I am Dragon (Dragon Fires Rising Book 2)

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I am Dragon (Dragon Fires Rising Book 2) Page 28

by Marc Secchia

  Surprise? he managed to splutter.

  Might have been a second’s distraction there, but he was not telling.

  A world better than today’s first surprise, she snarled. Anyone who wants a piece of this Dragon will have to come through me! It …really is you, Dragon? You’ve changed.

  Quite a bit, I guess – uh, you haven’t? I mean … He flicked her back with his wingtip. You look as dazzling as ever, but we’ve a small problem –

  The hundred Dragonesses lining up to tear us limb from limb? “Princess Azania!” Reaching out a paw, Aria touched the girl’s shoulder, and then drew her firmly back to her side. “Welcome to the Isles. Good flight?”

  “The best.”

  To his surprise, the talon dagger sprouted from her right hand. Ready for action.

  This was all the greeting they had time for. The copper Dragoness stalked toward them with sinuous menace, backed by two hundred steely-eyed predators. The males just stood around looking bemused. Was intelligent thought even part of the deal around here? On the contrary, the Dragonesses looked more than prepared to kill, which was expected. What he had not expected, was how a large Dragon could feel exactly as if he were a choice portion of meat about to be reduced to kebab-sized portions and grilled in the twinkling of an eye.

  Why did you come? Aria hissed from the corner of her mouth.

  Long story, but I am here for you, Aria.

  For me?

  Confident in her superiority now, Charielle Seaspray purred, I see how it is, now. This foreign Dragon has distracted you from your true purpose, daughter, and twisted your hearts away from your sworn word. What promises has he made to turn your wilful head? Riches? Power? Honour? None of these matter. At the end of this day, your honour, loyalty and service belong to your Clan by blood-right and birth. You shall obey –

  This is honour? Azania queried.

  Human child, you know nothing of our ways, nor of this Dragoness’ history of headstrong, anti-draconic behaviour, the copper female responded.

  I know no other crossed the ocean to save a King and Queen.

  In flagrant disobedience to the direct orders of her elders! She is reckless, impulsive and unbiddable. No. The time has come for my daughter to stand by her betrothal promise and be bound to a good, steady male –

  Unlike me?

  I don’t even know what you are, let alone who, she spat back.

  I am the Dragon standing between your daughter and the dishonour of this unwanted, joyless, loveless match. I am here, because I want to give Ariamyrielle Seaspray the chance to choose her own future.

  Thanks to the Princess.

  In most of the Dragonesses facing him, he read only ire – but many, perhaps fifty or more, stood a little aside from this main body. They were younger Dragonesses, perhaps around Aria’s age and a little older, and they wavered between the chains of tradition, obedience and elder-honour, and the desire to stand beside Aria. Her thoughts or inclinations, he could not read at all. He baulked, shutting down his senses, even though they trembled on the cusp of touching her chaotic feelings.

  Please, please, please let her understand!

  Choose? We will rend you limb from limb, foreigner, and she can choose your spineless carcass!

  He raised his muzzle. Stand tall. For once in his life, he would stand tall and proud, and not yield. You have no idea what I am capable of.

  Dragon, please … Aria begged.

  How many of you are prepared to die? he snarled.

  Dragon, I – I would stand with you, but I could not … if you were to perish … I …

  That warrior demeanour cracked like a dropped vase. Aria gave a grieving sob, a lamentation, that tore his hearts. She feared for him. By coming here, he had placed her in an invidious situation, where she would choose that other male only for the reason that it would ensure his survival.

  I must do this for you, Aria.

  Dragon, no! she cried.

  The Princess called, Is it not strange, Charielle Seaspray, that troubles beset King Azerim at precisely the same time as all Isles Dragons and Dragonesses are present at this event, eighty-odd miles away? We passed a late contingent of Dragonesses inbound from Zunityne on the way. What were they up to, over there?

  What? Aria gasped.

  Coup, Dragon said tersely. Red feathers on their helms –

  Lord Gazaram?

  No idea. City full of soldiers, King and Queen not available, Azerim vanished …

  Charielle smiled thinly. Human problems are no concern of the Dragonkind, apart from some few of our ranks who take pity upon the poor creatures. Now, Dragon and your … Rider, I will give you but one chance at mercy. Extraordinary mercy, which is not often exercised beneath my iron paw, as my own daughter will tell you. Fly on. Fly home and take this little leech with you.

  “Dragon,” the T’nagrun Princess said firmly. “A word?”

  He was unwilling to be separated from Aria, but she led him only as far as the small pond. Standing on her tiptoes to reach his ear, she said in her mind, Drink. You’re far too dry for what you’re planning.

  I am? Bending his neck, he took a nice, long drink. Horrible water, mind.

  He had not even noticed the absence of his fires, but now, that still unfamiliar bubbling and rumbling ignited in his belly. Dehydration after the ultra-long sprint. What would he do without this girl?

  You are amazing, do you know that?

  If you insist, she smiled uncertainly. What now? Fly and escape?

  No, that will not solve anything. I think I need to shame Aria’s dam without killing her. Shame her into giving Aria a choice.

  Alright. Do you think that’ll work?

  It’s the only idea I have. It’ll go one of two ways. She’ll agree to a bargain, or she’ll refuse and try to kill me anyway. Can’t imagine they’ll just let us go. Talon in the back and all that.

  Chapter 26: What Aria Sang

  STALKING BACK OVER TO Aria’s side in a deliberate display of strutting male arrogance, which he doubted any of these Dragonesses had ever seen in their lives, he pointed a fore talon at Charielle, and purred, I’m calling you out, Dragoness. Let’s settle this, you and me. Single combat.

  Aria gasped, Dragon, no!

  Single combat? You fool, we don’t fight gentle males. They’re too valuable.

  She’ll murder you! Dragon –

  Listen to my little Aria, foreigner. Listen to her song. Leave while you still have wings upon your back.

  Alright, brothers. They had taught him a thing or two about how to speak. He sneered, Why, are you only brave when you have a few hundred Dragonesses to back you up, Charielle Seaspray? Tell you what, I’ll make you beg for mercy. When you do, you will give your word to allow Aria free choice.

  No deal, she grinned.

  Afraid? How many others would you like to die with you? Five? Ten? I’ll fight as many of this miserable bunch as you want – as many as it takes to fire your courage like a true Dragoness!

  A volley of snarls greeted his insults, punctuated by Aria’s plea, Dragon, what are you doing? Are you mad?

  No, Aria. Do you trust me?

  I … she shook her muzzle slowly, but said, I do.

  The flat sincerity in her voice rocked him. She did? What had this Dragoness ever seen in him? Why did she treat him so well?

  A mystery for another time.

  Strengthening his voice, Dragon roared, I say Isles Dragonesses are fireless fools, bereft of honour and lacking true leadership! No Dragon or Dragoness should be forced into making an oath. It is not right. We are creatures of the suns and of the winds, free to fly where we please. Our loyalty is given for honour; the deeds of our paws are best shaped by the true and pure fires that rage in our hearts. I say this Charielle Seaspray has forgotten her fires. I flew across the oceans to the Vaylarn Archipelago in search of the greatest warriors of our age. What a shocking disappointment you are.

  No reply; just that toothy, pugnacious smile from the Dragon
ess. Her audience shifted closer, bellies low to the ground, waiting on her signal.

  Raising his right wing, he draped it over Aria’s shoulders in an intimate, lingering gesture. I intend for Ariamyrielle Seaspray to become –

  He missed the moment Charielle moved. So quick was she, the copper Dragoness was already in the air, sending a brutal tail-whip in his direction, before his right paw even twitched off the ground. He twisted his head to lessen the impact at the same time as he managed with an awkward swipe to partially block the blow with his upraised paw, breaking her momentum. That paw went numb. She spun off in pursuit of likely her real target, his left wing. Aiming to disable him from the start.

  Dragon flamed her backside in passing.

  The action was not at all planned. As she ripped past along his flank, her wing’s razor edge opened a long cut, but then she shrieked in agony as the pain bit deep, completely missing her wing strike. The Dragoness, rear end aflame, hurtled into the watching circle of her warriors where she sat inelegantly and then rolled on the black sand, snuffing out the blaze.

  Gnashing his fangs, he roared, GRRRAAAOOORRRGGGH!!

  No fires. He had to save those. This was the battle challenge of an adult male Dragon, full-throated and deafening.

  Two Dragonesses came at him from the corner of his vision. Dragon began to swing about, but Aria was far faster, rolling smoothly over his back to smash into them with a blistering series of kicks, punches and bites. He set another female backside – a very fetching set of green haunches – afire with a reflexive burst of flame. Screaming, the Dragoness rocketed off to splash down in the pond in a great spray of water and steam.


  His triumphal bellow set them on the back paw. No doubt these Dragons had seen white fires before, but only ever in the ocean. They were not without courage, facing him as a massed group standing shoulder to shoulder, but he wondered briefly if there was not something primal about the unique power of white flame and bellicose thundering that gave them pause. A second’s hesitation. In that moment, he spat a fine stream of fire out from between his fangs, shaping the flow with his tongue and lips. He did not aim to hurt or maim, but directed the fire as close to their forepaws as he dared, blistering the sand and creating a sweep of volcanic glass from the extreme heat.

  The bulging eyes that greeted this feat were a sight to behold. Utter disbelief. Only he knew that his breath weapon was not half as invincible as it must look just now. Quick. Change … something. Anything!

  Placing his wing once more over Aria’s shoulders, a draconic statement of possessiveness, he said, Ariamyrielle Seaspray, will –

  I choose you! she bugled sweetly. Oh Dragon, I choose … you! This is my song!

  Joy detonated inside his chest. For the longest time, he could not remember how to breathe. Were his hearts even beating? Then came the pang of self-doubt, the acidic voice that told him he could never deserve a creature like her. What was he even thinking?

  He blurted out, Do you … uh, really? What?

  Shall I twist your wing off to prove my point? Nothing could make me happier.

  Was that the thought of twisting off his wing, or … chuckling softly at himself, he dared to nuzzle her cheek. Her scale scent was tropical flowers. Heady stuff! He replied, Me happier, too much. Uh, I mean – what did I just say?

  She whispered, Dragon, you’re so –

  Enough of this! ENOUGH! Charielle Seaspray staggered toward them, clearly in significant pain. Her scales were burned and blistered in wide patches. Her paws gripped the hilts of her twin kaniaxi blades as she snarled, So, your true agenda is revealed. You would overthrow the order of law and rule around my Isles. Traitors! This is what you planned all along.

  That is not the case, honoured Dragoness, Dragon said respectfully. These are my demands. One, grant me permission to court your daughter with the honour and in the fashion she deserves. Two, allow us to attend the annual migration in peace, where I hope at last to find my dam. Three, support us in taking forces to King Azerim’s aid, and condemn those Dragonesses who helped stage or abet the coup against the Human Kingdom. Four, permit me to recruit a warrior force to fly back to the mainland in support of those kingdoms beset by the Dragon-enslaving Skartun.

  She snarled her hatred deep in her throat.

  He said, I’ve zero desire to overthrow your rule. However, if a mistake has been made, I expect redress of fitting nature – not to me, but to these fine Dragonesses and Dragons you lead. We shall leave you now to your deliberations. May your fires burn with all wisdom this evening, Charielle Seaspray.

  Her fury burned, but she could find nothing to say. Not immediately.

  Azania? Aria? Are you with me? he said.

  Always, they chorused.

  He could not even feel his wings as he stroked up and over the rim, and set course for a beach just a mile to the north. This time, it was not the tiredness.

  * * * *

  Just like old times; only, it was not. Aria, Azania and Dragon camped on the wide white-sand beach, watching the cream crabs scuttling up and down into their holes above the high tide line. Clumps of boulders the size of Human houses dotted the beach and the nearby ocean, giving each pocket of sand a cosy, sheltered ambiance.

  He felt as awkward as a fledgling experiencing his first flare of fires for a Dragoness. The cobalt marauder clearly felt exactly the same way. They lay close upon the warm sands, but could not quite bring themselves to touch.

  “So, did you –” they said at the same time.

  Awkward grins.

  Azania said, “May I describe what we saw in Zunityne, Aria? So, we flew in. There was fire rising from three buildings, and soldiers all over the city wearing crimson jackets and gold helms decorated with a tuft of red feathers – like that parrot we saw, weren’t they, Dragon?”

  “Gazaram!” Aria spat.

  “Aye, that’s right,” he said. “We landed at the Palace. They lied, telling us that Azerim was up here at Mykita Lair – where is the actual lair, by the way?”

  “That headland up there,” Aria pointed with her left wingtip. “More sea caves.”

  “Oh. I guess we didn’t notice, as we were in such a flaming rush to arrive.” Dragon settled his wings deliberately. Dignity and gravitas mingled with the tingling urge to crash through the waves in jubilant dance. “You see, we arrived in Zunityne just after mid-afternoon. They also told us that the King and Queen were not receiving visitors, and that all the Dragons were here at Mykita Lair – surprising you?”

  “Surprising me is one way of putting it.” The radiance of her eyes dipped toward darkness, before strengthening once more. “I never expected my dam to act so … ruthlessly, and decisively. I have been avoiding Charnal – that’s the male whom I was promised to. Inventing errands, flitting here and there, helping Azerim and his parents, who are much better, by the way. Weak, but recovering. That poison was brutal. We hope they’ll be able to walk again.”

  How he wished now that they had brought Inzashu up to the Isles!

  “I’m glad they’re better. Where do you think Azerim could be?” Azania asked.

  “Best guess? Lord Gazaram will be holding him hostage in his high-security tower. He’s very proud of it – a metal-clad stone tower that’s part of his fortress. It lies on the northern tip of the Human Island, as far from Zunityne as one can get and still be on the same landmass. He’s long had ambitions regarding the throne.”

  The Princess said, “Aria, do you also think that the timing stinks?”

  “Like a week-old fish.”

  The early evening was wind-still, but the waves kept lapping and hissing on the seashore, foaming gently as they arrived and pulled away. Looking out to sea, Dragon noticed white breakers at the edge of the reef, about two hundred Dragon paces offshore. Another magical location. What lay out there? The Sea Dragons must know. Would they be able to see the migration from here, or would they have to fly out to wherever they rested and could be found?
How did a Dragon live all their life in the water and never leave it?

  Aria touched his paw. Today’s best surprise was you two. I just couldn’t believe it; first that yell – I had no idea where that came from – then, ‘I am Dragon. I object!’

  That was the objective, he joked gruffly.

  Around you, he loses all objectivity, Azania put in.

  Dragon pretended to smack her as Aria’s eyes brightened toward gleaming yellows and zesty blues. He growled, Must I confess?

  A definite edge entered Aria’s voice. Did you … mean it, Dragon?

  Which bit?

  How are the fires of a Dragoness’ hearts a topic for joking? Her talons scraped the sands with a rough, rasping sound, reflecting the turbulent state of her emotions. I didn’t give you the chance to finish before leaping in – you do feel the same way, don’t you?

  Dragon growled, With respect, razor wings, we nearly killed ourselves crossing a small ocean for you! Ugh. And now he sounded like a grumpy grand-sire. Deliberately risking life and limb, he shuffled closer and extended a wing over her sharp spine spikes and tense shoulders. Ariamyrielle Seaspray, I appreciate that in your culture, Dragonesses are the pursuers. Although I do have a few questions regarding how that works with arranged mate-matches, being as –

  The skills and crafts of males are valuable, so there’s a great deal of jostling over – will you just answer my question?

  Pithily, Azania put in. Dragon’s never short of words, counting in thousands, that is. Or pedantic cartloads, linguistic budgets the size of small kingdoms, and so on.

  Snaffling her into his paw, he tucked the girl beneath his chest and wrapped both paws around her, muffling her protests. There. Much better.

  The Dragoness’ face was a picture. ‘You treat females like that?’ it said.

  He pretended to look unconcerned.

  Aria said, Razor wings?

  A reference to but one of your lethally attractive features.

  Oh. I see. Is this a term of endearment?

  Dragon pretended to consider her question. Does it cause an insolent male to lose a paw? If not, then aye.


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