Enemies in Love [High-Country Shifters 4]

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Enemies in Love [High-Country Shifters 4] Page 5

by Melody Snow Monroe

  She’d been able to figure out their wolf tub, but she was more of a shower girl. Though this tub had its perks. It was large enough for a slew of people. Stop it. She glared at him. “You’re doing it again.” She swore he was using his telepathic abilities to mess with her mind.

  He grinned and held up his hand. “I swear I am innocent of all accusations.”

  They stepped into the bathroom. He opened the large glass door and turned a knob. Water shot out. “That’s all there is to it.”

  She palmed his chest and, keeping her arms straight, she stepped forward, pushing him out the door. If she’d had her clothes with her, she would have locked him out. His laughter floated down the hallway.

  Once she was sure he was gone, she ducked across the hall for a clean set of clothes. Kranor’s face looked more peaceful, as if his fever had broken and he was finally at rest. She stepped over to the bed and placed a hand on his forehead. It was much cooler to the touch. She let a long breath. He was going to make it.

  Since the doctor had removed the wet cloths, Kranor was now totally naked. She didn’t want to stare at his cock, but she couldn’t help it. With one finger, she poked his dick. Kranor’s hand snaked out so fast her heart stopped.

  Chapter Six

  “You here to have sex with me?”

  She yanked back her hand. “How are you feeling?”

  Kranor glanced down at his cock that had somehow grown. “Better.”

  She was glad. “I need to take a shower.”

  His eyes were half-closed as if he was fighting to stay awake. “I’ll be here, honey, waiting for you when you get done.”

  She rolled her eyes and picked up her backpack. “Be good.”

  He grabbed his cock and waved it at her. She really tried not to smile, but she couldn’t help it. The fact he was this feisty told her he’d survive. What was up with these men? It was like they hadn’t seen a woman in months.

  She’d seen plenty of men, but she hadn’t slept with any in, well, she didn’t want to go there.

  The bathroom was filled with light. If she ever had a home of her own, she’d like a room just like this. She could envision herself spending hours soaking in the tub.


  In the next few days, Kranor would regain enough strength to go back to his usual routine, whatever that was, and then she’d ask them to escort her home. A small cramp gathered in her belly. Being with Kranor again brought back so many good memories. When they weren’t in school, Kranor would sneak on over, and the four of them would play in the river, swimming and having such fun. Occasionally her sister, Sella, would join them, but she acted like she was ten years older instead of just one.

  Henla shook herself out of her daydream and undressed, glad to be out of those bloodstained clothes. She turned on the water and was about to wait until it heated, but noticed it got hot instantly. Now wasn’t that nice. She stepped under the soothing flow and dunked her hair under the showerhead.

  Nothing felt better than getting clean. She looked for the soap or shampoo and didn’t see any. Taryn’s soap was hidden behind one of the tiles, so she starting pressing the tiles, but nothing moved.

  I need shampoo!

  She glanced through the glass to the counter to see if perhaps the supplies were there. The door opened and to her shock, and if she were honest, to her delight, Jude walked in, shielding his eyes. Between the steam swirling around her and him covering his eyes, she didn’t bother to turn around.

  “You could use some shampoo and soap, right?”

  That was downright spooky. “Yes. How did you know?”

  He shrugged. “Most people who shower use those products. I’d just ditched the old ones and hadn’t put out the new ones.”

  His hand dropped away from his face as he dug under the cabinet and pulled out two new bottles of liquid. She knew it would be too good to have conditioner. She’d have to make do.

  When he stepped toward her, his gaze latched on to her bare breasts then traveled down to her shaved pussy. The heat that drenched her had nothing to do with the steam. She turned around.

  He laughed. “I think it’s a little too late for that.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the bottles on the floor near her feet. “Thank you.”

  She stepped under the water, hoping it would prevent him from seeing all of her.

  You want him to.


  She hadn’t heard the door close, but Jude often moved silently. Needing to see if she was alone, she looked over her shoulder.

  He grinned. “Still here.”

  Before she could ask him politely to leave, he toed off his shoes then whipped his T-shirt over his head.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I thought it was obvious. While Kranor is sleeping, I thought we’d save on water. You don’t mind, do you?”

  Say no.

  She shook her head at the image of these foreign thoughts entering her brain. “What’s going on? Are you trying to talk to me?”

  “Sugar, I thought this was talking.” By now, he had his fingers on his zipper, ready to get really naked.

  Say something.

  Don’t stop him. You want him.

  He grinned as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. Not even the lion shifters when they spoke with each other telepathically could read minds. One shifter needed to direct the conversation to the other.

  Jude stepped out of his pants and stood there with another record-breaking cock pointing toward the ceiling. Stop looking. “I can’t help it.”

  “Can’t help what, sugar?” Jude pulled back the glass and stepped in.

  Her heart skipped about ten beats. She couldn’t believe she’d spoken her mind. He rotated and turned on his faucet. Against her will, she stared. His ass was high and tight, so perfect for grabbing and biting. And those broad shoulders rippled as he raised his hands to funnel the water through his hair.

  He turned around and seemed to drink her in. His near-golden eyes shimmered. It had to be the way the light got distorted as it came though the wavy shower door, but he looked every bit like a wolf on the prowl. The hair on her neck should have prickled and her jaw should have ached, but none of that happened. The only visceral reaction now was the throbbing between her legs. Never would she have dreamed of wanting something so much. It was as if they were meant to be together, but that made no sense.

  He smiled. “If you won’t hand me the shampoo, then I guess I need to come over there and get it myself.”

  His words took a moment to register. She hadn’t heard the request. Right then, she should have bolted out of the shower, hair washed or not, and run screaming out of the house. The wolves be damned. But did she even want to move? No.

  He picked up the bottle. “In case you’re wondering, sugar, I feel it, too. It’s inevitable, so it won’t do any good to fight it.”

  From the way his words came out silky and seductive, she knew he was talking about sex. Words failed to form. Her pussy was acting up too much for her to believe her own denial. She squatted, picked up the liquid soap, and stood. His definitive statement threw her. Sure, they seemed to connect on a deeper level, but he was a wolf shifter. The whole community would lynch her if they found out she’d slept with the enemy.

  No one will know if you don’t tell anyone.

  She poured the wash onto her palm and scrubbed her body. She must have gone over the same spot ten times and never seemed to get finished.

  His heat seared her back. “Let me help.”

  Maybe Jude had cast a spell or drugged her food because she wanted to make love with him so bad. Okay, that wasn’t true, but she needed some excuse to explain her emotions. Surely it couldn’t be a carryover from her feeling for Kranor.

  She needed to stop analyzing every move or she would drive herself crazy. Throwing caution to the wind, she turned to face him. He was too handsome, too powerful, too…She ran out of words the second his hands plastered over her tit

  “These are perfect. You are perfect.”

  No man had ever said those words. One of her talents was being able to sense the truth. His clear eyes and pure heart told her he believed what he said. “So are you.”

  He leaned closer. “I’m glad we see eye to eye.”

  He was a good eight inches taller than her, but it might have been a hundred. His presence seemed to dwarf her. If she hadn’t been in the shower, she bet she could have felt her arousal drip down her leg.

  Don’t think. Do.

  She pulled down his head and kissed him with every ounce of passion in her body. His hands slipped around to her back then down to her ass. Her body exploded with need as he grabbed her rear and pulled her forward. Her breath caught as his cock nuzzled her belly. She lost focus for a moment, thinking about what it would be like to be impaled by something that large. Then he licked the seam of her lips and she opened up willingly to him, wanting to taste him. From the way he dove right in, it was as if wanted to be the first to stake his claim.

  Never before had any man taken what he wanted from her with such intensity. It was like she had no power over her body and he was in total control. As he tickled the roof of her mouth, the citrus flavor from the fruit they had eaten delighted her mouth.

  He pulled back. “I won’t deny it. I want you. As soon as I saw you coming toward me when you were with Taryn, I sensed something powerful and special between us.”

  His confession made her giddy. “I felt it, too.” She probably shouldn’t have told him how much she connected with him, but he’d have sensed it if she lied.

  In a few days, she’d be heading back home, never having any hope of seeing either man again. The relationship was doomed from the start, and yet this drive to be with him was eating her up.

  She lowered her arms from his head and trailed her fingers lightly over his shoulders. Raised scars from the recent fight created a landscape down his arms, but the patterns only served to intensify her feelings. It was crazy, but it was also so real. She was at a loss to explain why she wanted to make love with this man. He was different, yes, but in a way that seemed to change her insides.

  “I don’t think you’re clean yet.”

  The haze surrounding her made her slow to react. “Perhaps you should help me.”

  “I was wondering how long it would take for you to ask.” He got some soap and poured a dollop in his palm. “It might be easier if you face the wall.” She faced the streaming water, and the heat was divine.

  He started with her shoulders, reached around to her front, and moved his palms over her breasts, making sure her nipples were extra clean. He pressed his chest to her back and slid a palm down her belly. His huge cock dug into her back. If only there was a stepping stool to make them the same height, his cock could be wedged between her legs. Now that she’d decided she wanted him, she let her imagination run free. She tossed out every inhibition she’d ever had between men and women and let herself enjoy this glorious moment. This might be her only chance to be with Jude, and she wanted to make it special.

  Every ounce of reasoning got shut down the moment his thumb strummed her clit. “Oh, oh, oh.”

  He leaned forward, allowing the water to cascade over his head. He nibbled on her neck then stepped back with her to take them out of the spray. “I love your body. You’re so strong and tight. Is your pussy that tight, too?”

  She sucked in a breath. No one had dared to ask her that. “I’ll have to leave it up to you to find out.” Flirting was foreign to her, but right now it seemed so good.

  Thinking about his exploration made her insides melt. He slid a finger into her creaming opening, and she clamped down on his finger. “If you like that, sugar, I’ve got something so much bigger to delight you.”

  She hadn’t meant to groan, but the involuntary sound escaped. She reached behind her to pull him closer, but he was thick and her arms weren’t long enough. Since she was now covered in soap she easily rotated in his arms.

  “I want to suck your cock.”

  He hissed and then growled as if he was torn whether to let her tease him. “I want you so much, sugar.” He lifted his cock away from his body. “Can you see how much that vein is throbbing already?”

  “Yes.” It matched his heartbeat.

  “It means I won’t last long.”

  She licked her lips. “I’ll be kind. I want to see what he tastes like.”

  “You’re killing me.”

  She smiled. Taking over, she grabbed his cock, bent down, and licked his soap-free shaft from base to tip. The entire cock seemed to expand in her hand. He hadn’t been kidding when he said he was on the edge. Not wanting to ruin something before they got started, she decided one long suck would be okay. She drew him into her mouth, but she could only fit about a third of his massive length.

  Gently he lifted her shoulders. “Enough.”


  His golden-brown eyes mesmerized her. Without taking his gaze off her, he opened the glass door and stepped out. With what seemed like no effort, he lifted her in his arms and walked, dripping wet, out of the bathroom.

  She had to laugh. “Didn’t you forget something?”


  “To turn off the water?”

  “We have plenty.” He leaned over and nipped her lips.

  “You said you needed to conserve.”

  He grinned. “I lied.” He winked. “Don’t worry. Once the shower senses no one is in there for one minute, it will shut off by itself.”

  That was so cool. He headed in the opposite direction of Kranor’s room. He nudged open his door and carried her into the room. She didn’t even want to look around and miss seeing how the light played across his face.

  There was a thin spread on his bed that he pulled down with one hand while still holding on to her slippery body. As if she were the most fragile flower, he placed her on the bed. Using a corner of the spread, he dragged the rough material over her nipples and down the sides of her breasts. The cool air raised bumps over her body, but inside she was still steaming not only from the shower but from being near him.

  He dabbed and patted in all the right places to drive her wild. She had no idea if his work was effective in drying her, but she didn’t care. His touch set her on fire. When they were done making love, she had every intention of returning to the shower to get clean again.

  “Did I mention how beautiful you are?”

  She bit down on her lips to keep from smiling. “I don’t think so. Maybe you should tell me again.”

  “Your light hair highlights your delicate face, and your breasts are so perfect it makes me want to smother my face in them for hours. And your pussy is made for licking.” He pressed lightly on her pulsing clit, which only served to further excite her.

  Her pulse raced with rampant desire. “Show me.” Those were about the only two words she could get out.

  He slid between her legs and spread her legs wide. Instead of using the cover to dry her, he lapped up the water on her body. As his tongue edged closer to her pussy, heat seared her body.

  “No teasing, please.”

  He looked up and smiled. “Feel free to come as many times as you want, but it will be so much more powerful if you try to hold off.”

  Seriously? What man would care if I get satisfaction?

  “I do.” He looked up and winked.

  She hadn’t spoken out loud. Right now she wasn’t going to address how he was able to invade her thoughts. No lion shifter could do that, so how could he? Were all wolves like this, or just Jude? His smooth tongue lapped up her juices, and all thoughts of telepathy vanished.

  Good luck reading my mind now. It’s blank.

  He trailed his fingers up her thighs, over her hips, and clasped onto her waist. The increase in pressure made holding back her climax so much harder. She wanted him to flick his tongue faster, probe her with a finger or anything else he had handy.

  At the same time, he slid one p
alm up her belly and clasped her breast while he lowered his other hand. Her thoughts splintered. She needed more stimulation. If he could read her mind, now was the time to do something she really wanted.

  The intense pinch to her nipple caught her off guard and made her back arch. The pain spread down the sides of her body but quickly changed into erotic pleasure that had her pussy scenting the air.

  “I love your smell. It does something to my cock and to my insides.” His lids closed as if he wanted to savor this moment. His tongue lashed around and drank her in. He groaned. “Maybe I like your sweet taste better.”

  She wiggled her hips. “How about sharing some of that cock?”

  He laughed, and the sound went straight to her core. How could a wolf shifter turn her on so much? He was a wolf, for goodness’ sake.

  Vibrations bombarded her from every direction as he slipped a finger into her. He added another and twirled them around and around until she was dizzy with bliss. She bucked up her hips. Surely, he understood her yearning.

  She easily could have climaxed over and over again, but because he dared her to keep control, she had to. Her fingers clamped down on his shoulders and massaged the overly large muscles. When her nails dug into his skin, he must have taken mercy on her because he dragged his body upward.

  Finally, she was going to get some satisfaction. Then he stopped right at nipple level. Delight and frustration battled. His cock was still too far away. She stretched her arms to see if she could reach it, but since he’d pressed his body so tightly to hers, his fabulous ass was her only reward. She smoothed her palms over his tight orbs, and cream dripped down her thigh.

  When his mouth suctioned her nipple, electric shards of delight scattered everywhere.

  “Please, Jude. I can’t last.”

  He nipped the tender tip as he cupped her face. His thumb stroked her jaw while his mouth feasted on her. As if he, too, needed the release, he finally slid his body upward and kissed her. The cock she so needed hovered at her entrance. If only she were nine inches taller, he’d be inside her now.

  He devoured her lips then pulled back. Taking his time, his gaze traced her brows, her eyes, her nose, and finally returned to her lips. “You are exquisite.”


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