Caribbean Heat

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Caribbean Heat Page 5

by Sky Robinson

  Sierra went back behind the bar and stood. No one was interested in drinking right now. They were all busy with…other things.

  The man with the brunette had his hand up her dress, and her breaths turned to orgasm-nearing pants as they unabashedly watched the other couples touching and teasing.

  Doug stood up behind Alexis, grabbed her hips with both hands and slipped her panties down to the floor. He kissed the back of her legs and rubbed against her ass as he bent her over a chair and thrust his cock deep inside her. Her high-pitched moan filled the air and sent a shot of wetness to Sierra’s cunt.

  Doug sped up his pace until he was pounding into his wife hard and fast, thighs slapping as she begged for more.

  Sierra squeezed her legs together and tried to stop the throbbing that centered there.

  “More, baby. Oh yeah, that’s it,” Alexis groaned.

  Sierra looked over at the clock, needing to leave, needing to be touched, to be fucked just like everyone else. Ten p.m. exactly and that meant her shift was officially over. Thank God.

  She set her tray down and took the stairs down two at a time. Her pussy tingled with need and very soon she was going to find her relief.

  Jack stood at the end of the hallway waiting for her, a predatory gleam in his eyes. The look sent a warming sensation straight to her already needy cunt.

  “Would you like to come in?” Sierra offered, already knowing what his answer was going to be. He wouldn’t be there right now if he didn’t want her.

  “Yes, I would.” Jack grinned and grabbed the door, holding it open as she went in, following right after her and closing it quickly.

  He pulled her so tightly against him that she couldn’t stop the breath from being sucked out of her chest. He kissed her hard, tongues tangling, her pussy throbbing.

  “Mmmm,” Sierra moaned, already so hot for him and so damn needy.

  Jack’s fingers worked to untie her bikini top and toss it onto the floor. She kicked off her heels as Jack moved his lips down to a nipple, sucking it solidly into his mouth and sending a shock through her and a surge of wetness to her pussy. She needed his cock. So. Damn. Bad.

  He moved to her other nipple and sucked it, and her pussy pulsed. His lips tugging on her sensitive skin nearly made her come right there.

  “I need you. Now, Jack,” Sierra begged as she tugged at his pants. She couldn’t take any more teasing. Her body was so close to exploding already.

  Jack pulled his shirt over his head and Sierra let her hands trace down the rippling muscles of his stomach. She tugged at his pants again, needing more, unbuttoning and unzipping and pushing his pants and underwear down to the floor. Leaving him completely naked in front of her, his hard-on pointing toward the ceiling.

  Jack’s cock was long and hard and a glisten of pre-cum seeped out of the tip. With one finger Sierra spread the slick wetness across his thick head and Jack groaned. She ran her hand down the length him. She could feel the hot blood pumping for her. His cock jerked forward at her touch.

  “Do you have protection?” Sierra asked. She’d never even thought about bringing any on this trip, never thought she would find herself falling for a man so fast, never seen herself in this position.

  “Yes, I do,” he growled as he reached down to his pants, grabbed the little packet out of his wallet and ripped it open with his teeth.

  Jack grasped his cock with one hand and rolled the condom down the length of his shaft with the other. The man could make anything sexy. She liked watching him touch himself, but the need for him to touch her was so much stronger.

  Jack kissed her again, pulled Sierra across the room and in one quick, smooth motion laid her down onto her bed. His big body hovered over her and his cock rubbed against her clit. He kissed her on the neck and a jolt of lust shot all the way to her core.

  “Fuck me now.” She wasn’t usually one to swear, wasn’t one to talk dirty, but it seemed so natural to let the words slip right out.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Jack moved off the side of the bed, grabbed one of her ankles in each hand, pulled them up to his shoulders and pressed his cock to her entrance.

  Slowly he drove his thick shaft into her. Her cunt stretched around him, her whole body shivered each time he slid in a little deeper, clinging to his cock, wanting more, needing all of him.

  He thrust deep inside her, filling her completely, not moving, but she was so close to exploding anyway.

  “Damn, you’re tight.” He looked a little worried. “You’re not a virgin, are you?”

  “No.” She didn’t want to explain her pathetic love life to him. Not now. Not when it was about to turn around. “It’s just been a while…and your cock is huge.”

  She could see his grin in the dim light. “Why, thank you.”

  “No, thank you.” Her words were breathy. She was glad he was there to end her dry streak, to fuck her hard and fast and bring her over the edge.

  He thrust in and out of her once slowly and she groaned, or he did, she couldn’t even tell with the pleasure firing through every nerve in her body.

  “Make me come, Jack,” Sierra begged.

  He pounded into her again and again, faster and faster until she couldn’t see straight, couldn’t think straight. All she could focus on was the pleasure about to take over everything. Her body shook, her pussy clenched and she held back the scream that wanted to erupt.

  “Oohhh, Jack,” she whimpered as her entire body convulsed beneath him.

  He slammed into her one more time and held his cock deep inside, pulsing with his own release. “God, Sierra.” His groan was deep, and his jaw dropped open as he came.

  Wave after wave of pleasure flooded through her until she thought she was going to pass out. Jack’s touch made her feel so damn good. She never wanted it to end.

  He pulled his cock out and an aftershock hit her, sending jolts of pleasure to her fingertips.

  “That was amazing,” Sierra purred. She didn’t even know she was the type to purr, but she felt so satisfied, so relaxed right now that she couldn’t help herself.

  “Yes it was.” Jack lay down behind her on the narrow bed and pulled her body against him. It felt so right, hot and sweaty, skin against skin and she closed her eyes and let herself relax against Jack until she didn’t feel anything.

  Jack lay in the little bed, holding Sierra until her breathing leveled off and she was sound asleep. He shouldn’t be doing this, shouldn’t snuggle, should fuck and go. Their relationship had to stay casual, had no chance at a future, but it felt so damn good to hold her in his arms. A couple extra minutes wasn’t going to hurt anything.

  Jack slipped his hand out from under Sierra and she moaned a little as he climbed off her bed. He’d be making her moan his name again very soon. It was too late now to take it slow, and fucking her felt so good he couldn’t wait for a repeat.

  Sierra turned toward the wall, snuggled into her pillow and looked pretty damn sweet. Probably too sweet for a guy like him but he wasn’t going to give her back.

  Since he was already in their room, Jack couldn’t pass up the chance to look through the closet Sierra and Crystal shared. He needed to do his job of searching for the drug mule. The closet was pretty bare, some clothes and a couple bags on the floor. One was Sierra’s backpack but he already knew what was in there, her towel and some sunscreen. Jack searched the big black bag beside it first. Empty.

  Then he looked again at Sierra’s backpack. It was much fuller than it had been earlier today, so Jack peeked in. It felt a little creepy looking through her stuff, especially after fucking her brains out—right up until the moment he saw the cocaine, anyway.

  Holy shit. Sierra’s backpack was stuffed completely full of tightly packed white powder in clear plastic wrap. He didn’t need to be a DEA agent to understand the massiveness of what he had just found.

  Jack blinked and looked again, hoping it would all disappear, hoping it was his mind playing tricks on him. This couldn’t be. Sierra couldn’t
be the drug mule, she was too sweet and too smart for something like this. But the proof was right there in front of Jack, smacking him so hard in the face that he couldn’t ignore it.

  He didn’t know Sierra as well as he thought. Just a few minutes ago he would have sworn she was everything he was looking for in a woman. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, everything pointed to her being his dream girl come true. Everything except the drug mule part. He looked over at her and his heart ached.

  Shit. There had to be close to a million dollars worth of cocaine in that backpack. She was no small-time smuggler. Whoever hired Sierra trusted her a hell of a lot to put this much of his stash in her possession.

  Jack zipped up the backpack, made sure it was sitting exactly as it had been before and slipped to the door silently. There was only one thing to do now. He couldn’t be involved with a woman who was a drug runner. He had a distinct view of right and wrong and this landed in the wrong category no matter what light a person tried to shine on it.

  Jack glanced back at Sierra, her dark hair splayed across her white pillow, sleeping soundly, peacefully, looking so innocent, but Jack knew the truth and had no choice now. He had to turn her in. This was one of those times when life took a shitty left turn when he wanted so damn badly for it to go right.

  Chapter Five

  It was early afternoon when Jack pulled the boat into the port in Miami and his gut was in a knot. The owners got off as soon as the boat was secured, and now the staff were all finishing up their work and getting ready to disembark. He kept an eye on Sierra with his cameras as she walked around cleaning.

  He didn’t dare take the chance of getting too close to her. Not now that he knew what she was. And more importantly, because knowing that she was running drugs didn’t do as much as it should to diminish his need for the girl. He shouldn’t want anything to do with her now and his cock sure as hell shouldn’t go half-hard watching her bend over to clean up the dishes from breakfast.

  Sierra finished her work and went down to get her bags. Jack waited at the ramp, not to walk her to her car like a gentleman who’d fucked her the night before should, but to watch and make sure she didn’t hand off the backpack to anyone on the docks.

  Blake would be waiting to tail her, possibly see where she delivered the drugs and then arrest Sierra and whoever else was involved. It didn’t feel right, but that was more than likely his heart speaking and not his head.

  “Can I walk you to your car?” Jack offered.

  The way she smiled up at him had the guilt eating hardcore at his gut. She liked him, trusted him, and Jack was leading her right into a trap. It made him feel like the scum of the earth even though he didn’t really have a choice.

  “Sure, I’d love to have your company.” Sierra looped her backpack over both shoulders and grabbed her luggage in one hand as she wrapped the other around his arm. “My brother’s picking me up. I didn’t want to have to pay for parking the whole time we were gone, and I didn’t want my car down by the docks either.”

  She was smart and cautious. How could Sierra have gotten involved in drug running? It didn’t make sense. Then again there were a lot of things in life that didn’t make sense. Jack let out a long breath as they stepped off the docks and onto the pavement of the huge parking lot.

  “He should be right over there.” Sierra pointed toward a little restaurant east of the marina.

  Jack walked beside her, feeling like a traitor. He wasn’t, but that didn’t stop the feeling. He put his ass on the line to protect this country, he should feel good about protecting the integrity of it as well. But he didn’t. Nothing about this felt good.

  “Thank you for walking me.” She stopped and turned to him, tilting her face up, expecting a kiss.

  He couldn’t make this weird, couldn’t tip her off that there was anything wrong. “Anytime.” He moved down for the kiss, telling himself he was only doing it because it was expected. But that wasn’t the truth, the kiss was so much more. Soft and sweet and it just made him want her again. Made him want so damn bad for things to be different.

  “Would you like to come over to my house tonight?” She raised her eyebrows suggestively and smiled.

  “I can’t. I’m meeting up with a friend.” Right after he arrests you. Jack didn’t want to think about it.

  “See you tomorrow then?” she asked.

  “Yeah. See you tomorrow,” he agreed, but knew he wouldn’t. He probably wouldn’t see Sierra ever again. She would be in jail, and hate him, and that just plain sucked.

  * * * * *

  The red cherries of a police car flashed behind Sierra and her entire body tensed as Jett slowed down and pulled to the side of the road. A second unmarked police car pulled up behind the black-and-white, making this look like a very serious situation. What the hell had Jett gotten himself into now?

  Sierra let out a long breath before she said anything. This day was going downhill fast. First Jack not wanting to spend time with her tonight and now this.

  “How fast were you going?” Sierra questioned her brother. It didn’t seem like he was speeding excessively, but she wasn’t exactly paying that much attention. Her mind was on Jack. Distracted by a man wasn’t what she wanted to be. The way he touched her felt so right but daydreaming on the car ride home and wondering why he didn’t want to see her tonight wasn’t going to do anyone a damn bit of good.

  “Just a couple miles over the speed limit. I can’t believe he even stopped me.” Jett slammed his fist against the steering wheel.

  The officer walked up with a dog next to him and motioned for Jett to roll down his window.

  “Do you know why I stopped you?”

  “I think I was going a little faster than the speed limit.” Jett looked at the guy’s chest as he spoke but Sierra could see her brother’s jaw twitching anxiously. Was he pissed about getting stopped or worried about something else? Jett had been on the wrong side of the law a few times in the past.

  “You were going fifty in a forty-five mile per hour zone,” the officer said.

  It didn’t seem like enough to stop a person. She had gone that speed many, many times down this road and never gotten pulled over. Did the officer have some end of the month quota to meet?

  “I must not have been paying close attention to my speed, sir.” Jett seemed calm, maybe this was just a small streak of bad luck.

  The dog sat down and put his head against the door.

  “Do you have any drugs in the car?” the officer asked.

  Oh Jesus. Sierra held her breath hoping like hell this was a standard question given to all speeding vehicles but she knew it wasn’t. Jett was into something.

  “Drugs? No,” Jett answered, seeming to be surprised by the question, but then again any smart person would act like they didn’t know what was going on.

  Sierra wondered if there was any possible way he was telling the truth. The officer looked doubtful and she had her own doubts. Jett got caught smoking weed in high school once, but he’d never been in any more serious trouble than that for drugs. Most of his trouble involved alcohol. Not that it was a long stretch to go from one to the other.

  “Good. Then you won’t mind if we search your car,” the officer said with a sneer.

  “Just say no. They don’t have the right to do that, Jett,” Sierra jumped in. She didn’t know what was going on, didn’t know if Jett had drugs in the car, but she did know her rights. The police couldn’t just search a person’s car without their permission and she felt the sudden urge to protect her brother.

  “That’s not an option right now, ma’am. The dog has signaled that he found the scent of drugs coming from the car. You can either comply, or we can take you down to the station and impound your car.”

  “Fine. Search my damn car,” Jett said and climbed out.

  Sierra stared at her brother, hoping he wouldn’t be going to jail after this.

  “We’ll need you to step out of the car as well, ma’am.” The second of
ficer, plainclothed except for a bulletproof vest, came around to her side of the car. He walked her to the grass alongside the road where Jett and the other officer stood. The first officer, all two hundred pounds of muscle in a standard blue uniform, stood guard over Sierra and Jett.

  Both these guys obviously didn’t make regular stops at the doughnut shop. If she was ever in trouble, she’d want them on her side. Hopefully Jett didn’t end up on the wrong end of that.

  Sierra didn’t say anything to her brother, she couldn’t find out the truth without the cop overhearing. The only thing she could do was watch and wait while the officer dug through the car and emptied out all Jett’s things and all her bags.

  He took the dog around to sniff the stuff, the interior of the car and then came back. “We didn’t find anything.”

  “I could have told you that.” But Jett looked more relieved than angry.

  “I’m sorry to have taken your time up with this, ma’am, sir.” The plainclothed cop nodded to her and walked back to his car.

  The other cop walked with Sierra to her suitcase and stared down at the contents emptied onto the pavement. “Can I help you put this stuff back?” he offered.

  “No thank you. I can take care of it.” She didn’t need him going through her dirty underwear and clothes too. One strange man doing that was more than enough for her today. Sierra quickly threw her things back into the bags, taking her frustration out on the clothing as Jett and the officer watched. Neither of them dared to come near her.

  “Can we go now?” Sierra only had one night off and didn’t need to waste all her time on the side of this road. At least he stopped them far enough from her apartment that all her neighbors didn’t have the pleasure of witnessing it.

  “Yes. You’re free to go.” The officer looked at her apologetically. He damn well did owe her an apology, especially since it was all for nothing, the complete harassment of two innocent people.


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