Coming Home (Williams Siblings)

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Coming Home (Williams Siblings) Page 6

by Ann B. Harrison

  She grasped the old handle and pushed open the solid timber door. Kate turned and used the heavy stone step to help slip her work boots off. She dug her fingers under the elastic band of her socks and pulled them off, jamming them into the boots and placing them beside the door step before walking inside the small front room. A ginger cat looked up from its position amongst the pile of cushions on the tapestry couch and stretched.

  "Such a hard life, Wally." Kate walked over and picked him up, smiling as he purred into her neck, his whiskers tickling her skin. She continued to hold him and stroked around his ears as she walked into the tiny compact kitchen. The cat jumped from her arms when she got closer to the fridge. While Kate opened the door and took out his tinned food, he wound himself in and out of her legs. "Cupboard love, Wally, it's all cupboard love."

  At least that was the only demands her cat had on her. Food, the occasional loving cuddles and a space on her bed at night. Those demands she could cope with, it was safer that way. Her cat couldn't break her heart or pretend she wasn't there, unlike the only man who had made her young heart flutter. As a teenager, Cade had never acknowledged her existence unless he wanted something from her.

  Now he was home and things were different. She was in charge but he still had the ability to make her legs tremble and her heart ache. If only Kate could have outgrown the teenage crush she had on him, life would be so much easier. Kate stroked Wally while he ate contentedly. She stood and headed for her bedroom, where she stripped her work clothes off and dropped them on the floor before walking into the en-suite.

  The full length mirror in the bathroom showed off her curves and Kate looked at her reflection with a critical eye. She was fit and the hard work showed in the toned condition of her body. She’d always been a physical, tomboy type so it was a natural progression to jump at the job Cade’s father had advertised.

  He alone had known how much she needed a steady job and a place to live. Her own father was constantly in trouble with the law for petty crime and that had made her mother turn to alcohol when Kate was still in high school. But Mr Williams was the first one to approach her after her parents were killed in a car accident, leaving her with no family of her own. Both of them were drinking and fighting when they crashed. The only blessing was they’d left Kate home alone to fend for herself, as they more often than not did.

  Essie had taken her under her wing, made sure she fitted in and was looked after. Kate worked hard, finding solace in the hard hours as she learnt along the way. Always quick with figures, she thought ahead and planned what would happen stock-wise on spreadsheets she kept taped on the wall beside her bunk.

  Eventually the head stockman found out and instead of ignoring the petite redhead, he had taken her to see Mr Williams and asked if he could groom her for the job.

  Essie had cooked her dinner ever since she’d been made manager and didn't have to share stockmen’s quarters and dining room with the rest of the farmhands. She’d said it was expected and Kate was grateful for the quieter room and better food. Although she had her own kitchen in the cottage that went with the senior position, she had complied. It gave her a chance to learn from her boss where they could chat about work over a shared meal. Kate made the most of not being interrupted by farm duties, asking his advice on matters relevant to her job.

  Kate stepped away from her own scrutiny and into the bathroom. She turned on the shower, waiting impatiently for the water to heat up. When it did, she stepped under the spray and thought of how far she’d come in the last few years because of her own determination and hard work.

  Initially the other stock hands had relished a female amongst them and she was the brunt of constant boy jokes and ribbing about cooking and cleaning for them. It seemed they didn't get the point about her being there to work the same as them, not as someone for them to chat up. Essie had taken pity on her and cooked her dinner once or twice a week to give her a break from attention of the men.

  The soothing water ran down her face and Kate scrubbed the dust from her pores. The worst thing about her job was the constant dirt and exposure to the elements. She worried what it would eventually do to her fair skin. She lathered sun block on constantly but it didn't seem to keep the freckles away. Kate turned off the shower and reached for a fluffy towel.

  Once dry and dressed in slim fitting capri pants and a loose blouse, Kate brushed her hair before pulling it up in a messy knot on top of her head. She smeared pale lip gloss over her lips and sprayed a little perfume on her throat and behind her ears.

  Satisfied she would pass muster, Kate stroked her hand over Wally who was now washing himself on her bed and walked out of her cottage toward the big house. Coming face to face with Cade after giving him orders earlier was going to be interesting. Just let him try and tell her what to do. She was running the show now and it was about time he realised that.

  Chapter Nine

  Russ looked up as the back door opened and Kate walked into the room. She headed for Essie and gave her a quick peck on the cheek before turning to him.

  "Russ, sorry about the welcome before. I had on other things my mind." She walked over and leaned in to give him a brotherly hug. "I'm pleased to see you. Sorry about the divorce and all, it must have been rough." She perched her butt on a stool at the counter and kept her gaze on his face.

  "I guess it was, but that's life I suppose." He shuffled his feet and sat beside her. "It's funny but I'm glad it happened in a way. We weren't right for each other. It took me a few years to figure that out." He sighed. "Paula wanted more from me than I could give. Things I had no interest in, so it's probably for the best all round." He reached over and ran his hand down her arm. "Enough about me. Tell me what's been happening with you. Farm manager, that's really great news, Kate."

  She looked down at her fingers and Russ wondered what was going through her mind. "Yeah, I like it here and it suits me."

  "So tell me how it came about that you decided you wanted to be a farmer." He looked up when Essie put a bottle of chilled wine on the counter in front of him. "Thanks, Essie." He poured two glasses, handed one to Kate and sat back waiting for her to talk.

  "Well, you know my folks were killed just after your mother died? I didn't know what I was going to do. I mean, seriously there isn't much a seventeen-year-old can do with no money and no family." She took a sip of the wine and Russ noticed how her hand trembled as she gripped the stem of the glass.

  "Your father took me in and gave me a permanent job. Funny thing was, I'd already approached him about it and was working holidays anyway. No fuss or anything, said I would have to prove myself if I wanted to keep the roof over my head. He didn't have time to worry over me or anything like that."

  "Sounds just like the old man." Russ smiled to soften the words.

  "Yeah well, it was the best thing he could have done for me. It gave me a purpose to keep going. I think if I'd had someone molly-coddle me, I would have broken inside. He watched me working and taught me what he could. I took to it like a duck to water. When Thomas the old manager retired, he gave me the job."

  "Sounds like you deserved it to according to Tory. I'm glad it worked out for you, Kate. The place is in good hands."

  "Thanks. You can tell me to mind my own business, but what is happening with you guys? Are you staying?" She watched him, her emerald green eyes focused on his face.

  "Yes, for now anyway. I was telling Cade earlier, I think we should keep the farm in the family. I mean, we don't know what Rooney is up to. She might want to come home."

  "Yeah, she might. What about Cade? Is he staying too?"

  "Worried about your job, Katie?" Cade pushed the door and hobbled into the kitchen. He leaned his crutches on the counter next to Russ and looked at her.

  "No. Why should I be?"

  "Surely if the farm gets given to the local government, they can appoint their own managers." He took a glass and poured himself wine while he spoke to her.

  "Nope. Tory has it all sor
ted. I keep my job regardless of what happens." She smiled at him sweetly and the look in her eyes dared him to say something.

  Russ coughed to cover up the laugh bubbling up his throat. "Give up, Cade. She's not going anywhere and that includes falling at your feet."

  "We’ll see about that," Cade replied, watching Kate over the rim of his glass as he took a sip of the wine.

  Dinner’s ready," Essie interrupted.

  "Thanks honey." Kate led them into the dining room and took her seat while Russ stood holding the chair out for her.

  When they had their meals in front of them Cade lifted his glass. "Here's to nothing." His sardonic smile wasn't lost of Russ. If he was any judge there was more to his brother’s injury and bad mood than he was letting on.

  "Will you be at the funeral tomorrow, Kate?" Russ ignored the snort that came from Cade.

  "Of course I will. Your father was good to me and I have to say my farewell the same as everyone else does." Her voice wavered and she lifted the serviette to cover her mouth, coughing.

  "It should be an interesting day," Cade said. "I wonder how many locals will come out hoping we don't stick around?"

  "Why would anyone do that? Hell’s teeth, Cade. Your father was well liked, at least by people outside his family. I'm sure they aren't thinking along those lines. Besides they wouldn't know about the terms of the will anyway." Kate shook her head and frowned at him.

  "I wouldn't put it past some of them to have had a word in the old man's ear." He glanced over at Kate, his dinner forgotten while he toyed with his wine glass. "So, tell me again how you managed to worm your way around him?"

  "Cade, stop it now!" Russ turned to Kate. "Don't let him goad you. Ignore him, please Kate." Russ was mortified at his brother’s behaviour and from the look on Kate's face, she was too.

  "If you’re suggesting I did anything sleazy to get this job, you are mistaken. Your father took me in and offered me a job when I lost my parents. And just so you know, I had to work my arse off to keep it too." She stood and glared at Cade. "I would never sleep with a man to get what I want, unlike your floozies do. I think better of myself than that. Funnily enough I have standards, Cade. Something you know nothing about." She placed her napkin on the table. "Excuse me." Kate walked out of the dining room with her head held high.

  "You idiot." Russ glared at his brother.

  "Fuck you, you sanctimonious prick. You know nothing, Russ. The way you let people walk over you and do what they want, it's just plain sickening."

  "You don't know what you're talking about," he replied. A sinking feeling clutched at his stomach because he knew Cade spoke the truth.

  "Yeah I do. You signed everything over to that bitch of a wife just to save yourself an argument. Don't try to deny it. You already said as much this afternoon." He took another drink, draining his glass. "It's no wonder you have nothing, brother. You’re a total walkover. I refuse to be like that. If I want something, I'll take it."

  "Kate's not like that. You know she isn't." Russ pushed his plate away, his appetite gone. "She’s had to work for what she has."

  "Yeah, sure. She has her foot in the door, buddy, and there is no getting rid of her. Just watch she doesn't get her claws into you too."

  "We are friends and that won't change. You need to take a good hard look at yourself, Cade. You've turned bitter and it doesn't look good on you." Russ stood. "Excuse me." He walked from the room as his brother’s laughter followed him.

  He made his apologies to Essie on his way through the kitchen. She tsked and headed for the dining room, a frown on her face. Hopefully she would give Cade a talking too. She was the only one who could get him to listen. The only one who wasn't charmed by his smile and good looks.

  Russ walked outside and around the back of the house. He could see the lights on in Kate's house and headed across the lawn. He knocked on the door and stood back waiting for her to answer. Just when he lifted his hand to knock again, the door opened and Kate stood there, tears drying on her cheeks.


  "Kate, can I come in?" He lifted his hand and wiped away the dampness on her cheek.

  "Sure." She stood back and Russ stepped into the converted house. The last time he’d been inside was when he was hiding from his father amongst the dark, almost derelict rooms. Now the old cottage was filled with light and feminine furniture. He was aware of her gaze following his as he looked around the tiny lounge into the kitchen.

  "Wow, this is fantastic."

  "You didn't come to look at my decorating, Russ. What do you want?" She sniffed and wiped her nose on the back of her shirt sleeve.

  "Katie, I'm sorry he’s such a jerk. I guess he hasn't changed as much as I’d hoped." Russ watched as the tears welled in her eyes again, trickling down her face. He opened his arms and she fell against his chest, sobbing. He kissed the top of her head and soothed her with soft words of comfort as she sobbed her heart out. When her cries turned to soft hiccups, he held her away from to look down at her face.

  "Hey, he isn't worth it. There has to be someone else out there you could fall in love with."

  Kate laughed bitterly, pulling away from him. She walked into the lounge and dropped onto the couch, reaching for a box of tissues on the coffee table in front of her. "You would think so, wouldn't you? But no, stupid me has chosen to allow the teenage crush to rage away worse than ever."

  "I don't think we get a choice in who we fall in love with." He moved over to sit down beside her.

  "I'm sorry, Russ. This must be hard for you." She blew her nose and grabbed another tissue.

  "I can cope with it. Things weren’t good for a while, so it wasn't as though I never saw it coming. I must remember to be more careful in future." He looked down when a ginger cat rubbed against his legs. "What have we here?" Russ picked up the cat and it rubbed its face against his chin.

  "Wally, the only man who can treat me like I'm just there for his benefit." Kate reached over and tickled Wally under his ears. "Thanks for trying to make me feel better. I appreciate it, Russ. I'm sorry I ruined your dinner."

  "I kind of lost my appetite too, listening to Cade rave on. The guy has some serious issues. Guess it comes with the fame, although I don't really understand it." He turned and leaned back on the couch watching the cat walk over to Kate and smooch up to her.

  "Thanks for letting me cry on your shirt." She gave a small laugh. "If I can return the favour anytime, feel free to knock on my door."

  Russ nodded and stood. "Thanks. So long as you’re okay, I'll leave you alone. I think I’d better go and settle Essie's ruffled feathers now. She was going in to sort out Cade. I'd hate to see which one comes off better after he’s been drinking."

  "I'll see you tomorrow at the funeral then."

  "Yes, I guess so. Night, Kate."

  Russ walked away, his stomach in a knot over the approaching funeral. Cade had hit a sore point with him. He was worried about who would be there tomorrow to farewell his father and who would be there to see what the family were going to do. I just hope Cade doesn't go spouting off and blow what chance Rooney and I have of a new life here.

  Chapter Ten

  Russ greeted mourners the next day before the funeral, accepting condolences and well wishes. When he saw Tory drive up with his sister in the front seat, he stepped forward then hesitated, unsure how she would react to seeing him after so long. He watched Rooney grasp Tory's arm as he helped her from the car. He leaned down and spoke to her. They’ve always been close. I hope I can have that bond with her again. When we were kids it was nice and easy now, after all that's happened, who knows. When Rooney nodded her head, Tory stood back and looked toward the chapel where Russ was standing watching and listening.

  "Better?" He held her by the tops of her arms, keeping her steady until she nodded her head.

  Rooney looked up at him and gave a wobbly smile. "This is harder than I thought it was going to be."

  "It's okay, honey. You don't have to be tough. I'
ve got you."

  Tory slipped his arm around her shoulders and walked along the crushed granite pathway to the small sandstone chapel in the grounds of the family home. She glanced at the small graveyard, her grip on Tory's arm tightened and she held her head high.

  "Rooney." Russ reached for her and she collapsed in his arms "Shush, honey." He stroked her hair and held her as she cried. "Tory, thanks for bringing her."

  Russ glanced at Tory and, seeing the pain on his face, it hit him how much Rooney meant to him. Never saw that one coming.

  "Russ." The pain was etched into the lines around Tory's mouth. His eyes were filled with love as his gaze settled on Rooney's tear-stained face but he stood by letting her give in to her grief in her brothers arms.

  She stood back, but held onto Russ’s arm. "Sorry about that. It just kind of hit me seeing you standing there, Russ."

  "I've missed you, Rooney. We need to talk after everyone has left." He smiled, hoping to ease the strain on her face. "There’s a lot to catch up on."

  A shadow crossed her face and he glanced over at Tory, who looked away, refusing to meet Russ's gaze.

  "Sure. Let's just get through this first, please." She wiped her nose and looked in the door at the crowd already sitting inside the chapel. "Is Cade in there?"

  "No, not yet. He shouldn't be too far away though. He was ready when I left." Russ looked into his sister’s icy blue eyes and winced at the pain he saw there. "Did you want me to go and find him for you?"

  "No, it's okay. I'll see him sooner or later." She turned to Tory. "Can we all go in together…please?"

  Russ and Tory shared a glance and then stood either side of Rooney, arms linked and walked her inside. The cloying smell of lilies filled the small chapel and Russ wished someone had chosen a different flower. They reminded him too much of his mother's funeral.

  Keeping his gaze ahead on the minister waiting to start the service, Russ guided his sister to the front seat and waited while she sat before looking around the faces of those who were here to pay their last respects to his father. He noticed Essie sitting in the pew behind him and he reached back, briefly touching her on the shoulder. She gave him a sad smile and he took his seat.


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