A Werewolf in Manhattan

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A Werewolf in Manhattan Page 12

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  Chapter 11

  Emma wasn’t going to argue with the man. He’d turned her inside out, and she couldn’t believe she had more to give in that department, but he seemed to know his way around a woman’s body. No man had ever given her an orgasm on the living-room carpet smack-dab in the middle of a luxury penthouse, let alone three.

  She was curious as to what he had in mind until room service arrived. Whatever it was, she had a good feeling about it. Aidan was all she’d imagined he would be, and she hadn’t even seen the package she hoped he’d deliver to her once he was supplied with condoms.

  Settling her in the middle of the king-sized bed, he pulled the covers out from under her in one quick motion so that she was lying on the smooth white sheet. Feeling incredibly satisfied and decadent, she gazed up at the provider of all things orgasmic.

  She might be naked, but he was still mostly clothed. She’d managed to get his shirt unbuttoned and pulled out of his slacks, but that was the extent of her efforts.

  Still, she had a nice view of his pecs and his muscled abs when the shirt billowed open. Funny, but when she’d first started unbuttoning his shirt, she’d thought he had more chest hair. Now she could see he had an average amount. She must have been so focused on getting him to stay that she’d misjudged.

  There was no chance she’d misjudged the firm length of him pressed up against her when they were kissing, though. No doubt he had some magnificence going on underneath that expensive pair of slacks. She was more than eager to find out what would be modeling one of those Trojans.

  “There’s another robe in the closet,” she said. “You could get out of those clothes and keep the robe handy for when room service arrives.”

  “I thought I might do that.” He stripped off his shirt and threw it on a nearby chair. Then he nudged off his wingtips without untying them.

  She barely noticed his shoes because she was too entranced by his biceps. The guy was ripped. No wonder he’d been able to pick her up so easily and carry her in here without breaking a sweat. “You must work out a lot.”

  “Some.” He reached for the buckle of his belt.

  She sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed. “Let me.”

  “All right.” He walked to the side of the bed with that loose-hipped, easy stride that turned her into jelly.

  “I’m glad I asked.” Sitting with one leg on either side of him, she ran her knuckles slowly up and down the material being thrust forward by his erection and was rewarded with the sound of his breath hissing out between his clenched teeth.

  “Maybe I should be the one to answer the door when room service arrives,” she murmured as she unfastened the buckle on his belt. “You may be indisposed.”

  “If I am, you will be, too.”

  “We’ll see about that.” His belt flexed easily, indicating the dark brown leather was top grade. She could see how a person could get used to handling only the best. She was about to do that once she unwrapped his package.

  After his belt hung open, she tuned in to his breathing as she unfastened his slacks. The cadence definitely picked up. So did hers. Because she was a writer and knew the value of suspense, she slowed her movements. Grasping the zipper, she edged it down tooth by tooth. Tension coiled within her, and the body she’d thought was thoroughly sated was no longer in that condition. She wanted him again.

  “Emma.” His voice was strained.

  “I’m building anticipation. It’s a plot device.”

  He made a noise that sounded like—no, it definitely was—a growl.

  “Excuse me? Did you just growl?”

  He groaned. “I want your hands on me. I want your mouth on me, Emma.”

  “I see.” She finished with the zipper and pushed his slacks to the floor.

  As he stepped out of them, she admired his black knit boxers that so lovingly cradled his awe-inspiring equipment. She was about to divest him of the boxers, too, but he didn’t give her the chance.

  Slipping his thumbs under the elastic, he shoved the boxers down, and his glorious cock sprang free.

  She drew in a sharp breath. He was even more impressive than she’d imagined. Those Trojans couldn’t get here soon enough.

  “Dear God, touch me, Emma, before I combust.”

  She didn’t have to be asked twice. With one hand circling his cock and the other cupping his balls, she leaned down and brushed her mouth over the velvet crown of his penis. His shiver inspired her to use her tongue to lick the smooth surface, and he moaned softly.

  Another pass with her tongue, and a clear drop of liquid appeared at the very tip. She tasted its salty goodness, and another appeared to take its place. This time she closed her mouth over the rounded dome and applied gentle suction.

  He gasped and combed his fingers through her hair to press them against her scalp. Then slowly, gradually, he urged her down, until the tip of his cock nudged the back of her throat. Yet still, her hand encircled the base. She hadn’t taken all of him.

  Breathing hard, he held her head as he withdrew. Then he went to his knees in front of her. His voice revealed the strain of controlling his needs. “I don’t want to hurt you. Not this way, and not when I begin to thrust. But I’m crazy for you, Emma. I’m afraid I’ll forget myself and—”

  She looked into his golden eyes that glowed with lust. “I’m not afraid.”

  His thumbs brushed her cheeks. “You should be. You’re small. I never expected to be here with you like this, and now that I am, I’m quivering with the need to drive into you. I’m afraid I’ll overpower you and take you with no regard for what I’m doing. Don’t let me. Make me stop if I lose all reason.”

  “You won’t.”

  “I can’t promise that, Emma. I’ve never felt quite like this before.”

  “Never?” Hot excitement bubbled within her at his confession.

  “No, never. I’m not sure what’s happening to me, but I want you in a way that ...” He shook his head. “In a way I can’t even explain.”

  “We’ll go slow.”

  “Maybe I can’t.”

  “Then the first time I’ll sit astride you.”

  “All right.” He drew a shaky breath. “That might help.”

  The doorbell chimed.

  “Let me go,” she murmured.

  “No.” He stood and took the robe from the back of a chair. “The trip will do me good. Maybe I’ll be more in control when I come back.”

  “Don’t be stubborn. My state of arousal is a whole lot less obvious than yours.” She made a grab for the robe. “I’ll go.”

  “No.” He held the robe out of reach. Then he put it on, but as he tied it he seemed to realize the problem and pulled on his boxers, too. “I trust this hotel, but if anybody besides the bellman is at the door, I want to be the one answering it, not you wearing a bathrobe and looking as if you’ve just been ...”

  “Ravished by the Big Bad Wolf?”

  He looked startled.

  “Just referencing your family crest,” she said with a smile. “I think it’s cool.”


  “I hope I didn’t offend you by joking about it.”

  “I don’t get offended easily.”

  “I didn’t think so. And for the record, I meant it as a compliment. I don’t subscribe to the Little Red Riding Hood view of Big Bad Wolves.” She winked at him. “I kinda like them.”

  “Glad to hear it, little girl.” Leering suggestively, he turned and left the bedroom.

  Laughing, she hopped off the bed and walked into the bathroom to see whether she looked as ravished as she felt. Sure enough, anyone who saw her would know exactly what she’d been up to. Her tousled hair and the flush that covered her entire body would give her away.

  She combed her fingers through her tangled hair and then ran her hands over her breasts and down her body. Every nerve ending was alive and singing with joy. She hadn’t had sex like this in ... well, ever.

  “Emma, where did you go?” Aidan calle
d from the bedroom.

  “In here.”

  He walked into the bathroom holding the box of condoms. When he saw her standing in front of the gilt-framed mirror, he paused. “You’re so beautiful.” Shoving the box into the pocket of the robe, he came up behind her and reached around to cup her breasts.

  She leaned back against him and wiggled a little so the robe parted. His chest hair felt so soft and silky, almost like the pelt of an animal. “You make me feel that way.”

  “You should always feel that way. Your breasts are perfect.” He brushed his thumbs over her nipples. “I love watching them tighten when I do this.”

  Her pulse quickened. “It’s really something, watching you touch me.”

  “Touching you. Arousing you.” He buried his nose in her neck. “The more you’re aroused, the better you smell.”

  “Then I must smell really good right now.” She’d become damp and achy as he played with her nipples and fit his pelvis against her bottom. She felt the insistent press of his cock as it strained against the knit material of his boxers.

  “You smell incredible.” He nipped the side of her neck gently as he slid one hand down between her legs. “Especially here.” Dipping his fingers into her wetness, he brought them back up to his nose and breathed in.

  She rested her hands on the counter and closed her eyes. “Again, Aidan.”

  The air moved as he took a step back. “Lean over.” The command came softly, but there was no doubt it was a command.

  She did as she was told, bracing her hands against the counter and leaning forward. He caressed her from behind, probing and stroking with his fingers until she was panting with pleasure. She was close, so close.

  Then he stopped, slipping his fingers free.

  She cried out in frustration. “Aidan, please ...”

  He made a sound low in his throat. Something hit the floor, a paper crinkled, and then he was back, pumping with his fingers, bringing her the release she craved. Her climax burst upon her, bringing with it wave upon wave of exquisite pleasure. She was drenched and wide-open when she heard his soft growl of need.

  Clutching her hips firmly in his big hands, he took her from behind with a swiftness that made her gasp. She tensed against the expected pain, but none came. As he plunged into her over and over, she lifted her hips in silent invitation. Fierce joy surged through her at knowing that her wet vagina welcomed him, all of him.

  He stretched her more than any man had, and she gloried in the sensation of his thick length enclosed within her. The intense friction and the elemental joining of his body with hers awakened her womb as nothing had before. He’d given her climaxes, but not like this. The blood roared in her ears as her orgasm built with a slow and steady power timed to the rhythm of his thrusts.

  Another growl rose from deep within his chest as he increased the pace. His thighs slapped hers, and if he hadn’t steadied her with his strong grip, she would have toppled under the repeated impact of his body.

  Ah, but the pleasure. The pleasure rolled toward her, coming faster and faster, until yes, yes, YES. With a high, keening cry, she came. He shoved home once more, and his bellow of satisfaction echoed against the walls of the room.

  His big body trembled against hers as he let out a long, slow sigh. His words were hoarse and filled with anxiety. “Dear God. If I’ve hurt you ...”

  If she’d had the breath, she would have laughed. She gulped for air and finally managed to say, “You didn’t.”

  He was silent for a moment. “Would you tell me if I had?”

  “Yes.” Opening her eyes, she lifted her head so that she could see him reflected in the gilt-framed mirror. “We look like actors in an X-rated movie.”

  “Don’t think I haven’t been enjoying the view. Still am.”

  She smiled at him. It was quite the pose. There she was, gripping the counter and bent over to allow this beautiful man access. Her breasts bobbed with any small movement, and his sculpted chest heaved as he recovered from their adventure. Both of them glistened with sweat.

  She’d never forget this image as long as she lived. “I loved every second,” she murmured.

  “Me, too.” Slowly he withdrew and wrapped his arm around her waist to help her up. “But now we’re going to bed.”

  “That could be fun for a change.”

  He met her gaze in the mirror. “Not so much. We’ll be in separate beds, in separate bedrooms.”

  “Aidan! You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m totally serious. I’ve seen what this book-tour schedule does to you. You need sleep.” He leaned down and nuzzled behind her ear. “I have a feeling you’ll conk out the minute I’m gone.”

  “No, I won’t.” She sounded spoiled and pouty, but she couldn’t help it. “I’ll lie awake all night, wishing you were there beside me. Let’s share the king bed in the master bedroom.”

  “If we did that, you’d never get any sleep.” He nipped at her skin.

  “Sure I would. We’ll just cuddle.”

  “We’d do a lot more than cuddle.”

  “Maybe, but then you’d sleep and I’d sleep. Then, if we woke up, we could do more than cuddle again, and then go back to sleep. See, lots of sleeping going on.”

  “I usually don’t sleep much.” With his mouth on the curve of her shoulder, he breathed in deeply. “And with you in my bed, I can guarantee I’d be awake all night.”

  “You’re just saying that because you’re being overprotective of my sleep time. All guys sleep after having sex. I don’t believe that you wouldn’t.”

  “Believe it. Good night, Emma.” Nipping at her shoulder once more, he left the bathroom.

  “Wait! You can’t just leave like that.” Her legs were still rubbery, but she hurried after him as best she could. “I insist you come back here, Aidan Wallace!”

  He moved fast for a big man. By the time she reached the door of the bedroom, he was no longer there. He wasn’t in the living room, either.

  “All right, Aidan!” she called out. “I’m going to search the entire ginormous suite until I find you, and then I’m going to use my feminine wiles on you until you agree that we should share that big bed! You’re being silly about this.”

  Before starting her search, though, she went back to the bedroom to make sure he wasn’t there playing a trick on her. She looked behind the door and then in the closet. He wasn’t there.

  On her way back through the living room, she picked up the robe that had been left lying there. The curtains were drawn back to show off the spectacular view of skyscrapers at night, and in spite of being so far up, she still didn’t feel comfy running around naked in front of open windows. Somebody in an adjacent office building could be working late.

  She laughed at her paranoia as she tightened the belt on the robe. That someone working late would have to be equipped with some high-powered binoculars to see anything. Sometimes her imagination ran out of control. Having Theo show up tonight had spooked her a little bit, too.

  Maybe that was another reason she wanted Aidan to stay in her bed tonight. His was a very comforting presence to have in case Theo inspired any nightmares. Walking through the spacious penthouse, she taunted Aidan with remarks about what a chicken he was. At some point she added in clucking noises.

  Finally, she arrived at a bedroom door that was locked. She rapped on it. “Aidan, are you in there?”

  “Yes.” He was chuckling, though, just as she’d thought he might.

  Games were okay. Games were good, in fact. “I was thinking of ordering up dessert from room service and asking if they’d include a can of whipped cream.”

  “Sorry, but I’m not into sweets.”

  “Well, I am. I was thinking you might enjoy having me suck whipped cream off your—”

  “Go to bed, Emma.”

  “Go to hell, Aidan.” She said it sweetly, but she was genuinely miffed at him as she stomped off to her own room. Throwing off the robe, she crawled naked into bed and fell asle
ep without remembering to turn out the light.

  Chapter 12

  Aidan had caught Emma’s scent long before she’d rapped on the door of the bedroom he’d designated as his from the outset. When her scent threatened to affect him, he’d switched to breathing through his mouth and even then, not too deeply. Even a faint whiff of her could tip the delicate balance he was struggling to maintain.

  So far, he hadn’t become aroused enough to initiate his shift, but it wouldn’t take much of a seduction effort on her part before he’d be right back where he’d been during that tense moment in the foyer when he’d nearly shifted right in front of her. If he allowed her to arouse him again, he’d have the same damned choice—sex with her or a cold run through the park in wolf form.

  Because he’d chosen this bedroom originally, his clothes hung in the closet. Once he’d locked himself in here, he’d pulled on sweats and a T-shirt. That would be enough to get him through the hotel lobby, but he’d rather not go through all that.

  Fortunately she’d left quickly. Had she stayed even a minute longer, he might have flung open the door and pulled her inside, because he didn’t relish romping through Grant Park tonight. The risk of discovery was huge.

  Apparently he’d made a gross miscalculation as to the effect she’d have on him. Usually sex with a woman—or a female werewolf for that matter—left him satisfied, at least enough to put sex out of his mind for several hours and sometimes for days or even weeks. Not with Emma. Within moments of that first shattering orgasm, his craving for her had returned.

  Because it had come on him so quickly, he’d doubted a second round would have been enough. He might have needed to have sex with her three times, or even four. That wasn’t fair to her, not with the obligations she had the next day.

  He had only himself to blame for the problem. He’d foolishly surrendered to an overwhelming need to take her in semiwolf fashion, something he’d been warned not to attempt with a human female or suffer the consequences. Although neither of them had been on all fours, the position had been close enough to subtly blend his wolf instincts with his human male sex drive.


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