Coming Home (Williams Siblings)

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Coming Home (Williams Siblings) Page 13

by Ann B. Harrison

  He leaned on the bench and looked at the meal in front of him. "Everyone else in bed already?"

  "Yes, Rooney had an early night with the little one. It was Tam's first day of school and she was pretty worn out. You need to eat your meal and t go and sort Cade out. Kate is worried about him, Russ. He came to her rescue today and she's worried he’s hurt himself more than he's letting on."

  "Yes, I know, she stopped me on the way in." He took a succulent piece of beef and popped it into his mouth, delighting in the flavours. He swallowed before looking across at her. "You know he won't listen to me, he never has." Russ speared another piece of meat and scooped up some rice. He ate and thought at the same time. "I suspect there is more to his injury than he was letting on anyway. From the amount of pain he’s in makes me think he’s holding back on us."

  "Well, that may be but the fact is, he has injured himself again and you need to go and talk some sense into him. Try and get him upstairs into his own bed too. I don't approve people sleeping on the couch when a perfectly good bed is right upstairs."

  He scooped up the last piece of meat and lined up his knife and fork before pushing the plate away. "Thank you, Essie, I needed that."

  She came over and sat in front of him. "Do you want to talk about what's bothering you?"

  Russ sighed and leaned his arms on the counter top. "I had a visitor at the hospital today. My ex fronted up and announced to all and sundry I'm not divorced after all." His gut twisted with pain. "Seems as though she’s decided not to sign the papers. I hadn't given it a thought once I'd done my bit and sent them back."

  "Why would she do that to you? Isn't she the one who initiated proceedings in the first place?" Essie frowned.

  Russ reached over and patted her hand. "Yes, she did. But apart from finding out about Father dying and thinking there was something in it for her, she is pregnant."

  If it wasn't so serious, the look of shock on Essie's face would have made him laugh out loud.

  "Oh dear, well, I suppose you'll have to help support the little one then. You can't turn your back on a child, Russ."

  "It's not mine, Essie. I know that for a fact. My wife and I haven't slept together for months. I suspected she was having an affair but I didn't want to deal with it. Now I have to." He stood and walked over to pour himself a glass of water. Leaning against the bench, he drained the glass and left it on the sideboard. "I've asked Tory to try and sort something out with her lawyer. She won't be coming here, as much as she would like to. If she gets her foot in the door, we won't be able to get rid of her."

  "Well, if she comes knocking, I'll send her on her way then." Essie stood and smoothed down her apron. "Now, how about you go and sort out that brother of yours."

  Russ pushed the door open and walked into the hallway. The sounds of snoring came from the front room and he walked to the door to look in. Cade lay on his back on the couch, his leg propped up on a cushion and a blanket covering him.

  Beside the couch an empty whiskey bottle lay on its side, next to it, a pill bottle. Russ walked over and crouched down to retrieve it. Reading the label, he looked down at Cade and shook his head.

  "Bloody fool."

  "Whas that?" Cade slurred and opened his eyes. "Russh, the hero hash returned."

  "What the hell have you done to yourself this time? You’re looking for trouble, Cade."

  "Bull. I was jusht helping our Kate. Damned horse wash going to stomp her. What was I shupposed to do?" He threw off the blanket, letting it slip to the floor. When he tried to sit up and swing his legs down, Cade cried out in pain.

  Russ put his arm out, pushing him back. "Stay there and let me have a look at you." When his brother complied, Russ gave him a quick examination, not liking what he found.

  "Listen up, mate, I need you to focus on what I'm saying." He waited for the nod. "When you fell, did it feel as though you tore the ligament or just pulled it some more?"

  "I'm not sure. It just hurt like hell."

  Russ lifted the leg and with gentle hands, tried to flex it. "You have some movement in there." He placed it back down again and stood up. "You have two choices. Go to hospital now and see whoever is on call or wait for me to come in tomorrow. Either way, you will have to have scans and probably go to Sydney to have it properly assessed."

  "Can't you just give me more drugs and let me be?"

  "With the amount of whiskey you’ve had today, no. Now, do you want me to call an ambulance or help you upstairs to bed?"

  "Leave me here."

  "No. You can't exactly stretch out and get a decent rest here, besides Essie wants you in your own bed." Russ blinked his eyes rapidly, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Hurry up and make up your mind, I've had enough crap today to last me for a lifetime and I'm kind of short on patience right now."

  "Ooh, big brother is snappy today. What's the matter, nurse turn you down, did she?"

  "Cade, do you want to go in now or not?"


  Russ leaned down and picked up the crutches before he slipped his arm under Cade’s shoulders. He helped him stand and walk, guiding him to the old lift under the recess of the stairs. Taking a key from hook up near the top of the door, he unlocked the lift.

  "This old thing will break down half way up, then we'll be stuck there all night like dear old Aunty May." Cade leaned against the staircase and watched Russ pull the iron door open.

  "Unlike her, I have my phone in my pocket. Get in."

  Cade hobbled in and leaned in the corner for the short ride up to the next level. When Russ opened the door, he hobbled out and went straight to his room. "Going to tuck me in, big brother?"

  Russ followed him in and looked around the room. The smell of alcohol hung in the air and he opened the window, letting in the sounds of the night and a soft breeze. The bed was unmade so he pulled back the top blanket and smoothed down the sheets. "There, you can tuck yourself in. I'll leave here about 8am. If you want me to take you in, be ready."

  Cade blew him a kiss as he passed.

  Russ stood in his room and put his finger in his tie, pulling it loose. He threw it on the chair beside the open window and undid the buttons on his white shirt. Shrugging it off his shoulders, he let it drop to the floor before leaning on the window sill. The sheer net curtains blew around his shoulders as he gazed out into the night letting the breeze roll over his naked torso.

  Hiring a private detective to find some dirt on his ex-wife was going to cost him what cash he had left in the bank, but it would be worth it. Tory had already called her solicitor and relayed Russ's final instructions. If she insisted on staying married, Russ would dig and find out everything she had done over the last four years they’d been married. Their bank accounts would be scrutinised for any indiscretion she may have made using joint funds and if he could tie her to another man, he would.

  The only thing irking Russ was the innocent child she claimed she was carrying. If he could smooth things over with Lizzie, he would but deep down he knew it would take more than he had to give to win her over. Another man might take up the challenge but for now Russ was too down-trodden to even attempt it.

  He stepped away from the window and undid the buckle on his trousers letting them fall in a heap with his shirt and walked to the bed. He pulled down the top blanket and eased himself down on the cool sheets, too tired to deal with the way his wife was treating him. Russ closed his eyes and prayed for sleep to take away the horrors he’d faced at work and with his brother. There had to be a better outcome for him somewhere after all the crap he had already taken from Paula. He couldn't face anymore.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Rooney drove into the car park and smiled at the sign hanging outside near the letterbox. Her own business at last. She hurried over and unlocked the front door, pausing to look at the way she had set it out with Rhian yesterday. Everything had arrived except a few supplies she could do without for the time being.

  A battered old ute drove in and pulled up ri
ght at the door. Rooney glanced over and waited to see if it was a patient or something else. The door opened and a man in grubby overalls climbed out and slammed the door. "You the new vet?" He glowered at Rooney.

  "Yes, I am. How can I help you?" She came forward and looked into the back of the vehicle, spotting an old wire cage. Inside a small dog cringed in a corner, its rusty brown fur matted with dirt and blood from what looked like a badly torn leg.

  "This here pup is worth money to me. If you can save it without costing a bloody fortune fine, otherwise I'll take it home and shoot it. Don't have no time for things not going to pay me back."

  "Bring it in and I'll have a look." Rooney's heart went out to the small dog. It looked as though it didn't get much love from the owner.

  He opened the door, thrust his meaty hand in and grabbed the animal by the scruff of the neck. It howled in pain as he pulled it out and carried it inside.

  "Let's get the poor thing up on the table and I can have a look." Rooney tried to keep her face neutral while she inspected the pup. "Can you tell me what happened?"

  "Damn stupid thing tried to get out of its cage and got its leg caught on some rusty wire." He looked at her and she dropped her gaze back to the pup.

  Another car door slammed and Rhian walked in, calling out a cheery hello. "Morning." She looked into the surgery and stopped short. "Oh hello, Mr Stubbs."

  He grunted in response.

  "Can you start a file for me please, Rhian. Get Mr Stubbs’s details while I work out what this little patient needs."

  "Don't do anything without asking me first. You city people like to spend my hard earned money."

  "I can assure you I won't do that. My first concern is always for the patient and this little guy has done some serious damage." She stroked the pups head and looked at its owner. "For a start, it will need an x-ray because I don't like the look of this injury. I have a feeling there is a fracture in there from the way its leg is hanging. Plus he is going to have to be stitched up and he will need a round of antibiotics."

  Mr Stubbs rubbed a dirty hand over his unshaven chin and muttered to himself.

  "Can you work out a quote for me please, Rhian?" She turned back to her client. "So, what do you plan on doing to earn money from this puppy Mr Stubbs?"

  He glanced at her with his eyes squinted. "He's a purebred cocker spaniel. I was planning on selling him next week. Got people already wanting to see him and his litter."

  "What do you charge? I was looking at getting a dog for my daughter, she would love a little guy like this."

  "With papers this one is $350."

  Rhian walked in with a print out and handed it to Mr Stubbs. He looked at it and turned to Rooney, horror on his face. "You can't be serious? This is too much for a little mutt like that."

  "My prices are reasonable, Mr Stubbs. I don't charge any more than the other vets in town. If you need time to pay I'm sure we can work something out."

  "Nah, not going to happen. Thought you might be different since you were a local so to speak. A bullet will fix this and cost me nothing." He reached out and grabbed the pup, making it scream out in pain.

  "Mr Stubbs, wait. Let me have the pup. I'll fix it and pay for everything myself." Rooney put her hand on the dirty fur and gave him what she hoped was a winning smile. "My daughter would love this pup and it wouldn't cost you."

  "But what do I get out of it, nothing. I have costs to cover you know."

  "I'll give you a hundred dollars then and that's it. At least that way you make something. What do you say?"

  "Show me the money then, I don't give dogs on credit."

  "Here, Rooney," Rhian ran to grab her purse and held out a handful of notes, a distasteful look on her face.

  "Thanks." She took the money and handed it to Mr Stubbs before taking the pup back from him. "I'll take him now. The sooner I give him some pain relief the happier he’ll be."

  Mr Stubbs counted the notes before jamming them in the pocket of his overalls. He nodded at Rooney and walked out.

  She waited until she heard the ute drive out and breathed a sigh of relief. "I don't believe that man."

  "You may as well know, he has a puppy farm. Most of the people around town know about it but don't want to get involved because of his temper. He's a pretty shady character too. I wouldn't trust him as far as I can spit." She walked over and stroked the pup on the head. "Aw, you poor little guy. Let me help you with him, Rooney."

  "Thanks." Rooney prepared a sedative and administered it, talking in her soothing voice until it relaxed and lay back. "I'm going to have to clean this up before I x-ray and suture that leg." She worked on the pup, using the x-ray machine first before cleaning up the wound. Finished, she put it in a cage to rest, snuggled on clean towels.

  "Poor little mite is filthy." Rhian poked her finger through the wires and stroked it down the dirty fur. "Are you going to give him to Tam?"

  "I think so, she'll love it. We've never had a pet of our own. It just wasn't possible with my work." She rubbed her hand over the back of her neck, something digging at her. "If everyone knows about the puppy farm, how come he's never been turned in and closed down?"

  "Typical reasons. Nobody wants to get involved, you know. He's a mongrel really and needs to end up in front of the courts for the way he treats animals." Rhian walked into the kitchen and filled the kettle before turning it on. "You could ring the RSPCA since you've had cause to do business with him."

  "I might do that. Any idea where he lives? I could call in and let him know what I found with the x-rays and check out his place."

  "Do you think that would be a good idea? I mean, he is kind of crazy. People who know him tend to give him a wide berth. I would hate him to do anything." Rhian poured water into two mugs and stirred them before handing one to Rooney.

  "I'll be fine. I can talk my way around most things given a chance."

  The rest of the day passed fairly slowly for Rooney. There was one more new customer looking for vaccinations for her cats and a couple of phone calls from the advertisement she’d placed in the local paper to set up appointments for the following day. When she closed up that afternoon, she headed to Mr Stubbs’s place to check out his animals.

  Rooney found the farm easily enough. When she glanced over the rickety fences, it was a hive of neglect and she wavered about driving into a place with so much rubbish and ramshackle buildings. A bad feeling crept down her back but she ignored it and turned the car into the rutted driveway. Scrawny chickens scratched in the dirt bordering the paddocks, home to under-nourished cows.

  Rooney pulled up beside a barn and got out of her car. "Hello. Anybody here?" When there was no answer, she walked in front of the barn, peering inside for any sign of life. An old tractor covered in sacks sat forlornly amongst bales of hay. She heard the sounds of barking and walked briskly to locate the dogs. Another long shed was on the far side of the barn. She hurried to the door, looking over her shoulder to see if anyone was following her.

  It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the dim interior of the ramshackle building. Row upon row of cages held an assortment of dogs. Most of them had puppies and all were in terrible condition. Tears welled in her eyes from the stench and filth they lived in. Rooney crouched down and put her hand out to a timid terrier inquisitive enough to come close to the wire.

  "Oh pet, look at you." Anger built up in her heart. She wanted to rip open the cages and release the animals locked in this desolate place, but things didn't work that way. Determined to do this by the book, she swung around to leave and slammed into the chest of Mr Stubbs.

  "Oof, damn." She took a step back and plastered a bright smile on her face. "Sorry Mr Stubbs, I did call out to you when I arrived."

  "What are you doing here?" His mouth was set in a grim line and in the darkness of the building he looked terrifying.

  Rooney's heart thumped a wild beat and she took a deep breath, doing her best to settle herself down and get out of this witho
ut confrontation. "I thought I’d pop in on my way home and let you know how the pup fared." She swallowed and tucked a hair behind her ear. "Just as well I did that x-ray, he had a small fracture. But I've managed to set it and sew up the tear and I think he will be fine with a bit of rest and time to recuperate."

  "Out." He pushed her toward the door.

  Fear snaked down her throat and Rhian's words came back to taunt her. He's a mongrel. She stopped outside and turned to face him. "Did you want me to check on any of the other animals while I'm here?"

  "If I wanted you here, I would have called you. Don't go for people snooping around my place." He wiped the spit from the corner of his mouth with the dirty sleeve of his shirt.

  "Sorry you feel that way. I only wanted to let you know what I found with the pup. If you need anything, give me a call." Rooney hightailed it to her car, holding her breath until she had the vehicle started and her door locked.

  "Filthy dirty mongrel bastard." She flew out of the driveway onto the main road, leaving a trail of gravel flying in her wake. On the way home, a plan began to form in her mind. She had to do something to save those poor animals, there was no way Rooney could turn her back on that kind of abuse.

  She parked her car and headed for the house. As she pushed open the back door, the sound of her daughter doing her spelling words reached her ears.

  "Sticks, s-t-i-c-k-s, sticks."

  "Brilliant, Squirt. I told you it wasn't that hard." Cade ruffled her hair and looked up when Rooney let the door bang behind her.


  "I didn't think it was your style to do homework, Cade." She put her keys on the hook on the wall and turned to him, smiling.

  "Yeah well, the squirt and me are great buddies. It's not like I have a heap of things I can do, so why not do this for her?"

  "Thanks, that's sweet of you. How did you go with the hospital visit today?"

  "Mummy, can I go outside for a little bit before dinner?" Tam smiled and waited.

  "Sure." She turned back to Cade.

  Cade looked into her eyes. How much did she know about him trying to save Kate from the feisty young colt? "It seems okay. Russ ordered a scan and it doesn't appear to be a torn ligament. He figures it's just more of the same and my surgeon in Sydney agrees. Nothing to do for it but rest. He wants to see me in a few days, nothing to worry about."


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