Untitled Book 2

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Untitled Book 2 Page 8

by Chantal Fernando

  “What are we doing here?” I ask him, glancing up. “Should I stay in the car?”

  “No,” he says slowly, a strange look passing on his handsome face. “You’re coming in.”

  “Okay,” I say, looking toward the entrance. “I kind of do need to pee.”

  Vinnie grins as he takes my hand and leads me into his territory. He takes me through the compound while I quickly check out the place. We stop at what I assume is his bedroom, which he opens with a key. “Bathroom is through there,” he says, nodding toward the door. “You must be hungry too. I’ll see what we have in the kitchen, or I’ll get a prospect to pick something up for you.”

  “Whatever is fine,” I say, walking into the bathroom. I take a peek at him before I close the door, seeing him opening his drawers, doing something. I really don’t want him to hear me pee, so I close the door and run the tap water while I handle my business. I wash my hands when I’m done, checking out my reflection in the mirror. I look tired. I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight, that’s for sure. When I return to Vinnie’s bedroom, he’s sitting on the massive bed, typing something on his phone. He glances up at me and grins. “At least here we can fuck without being interrupted by people trying to kill you, or Arrow checking up on me.” He pauses. “Probably have all the old ladies in our faces though. It’s most likely Faye and Anna who will be the biggest pains in the ass.”

  “Old ladies?” I know a few things about the lifestyle, because of Talon, but I don’t know everything. Old ladies is a term I’ve heard before, and Vinnie has referred to Faye as the president’s old lady before too. How many are there? While Talon hardly brings me around his members, and I have no idea how Talon and Vinnie even know each other, I’m picking up on things quickly.

  He nods, smiling. “They’ll be wanting to meet you, trust me.”


  “Because they’re nosy, for one,” he says, but I know from the tone of his voice he doesn’t really mind.

  Speaking of fucking . . . “Do you realize we were about to have sex without a condom? You didn’t even ask me if I was on the pill, and no offense, but I have no idea where you’ve been.”

  He lies back on the bed and taps the spot next to him. “First of all, I’m not that fuckin’ selfish to put you in any danger like that. I never usually fuck without a condom. And yeah—I kinda just assumed you were on the pill. I wasn’t thinking about it too much, to be honest, all I was thinking about was getting inside you.”

  “You always use a condom?” I ask, eyebrow raised and tone full of disbelief.

  “Where’s the faith, Shay?” he asks, putting his hand on my lower back as I sit down. “Yes, I always use protection.”

  But he wasn’t going to with me, which makes me a little suspicious of his words. “But with me . . .”

  “You’re different,” he says, standing up and offering me his hand. “I don’t think you’re gonna try to get pregnant to trap me, are you?”

  My eyes widen. “Women do that?”

  “Exactly,” he says with a chuckle. “So are you on the pill or not?”

  “I am,” I tell him, letting him pull me off the bed.

  We stand facing each other, his thumb running across my knuckles. “If anything, it would be me trapping you. You’re the rich one.”

  He turns to leave and I slap his ass. “Very funny.”

  He’s laughing at his own joke as we leave his room and walk into a kitchen. There are two men in there, one with blond hair tied back in a man bun, the other also blond, but with shorter hair and green eyes. Both are extremely good-looking. The Wild Men have a few hotties, like Ranger, but these two take the cake. They aren’t as sexy as Vinnie though. Then again, no one probably is.

  “Vinnie,” Man Bun says, putting down the drink in his hand and giving Vinnie a hug.

  “Hey, Tracker,” he says, smiling widely. “Miss me?”

  The other man stands and greets him too.

  “Rake,” Vinnie says, taking my hand and pulling me forward. “This is Shay. Shay, Tracker and Rake.”

  “Hello,” I say, smiling at each one in turn while they take me in.

  “Hello, cutie,” Tracker says, looking between Vinnie and me. “And what have you gone and done, Vinnie?”

  “I thought you were in some remote place doing something for Talon,” Rake says, looking amused, his eyes wide and his lips kicking up at the corners. “Where did you find her?”

  I roll my eyes as they talk about me like I’m not standing right here. Arrogant bikers.

  “I think she’s what he was doing for Talon,” Tracker says, peering down at me. “She’s a little thing, isn’t she?”

  “She is standing right here,” I say, crossing my arms.

  “She doesn’t look like Talon,” Rake comments, then mutters, “Thank fuck.”

  I look up at Vinnie, giving him my best Are you serious? look. He rests his big hands on my shoulders, bringing me to stand in front of him.

  “Shay’s safest here,” he says, kissing the top of my head. “I want her here, if Sin says it’s all right.”

  I spin around to look at him. “What? You want me to stay here? What did Talon say?”

  “Fuck Talon,” Vinnie and Rake say at the same time. Okkkaaayyy, a lot of unresolved anger here.

  He changed the plan? What am I supposed to do here? What happens when I’m found here? The MC would have to fight to protect me. Vinnie is essentially giving me his family’s protection, if Sin, who I guess is their president, will allow it. This is huge, and I don’t really know how to react. I am grateful, and I realize Vinnie is going out on a limb for me with this, but this could really backfire if someone ends up hurt.

  “We can sit with her, if you want to talk with Sin,” Tracker offers, pulling out the chair of the dining table. “Have a seat, Shay.”

  Vinnie scans my face, and I silently let him know it’s fine. Waiting here while he asks for protection on my behalf is the least I can do. I sit down in the chair quietly.

  “Your food will be here soon, Shay,” he says as he leaves the kitchen. He must have organized it when I was in the bathroom.

  “What food?” Rake asks, sitting down next to me. “I want food.”

  “No idea,” I reply, clasping my hands in front of me. “I guess it’s going to be a surprise for both of us.”

  He pulls his phone out and starts pressing numbers. “He probably called one of the prospects. Isn’t Ronan with them?”

  “Yep,” Tracker replies, then sits down on the other side of me and pushes his chair a little too close for my liking. “What are your intentions with my brother?”

  Rake makes a grunt of amusement, while I tighten my lips. “Can you even have intentions with someone you’ve known only a few days?”

  “He’s saving your ass right now, isn’t he?” Tracker says, not in a mean way, but matter-of-factly.

  “I didn’t ask him to,” I say quietly, not wanting them to think this was my idea. “A lot has happened in such a short period of time. I don’t even know how to process everything to be honest. I guess all I can say is that my intentions are pure.”

  Both of their phones go off at the same time. “That was quick,” Rake murmurs.

  “Decision time,” Tracker says, standing up. “Do you want to wait in Vinnie’s room, Shay? I don’t think this will take too long.”

  “Okay,” I say, standing and walking out of the kitchen. They stop at Vinnie’s room and wait to leave until I’m inside. Tracker gives me a comforting touch on my shoulder, which I actually appreciate. I lie down on Vinnie’s bed, just waiting.

  I only hope he comes back with good news, or we might have to leave here straightaway. I don’t know if my staying or going is better for Vinnie, but I have a feeling it is probably the latter.

  I close my eyes and pray that, for once, things turn out well for the both of us, especially for him.



  “OKAY,” Sin starts, glanc
ing around the table at the men. “As we all know, Vinnie owes Talon a marker, and he left to pay it. As he’s just told me, he’s brought the marker back with him to the clubhouse.”

  She is more than a marker, and I think that is the real issue here.

  All eyes are suddenly on me, and I return each of them.

  “Vinnie,” he says, waiting for me to speak.

  “They think her father gave her information that she can use to implicate them in various illegal activities. They either want her to get that information or they want her to blackmail her father to give it to them. She hasn’t done anything wrong, and says she doesn’t have anything. Talon’s protection plan for her is fucked, and her location keeps getting leaked. I can’t just leave her, knowing I could help her better than he is. The problem is I don’t know exactly who is after her. We thought it was the Mafia, but now we think the Kings are involved as well.”

  “I told him it wasn’t his problem,” Arrow rumbles, studying me.

  “I want her to stay here with me,” I declare to the table.

  “She yours?” Sin asks, his words short but heavy. This is the question that the brothers will want to know the answer to more than anything.

  “Yeah,” I say, swallowing hard. “She’s mine.”

  “Is Talon going to be an issue?” Rake asks me, a muscle working in his jaw. “He always seems to be a fuckin’ issue.”

  “I don’t know,” I reply honestly. “And I don’t really give a fuck what he has to say, to be honest.”

  Mumbles of agreement.

  I lean back in my seat and study the men. “I don’t know how to fix this for her, but I’m going to try. If shit goes down though, it will be me handling it. If I have to kill someone to protect her, I will, but the blood will be on my hands, not yours. I don’t want this touching the club if possible.” I pause. “Although it probably will.”

  Who am I kidding? It definitely will.

  “I think we should wait until they know we’re protecting her before we set up a meet to find out exactly what these fucks want,” Arrow says, running his hand down his beard. “The last thing they’ll want is a war with us. Whether it’s the Kings or whoever else. The two men I killed were Kings, so I know those bastards are involved.”

  I love how he says it like it’s already a sure thing, when they haven’t even voted yet.

  “I’ll destroy any of these fuckers who step into my path. None of them are innocent,” I say, my hands clenching into fists at the thought of them with their corrupt hands on Shay.

  “Anyone else ever hear Vinnie be so cold?” Tracker asks the room, as always lightening the tense mood.

  I didn’t think I was being cold, I was being realistic. And any of the men in this room would do the same to protect their women, or each other’s women. I’ve seen it time and time again.

  Shay just came into my life. I don’t know where it will lead, if anywhere, but I know that my gut is telling me to protect her, that she’s mine.

  And I always go with my gut instinct.

  She’s worth taking a chance on.

  I don’t give a fuck how whipped that makes me sound, and I know that most of the men at this table right now, powerful men you don’t want to fuck with, know exactly how I’m feeling. When you find something good, you fight to keep it. Even if it means fighting dirty. You look after it. You cherish it. And you don’t let anyone fuck with it. Could Shay do better than me? Probably. Will she get the chance to find out? Fuck no. She became mine the second I decided to bring her into my clubhouse.

  “All right, men. Yes or no to keeping Vinnie’s woman under our roof, protecting her like she’s our own?”

  I glance at each man as they vote.

  When it’s Sin’s turn, he says, “I just want to say that I’m voting yes because at one time or another, Vinnie, you’ve always been there to look after the women. You’ve saved Faye’s ass more times than I can count, and now I’ll be here to save Shay’s.”

  “Thank you,” I tell him.

  The voting continues.

  And it’s unanimous.

  Shay is staying.

  “We good?” Sin asks the table.

  Everyone nods.

  “Shay is staying here, and under our protection. Vinnie, let us know what you need us to do.”

  I leave the room feeling like a weight has been lifted.

  * * *

  Shay is fast asleep in my bed, snuggled under the covers, when I return to my room. I decide to join her, undressing and sliding under the sheets, spooning her from behind. I release a deep breath, thinking about how nice it is to be able to relax, to hold her like this and know that for now, we’re safe. I close my eyes and soon fall asleep with her scent in my nose.

  * * *

  “This is the cutest shit I’ve ever seen,” I hear Faye’s voice whisper. “Seriously, Anna, how adorable are they?”

  “Are you just going to stand here and watch them sleep? That’s pretty creepy,” Anna whispers, making me open my eyes and glare at the two of them. “And I think Vinnie’s naked. I don’t want to see his bits.”

  “His bits? You’re best friends with a romance author and that’s what you come up with?” Faye snickers.

  “It’s Vinnie,” Anna says matter-of-factly, “to me, he doesn’t have a cock, or a dick. He has bits.”

  Faye starts laughing so hard Shay stirs, and the last thing she needs is to wake up with these two in her face.

  “Can the both of you please get the fuck out?” I ask quietly, but loud enough so the two of them can hear.

  Instead of listening, they both come closer, lean down, and kiss me on my cheek.

  “Welcome home,” Faye says, while Anna just smiles down at me.

  You can’t even be angry at the two of them.

  “Good to be back.”

  “There’s food for both of you in the kitchen,” Anna says, then grabs Faye’s arm and pulls her to the door.

  “Food?” Shay says, lifting her head, her hair all messy and cute.

  Faye and Anna stop.

  “They were just about to leave,” I tell Shay, burrowing back under the sheets. I then lift my head, realizing I was being rude. “Shay, this is Faye and Anna.”

  “Nice to meet you both,” Shay says, sitting up and smiling at the women.

  “You too,” Faye says, beckoning. “Come and eat with us. There’s pizza in the kitchen, along with garlic bread and a whole lot of desserts. Oh, and there’s some katsu chicken sushi too.”

  “A woman after my own heart,” Anna comments, opening the door. “I’ll be in the kitchen.”

  Shay turns her head and looks at me. “You got me all that food?”

  “I didn’t know what you felt like,” I say, nuzzling her thigh. “Plus nothing will go to waste here.”

  Especially with Rake in the house.

  “Are you going to come and eat?” she asks, lifting the sheets and getting out of bed, trying to tame her hair with her fingers.

  “I’m not hungry, but I’ll come with you,” I say, not wanting her to be overwhelmed by everyone.

  “Jesus, Vinnie, she’s fine,” Faye says, rolling her eyes. “I’ll even sit next to her and hold her hand. You rest, I’ll make sure she’s fed and well taken care of.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Shay agrees, walking toward Faye, who loops her arm through Shay’s. The thing about Faye is, she doesn’t try to be intimidating. She doesn’t do the whole hard, cold, mean, president’s old-lady thing I’ve seen with some other clubs. She doesn’t have to—her reputation speaks for herself. All she does is be herself, someone who is funny and kind, but everyone knows that if you fuck with her or anyone she loves, you won’t even see her coming, she’ll just destroy you. Her baby bump isn’t very visible, especially with the loose dress she’s wearing. I don’t think anyone would guess that she’s pregnant with baby number two. This woman is the closest thing I have to a sister, and there really isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her.

bsp; “You sure?” I ask, not knowing if I should stay with Shay until she gets used to everyone, or to let her find her own place here in the club, without my hovering over her.

  Faye shoots me a look that clearly says she thinks I’m being ridiculous.

  I smirk and snuggle back in bed as the two of them leave my room.



  “HE called her a what?” I ask Bailey, who was introduced to me as Rake’s old lady.

  “A mad bitch,” she says, eyes alight with humor.

  I take a bite of the slice of pizza in my hand. “So she was going down on him and he called her a mad bitch?”

  How much has changed in the dating world since I’ve been out of it? Apparently a lot.

  “She must have mad skills,” Faye says from the other side of me, “for such an awesome compliment in the bedroom.”

  We all laugh. I can’t believe how open the women are with one another, and no one makes any judgment. If anything, they laugh about it with the person, not at the person. I’ve never had friends like this in my life. I went to an all-girls private school, and most of the girls were bitchy, catty, and competitive. I wonder if they know how much their acceptance is worth, because some people look for it their whole lives and never get it.

  “Any other fun Tia stories?” Faye asks her, closing the pizza box. “Tell me before Lana comes, unless you want it to end up in a book.”

  Bailey was telling me all about her best friend, Tia, and how funny she is.

  “I have more than enough stories, but none of them are recent. She’s been good as of late. She’s actually seeing someone, I think, but she won’t tell me anything.”

  “AKA boring,” Faye snickers, then turns to me.


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