out laughing. “I was thinking fries,” she said. I could hear the smile in her voice.

  “Just fries?”

  “Burgers and fries. I know this place with incredible burgers. That is, if you’re up for a drive.”

  “How far is this place?” I asked, but I didn’t care if she told me it was a thousand miles away. If I got to be with her, I’d be game.

  “Depending on traffic, it should be less than an hour. And by the way, it’s an old-fashioned drive-in restaurant. You put on your headlights for service and a carhop brings the food to your car. Isn’t that cool?”

  That didn’t scream ‘delicious burger’ to me, but then again, I really wasn’t in the mood to eat. “Sounds fun. What time should I pick you up?”

  “You really want to go tonight? It’s getting late and you have work in the morning,” she said.

  I’ve pulled more all-nighters than I can count. “My hours are flexible.”

  “Well, give me fifteen minutes to put clothes back on and I’ll meet you outside.”

  Don’t go to any trouble. Come naked and save us both time.

  “You don’t want me to come in?” I asked. I knew why, but wanted to hear her say it.

  “Jace, I stay with my father when I’m in the States. I think it would be…quicker if I met you outside.”

  “I’ll see you there.” That wouldn’t give me much time to change, but if I had to take my 1963 Aston Martin to a drive-in burger joint, there was no way I would also be wearing a full suit. If I was right, I had a pair of jeans in the trunk. That and my button-down shirt would have to do.

  I pulled off the road and behind a building into a dim lit parking lot. I hopped out, dug my jeans out of the trunk, and changed. I don’t think I’ve done such a thing since I was a kid. Tossing my jacket and slacks in the back, I got back in the car and took off to pick Shannon up. I needed to be early, because no way in hell would I make her wait outside alone. Carlton’s team would be watching, but it still made me uncomfortable.

though I broke the speed limit, Shannon was already standing outside when I pulled up. Fuck. I let her down and she doesn’t even know it. It was a mistake on Ralph’s part not telling her that her life was at risk. She’d never be standing there alone if she knew. But the drawback was that if she did know, she’d probably withdraw and never go anywhere. The happy, joyful, woman she is might vanish.

  At least I know you’ll be happy and safe with me tonight.

  Shannon bent over and peered into the car. “Jace? This is yours?” I nodded. She opened the door and slipped into the passenger’s seat. “Your boss must pay you very well.”

  It still blew my mind that Betsy wasn’t spilling all she knew about me. That was a good thing, because if she had, Shannon wouldn’t be in my car now.

  “So where is this place?” I asked, ignoring her comment.

  “It’s in Mendon. And if you enjoy dinner, we might even be able to catch the second movie at the drive-in.”

  I laughed. “Not sure it’ll be the same as a paying customer.”

  Shannon chuckled. “I still can’t believe we snuck in with a portable radio. What were we thinking?”

  That I was broke and it was all I could do to show you a good time. When I thought back to some of the things we used to do, it was no surprise Ralph had shot me down when I asked his permission to marry Shannon. I didn’t steal or do drugs, but working part time as a gas station attendant meant our dates were lacking. At least by my current standards.

  Shannon added, “But I also don’t remember what movie we watched, either. Someone decided they had…other things they wanted to do instead.”

  She had to bring that up. The blood rushed to my cock as I remembered how she had unzipped my pants and stroked me. Damn, our car must’ve been rocking like fucking crazy as she climbed up to straddle me. I had fucked her long and hard and she had screamed my name over and over again.

  “Maybe we’d better skip the drive-in tonight.” But a hotel isn’t out of the question.

  Shannon reached over and touched my hand. “I agree.” I wasn’t sure I wanted her to. Then she added, “Because this car is amazing, but definitely not built for…parking.”

  I looked over at her and noticed she was grinning. This was…nice. It all seemed familiar and easy. But what it wasn’t, was real. She had no idea of the man I’d become or even why I had agreed to meet up with her in the first place. I still wanted the information from her father. The Bachelor Towers were still in my future. They were just on the back burner for the moment.

  I entwined my fingers with hers and pulled her hand to rest on my lap. It was sweet torture having her hand so close to my cock, but it was a kind of intimacy with her that I fucking missed. If I wasn’t careful I could find myself caring for her more than I wanted to. But I’m here to make sure her life is good, not to fuck up my own along the way.

  With a sigh I said, “I guess burgers and fries are the only thing on the menu.” At least tonight.

  Chapter 6


  This wasn’t like the Jace I used to know. I hadn’t thrown myself at him tonight, but damn, I’d sure suggested us getting together. There used to be a time we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Guess that changed. It was probably for the best. Hot, passionate sex might confuse things, and we still hadn’t resolved our issues from the past.

  Logic was one thing, but my body yearned for something else. I’ve never been shy with him. Why should I be now? We’re grown adults with sexual needs and I knew he could definitely fulfill mine. I hadn’t been with a man since…Prince Babboo. That ended worse than Jace and me. He got attached and possessive. And what no one knows is that he got abusive, too. Babboo didn’t just expect to get what he wanted, he demanded and… took it, even in the bedroom. I was lucky. I got out of there before things got out of control. I knew if I ever said no to him, he’d have raped me.

  A shudder ran through me with that thought. Jace must’ve noticed because he asked, “Everything okay?

  I have no idea what made me think of Babboo. My thoughts had been on Jace and what I was missing about him. There wasn’t a fucking thing I missed about Babboo. It wasn’t something I wanted to talk to Jace about. Hell, I never even told Betsy or my father. I was embarrassed to have fallen prey to a man like Prince Babboo. I’m supposed to be smarter than that, but all I had wanted was to be loved. Loved like how Jace used to love me.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I think I…ate too much,” I lied.

  Jace pulled the car over to the side of the highway and put it in park. “Shannon, I know you better than that. Your eyes say it’s more. Did I say or do something to upset you?”

  It was sweet that he cared about my feelings. It also scared me that he could still read my emotions better than anyone else. That didn’t mean I was about to confide my darkest secret to him.

  “I’m just not looking forward to going back home so soon.”

  “Don’t blame you. I have no idea how you are able to live with your father,” he said.

  I could hear the bitterness in his tone. It’s the same whenever my father hears Jace’s name mentioned. But no matter what, he was still my father and I loved him. Just like I still have feelings for you, too, Jace.

  “I’m fortunate to have a place to come home to between assignments.” There was more to it. I also didn’t want to leave a place that I wouldn’t be at except for a few weeks a year. Keeping my belongings at my father’s was as close as I got to putting down roots somewhere.

  “How long will you be here, in the States?” he asked.

  It wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have on the side of the road, but at least we were communicating. “I think two, maybe three. I’m still waiting for my next assignment to be finalized. It can be tricky sometimes going into other countries to practice medicine.” There were several places where my organization wasn’t welcome and went anyway. But when I could save even one child, the risk was worth it.

  “That’s not much time for us to catch up,” he said.

  I looked into his eyes and asked, “Is that what we’re doing? Catching up?”

  His expression changed, and I could see the wall rising between us. That was too much like talking about feelings and our past. So many topics made me feel like I was walking on eggshells. Jace had never hidden his feelings from me before, but now something was holding him back. Shit. Maybe he has a girlfriend.

  He hadn’t made a move on me. Come to think of it, I was the one who initiated the kiss, too. But Betsy wouldn’t have connected us again if he was involved with another woman. Unless she doesn’t know.

  “Never mind. It doesn’t matter.”

  Jace reached over and took my hand in his. “You’re wrong. It does matter. But I’m not sure how to answer it. Catching up doesn’t sound right. When I saw you, it’s like the last twelve years vanished and we were…”

  “I know. I feel the same way.” Words couldn’t express it. The connection we had never diminished. But time had changed us both. “But we’re not the same kids filled with unrealistic dreams. This…. connection is us just remembering what we had.”

  “There’s a damn good reason we haven’t forgotten. It had been really good between us. We just…ended up on different paths.”

  No. You took one, and forgot to ask me to go with you.

  That was the reality I needed to remember. It would be what kept me from falling in love with him all over again. “Yes, we did. But it was nice catching up with you.”

  Jace raised his hand, his thumb traced my bottom lip, and he said, “You make me want to make some new memories with you.”

  My heart pounded in my chest. We both knew how this would end. This time, it’d be me leaving. Would it be so wrong to enjoy the moment, build more memories to hold onto? As long as I go into this knowing it’s temporary, I can’t get hurt.

  Without taking my eyes off his, I opened my mouth, and took his thumb inside and sucked it. That should give him my response. If he ignored me
now, nothing on earth would get him to want me again.

  His growl echoed through the vehicle and he said, “Fuck, Shannon, what are you trying to do to me? Do you know how hard it is to…” I twirled my tongue around his thumb and sucked again and he stammered, “to keep my hands…off you?”

  That’s the point. I nipped his thumb and said, “Then maybe I should just…touch you?” I wanted his hands and mouth all over my body, but I hadn’t forgotten what he liked. Reaching across the center console, my hand ran up his thigh and stopped near the zipper of his jeans.

  Jace grabbed hold of my hand and moved it away. “Shannon, I want you so badly, but not here.”

  “We can’t go to my place.” My father would flip out and might actually try to kill Jace if he found him in my bed. I held my breath, waiting for him to invite me to his place.

  “There’s a hotel on the next exit,” he said.

  I had been willing to rekindle this thing at a drive-in theater, so I wasn’t about to complain about his invitation to a hotel. “How fast does this thing go?” I teased.

  “We’re about to find out,” Jace said as he threw it back in gear. Dirt and rocks kicked up behind us as he pulled back onto the highway.

  I no longer needed to wonder if the attraction was just in my mind. I hadn’t actually touched him, but the bulge was impossible for him to hide. It only excited me more. The drive might not be long, but with how fucking horny I was, it seemed like hours. I needed to feel Jace deep inside me again. The vibration as the engine roared down the road, with thoughts of him turning me over, grabbing my hips and fucking me hard from behind almost got me off right there in the car.

  Damn, it’s been too long.

  Jace took the exit faster than he should have, and the tires squealed as they fought to hold onto the pavement. “Sorry,” he said, gripping the wheel as I held the dash for dear life.

  “I hope they have a room, because I don’t think this car is going to survive another ride like that,” I half teased. I didn’t know much about vehicles, but it was evident this one had been built with speed in mind. Me on the other hand, I preferred to drive the speed limit. Not just because it was the law, but I can’t handle a vehicle like Jace. If it had been me behind the wheel on that exit ramp, we would be on our way to the hospital instead of a hotel.


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