Distorted Fates

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Distorted Fates Page 13

by R. L. Weeks

  The fancy lady broke the silence with clapping and laughter. I didn’t understand the laughter and at that moment; I didn’t know if I could have brought myself to care. There was no way they were going to let me in the special school now. While she was laughing, I scanned the others in the front row, and instead of looking at the lady—they were looking at me, in a way that reminded me of the four men that were behind me.

  I stood back up and turned around to look at the men again, and every one of them, including Peter, were gone. There were no signs that there were ever people behind me. Even the cages were missing.

  I turned back around to face the fancy lady and her angry shadow. She was still clapping as she walked up to the stage. When we were close, the first thing I noticed about her was that she smelled amazing. I just wanted to hug her and get lost in that scent. She held her hand out like she wanted to shake. Confused, and still upset that my dance number was a complete failure, my hands trembled as I reached out to shake her hand.

  The moment our hands connected, she covers my hand with her free one. “My name is Wendy,” she managed to say once she stopped laughing.

  I was afraid that if I opened my mouth, I would begin to cry so I just nodded my head.

  “You did great.”

  I nodded my head again and looked at the floor. She lifted my chin up and forced me to make eye contact with her. “I mean it, you did great. I have never seen anything quite like it. Unofficially, you are in the program. I just have to go the through the proper protocols, and then you will get the formal invitation.”

  My heart stopped. “What? You are saying with that debacle, I am in?”

  She smiled like my excitement somehow made her day. “Yes.”

  I smiled back and hugged her. When my arms are around her, the big guy stepped in close and grabbed her arm. She stepped away from me with her eyebrows drawn together, like she was confused, “It’s okay John, she meant no harm.”

  The big guy, John, continued his scowl at me but managed to guide her off the stage at the same time. They started to walk out of the auditorium, but Wendy turned around halfway on her way out. “I will be in touch later today.”

  I just nodded at her. With a new bounce in my step, I gathered my stuff to leave and finish the rest of the school day. The auditorium was oddly quiet, and by the time I was ready to leave, the front door was opened and there was not a soul left, except for me.

  Chapter Five

  5:45-ish P.M.

  The rest of the school day was uneventful, and even Peter left me alone. The last thing I remember before I got home was one of the angry men from the stage waiting for me at my home doorstep.

  Next thing I knew was waking up on a cheap hotel blanket. I could see a dark form on a chair near the door. Oh no, it was too much like a cheesy horror movie. Forget it, I wanted out of there. I stood up and laughter broke the buzzing sound of the cheap air conditioner in the room.

  “Who are you?” He asked while walking toward me.

  “Maybe I should ask who you are?” I replied back.

  He kept smiling. “How much do you know?”

  I sat back on the bed and curled my knees up to my chest. “I don’t understand what you want.”

  “I don’t understand either.” He stopped talking and looked at me like I was a science fair project. I looked back at him, but raised my eyebrows waiting for him to continue. “Have you ever heard Never Never land?”

  “As in Peter Pan?” I asked him.

  He just nodded and continued the patient smile, “Never Never Land is at the cusp of a war. You see, there are two kingdoms, and there always has been. The innocent and the corrupted…the light and the dark. The light has always ruled and anything dark as has been pushed out and deemed unclean. The dark kingdom is ready to rule. Any creature in the grey zone is caught in the cross hairs. I was a fighter for the light, but my father was a creature of the dark. So, I was pushed out—too dark for light and too light for dark. The light still has an interest in me. They kept my energy drained so that I was too weak to leave. Even though you somehow froze me, your residual energy allowed me to escape. I tracked you with that same energy. I am James Hook. That’s who I am. Now, who are you?”

  Even though he seemed angry earlier that day, the more he spoke the softer his face became. His features reminded me a lot of my father. I took a deep breath before I answered his question. “I am Sundae Phillips, but I prefer to go by Dae. Today is important to me because I have an opportunity to join a school and leave this town behind. So, the tryout is where you met me. Before today, except for one occasion that I will not talk about, I ignored every single one of you. Today, of all days, I have talked to a bunch of you.”

  I stopped talking when he busted out laughing. It took him a moment to settle down. “You think Wendy is just the director of whatever the school she promised you, right?”

  I contemplated what he was saying, “Oh my goodness, she is one of you guys. I am so stupid.” I hit my forehead on my knees. The signs were all there and, somehow, I over looked it all.

  “Look,” he said in a tone that made me look at him. “Wendy is not bad. She won’t hurt you. From what I have heard, the innocent is gathering some new energy and training them to protect Peter and Never Never Land. That is why I had to talk to you. You need to know there is a way out of Never Never Land and the school. They will train you on how to control your emotions so they are not accessible exclusively while you’re dancing. You need to learn how to control your ability. If you get to a point that you want out, let me know. I can get you out of Never Never Land. I can get you where no one will find you. You can start out fresh.”

  “Wait,” I interrupted “…what do you want in return?”

  He clapped his hands, “Good question. I just want you tell me what is going on in Never Never Land. That’s it. I will pop in on you time to time.”

  He stood up and approached me. Not sure what to expect, I curled in on myself-trying to protect my body. “I would never hurt you,” he whispered and when I look up from my curl I was laying in my own room at home. He was gone and I realized I somehow made a deal with somebody I was not even sure I could trust. Captain Hook was the villain, right?

  Chapter Six

  6:45 P.M.

  “I am going to do it,” I had already told my parents about the early acceptance, they were just waiting to see if I was going to accept or decline.

  Both of my parents turned to face me in unison. “That’s great!”

  I half-heartedly smiled at my parents. “But, there’s one catch. When I go, it might be a while before you hear from me. They said that part of their experimental process is pure saturation to the program.” I cringed inside as I thought about how badly I was lying to them.

  Mom approached me and said the one thing guaranteed to make me cry, “We are happy if you are happy.”

  My eyes had tears in them at the gravity of this situation. This past hour I contemplated whether or not I was going to go. Would I be able to continue dancing or is this whole school a major façade? The main reason I had decided to attend was so I would no longer be hounded by the people of Never Never Land.

  The next half-hour was the hardest because I had to believably pretend that I was super excited and prove to my parents that I was making the choice I wanted to make. When it was close to time for me to step outside and tell Wendy my decision, I was still not one hundred percent certain I was making the right choice. For the thousandth lie I told that day, I told my parents I had to go outside to call the school. I wished it was that easy.

  Chapter Seven

  7:45 P.M.

  The moment I reached the first tree in the woods on the backside of my property, my energy dropped from someone popping in. I didn’t bother looking at who it was because I felt the energy zinger.

  Peter grabbed my arm and embraced me. “Are you coming with us? You still owe me a day, by the way.”

  This was a bit awkward, so I reached a
round and stiffly patted his back. Peter took a deep breath in behind my ear like he did during the tryout earlier that day and planted his lips there. I dropped my hands from his back in shock. He stepped away laughing.

  I didn’t make conversation, but continued to walk a little further into the woods toward a gazebo my parents put up a few years ago. I recovered from the energy drain quickly and different markers hit my senses. It felt amazing. Not only did I have the boost from Peter, but my hearing was more enhanced, I could smell supper from all the way out there and I had full concentration.

  Everyone but Wendy stayed outside the gazebo. She still had on the same designer clothes from before-stilettos and all. “Have you figured out who we are yet?”

  I didn’t think they knew I talked to Mr. Hook earlier that day, so I shook my head ‘no.’

  She curled her lips in a small smile, not enough to show teeth, but enough to tell me that she didn’t have much patience with me. “Come on. You are a smart girl. Place all of our names together.”

  I looked around. I had a clue of who everyone was, but I didn’t want to give away my intel from earlier. I took it slow. “I figured you are Wendy, and your bodyguard is your brother. Peter, for Peter Pan?” I looked over to the girl who kind of looked like Peter. “You, I don’t know who you are?”

  She didn’t smile. Instead, she glared at me like I had done something wrong. “I am Belle. Peter’s sister.”

  My mouth dropped. “The stories have it wrong, then. Why’d they make you out to be a pixie that flies?”

  Wendy grabbed my arm, and brought my attention back to her. “We all could fly at one time, Sundae. We need you to come with us. We will train you, and I promise you will continue to dance. You overflow with light and innocence. I just know you will make our world strong again.”

  I looked around and as everyone stared at me with hope in their eyes. Everyone except Belle. No pressure, I thought to myself.

  “I am agreeing to this only so y’all will stop following me.”

  Wendy clapped and began laughing. “But you agree…wonderful. We will get everything prepared for you. Be ready for us.”

  As soon as she said those last words, everyone disappeared as if they were never in the woods to begin with. It was odd being in the woods all by lonesome. For the first time in my life I was alright with the people that I had always ignored. For the first time in my life I felt normal. Now that everything was back to how it was before—I felt alone.

  I made it to my back porch, but was not quite ready to go inside. I was sitting on a rocking chair when I felt the energy pull again. I was expecting the same crowd as a few minutes ago, but instead of bouncing back to normal energy—I felt a constant, exhausting drain.

  I stood up on shaky legs and began to make my way slowly to the door, as if I was only able to move in slow motion.

  “She will not be the next queen. It has been foretold.” I turned around and they were walking toward me. This was a different group of people, darker. Their unique patterns made breathing feel heavy, and even their movements felt foreign to me. “She will not be the next queen.” The same voice repeated.

  I felt the energy pull again and this time Peter and Belle appeared in front of me. Their energy gave me the boost to get my strength back. I was back to normal speed. I peered around Peter’s shoulders and the other people were disappearing one by one. Only a single person remained, Mr. Hook.

  As soon as he disappeared, Belle dropped to her knees. Peter wrapped his arms around and whispered something I couldn’t hear.

  “Alright, they scare me more than you two.”


  10:00 P.M.

  My parents were already in their room, living their blissfully innocent lives. I wished at this point I was still innocent in their world. I knew that I would never be the same Dae again. I was at peace with the choices that I made, even though it is not quite what I expected when I woke up that morning. I understood I would always be plagued by these people and the best thing I could do for myself is to learn to keep myself safe.

  Correction—to keep myself alive.

  I decided to make three new rules to go by. One: I will learn as much as I can about both kingdoms. Two: I will learn how to protect myself and, three, by everything that is holy, I will not ignore them anymore.

  The End

  The Price of Villainy

  By Yolanda Allard

  Chapter 1

  Before a time where marauders ruled, the royal forests dripped with rain and the despair of a war gone on too long…

  The War Room

  “Sir, you have a- visitor waiting to see you. They say they are to be the new sheriff.” I hear the man who let me in say to the Prince, his voice uncertain.

  “Yes, yes, bring them in.” The Prince orders.

  The man returns. He is draped in cardinal and black, Prince colors. Not our long-to-war King, who is supposed to be ruling this land. Neither matters to me, I’m here to bring justice where law is lackadaisical. Serving King or Prince, I care not.

  “Your Prince will see you now.” The servant holds the door open for me. He does not bow as I walk by, it is clear he cannot tell whether I am man or maiden causing him to stall and stutter around me. The corner of my mouth turns.

  The Prince’s war room is draped in his flags. He sits behind his desk, informal in a dirty robe. Hair mussed, he seems to have been ruffling through the papers at his desk for some time. Two guards are stationed in the room. One at the window and one in front of a giant painting of our King. Pretenses. The Prince looks up from his ruffling, lines mark his brow and eyes, lines that according to his painting downstairs weren’t there when he took up rule after the King set off to war. Square jaw splattered with the fair beard only royalty could afford to keep so lustrous. Shrewd eyes climb up me. Eyes like that I would carve right out of his skull for looking at me in such a way were he not my sovereign Prince. He reaches my face and recoils very slightly. I bow to him on one knee.

  “You are no man, though you have the build. I have heard of you. A woman who fights like a man. Stronger than most. Dresses the part, and yet… I asked for the best for the task at hand, and they send me you.” The Prince speaks, I raise myself.

  “Yes, sire.” I respond.

  “Are you?” His shrewd eyes drill into me.


  “The best candidate for sheriff?”

  “Yes, Sire, I am.” I say confidently lifting my chin. I have trained for this for almost the entirety of my life.

  “We shall see.” He sighs, “A woman.” He mumbles to himself then turns his words back to me. “Well, you shall find anything you should need at your disposal. You will be granted the land and rights of our former sheriff. Your men will report for duty in the morrow after you have settled in. You are still a woman, one would expect you need time for womanly things after such a long journey.” He’s baiting me. He must be.

  “If that would be your wish my Prince.” I respond without even an anger twitch from my jaw.

  He nods slightly, I passed. “I expect you to get a handle on this town. Bandits run rampant. Rumors of ghosts haunting the royal forest have spread so vividly that even my bravest men refuse to venture there. Taxes are not being paid, if this continues the war will not be funded and my brother our beloved King, will run out of supplies and food. The last sheriff failed me. He lost his head for it. I will not have more of that. Do you understand?”

  “Your majesty I will not let you down. I will be swift and hard. This isn’t just a town in need of sheriff, this is a town in need of real, harsh justice. I shall be the sword that brings it, running black with the blood of any who would disobey your law.” I bow to my Prince, almost salivating at the opportunity.

  His eyes alight. “That is exactly what I want to hear,” He stands and comes to me, holding his hand out. My lips brush the warm metal of the royal crest wrapped around his soft princely finger. “Stand, Sheriff of Nottingham.”
br />   I stand. I have done it. I am here, sheriff for the Prince. Woe to all who stand in my way of my next task. I stare deeply into the eyes of my sovereign, he has no idea what he has just unleashed.

  “One more question before you go,” He speaks, his eyes unwavering from my jade ones.

  I wait. I know what is to come.

  “The scars. I have heard many stories. How did you get them?” He asks me.

  “Whence I was young, raiders came to my village. They burned and pillaged everything in sight. Those of us that survived were maimed to match the evil they claimed lived there.” I recite the story.

  “And the raiders? What became of them?”

  “I followed them. They had horses and I did not. It took weeks to catch up to them. In the dead of night after they drank themselves into a stupor I slipped in their camp. I slit every throat in one night. By the time the sun came up no one was left.”

  “That,” He smiles wickedly, “Is better than any story I have heard. Is it true?”

  “I would not lie to my Prince.” I say.

  “I believe you.” His grins.

  Sad for you. I think to myself. I did the task as I told him save for one bit of information. I was not alone. I stare at the little black-eyed boy in the corner of the room that the Prince can not see. He winks at me giggling and takes a bite out of a red apple. The insides wriggle blackened with worms. The boy doesn’t seem to notice. He chews his apple happily.

  Chapter 2

  Months later…

  The sun shines high. Cracking whips and cries ring out around me in a cacophony of glory. Three whipping posts have been set up for tax evaders, with three equal lines of evaders chained and waiting for their public punishment before they are put to work to work off the debt to their Prince. None other townspeople come to watch and learn. They hear the cries day and night, they know well what awaits them if they try to get out of paying what they owe. My black steed, Hollow, huffs. I turn from the chain gang of criminals nodding to one of my guardsmen letting him know to keep the whippings going. I lead Hollow down the street to a drinking trough. He jams his snout into the dirty water before I have chance to dismount. It feels too hot to move in these dark robes. I hate the sun that beats down on us forming sweat on my face. It makes everything stagnant. The light illuminates every stinking pile of hapless citizenry running the streets, with no rains to wash away their filth. Nottingham is large and most of the population are poor wretches with too many mouths to feed and not enough brains to make honorable livings. Worthless animals.


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