Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove Series, Volume 2

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Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove Series, Volume 2 Page 70

by Debbie Macomber

  Thankfully, she found a parking spot directly in front of the deli. It was late enough that the noon crowd had left, so they had their pick of tables.

  As soon as they were seated, Grace smiled at the young waitress. “What’s your soup for today?”

  “Cream of broccoli,” the girl, who didn’t look more than eighteen, told her.

  “We’ll both have that,” Grace said.

  “With tea,” Olivia added. “Earl Grey, please.”

  The girl made a notation on the pad and disappeared. Once she was out of earshot, Olivia leaned forward. “Mom’s got the best broccoli soup recipe. I think she had it here first and then went home and created her own version. My mother should have a cooking show, don’t you think?”

  Grace laughed. “Can’t you picture it? Chef Charlotte making muffins and chatting up celebrity guests.” She removed her scarf and unfastened her coat, then folded it over the back of her chair. “She’d be terrific. And she can make anything taste wonderful.”

  Olivia nodded, smiling. “She believes in cooking with quality ingredients—and love.”

  “I’ve only seen your mother in passing since the cruise. She had a good time?”

  “She did. Ben, too, although they were hit with the news about David’s baby the minute they got home, which upset them both.”

  “That’s too bad,” Grace said, her voice grim. She blamed David, maybe not for the pregnancy, since both partners had played a role in that, but he’d clearly lied to the poor girl about his intentions. And his behavior afterward had been appalling—his refusal to acknowledge the baby or accept his responsibilities as a father.

  “I think this is the final straw as far as Ben is concerned,” Olivia said, smoothing her napkin across her lap. “Apparently he’s only spoken to David once since they got home from the cruise. He told Mom that if David phones again, he doesn’t want to talk to him.”

  “I can understand why Ben’s so upset.”

  “So can I,” Olivia said. “He’s taking this hard. Ben’s such an honorable man that his son’s behavior—deceiving and deluding a sweet girl like Mary Jo—makes it all the more painful.” She shook her head. “I didn’t stop by to discuss David, though. The subject depresses me.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Did I tell you what Mom’s been doing lately?”

  “You mean other than visiting you?” Grace joked. It was common knowledge that Charlotte made a habit of checking up on Olivia every few days.

  “She’s been collecting all her favorite recipes for Justine’s tearoom. Which means she’s writing some of them down for the very first time.”

  Grace had driven past the construction site that morning and was astonished by the progress that had been made in the past month. “The building’s really coming along, isn’t it?”

  “When my daughter wants something, she tends to get it.”

  “She’s another Charlotte in the making.”

  “That and more,” Olivia said. “She’s starting a brand-new business, balancing that with looking after her family and getting ready for the baby….”

  “How’s she feeling?”

  “Very well, she says. She’s just begun to show. I hope she has a girl this time.” Olivia hesitated as if she’d suddenly realized what she’d said. “Of course we’d welcome another grandson with equal enthusiasm.”

  “Of course you would.”

  “How are your girls?” Olivia asked.

  “Maryellen and Kelly are doing great.”

  The door opened at that moment and in walked Sheriff Troy Davis. He touched the brim of his hat when he saw them, a habitual gesture of his, then stepped up to the counter and ordered coffee to go.

  As Grace was filling Olivia in on the latest news about her grandchildren, Troy came to their table, clutching his take-out mug.

  “Nice to see you both,” he said. He frowned at the wool cap Olivia wore, then quickly glanced away.

  Grace could see that Olivia was trying to squelch a smile. “Hey, Sheriff, don’t be so worried. I’ll live.”

  “Glad to hear it. So, what are you two doing here at—” he looked pointedly at his watch “—the middle of the afternoon?”

  “I’m on leave,” Olivia said, although she knew he was well aware of that.

  “I’m having a late lunch,” Grace added.

  He motioned toward the front window. “Is that your vehicle in the disabled parking space?”

  “Ah…my car?”

  “I guess you didn’t see the sign.”

  “Oh, dear. Did you give me a ticket?” Usually she was more observant than this.

  “No, but I’d advise you to move it before one of my deputies does.”

  Grace scooped up her purse, grateful for the warning. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Take your time,” Troy said. He seemed to be watching her as she left.

  Grace saw that as soon as she was out the door, Troy slid into her seat. Not until she reached her vehicle did she realize the disabled space was one down from where she’d parked. She was perfectly legal exactly where she was.

  It wasn’t like Troy to make that kind of mistake, and she started back toward the deli. Then it dawned on her that Troy had purposely sent her on a wild-goose chase because he wanted time alone with Olivia. Assuming that was the case, she’d accommodate him.

  Grace slid inside the car and circled the block twice, then located another slot close by. She figured that would give Troy ample opportunity to divulge whatever he had on his mind. Naturally she intended to drill Olivia the instant they were alone.

  When she returned to the deli, their soup and tea had been served, together with a basket of sourdough bread. When Troy saw her, he stood and made his farewells.

  The moment the door closed behind him, Grace said, “I wasn’t parked in a disabled space.”

  “I know.”

  “Troy just wanted to get rid of me.”

  Olivia’s spoon hovered over her soup. “I know that, too. He asked me to apologize.”

  Grace waited for an explanation that didn’t seem to be forthcoming. She couldn’t understand why her friend was suddenly so tight-lipped. “Aren’t you going to tell me why he found it necessary to speak to you alone?”

  “I haven’t decided,” Olivia answered with an exaggerated sigh.

  “Olivia! Don’t hold out on me now.”

  “All right, all right,” Olivia said, doing her best to hide a smile. “He wanted some advice.”

  “About what?” Grace narrowed her eyes. “I didn’t realize you and Troy were such bosom buddies.”

  “We aren’t. He just knows me better because of my years on the bench.”

  “He knows me, too! Good grief, we all went through twelve years of school together. What could he possibly say to you that he couldn’t say to me?” She felt a bit hurt that Troy had sought out Olivia and not her.

  “Okay, if you must know,” Olivia said, “he wanted to ask me about Faith Beckwith.”

  Grace shook her head. “Faith’s our tenant, remember? If he needed to find anything out, he could’ve asked me.”

  “Well, he told me the two of them had a thing going, and—”

  “That’s not news! Although they don’t seem to be dating now. I wonder what happened….” She let the rest fade, hoping Olivia would fill in the blanks.

  “Unfortunately Troy didn’t have time to go into detail,” Olivia said. She looked at Grace with mock disdain. “It might have taken you a bit longer to find a parking spot, you know.”

  Grace had no intention of responding. She wanted facts—now. “Okay, so they had a ‘thing’ going and then what?”

  “He didn’t really say other than that he broke it off, regretted it and, when he wanted to get back together, Faith wasn’t interested.”

  “That’s understandable.”

  “Maybe, but we both know Troy isn’t fickle. Faith should give him a bit of leeway, don’t you think?”

  Grace considered th
at. “Depends.” She didn’t want to get caught up in a debate about the right or wrong of his decision, not when there was obviously more to the story. “So what else?” she pressed.

  “Like I said, he didn’t have time to give me any details.” She raised her eyebrows, which Grace ignored.

  “And now Troy’s upset because he loves Faith and wants her back.” How like a man!

  Olivia took Troy’s side. “She broke his heart.”

  Grace pretended to be sympathetic, but in her opinion he got what he deserved. “Poor Troy,” she said in a perfunctory tone.

  “That wasn’t exactly what he wanted to talk me about, though.”

  Oh! This was getting interesting. “He didn’t want advice about Faith?”

  “Well, sort of. Something else happened that’s got him in a real state.”

  When Olivia didn’t immediately continue, Grace snapped, “For heaven’s sake, don’t stop there! What happened?”

  “Last night, on his way home, Troy saw Faith having dinner with another man.”

  Grace picked up her spoon, then put it down again. This was far more intriguing than cream of broccoli soup. “What do you mean, he saw her with someone else? What did he do, drive his patrol car through a restaurant door?”

  “Of course not. He was hungry and felt like some Chinese food, so he ordered takeout from the Wok ’n’ Roll. He walked inside to pick up his order—and who should he see?”

  “Faith,” Grace answered.

  “Yes, Faith, and she was with…a man. She had her back to him but Troy knew it was her and she seemed to be having the time of her life.”

  Grace had another question. “So, who was he?” she asked, lowering her voice. “This man she was with.”

  Olivia acted as if Grace hadn’t even spoken. “Poor Troy was devastated. He said it was all he could do not to march up to the table and tell…this other man to stay away from Faith.”

  “Not a smart idea.”

  “I said the same thing.”

  “So what did he do?” Grace asked.

  “Nothing much. He paid for his dinner, left and then seethed for the rest of the night. Judging by his expression, I’d say it’s still bothering him.”

  “Did Faith see him?” Grace wanted to know.

  “He thinks she might have.”

  “In that case, they probably both feel bad. Because Faith would know he was upset, and she isn’t the kind of woman who enjoys hurting someone else.”

  “That’s true.”

  “Okay, so tell me who Faith’s hot date was.”

  Olivia paused, and Grace’s heart sank. “He’s married, isn’t he? That’s why you don’t want to tell me.”

  “No, that’s not it. In fact, once I say his name it won’t surprise you at all.”

  So Olivia was going to make her guess. That wasn’t fair—and then it came to her. Shocked, she pressed both hands against the table and half stood. “No way?”

  Olivia knew immediately that Grace had figured it out. Slowly, with her eyes closed, she nodded.

  “Your brother, Will Jefferson, is dating Faith?”

  Olivia exhaled sharply. “So it seems.”

  “Well…he’s divorced and she’s a widow. So I guess there’s nothing really wrong with it.”

  “But the last I heard,” Olivia said, “he was interested in Shirley Bliss.”

  Grace tore a piece of bread. “I know Will’s your brother and you love him, but I also know a basic fact about him. He’s not a one-woman man.”

  Olivia sighed. “I certainly can’t deny it, at least going by previous experience.”

  “Are you going to say anything to Faith?” Grace asked.

  Olivia shook her head.

  “Then I won’t, either.”


  This was so embarrassing. Unfortunately, Christie didn’t have any alternative. She needed a vehicle; otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to get to work except by walking or biking. A bicycle might be okay once spring arrived, and she could probably buy one secondhand, but that didn’t help her now. So far, winter had set all kinds of records for cold and snowfall. Slogging through slush and fierce wind left much to be desired.

  The sad reality was that after many temporary fixes, her car was dead. There was no possibility of reviving it. The junkyard had offered her a flat hundred bucks and she took it. That hundred dollars, however, wasn’t going to provide reliable transportation. Her only recourse was to ask for a loan—and the only person she could approach was her sister, Teri.

  With a knot in her stomach, Christie made the call. Teri answered so quickly, she must’ve been sitting next to the phone.

  “Can you talk?” she asked, trying to keep any hint of anxiety out of her voice.

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “I’d rather do this face-to-face,” Christie told her. She felt like weeping, which was an anomaly on its own. She didn’t easily give in to emotion. Oh, she’d cried her share of tears, but generally it took a crisis like having her bank account emptied by some low-life scum she’d been convinced she could reform. She’d wept buckets over that, and her divorce, too. What upset her this time was the fact that it wasn’t a man but a stupid car.

  “Come on by,” Teri said. “I’d love the company.”

  “That’s…the problem. I don’t have a car.”

  “What happened?”

  Christie didn’t want to go into all of that now. “Has Bobby hired a new driver?”

  “Not yet. Bobby’s positive James will return. I—”

  “Please don’t talk about James,” she interrupted stiffly. Even his name was enough to make her stomach tense.

  “Okay, if that’s the way you want it.”

  “I do.”

  “Take a taxi to the house and I’ll pay for it.”

  Although Christie appreciated the offer, she refused to do that. “I’ll take the bus.”

  “Christie, don’t be silly.”

  “It’s no problem. Buses run regularly this time of day.”

  Still Teri hesitated. “I’d come and get you myself but the doctor doesn’t want me driving.”

  Christie wasn’t surprised. Teri was due in May, although with triplets she’d probably deliver early. “When did he say you couldn’t drive?”

  “At my last visit. Doc wants to play it safe. Okay, I know it’s for a good reason, but I have to tell you I’m going crazy sitting around the house. I could definitely use a distraction.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “Grab a taxi,” Teri insisted again.

  “I’ll think about it.” Actually, Christie already had and she’d dismissed the idea. She was coming to Teri for a loan as it was and she didn’t want her sister having to open her wallet for cab fare before they’d even begun the conversation. And no way was she spending fifteen hard-won dollars herself if she didn’t have to.

  There was nothing wrong with the bus. She would normally have considered it for transportation to her job, but she worked the early shift at Wal-Mart and the bus schedule was extremely limited at that time of the morning.

  The queasiness in her stomach hadn’t lessened as she made the long trek down Teri and Bobby’s driveway. Walking to the house, she automatically glanced at the garage and the apartment above it, where James had once lived. She chastised herself for looking.

  James was out of her life, out of all their lives. Bobby might be deluding himself that his driver and best friend would return. Best friend, now that was a joke. Some friend James had been!

  When she finally reached the door and rang the bell, her nose had lost feeling. Her winter jacket was little protection against the wind, which seemed to slice straight through her. She kept her hands clenched in her pockets for warmth.

  “You’re frozen!” Teri shrieked when she saw her. “I told you to take a cab.”

  Rather than start an argument, Christie conceded. “Yeah, I should have.”

  “Come in, come in.” Teri pulled
her into the house and helped her off with her coat and gloves.

  Mutely Christie followed her sister into the kitchen and gladly accepted a mug of hot herbal tea. The first sip burned all the way down her throat, but Christie didn’t care. The taste and aroma of the tea revived her.

  Slipping onto a stool at the breakfast bar, she braced her elbows there, clutching the mug with both hands, as she considered the best approach to asking her sister for the loan. This was even more difficult than she’d expected. It made her feel like such a failure when she was working so hard to get her life on track. Her credit had been ruined by yet another deadbeat she’d thought she could transform. There’d been a transformation, all right—a negative one. The guy had become an even bigger jerk, and he’d ripped her off, to boot. Why was it lessons like this had to be so painful, with consequences that lingered for years?

  Teri seemed to be waiting for her to say something.

  “I took your advice,” she said conversationally.

  Teri set her mug on the counter and clambered onto the stool directly across from her. “What advice was that?”

  “Remember when you said I should make some positive changes in my life? You were right. I’ve signed up for two courses at the community college in Bremerton.”

  “Really?” Teri seemed impressed.

  Actually, Christie was impressed with herself. “I never figured I’d be hanging around a college campus at my age.”

  “You’re not old.”

  Christie laughed. “I am compared to most of those kids.” Shaking her head, she sighed. “Were we ever that young?”

  “We were born old,” Teri said with a sad look. “The education we got wasn’t in history or literature, it was in the ways of the world.”

  That was true. Having grown up with an alcoholic mother and a series of stepdads and “uncles,” Christie knew they’d both been robbed of a normal childhood.

  “So tell me—” Teri changed the subject “—what are you taking?”

  Christie’s heart raced with excitement as she said the word. “Photography.”

  Teri’s eyes widened. “Why photography? I didn’t know you had any interest in that.”

  “I didn’t until recently.” She might as well let it all out. “I went in to the agent to pay my car insurance premium—while I still had a car—and he was on the phone.” It’d been one of those rare instances, Christie realized later, when an opportunity had presented itself at precisely the right moment. “He was bemoaning the fact that there isn’t anyone locally to document household inventory for home insurance purposes.”


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