Destiny Awaits

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Destiny Awaits Page 10

by Shaw, Jaidis

  “I’m sorry to hear that. It must be difficult to have a parent leave like that.”

  “His heart was in the right place and knew that it was what was best for me. If anything I should be thankful.”

  I couldn’t believe the strength that radiated from this young woman. She was mature beyond her years and it was hard for me to imagine that she was still in high school. I must have had a weird expression on my face because Violet arched an eyebrow in my direction.

  “What?” She asked.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” I flushed with embarrassment. “I was just thinking how level headed you are. It’s refreshing.”

  “It’s okay. I hear that a lot. So why did you choose Juniper Grove? I mean you could have your choice of states and cities to see.”

  “Honestly, I didn’t put that much thought into. I was referred to the realtor here, Dominic, and he sent some pictures and I picked out this house because it was affordable. No special reason or hidden agenda.” I laughed.

  “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but have you always known about shifters?” She asked.

  A loud laugh escaped my lips and I tried to cough to hide it. “Umm, no I didn’t. It is a very long story but Jayden was the first shifter that I’d ever met. I’m still getting used to the idea of it really.”

  “I’d say Jayden was a good start. He really cares about you. You should have seen his face when we bumped into each other at the store. His face just lit up when he got to talking about you.” She winked at me and I couldn’t help but blush.

  Sofia’s voice echoed through the garden and interrupted our conversation. “Time to eat everyone!”

  “I guess that’s our cue.” Violet and I stood up and made our way towards the crowd that was gathering around a table full of food.

  A hand landed on my shoulder and I halted to find Kyle next to me. “Who’s your friend Alayna?” Kyle eyed Violet, looking her up and down with approval.

  “Her name is Violet and you better behave yourself.” I jokingly punched him on the shoulder and went to catch up to Violet.

  “We will see about that,” I heard Kyle mumble behind me.


  Over the next hour everyone gathered around the table and mingled. Violet had attached herself to my side in an attempt to avoid the flirtatious advances of both Kyle and Darren. Both were vying for her attention and I would be willing to bet that they had created a wager to see who would get the furthest with their advances. Apparently I had become Violet’s shield but I didn’t mind coming to her aid. It was quite amusing to see her shoot them down time after time and we would both break into laughter as the men argued between themselves.

  Dominic had arrived shortly after we sat down to eat and Sofia couldn’t have been happier to have another guest. I think it made her feel in control to be hosting a party, seeing to it that everyone was taken care of. Between Gwen and Sofia, everyone was being doted on like children and nobody seemed to mind.

  Both Sofia and Gwen were huddled together and I smiled at the grin on their faces as they discussed their favorite recipes. Sofia was eagerly soaking up Gwen’s tips and her face glowed in excitement.

  Feeling eyes on me, I shifted my gaze to find Dominic staring at me. The moment he saw me staring he turned his gaze away and wiped his hands on his pants nervously. What has him so nervous? I wondered. Jayden laid his hand on my thigh and startled me.

  “What are you thinking about?” He asked.

  “Does Dominic look stressed out to you?” I inquired.

  “Not any more than normal. He is probably just edgy around all these people.”

  “If you say so,” I mumbled and patted his hand.

  A cell phone rang and Gwen excused herself from her conversation. Moments later she bustled over to us. “I’m so sorry Alayna but I must go,” she said.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked.

  “One of my kids was involved in a fight. I just wanted to thank you so much for inviting me.”

  Violet stood up and looked at her Aunt. “Do you need me to go with you Aunt Gwen?” The concern was evident on her face.

  “No Dear. You stay and enjoy the party. If I need you I will be sure to call and let you know okay? I do have to take the car though so just call me whenever you are ready to go and I’ll swing by and pick you up.” Gwen hugged Violet and I before disappearing around the side of the house.

  “I hope that everything will be okay,” I said, still able to smell the scent of apples on my clothes from Gwen’s hug.

  Violet retook her spot at the table. “I’m sure it will be fine. There are a few boys that she has been helping out recently but they can’t seem to stay out of trouble. I don’t understand why boys always have to compete with each other.” She pointed a delicate finger in Kyle and Darren’s direction. “And apparently they never grow out of it.”

  Jayden busted out laughing and I joined in, basking in the enjoyment of the moment.

  “Some of us out grow it,” Jayden said after his fit of laughter had subsided. “I don’t think there is any hope for those two though. Of course, I think they are just after the money.”

  “What money?” Violet asked.

  “I knew it!” I shouted. “I knew you boys were up to something. What are the terms of the bet?”

  “It’s just a friendly little wager. Kitten here thinks that he can get any girl he wants. I simply wanted to prove him wrong.” Darren winked at Violet and laughed.

  “How’s that working out for you Kyle?” Violet asked, cocking her head to one side.

  “You’ll give in eventually. They always do.” Kyle was grinning like a tom cat.

  “Sorry but I don’t go for pussycats.” Violet winked at him and we all burst into another fit of laughter.

  Darren rewarded her with a high five and then he slapped Kyle on the back of his head. “Told ya. Pay up.”

  “This isn’t over yet.” Kyle stood up and abruptly left our group to go and tend to his wounded ego.

  “Who knew he was so sensitive,” I said, wiping the stream of tears that refused to stop falling down my cheeks.

  Julian and Sofia walked over to our group unnoticed. “What is so funny?” Julian asked a smile on his face.

  “Not much really,” Jayden said. “Just Kyle being rejected by Violet…repeatedly.”

  My laughter subsided with Julian’s presence and I began to twist my napkin in my hands to keep myself occupied. We hadn’t talked since the fight and I wasn’t in a rush to do so. Even though his attitude was fine, I could still tell that he wasn’t completely thrilled with the outcome of the battle. It seemed as if we were both trying to pretend like it had never happened at all.

  “That poor boy can never catch a break with the ladies. No matter how hard he tries he has never been successful at gaining the attention of a beautiful girl.” Julian’s smile seemed genuine and my nerves began to calm just a bit.

  Darren snickered. “Maybe one day he will meet one that will put up with him.”

  “Now you boys be nice. Kyle is a fine young man. He just gets a little over confident sometimes,” Sofia scolded.

  “You should go after him Julian. Convince him to come back to the party.” Sofia gave Julian a gentle push in Kyle’s direction. “Go on now,” she said with encouragement.

  “Oh bloody hell woman. Do you always get your way?” He teased.

  “You already know I do,” she said lovingly and kissed his cheek.

  “You owe me,” he whispered and slapped her behind before heading over to Kyle.

  “Oh Alayna! Is that the necklace that Jayden got you?” Sofia asked changing the subject.

  “Yes it is.” I blushed and lifted the silver panther tenderly so she could get a better look.

  “Glad to see that all of my advice over the years paid off.” She laughed and patted her son on the shoulder.

  “There is only one reason to buy a woman expensive jewelry like that.” Darren chimed in.

  “And what re
ason is that exactly?” Jayden eyed Darren with caution.

  “It means that you two had…” Darren’s remark was cut short by Jayden’s fist slamming into his shoulder.

  “Watch it Darren!” Jayden growled.

  “Okay.” Darren raised his hands in surrender.

  “Ah…young love.” Sofia snickered before turning around and walking away to tackle the daunting task of cleaning up.


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  Chapter Twelve

  Gentle music broke into our conversation and Violet hurried to answer her cell phone. “Excuse me.” She placed the phone to her ear as she stepped away from the group.

  I wrapped my arm around Jayden’s waist and leaned my head on his shoulder. “She seems really nice. I’m glad you invited her.” It felt as if nothing could ruin this moment and that everything was finally falling into place.

  “I’m so sorry but I must go,” Violet said as she approached our group once again.

  “Is everything okay?” Jayden asked, his body tensing in anticipation for the worst.

  “That was my Aunt. It appears that my abilities are required but it’s nothing to be worried about. Alayna it was so great to meet you and I hope we can hang out again sometime soon.”

  “Of course! I would enjoy that very much. Here, let me walk you out.” I flashed a smile at Jayden before following Violet around the side of the house to the driveway. “How are you going to get home? Didn’t your Aunt take the car?” I asked once we reached the front yard.

  “She should be here any minute to get me. Thanks again for allowing me to crash your party. Oh, and I know that I don’t know all of the details about you but I know you are different.”

  “What do you mean?” I glanced at the ground, kicking a nearby pebble with my shoe. Had she noticed that I was different?

  “Don’t worry, I’m not going to say anything or press you for details. Truth is I can smell that you’re different; your blood is different. Just don’t be afraid to embrace it or to use it for good.” Violet’s eyes sparkled as if she held a secret.

  “Trust me…nothing good can come from my blood.” I inhaled a deep breath to try and keep calm. Part of me wanted to trust Violet and tell her my secret but having only met her I decided not to say too much.

  “I don’t believe that and neither should you. I know what it is like to be special, to have this gift that we sometimes feel is a curse. You may think that only bad things will come from your blood but when it’s needed, when you really want it to, it will come through for you. Just keep that in mind.”

  “I don’t understand what you are talking about. Everything that I’ve seen so far has been negative. Have you sensed anything different?” I searched her eyes hoping to find a clue or the answer to my questions. Gwen’s car was pulling into the drive and I cast an irritated glance her way. Why couldn’t she have waited? There were still questions I wanted to ask Violet.

  “Don’t be so quick to judge yourself. So you’re different. So what? We are all different in our own quirky ways. But I know goodness when I see it Alayna. Don’t be afraid of it.” Violet leaned in and gave me a quick hug as Gwen pulled to a stop in front of us. “If you need anything, just let me know,” Violet said, climbing into the car and shutting the door. I gave one last wave as the car began to roll forward, making a mental note to invite Violet over again so that we could continue our conversation.

  I turned towards the house to find Dominic walking down the porch steps towards me carrying a gift wrapped box in his hands. “Hey Alayna, you got a minute?”

  “Sure, what’s up Dominic?”

  “I have a gift for you but I thought that maybe you wouldn’t want everyone to make a big deal out of it,” he said, pushing the gift towards me with a smile on his face.

  “Dominic, that is so sweet of you. You really didn’t have to get me anything.” I took the box from his grasp and a shudder ran through me remembering the last time I held a gift wrapped in a red bow. Pushing the thought from my mind I tugged at the ribbon, allowing it to slide from the box. Pulling off the lid to the box I stared in the box frozen in fear. Within the satin lined box sat a single black rose. “What is this Dominic?” My eyes met his as he replied.

  “You didn’t think Gavin would miss your birthday did you?” Dropping the box I turned to run, Dominic’s strong arms wrapped around me preventing me from going anywhere. Trying to summon the strength to break free, a white cloth covered my nose. “I’m sorry Alayna but there wasn’t any other way.” His words were echoing through my mind as I slipped into the darkness.


  My eyes flew open as a rush of cold water cascaded over my head and pooled at my feet. I tried to sit up but found that I had been tied up, the rope cutting into my wrists. The throbbing in my head increased as I blinked away the stars dancing in my vision. A wave of fear crashed over me as I remembered what had occurred; Dominic kidnapping me for Gavin.

  “It’s about time you woke up.” The sound of high heels clicked on the floor behind me.

  “Who knew you were such a sore loser,” I hissed at the presence behind me.

  “You may have won the battle Alayna, but I will win the war.” Olivia moved in front of me. “If you weren’t tainted I would have won. It was only luck that allowed you to survive. But it looks like your fortune has run out.” A sneer crossed her face and evil glistened in her eyes. “I think it’s time we got this party started don’t you?” Walking over to a wooden table Olivia picked up a needle.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” I asked, alarm rising within me.

  “It seems to me that your blood may be beneficial in the future. I mean think about it. If it makes shifters unable to change, that puts the odds in my favor. I’d be crazy if I didn’t try and utilize that power while I have the chance.”

  “If you think I’m going to let you take my blood then you are crazier than I thought.” I tried spitting in her face but missed my target, my saliva landing in a slimy pile on her designer heels.

  “Was that really necessary? These pumps cost me a fortune,” she said, staring at her shoes in disgust.

  “Then yes, it was necessary.” My blood began to seethe within me.

  “I will be so glad when Gavin gets rid of you. How does it feel to know that once you are gone, I will be the one helping Jayden pick up the pieces? By the time I’m through, he won’t even remember your name.” Olivia’s laugh made the hairs on my neck stand up. She grabbed onto my arm, slapping the sensitive flesh in the crook of my arm. I tried to pull away but the ropes were fastened too tight and allowed no wiggle room. A hiss escaped my lips as the needle tore through my skin, a red river of my blood flowing into the attached glass vial.

  “I thought shifters and vampires didn’t get along?”

  “We don’t. Our people have been at war with vampires for centuries but that was before you entered the picture and ruined everything. I will do whatever it takes to see you out of the way, even if that means helping that little leech.” Once the vial was full, Olivia removed it from the needle and put a new one in its place.

  “How many of those do you plan on taking?” I wondered if she would try draining my body dry and shuddered.

  “As many as I can before anyone notices. Gavin made it clear that your blood was his but I’ve never been good at sharing.” The second vial was about full when the heavy wooden door began to open. Olivia rushed to pull the needle from my arm, replacing the needle and vials on the table top. Dominic entered the room, casting his eyes around the room before settling them on Olivia.

  “The boss wants to see you now.”

  “We will finish this in a minute. I won’t be long,” Olivia whispered in my ear and promptly walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

  As soon as the door was latched behind her, Dominic rushed over to my side and began to work on the knot in the rope. “I’m so sorry Alayna! I wish things could hav
e been different.”

  “How could you help that scum?”

  “What did you expect? They told you I was a weasel.”

  “Yeah they mentioned it but I thought it was a figure of speech!” I yelled.

  “Shh! Try and keep your voice down will ya?” Dominic continued to struggle with the knot holding the ropes in place. “I’m not getting anywhere with this rope.”

  “You are the one that brought me here Dominic. Why are you helping me now?”

  “It’s complicated. I didn’t want to help him but really I had no choice. You don’t know how hard it is for me to survive. Other shifters have all of this strength and power. What was I left with? I have nothing to offer anyone so I do what I have to.” Sighing he gave up on the rope. “See! I can’t even help you escape.” Dominic ran his hands through his hair.

  “If you really want to help me Dominic then go tell Jayden where I am. Let him know what he is up against.”

  “I don’t know if I can. I mean if Gavin realized that I’d left he’d kill me.”

  “So stop stalling, go tell Jayden and then get back here before he notices.”

  “Okay…okay. I’ll do it.” With that he strode to the door and looked at me one last time before slipping through.

  Left alone in the room I glanced around. Where am I? There was nothing spectacular about the room; nothing but four stone walls and wooden floor. Without any windows it was difficult to determine what time of day it was. I didn’t know how much time had elapsed since I was unconscious. The only furniture in the room was the chair I was occupying and the table that held the vials of my blood. Would Dominic come through and tell Jayden where I was? Now that my fear was subsiding, the rhythm of my heart slowed and I realized how cold it was in the room, perhaps due to my clothes being wet. Goose bumps covered my body from head to toe. Why couldn’t I have been tied up in a room with heat? My line of thinking was interrupted when the handle on the door began to turn. A stocky male walked into the room, carrying a silver tray with one hand and a bag in the other. His hazel eyes locked with mine and we studied each other for a moment before he broke eye contact. He sat down the tray and bag on the table and headed back to the door, whispering to someone waiting on the other side. I listened as the man told the person waiting in the hallway to guard the door and to under no circumstances unlock it. According to the man, the last thing he needed was me escaping while I was untied. Was he about to untie me? I glanced at the contents of the tray which held a sandwich and glass of water. Hearing the lock latch on the door, I looked at the man who was now walking towards the table.


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