Fade to Black

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Fade to Black Page 39

by Unknown

  Thankfully, when Rich raced back into the kitchen, Kate was standing in nearly the same position she’d been in when he left, except that her hands had moved from her hips to rest lovingly on her belly. “I’m sorry about this.” She motioned to the mess at her feet.

  “There’s no need to be sorry.” Glass crunched under the soles of his shoes as he approached her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. With an arm under her knees, he scooped her up, cradling her against his body. She gasped softly and rested her head against his shoulder.

  It was in that moment that Rich fully took in what Kate had done here in the kitchen. Strong scents of freshly brewed coffee, citrus, and bacon swirled around him. His eyes scanned the room verifying what his nose had told him. Kate was cooking breakfast—for him.

  There were two sets of silverware, two glasses of fresh-squeezed orange juice, but only one coffee cup. At the head of the table. She’d placed him at the head of her table. That knowledge made his heart skip a beat.

  He carefully placed her in the seat where just the orange juice sat. “Where’s the broom?”

  Just as he expected, her head moved back and forth, beginning her protests. “You don’t have to…”

  “Kate, let me do this.” He held up his hand to halt her arguments then lifted his foot. “I already have my shoes on. Now, where’s the broom?”

  Irritation flashed in her eyes, but she motioned toward the refrigerator with her head. “Right there.”

  Rich walked over and pulled the broom from the small space between the fridge and the wall. He snapped the dustpan off, and swept the glass into a pile. Kate grinned and with a defiant glint in her eye she stood and walked over to the cupboard. Rich shook his head, but said nothing as he brushed the pile into the dustpan and deposited the remnants into the trash.

  Kate stretched up on her toes and reached for another plate. She wobbled, caught herself, only to stretch up and fall back, nearly toppling herself to the floor.

  Rich rushed over and, with hands on her shoulders, steadied her. “How ’bout you let me get those.” It wasn’t a question. He eased her out of the way then, without the effort of reaching, pulled down two plates. “Where do you want ‘em?”

  She held out her hands, and Rich walked over to where she stood near the skillet on the stove. “How many eggs do you want?”

  “Just a couple would be great.” He smiled as Kate went about cracking two eggs into the skillet. She looked up at him in question. “Over easy, please.” Rich leaned against the counter.

  Kate bit on her lip and concentrated on the eggs sizzling in the pan. The spatula moved in the pan. “So, um…these are ready.” She picked up a plate and placed the eggs on it, then opened the microwave to reveal a plate of cooked bacon. “Would you like some?”

  “Sure, thanks.” He followed her to the table, but just stood near his chair when she turned and walked back over to the counter. She plucked the coffee pot from its brewing perch, and then she returned and sat down in the chair to his right. “Wow, everything smells great. Looks great, too.” He bent and sucked in an exaggerated breath, while plunging his fork into the eggs.

  Kate lifted the coffee pot and poured some into his cup. She added the perfect amount of sugar then slid the cup back over in front of Rich. She was quiet, reflective. And Rich ate in the uncomfortable silence, the clatter of his fork brushing against ceramic was the only sound around them.

  After what felt like an eternity, Kate cleared her throat and brought her eyes from the familiar sights of her kitchen to focus on him. “So, do you really think that you can spend every night in my driveway?” She didn’t wait for him to verify her question. “I’ve been thinking about our situation.”

  “Our situation?” Anxiety slammed through his bloodstream. “I didn’t know we had a situation.”

  A nervous laugh burst from her and she brought her hand from her lap and laid it on the table, palm down. “Rich, you and I have a very complicated situation. Don’t try to deny that fact.”

  “We’re back to facts now?” he said with a smile and what he hoped sounded like an amused laugh.

  Her head tipped to the side and she shot him a glare. “Yes, we’re back to facts. You insist on sleeping in my driveway to protect me, right?” He nodded, and she continued, “You’re worthless out there in your car. I could have driven right past you, and you wouldn’t have even batted an eyelash.”

  His wounded male ego flared. “I would have…”

  Her laughter cut him off. “You wouldn’t have done anything.” She smiled. “It’s okay. I’ve just been thinking that we need to come up with a better plan.” Rich felt his brows pull together. Kate’s hand slid across the table. When it neared his hand, she lifted it to reveal what she’d been hiding. A key.

  Rich wasn’t sure what to think. It was a key, there was no disputing that. But did he dare even entertain the possibility of the lock it would open?

  “If you’re going to insist on sleeping on the premises, the least I can do is offer you a nice, warm bed.” Rich wasn’t sure what the look on his face was, but it must have registered the surprise of her offer because Kate started to laugh, and added, “The guest room, Rich.”

  He tried to hide his disappointment, but he was pretty sure it was written on every cell in his body. “The guest room, of course.” He added a nod to emphasize his understanding of her offer. “Are you sure about this?”

  Her lips tipped upward and her green eyes sparkled. “Yes, Rich, I’m absolutely sure of this. Having you in my home the last few nights has been such a comfort. I can’t even tell you how much better I’ve been able to sleep.”

  Not only had Rich spent the last few nights in her home, last night he had spent it in her bed, with her encased in his arms. That was the difference, and his smug side couldn’t deny the elation brought on by her statement. She recognized that having him here was a good thing. A very good thing, Rich thought.

  “I was also thinking that since we’re both off today we can move your stuff in.” She paused and cocked her head to the side. “Where’s your stuff?”

  Ah, his stuff. “The only stuff I have is at Nate’s.”

  “Do you have any furniture?”

  He shook his head. “No, only clothes. All the furniture is still in that damned house I can’t sell. It has too many memories, bad ones. I haven’t been able to go back since all this went down. Most of it wasn’t something I liked anyway and I don’t want any of it now.”

  “Fair enough. I don’t want any of that bitch’s stuff in my house.” She sat back in her chair and rested her hands on her belly. “Well, I think we should go shopping then, get you a bed and a dresser. Maybe we’ll get you a television too.”

  Her mention of a TV brought to mind the awesome flat-screen that was still mounted on the wall in his old house. “I have a TV, and it does not belong to the bitch. We’ll swing by and pick it up.”

  “Deal,” she said with a laugh. Her fingers picked up the key and held it out to him. “Take this, Rich, attach it to your keychain and use it. I want you to feel at home here.”

  Home. Kate. The terms were interchangeable.

  “Thanks, Kate. I already feel very much at home.” And he did. He was in Kate’s home, Kate’s life, and hopefully, Kate’s heart.

  Her beautiful green eyes sparkled as her full, pink lips pulled into a smile. “I’m glad.” She turned her back to him for only a moment before whirling back around. “Thank you, Rich. I’m glad you’re here.” Her teeth nibbled on her lip. “Well, um, I’m gonna go take a shower so we can get going. Finish your breakfast.” She stepped toward him, only to pause, turn and flee.

  Rich scooped a fork full of eggs into his mouth, barely registering the taste of it because his mind raced with the events of the last few minutes. He picked up the key and tumbled it in his fingers. This little gold piece of metal, as small and insignificant as it seemed, was life altering. It meant that he would now call Kate’s house, h
ome. He slid it into his pocket and hurried to devour the rest of the breakfast that had been made by Kate’s loving hands.

  Kate fluffed her hair and swiped some Chapstick over her lips. She’d stalled for long enough. The skeptical part of her still couldn’t believe she’d actually followed through and given Rich a key, an open invitation to live in the room across the hall. There had been elation shining in his baby blues, and it made Kate second guess her choice.

  Rich didn’t deserve to be led on. He deserved so much more than she could give him, but…. But. Kate loved him. She wanted him in her life. She wanted him to love the little boy who would need a father no matter who he looked like. Nate was right, not that she would ever tell him so.

  A soft rapping brought Kate out of her thoughts. “Kate, honey, you ready?” Rich’s deep voice asked as the door opened.

  She stepped out of the bathroom and smoothed the shirt over her belly. Self-conscious was an emotion she felt a lot these days. She loved the baby growing inside her, but hated, absolutely loathed, her ever changing body.

  Rich, who had showered and changed clothes, must have sensed her apprehensions because he said, “You’re beautiful, Kate. Pregnancy suits you.” He crossed the room in four large strides and took her face in his hands. “I can’t wait until next time when I can watch your body grow from the very beginning.” Then he kissed her.

  Kate’s body reacted to his touch, her lips firming against his mouth. She wanted to enjoy the moment, but his words had rubbed her wrong. “Next time?” she asked against his lips. “Are you really that confident that there will be a next time?”

  His hands still held her face. He rested his forehead against hers. “Aren’t you?”

  “I don’t know what I am right now. I can’t promise anything more than I already have, least of all a future with you—or anyone. My priorities are kinda limited to the little person who will soon consume my whole life.” She sighed, feeling an overwhelming sadness she didn’t want to acknowledge. “I’m sorry, Rich.” She blinked hard against the tears. “I’m really sorry.”

  Rich kissed her, hard, and Kate could feel his every emotion conveyed by that simple intimate contact. “I will take whatever you’re willing to give me. I’d love your whole heart but realize you’re not ready to give me that much. It’s okay.” Her hands moved up from her sides and rested on his hips. “I love you, Kate.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Forever.”

  Forever, she thought with an inward sigh. She wanted to believe that was something she could have with Rich. But this baby was a huge factor in that equation, the big X desperately needing to be solved. She would follow Nate’s advice, and try—really try—not to let her heart get too involved. The baby could be Rich’s, and until she knew differently, she wouldn’t push him completely out of her life. When the baby was verified to be Jesse’s, she vowed she wouldn’t hate Rich for walking away.

  The thought made her heart clench in her chest, and tears sprang up behind her closed lids. She felt Rich’s thumbs move gently over her cheeks, his lips brushed over the damp skin. “Don’t cry, love.”

  “I hate hormones,” she tried to explain them away.

  He chuckled softly, then kissed her lips again. This time it was soft, loving. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Not yet,” she whispered, looking into his deep, intense eyes.

  “Not ever.”

  Kate stepped away from him, and Rich let her. He loved her too much to push her, and was too afraid that she would put even more distance between them. His point had been made clear. He couldn’t afford to be coy, to pretend she didn’t affect him the way she did. That would make him an even bigger fool than he already was.

  He followed her out the door, used his new key to lock the front door, smiling like an idiot. Kate had actually given him a key. A key to her house, their house. He’d not mentioned the possibility of them becoming roommates. She’d conceived the idea all on her own.

  “Are you coming?” Kate grumbled, standing next to the truck.

  “Yeah,” he answered, still smiling. He popped the locks and Kate climbed inside. Rich hurried to the vehicle, got in and started the engine. “Where to?”

  “Let’s check out RC Willey then if we don’t find something we like, we can try Granite’s. Sound good?”

  Of course it sounded good. Rich could have spent the day dumpster diving, and it would have sounded good. He was with Kate—and they weren’t on the clock. Today was personal. This date with destiny was personal. Completely personal.

  Rich reached for Kate’s hand as they entered the store. The beds were toward the back, and they walked through the maze of furniture to their destination. A blond-haired woman, who could have easily been either of their mothers, approached. “I’m Mona. Can I help you find something?”

  “We’re looking for a bed,” Kate told her.

  “Right this way,” she said as she led them in the direction they were already going. “We’ve got some really nice pieces. Are you looking for a king or a queen?”

  “Queen,” Rich answered.

  At the same time Kate said, “King.” Rich raised a brow at her and she shrugged. “I was just thinking that the more space…”

  “King it is,” he told Mona. “Whatever she wants, she gets.” He smiled and Mona sighed.

  Mona’s eyes were caring when she turned her gaze to Kate. “I remember what it’s like those last few months. It’s so hard to get comfortable, and a new bed might just do the trick.”

  “Oh, it’s not…”

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what we were thinking,” Rich interrupted. He squeezed Kate’s hand and guided her in the direction of the first row of bedroom furniture.

  Kate let go of his hand and began to peruse the various beds. “Too big,” she muttered, passing by one that looked like it had tree trunks for legs. “Too tall” was the one that she would easily need a step stool to get in to. “Does this come in natural wood?” Kate asked of one that looked like a little girl would be right at home in it.

  “No, I’m sorry. This particular one is from our Juvenile line.”

  Rich cocked a brow and Kate laughed. “Okay, I’ll keep looking.” She walked a little further and stopped in front of a set that was masculine, but not enormous. Natural wood, as she’d asked before, with a large slated headboard and smaller uniformed footboard. The dresser had a similar design. “Do you like the one with the mirror or the taller one with no mirror?” She bit on her lower lip, her eyes moved from one to the other, as she debated the question she’d just asked.

  Rich smiled, not missing just how adorable she looked with her hands draped across her midsection. “It doesn’t matter, love, whatever you think.”

  She thought for another minute then turned to Mona. “We’ll take the taller one.”

  “And you want the bed in a king?” Mona asked.

  “Yes, and we’ll want it delivered.” Kate smiled as Mona nodded. And when she was gone, Kate looked at Rich. “Are you okay with it? I was thinking it could be good when this little boy is ready for a big boy bed.”

  “Where will I sleep then?” he teased, thinking it was just a bit enormous for a ‘big boy bed’, and she blushed as she sputtered an incoherent answer. “It’s okay, love, I’m sure before he’s ready for a big boy bed, I’ll have found another bed to sleep in.” He just hoped that it would be the one Kate currently slept in. “Should we go pick out a mattress?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Kate whirled on her heel and headed off in the direction of the mattresses that were just a little further down the aisle. She sat down on one, bounced a little, bounced a little harder, then giggled and blushed as her eyes lifted toward his.

  It wasn’t hard to imagine what she’d been thinking, and Rich was thrilled at the prospect of using the new mattress for just that event. To make love to Kate again would be…

  “Find one you like?” asked a voice from behind Rich. Kate’s eyes shot up and Rich turned to see Mona standing there with a
clipboard. She smiled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” She paused, and when nobody said anything, she asked the question again, “Do you like this one?”

  “Oh, um, I don’t know.” She scooched up to the top and laid her head down on the pillow. “Rich, why don’t you see what you think.”

  He quickly complied, lying down next to her. She smiled as he rolled to face her. “I like it,” he said, “but are you comfortable in it.”

  She scowled, her voice barely a whisper to keep Mona from hearing her. “I won’t be…”

  “Please Kate, you don’t know that you’ll never end up sleeping in this bed. I just want to make sure you’re completely comfortable in it.”

  She closed her eyes but didn’t argue anymore. Her lips pulled into a tight line. A deep breath was sucked in through her nose, causing it to flare a little. She held the air in her lungs for a long second before she blew it out. The air was warm against his cheek and he felt his eyes close, wanting to burn the memory into his thoughts. Rich was caught completely off guard as Kate rolled over, into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her, out of instinct more than anything.

  She sighed. “Yes, this mattress will work very nicely. We’ll take it.”

  Mona scribbled a few things on her clipboard, then offered it to Rich. He stood and took it. He quickly read over the paperwork and signed it. “So delivery will be…”

  “Excuse me,” Kate interrupted.

  Rich turned to see Kate wrestling to get out of the clutches of the enormous bed. She was rolling from one side to the other, using her hands to gain leverage against the beast eating her. He laughed. She glared. He held out a hand. “Let me help you, love.”

  “I really wish I didn’t need your help, Mr. Sensitivity.” She blew a stray lock of hair out of her face.

  “Sorry.” He bit back another laugh, then, with Kate safely steady on her feet, he reached into his back pocket and took out his wallet handing Mona a card.

  “Wait. No, Rich,” Kate protested, tugging at her purse.


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