Fade to Black

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Fade to Black Page 18

by Unknown

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tomorrow Kate would be back where she belonged, in Jesse’s arms.

  Rich’s distance had proved to be an irritation and a comfort all at the same time. Kate took a deep breath and walked into the newsroom. Monica stood at the assignment desk and waved her over. “Are you ready for the fun assignment?” she laughed and looked down at her computer. “Nate’s off today, so I’m going to have you go out with—”

  Please don’t say Rich.

  “—Rich. He called a bit ago, he’s running late.”

  Kate nodded. “Thanks.”

  At her desk, she organized her things and pulled out her phone. If she was going to be working closely with Rich today, she needed to keep Jesse on the forefront of her mind.

  30 hours.

  I love you!


  A few minutes went by, but instead of the phone beeping with a text, it rang. She smiled and flipped it open. “Hey, sexy.” A delicious gasp answered. “I can’t wait to feel your hands all over my body,” she said seductively. There was only silence, so she continued talking dirty to Jesse. “I need you to kiss me, to worship me with that talented tongue of yours.”

  His heavy breathing caused a smile to spread across her face, and she loved the power she had over him.

  “Tell me what you’re going to do to me,” she whispered, her voice husky with desire. “Tell me what you want me to do to you.”

  “Um—” He cleared his throat. “—Kate.”

  “Rich,” she shrieked. “I’m sorry, I…” Heat covered her body, but not the kind she’d been experiencing only moments before. “I thought you were Jesse.”

  “Oh.” He actually sounded disappointed. “I, um…I guess we’re together tonight, and I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be in shortly.”

  Great. Seeing him was going to be even more embarrassing. “Okay. I was just doing some…things.”

  “Yeah,” he chuckled, “I kinda got that impression.”

  The heat rose in her cheeks again. “Well, I’ll see you in a bit.” She closed the phone and groaned. Mental note: Always check the caller ID. She dropped her head into her hands and rubbed at her throbbing temples. As if her relationship with Rich wasn’t strained enough, now she’d gone and given him ammunition to mortify her forever. At least he’s speaking to me, right?

  An hour later, he strolled into the newsroom, a picture of a pure male beauty, complete with a smug, mocking smirk. When his eyes met hers, he raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

  She hated that he was so arrogant in her humiliation. “Let’s just go,” she groaned, stuffed her arms into her coat, and threw her stuff over her shoulder before stomping out into the parking lot. Rich popped the locks and Kate sank into the passenger seat of the news vehicle, twisting so that her knees touched the door. Maybe if her back was to him he wouldn’t…

  “Kate, I’ll leave it alone.”

  She blushed and allowed herself to relax just a little. “Thanks,” she grumbled, still hugging the door.

  A long, drawn out sigh blew between his lips, one she heard rather than saw because she couldn’t bring herself to look at him, then he muttered softly, “Jesse’s a lucky guy.”


  Standing on the rooftop, Rich and Kate waited for the clock to strike twelve, welcoming another year. People around them partied it up with the ones they loved.

  The crowd started to yell, “Three, two, one…” And then the big clock at the courthouse started to strike midnight. The loud chimes drowned out the screams of the excited people who filled the streets of Gateway Plaza. Rich was doing his job perfectly, turning the camera to get the action happening around them.

  When the clock made its final bong couples kissed and friends hugged, and the familiar melody of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ wafted on the breeze. Kate stepped in front of the lens and smiled. “With Photographer, Rich Spencer, I’m Kate Callahan and, on behalf of the News17 family, we want to wish you a safe and happy new year. Good night.”

  “We’re clear.” Rich dropped the camera from his shoulder. The two of them stood side by side and watched the chaos below as it slowly dissipated. “I’m for waiting a bit. Is that okay with you?” He lifted a lock of her hair and twisted it around his long, slender finger. He turned to face her.

  She looked around and realized that they were completely alone. No, definitely a bad idea. “Yeah, that’d be okay.” With the cold railing against her back, she pulled her jacket tighter while Rich stuffed the camera into its padded case and tugged at the zipper.

  Working with Rich today was no different than it had ever been. He was kind, funny, and certainly competent. She was afraid that the uncomfortable, barely-acknowledging-each-other phase of the past few weeks would have seeped in, but it didn’t. Although Kate was bugged by his little avoidance act, she savored the time they were spending together, grateful he’d decided to be…normal.

  He stood and inched over so he was standing directly in front of her. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, holding the breath in his lungs then exhaled in a slow, controlled breath. “Kate…”

  Her heart stopped as did her lungs, and her skin buzzed with the need to reach out and touch him.

  His hands felt heavy as they gripped her hips. The heat of his body warmed her soul, his breath warm and minty as it blew against her cheek. “This awkwardness between us has been excruciating for me.” She dropped her eyes and kept her hands busy by playing with the zipper on her jacket. If she touched him in this moment it would be all over. “Kate, tomorrow, actually later today, you’re going to go to…Arizona, and I don’t want you to go without knowing that I do care for you.”

  “You…you do?” Her eyes flicked to his.

  He leaned forward until his lips were right next to her ear. His warm breath caused her skin to break out in goose bumps. “Every beautiful girl needs to start the new year with a kiss.” His finger lifted her chin and her eyes closed as he leaned in closer.

  Her body melted into his embrace when his lips pressed against hers. It started out sweet, soft and grew with intensity. Her hands slipped into his hair in a frantic attempt to pull him closer. His lips were soft, but gloriously firm as they moved gently against hers. She started to feel lightheaded and realized she wasn’t breathing. She inhaled deeply, tasting his intoxicating flavor, and moaned into his mouth.

  He placed another quick kiss on her lips then pulled away only enough to place his forehead against her. “Oh, Kate,” he sighed. “I’ve wanted that for so long.”

  She pressed her hand flat against his chest. He released his hold, and she shivered against the cold night air. “Rich, I can’t.” Erratic breath rushed from her lungs, evident as she spoke. “You’re married.”

  “What if I weren’t?” His blue eyes were the most beautiful shade of cobalt. “Would it make a difference if I weren’t…married?”

  “You are. So it’s kind of a moot point…unless there’s something you’re not telling me.” She knew he was keeping something from her and wondered if it might have something to do with his marital status. Surely he’d tell her…. She forced her thoughts to stop.

  He stepped back and ran his fingers through his hair. “Kate, I lo-… I’m…um…I just want you to know…ah…” he stammered, followed by a juicy curse.

  “Dammit, Rich! Spit it out. What do you want me to know?”

  “I want you…to be happy.”

  “With Jesse?” she spat the words, knowing they were as sharp as any dagger.

  His face registered the direct hit. He shrugged and bent over to pick up the camera bag. “Let’s get you home. You’re going to need your rest so you’re ready for Jesse’s talented tongue.” He cringed.

  And so did she. “Rich.” She took his hand and tugged just enough to make him stop. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to hear that.”

  “I know,” he said bitterly, “you thought I was Jesse.” His face was composed in an annoying mask when he turned to face her
, but his eyes revealed the pain he was feeling.

  “What does it matter? Surely you’re not jealous.” Kate was playing a dangerous game, but his insinuations were enough to drive her insane. She needed him to lay it all out on the table. If he was giving her a choice, she wasn’t sure what she would do with it, but she wanted to know.

  He groaned. “Kate, there’s so much to tell you. I wish…” He trailed off.

  “I wish you’d stop stammering and just tell me what it is that has you so flustered. Dammit, you’re so frustrating sometimes. You all but tell me you love me, only to totally back off and refuse to even talk to me. Then you kiss me like…that.” She took a deep breath trying to forget what his lips felt like. “Pick a stance and stick with it. Love me or hate me, Rich. Part of me wants to slap some sense into you.”

  That damn smirk of his made another appearance. “And what does the other part of you want to do?”

  “What the hell is your freakin’ deal? Ugh!” She turned from him and stormed off toward the elevator.

  His footsteps were quickly gaining on her, and within seconds, his hand wrapped around her arm, spinning her around to face him. His expression was intense and his eyes were alive with desire. Butterflies raced around her stomach as he looked from her eyes to her lips and back again.

  She prepared for his kiss—wanted it, craved it—and had to remind herself that she was supposed to be pissed. Her skin tingled, her entire body wanting another taste of what she’d had moments before, and it took everything she had to not throw her arms around his neck and press her lips to his. He cleared his throat and Kate shoved her hands deeper into her pockets and looked into his eyes.

  His voice was rough when he spoke, “Kate, I want you. There are things going on in my life right now that I’ve been advised against telling you.” His face was inches from hers. “I am flustered because tomorrow you’re going to be with Jesse…and it’s killing me. Am I jealous? Hell, yeah, I’m crazy jealous because I lo-…”

  She gasped, unsure of whether or not she really wanted to hear what he was about to say. She closed her eyes to regain some kind of composure over her out of control system.

  He leaned down and pressed his lips just below her ear. “Huh-uh, I won’t say that until I’m completely free to do so.” His breath was warm against her skin. Her whole body trembled with desire for this man. He wrapped a hand around each of her arms and held tightly as he gazed into her eyes. “Make no mistake, Kate Callahan, I care for you…deeply.”

  Her mind was swimming. Being so close to Rich, feeling every inch of his muscular body, caused her knees to give out. She reached back and held onto the wall for some support.

  Her phone rang and she jumped.

  Rich laughed without humor. “I’ll bet I can guess who that is.”

  The elevator doors opened and Rich went in first, standing against the back wall. “It’s okay, Kate, you don’t want Jesse to worry.”

  “Hello?” Kate tried unsuccessfully to sound chipper.

  “Happy New Year, KC.” His voice had enough enthusiasm for both of them. “I wish you were in my arms right now.” He chuckled. “Oh, what I’d love to do to you,” he said in a seductive purr.

  She laughed unnaturally and turned her back to Rich, trying to protect him while not giving Jesse a reason to suspect anything. “I’m, ah… Can I call you back in a bit? I’m just finishing up.”

  “You’re not in the city alone, are you?” He sounded worried.

  “No. I’m with Rich. He’s going to take me home.”

  There was a silence on the end of the phone that relayed more of his suspicions than any words ever could. “Well, then, um,” he finally said, “call me when you get home.” Kate could hear the tension in his voice.

  The elevator dinged for the parking garage and Rich held the door open for her. “Thanks,” she whispered to him. “Okay, Jesse, I’ll call you as soon as Rich drops me off.”

  He blew out an annoyed breath, which caused the hair on the back of her neck to stand on end. “I trust you, Kate Vasquez,” he all but growled.

  Like hell you do. She hung back while Rich moved to the back of the vehicle to put the camera away. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she whispered before closing her phone.

  An engine turned over, and Kate looked up to see Rich sitting in the car with the parking lights on. His head was leaned back against the headrest with his eyes closed, his lips drawn into a grimace. She climbed in and pulled the seatbelt across. Rich put the car in drive and began driving in the direction of her apartment. “Is everything okay?”

  “Um hum,” she answered quietly. “Sorry about that.”

  He frowned. “Yeah, that was a little hard to take.”

  She stared at him in the darkness, unsure of what to say. So she resorted to silence. His profile was as handsome as the rest of him; straight nose, square chin, muscular jaw that kept jumping as his teeth clenched. Kate knew that he was fully aware of her appraisal—and that it was irritating him. She should give him a reprieve, but wanted to commit every inch of his face to memory.

  “Why Casey?” he blurted.

  “Huh?” Her brows pulled together.

  “Why does Jesse call you Casey? I mean, Katie I could understand.”

  She laughed. “It’s not Casey. It’s KC, my initials. I moved to Flagstaff my sophomore year and when I got there, there was already another Kate on the basketball team. Everybody started calling me KC to distinguish between the two of us.” She shrugged. “I guess Jesse just never gave up the habit.”

  Rich pulled the car into the lot of her apartment building, eased it into a spot, and cut the engine. She narrowed her eyes at him. “What do you think you’re doing?” she asked nervously.

  His eyes twinkled and a teasing smile appeared, like it always did when he was thinking something mischievous. “I was hoping…” She tipped her head to the side and raised her brows. He laughed. “Will you please let me just walk through your apartment? I just want to make sure you’re safe.”

  She glanced back at the dark building, and although, she wanted to tell him that it would be okay, it did look kind of sinister. “Um…yeah, that’d probably be the smart thing to do.” Probably not the best word choice, since her brain was screaming to leave him safely in the car at the curb.

  He followed behind her quietly, keeping his distance. Her key slid into the lock and she turned it, opened the door, and allowed Rich to enter first. She dropped her keys in the basket on the counter and flipped on the light. Rich studied the picture in the entry where she was in Jesse’s arms, and she cringed. “So, um…this is home.”

  His eyes scanned the entry and he stepped toward the living room. “It’s ni-… Whoa, what happened in here?”

  “What?” Panic threatened. “What’s wrong?”

  He laughed. “It looks like your closet exploded.”

  Her closet had exploded and left its contents all over her couch. Piles of outfits scattered the floor, and the suitcase was wedged into the overstuffed chair. “Ah, yeah…I’m in the process of packing.”

  He nudged the completely empty black suitcase with his knee. “Yeah, looks like you’re real close to being done.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You want something to drink?”

  “Sure, whatever.” His eyes continued to scan the room.


  “Thanks.” He nodded. “Do you mind if I take a quick look in the bedroom?”

  She raised a suspecting eyebrow which caused him to laugh. She shook her head and pointed, unable to fight her smile. “Yeah, sure, it’s through that door.” She walked into the kitchen and tugged the fridge open, grabbed two cans and poured the contents into a couple glasses of ice.

  Rich was still in the bedroom, so she sat the glasses on the table and started organizing the piles. She lifted the sweaters, one by one, that were lying on the back of the couch and pulled them off the hangers, folding them. She picked up the last one as Rich came around the corner.

  “Everything looks safe. I worry about you here all alone.” Concern showed in the angles of his brow and the purse of his lips.

  She waited for the irritation from earlier to reappear, but it didn’t. She liked that he worried. That he cared. “I’ll be okay.”

  “Kate, if you need anything, you know you can call me.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard that before.”

  “Touché.” They both laughed, remembering his suggestive text messages. He leaned against the doorway, his forearms folded over each other. He took a long sip from the glass of Coke and looked completely comfortable being in her home. “But I mean it. Even if you’re just scared. I can be here in fifteen minutes.”

  His offer both thrilled and scared the hell out of her. “Thanks, Rich, that really does mean a lot.” He approached her, only to stop and inhale sharply. “Rich, what’s wrong?” She jumped to her feet and rushed over to where he stood by the corner of the couch.

  Agony reflected in his eyes when they met hers. He reached down and each of his index fingers twisted in the straps of the black satin and lace negligee she’d promised to bring Jesse. He held it out, examining it, the fire returned to his eyes. He closed them before he let out a guttural moan. “Holy hell, I wish you’d bought this for me. The thought of him…” His eyes squeezed shut tight, and his full lips pulled into a grimace. The muscles of his jaws flexed and released as his molars ground together. “Couldn’t you just forget it?”

  “You know that it won’t matter, right?” she whispered. “He’s going to expect…”

  Rich’s hand shot out and covered her mouth with his finger. “Don’t say it. Damn, just knowing…. Kate, please don’t take this to him. Now that I’ve seen it, I can imagine how you’d look in it, and I…I’m sorry.” He tried to smile and dropped his hand from her lips to run it through his hair. “Kate, breathe.”

  Somewhere through his monologue, she’d stopped breathing. She gasped in an attempt to fill her lungs with some much needed oxygen.


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