The Final Outbreak

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The Final Outbreak Page 68

by M. L. Banner

This month’s load of supplies was similar to what he brought on most of his trips. Salt and some other recyclables. For the first two years, they were exporting their food supplies to the colony. But now it was the other way around. They would receive fresh meat from the livestock that the colony tended, fruit from their orchards and vegetables from their gardens.

  Today, he had a new addition for their colony—the first person in memory who had developed an infection and then become symptomatic. The young boy, named Pasquale, sat alone in his thoughts, at the back of the tender, only Ted and a security guard—there for Ted’s protection—to look after him. But soon Pasquale would be with his own people. They would teach him about living a life with this disease. If Pasquale was lucky, he’d get Ted’s wife as a teacher. Ted prayed this would happen for the boy and TJ.

  Once he maneuvered the boat around the breaker wall and into the bay, Ted did what he always did before each visit: he scanned the beach for his wife. There were quite a few colonists on the beach today, much more than normal. They must be there for Pasquale’s benefit, to make him feel welcome.

  Ted had gotten quite good at his landings, cutting the engine and drafting the boat to the same place each time. As he stepped carefully out and around to the bow, grabbing the coiled line, he saw several familiar faces waiting. Some waved at him.

  Ted tossed his line and it was grabbed and tied off when the boat stopped. Ted hopped off from the bow, barely splashing at the waterline’s edge.

  Ágúst was the first person to greet him, his welcoming smile always genuine and wide. It was still hard to believe he survived the beating he took, though every time Ted saw him, his skin looked paler.

  Frans was there as well, and so was Jaga. Little Taufan, who was all white now and apparently didn’t run around much anymore, was at home nestled in his arms. Both wore big smiles as well. He noticed right away that Frans’ eyes were like two bright cherries. Ted had heard that he’d become symptomatic and was following Ágúst and TJ’s spiritual guidance. Jaga looked no different than before and he was glad for that. He’d never become symptomatic.

  Ágúst motioned to Ted for the mail bag, which he almost forgot he was carrying. He hoisted it over to Ágúst, thus fulfilling his duties as the Intrepid postman.

  Many others of the colonists had already made their way to the tender to collect Intrepid’s supplies he’d brought over and then load the supplies Ted was transporting back to the ship. Ted was only half paying attention, constantly looking for the one face he really wanted to see.

  At this point the colonists flooded Ted with “hellos” and a drumbeat of questions about the Intrepid and its people; where they’d been, what they were doing, and so on. Ted was happy to answer whatever he could. This was their time to visit as well as his. It was never too long, especially if TJ wasn’t there. Sometimes she was and other times she wasn’t.

  “Sorry, Ted,” Ágúst said in his always measured tone. “She’s out hunting today. She’s up in the hills now. She thought you were coming yesterday.”

  Ted nodded. A while back, for their tender’s protection, they decided not to broadcast the day of Ted’s supply run. They were still afraid of pirates after a previous attack.

  “I thought as much when I didn’t see her.”

  “She’s doing well. She really is.”

  “Don’t touch me,” hollered a high-pitched voice from the tender. “l get out on my own.”

  “So that’s our newbie?” asked Jaga.

  “Yep, Pasquale. Seems like a good kid. Lost his parents in the first attack. A few weeks ago, he failed the blood test. Then one day, he started screaming from his cabin and we saw that he was symptomatic. He was immediately placed in a cooler. He’s struggled a lot since then. I’ve been praying with him, but he really needs some help from one of his own kind.”

  “You know we’ll take care of him.”

  “I know you will. Say, how are you getting along with your parasitic neighbors?”

  “That’s something I wanted to talk to you about. I would recommend that you only come in the morning, while it’s still cool. They hunt now and I’m afraid it’s just not safe for you so late in the day.”

  “Got it. I’ll get going then. Thanks.” Ted shook his hand. “And please tell her hello from me. It’s going to be hard to wait another month before I see her again.”

  “I will, Ted. Peace.”

  Ted waved to everyone and made his way back to the tender.

  As he stepped into the water, he saw something sparkle, even though the sun was well shrouded today. He reached in and pulled up a familiar object: it was TJ’s Orion necklace, the one he had given her and she said she had lost some four years ago. She must have lost it right here.

  He turned back to the shore and gazed out toward the hills, where Ágúst said she was hunting. He didn’t know why, probably just wishful thinking on his part, but he felt like she was watching him right then. He held the necklace up in the air, moving it so that its diamonds would reflect the dull sunlight from above. Then he placed it against his chest and crossed his arms: the sign language symbol for “love.” Then he pointed to the hills. “You!”

  He held his gaze for just a second longer before turning back to the tender.


  TJ stood high upon a ridge, looking down upon her colony’s beach. She crossed her arms over her chest and then pointed her finger at the tender a couple of miles away, her face glowing with joy.

  “What are you doing, Mommy?” the little girl asked. She had one arm wrapped around TJ’s knee and she gazed up with her ruby reds at the person who was the center of her young life.

  TJ removed a foot from the deer she’d just killed and knelt down to pick up her daughter, marveling at how heavy a nearly four-year-old was.

  “You see that man? The one now in that boat, with the gray beard and the blue cap, driving away?”

  “Ah-hah,” she said, not even having to squint to see him.

  “That, my darling, is your daddy.”


  A Quick Word From The Author

  Thank you for reading all the way to the end of The Final Outbreak. This has been an amazing journey for me, and I hope it has been for you as well.

  In case you weren’t aware, I’m an independent writer who relies on ratings and reviews to help get the word out about my books. This is why reviews are so important to me and why I truly need your help. Leaving even a short review would be greatly appreciated.


  Please post a review on Amazon

  Is this really

  the end of the story?

  Even though over a year of research and planning went into The Final Outbreak, the story was intended to be a three-book trilogy, and The Final Outbreak contains all three books of that trilogy.

  But that doesn’t mean the story is over.

  In fact, if your feedback (through your reviews) makes it clear that I need to bring back the characters for more, I will. There are several follow up stories I have in mind, assuming the demand is there. Here are some of the many questions that remain unanswered...

  What will become of the Intrepid and her crew?

  What happens to Ted and/or TJ?

  What about their daughter?

  Can the island colony and neighboring parasitics coexist?

  Will humans survive in this world?

  Why do you want more?

  Unleash your feedback (in your review):

  Other Additions to This World

  Regardless of what happens to the characters in their own part of this world, I plan to open up this world (called Madness World) to other stories, not only written by me, but other authors. If you’re interested in what’s coming next, be sure you’re receiving one of my Updates. Have ideas for a story in Madness World? Contact me directly at

p; Updates on Rage Disease

  The T-Gondii parasite is very real and so are many of the effects from its infection. This is why I created a website for news and info, which include real-life reports about the Rage disease and the T-Gondii parasite, as well as updates about the stories set in Madness World. Fill your need for more madness here:


  More Discussion Possibilities

  Interested in discussing Madness World’s stories and its characters? For instance...

  What do you think is Ted and TJ’s daughter’s name?

  Or who was your favorite character?

  This is your chance to join in the discussions. Post your questions here to get my answers and those of other MADNESS readers:


  Sign up for ML Banner’s Apocalyptic Updates (VIP Readers list) and get a free copy of one of my best-selling books, just for joining.

  In addition, you’ll have access to our VIP Reader’s Library, with at least four additional freebies.

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  Who is ML Banner?

  Michael “ML” Banner is an award winning &

  international best-selling author of apocalyptic thrillers.

  Six of his books were #1 Amazon best-sellers in one or more genres. He’s won two Readers Favorite Medals for different genres: a silver for MADNESS in 2018 in Horror and a gold for Highway in 2016 in Thrillers. His work is both traditionally published and self-published.

  Often his thrillers are set in far-flung places, as Michael uses his experiences from visiting dozens of countries—some multiple times—over the years. His last two transatlantic cruises were the foreground of The Final Outbreak.

  A serial entrepreneur, having formed multiple businesses over the years, he founded and still runs, which helps small businesses create and maintain entities, forming almost 100,000 entities over its 20 years of existence.

  When not running a business or writing his next book, you might find Michael hunting, traveling abroad, or reading a Kindle with his toes in the water (name of his publishing company) in the Sea of Cortez (Mexico). That’s because he and his wife split time between the deserts of Arizona and the beaches of Mexico.

  Books By ML Banner

  For a complete list of Michael’s books, and his upcoming books,

  go to


  MADNESS (01)

  A parasitic infection causes mammals to attack.


  The parasitic infection doesn’t just affect animals.


  When your loved one becomes symptomatic, what do you do?

  The Final Outbreak (Books 1 - 3)

  The end is coming. It’s closer than you think. And it’s real.


  Highway (01)

  A terrorist attack forces siblings onto a highway,

  and an impossible journey home.

  Endurance (02)

  Enduring what comes next will take everything they’ve got, and more.


  Stone Age (01)

  The next big solar event separates family and friends,

  and begins a new Stone Age.

  Desolation (02)

  To survive the coming desolation will require new friendships.

  Max’s Epoch (Stone Age Short)

  Max wasn’t born a prepper, he was forged into one.

  (This short is exclusively available on

  Hell’s Requiem (03)

  One man struggles to survive and find his way to a scientific sanctuary.

  Time Slip (Stand Alone)

  The time slip was his accident; can he use it to save the one he loves?

  Cicada (04)

  The scientific community of Cicada may be the world’s only hope,

  or it may lead to the end of everything.

  Connect With M.L. Banner

  Keep in Contact – I would love to hear from you!

  Email: [email protected]


  Twitter: @ml_banner




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