The Elusive Earl

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The Elusive Earl Page 4

by Eva Andrews

  Sitting up, he captured her hands and waited until she looked at him, “You are not an invalid, stop saying that nonsense, right bloody now. Of course you deserve a husband, but this list, it doesn’t make sense.” He lifted the list and scanned the names again.

  “What do you mean? Of course they make perfect sense! Titled, notably peaceful men who have a country estates where I would be comfortable,” replying, a bit embarrassed and upset she was having this personal conversation with Luke. Her list was to be a secret; she wasn’t even planning on telling her sister about it.

  “These men are, are…dead bores! Are your only three requirements to be titled, boorish and a home in the country? These men are so far below you, surely you can’t have aimed this low?” He asked. Sitting on the grass together in the morning sun, he squeezed her hands, “Vieve, you deserve far more than those basic needs met. You shouldn’t ever settle for anything less, these men…..they aren’t for you.”

  “I’m sick of being a burden to my parents and Annie, they walk on eggshells trying to keep me from my attacks. I need a quiet husband with a country estate where I can retire peacefully and be out of everyone’s way.”

  “You’re not a burden, I’m positive they’d be very distraught if they heard what you just said. These men don’t make any sense, for God’s sakes, Lord Henry is twice your age and a widower with three children!”

  “What man wants a damaged woman who can’t even handle crowds? No man of real worth could handle a woman who was socially inept.”

  “Last night, when you watched your parents so in love, you’d trade love and passion for dull and boring? That doesn’t seem like you kitten, not one bit.” He handed her back her list, “Look at me Vieve, don’t sell yourself short. You are not damaged goods, you are perfect and deserve what your heart desires, if you want love and passion wait, but I can tell you these names will not bring you anything but boredom and failure.”

  She swiftly seized her list from Luke’s hand and wiped away lingering tears from her eyes, “I know nothing of passion and love Luke, only what I see from others. I cannot gamble on something I might not be capable of. I would be happy with a simple quiet husband. I am not planning on marrying for love, I’d be content with a man of marginal intelligence and a kind disposition.”

  “Bollocks Vieve, stop lying to yourself. You? With a quiet bookworm, or a man twice your age with kids? Do you look in the mirror at all? You could land any man in this country!”

  “You know all too well the type of men who set off my attacks, I can hardly dance with them every night let alone marry one of them! You and your kind are not for me Luke, you’d do well to remember that and keep out of by business.” Her words were clipped with frustration. Standing up quickly, she brushed off her skirts and walked back over to the garden table trying to will herself to stop shedding tears when she heard him behind her.

  “My kind! Just pray tell are you saying about me?” His voice was low and aggravated. Looking over her shoulder quickly she saw him now standing with his arms crossed, glaring at her. She had insulted him.

  Trying to salvage the blow, “You know exactly what I mean, arrogant intimidating men who want everything their way, men like you, who are loud and brash and full of themselves, I’ll have none of it! You men require a sparkling diamond on your arms, you’ll all marry ladies who are attracted to the glittery ballrooms and the finer things in life, not a woman like me.” She likewise crossed her arms and stomped her foot as she said the last words and turned to face him full force.

  Walking directly up to her he stood chest-to-chest with her and demanded, “You take that back Vieve. Don’t you dare lope me in with those idiots who scare you!”

  Genevieve blinked up at her friend, since when did he become so passionate about protecting his reputation, especially with her?

  “I….I…” stepping back from him she turned to run when she felt his warm hand slide around her waist and the other cup her jaw. Looking up into his sapphire eyes her heart was breaking, he was right. The moment he touched her, she knew he was unlike any of the men out there. Luke was an exception to every rule she had, and everything she hoped her husband would be someday.

  He leaned down and touched foreheads with her; his dark hair brushed her face as his hand tightened behind her. There was a fire in his eyes, a tension in his touch that called to her. She might be an virgin, but she knew sexual tension, and her and Luke had been dancing around it for years.

  Running her hands up his ribcage, she held on to him as he looked down at her and softened his expression.

  “Take it back, kitten.” His deep voice, but a whisper.

  “You’re not like them, I’m sorry Luke,” her lips damn near touching his.

  As soon as the words were out of her mouth Luke tightened his hold on her and pinned her against the wall as he claimed a kiss, slow and passionate.

  Shocked by the sudden intimacy, she ran a hand up his chest as her body grew needy. Moaning his name as his hands explored her aching body, her mind spun at the realization she and Luke were locked in a lover’s embrace in her mother’s garden.

  The moment quickly dissipated as she heard her little brother’s voice.

  “Vie, where are you?” Little Michael called from the other side of the rose bushes.

  Luke lowered her down instantly and they stepped away from each other, creating a space. Luke regained his senses the quickest; he called for her little brother.

  “Michael, we are over here!”

  Bursting through his mother’s favorite rose bush came ten-year-old Michael, all smiles and dirt. His dark hair was a mess as he ran up to the duo with a bright smile.

  “Ello Luke, I didn’t know you were here!” Bright and chipper as always, he walked over to his sister and grabbed her hand, “Why is your face so red Vie? Are you okay?” He asked, even he knew of his eldest sister’s illness. Michael was the last of the St. George children, and the only boy, the future heir.

  Looking down at her brother, who obviously had been digging in the rose bushes again, she attempted to fix his hair, “Digging in the bushes again darling? I’ll not cover for you again,” She said with a smile, all of them knew that was a lie. Genevieve always looked after her siblings; she was always protective of her younger sister and brother.

  “Oh come on Vie, ain’t no harm, I swear! I didn’t touch any of mum’s pretty flowers, this time,” smirking at both his sister and Luke; they both knew he was a hellion.

  “I used to dig in the dirt all the time Michael, don’t let those sisters of yours stop you, I turned out just fine!” Luke reached up and ruffled the youngster’s hair back up, and winked at him.

  “You heard him Vie, if the earl can dig in the dirt why can’t I?” Crossing his arms mimicking Luke. Michael moved next to Luke and tried his best to stare down his sister.

  Throwing up her arms in surrender she smiled back at her little brother, “As you wish my dear, just don’t let mother see you!”

  “Lunch is ready, she sent me to find you. Are you joining us Luke?” Michael loved seeing Luke, his excitement was contagious.

  “If your sister says I can,” he raised a questioning brow and awaited her answer.

  “Of course, you’re always welcome.” Smiling back graciously she walked back over to her papers and gathered them up and put them in her basket.

  “I don’t think you need those papers Vieve, burn them.” Luke called over his shoulder as he raced Michael back into the house leaving her standing in the garden alone.

  Chapter 3

  Watching Annabelle circle the dance floor, Genevieve stood against the wall with her friends and chatted politely with the group, she missed Helena in moments like this. She knew her best friend deserved a long wedding trip after waiting years to get married, but she couldn’t help but be a little selfish.

  “Lady Genevieve, would you care to dance?” A dark voice asked from beside her.

  Slowly turning her head, she looked up i
nto the eyes of the Duke of Blackstone, Alastair had found her once again.

  “Good evening Your Grace, I would be honored to dance,” smiling back at the handsome duke, she accepted his arm as he escorted her to the busy dance floor.

  “May I ask why you are always hiding? It wasn’t easy to find you.” He playfully questioned as he rotated them among the hordes of dancing couples.

  As Alastair was the last remaining eligible duke of their generation and all eyes were following them, often, that attention alone could send her into an attack. Alastair was tall like Luke; his hair was blonde and he had amazing crystal blue eyes, all of London swooned at his feet for good reason. Built like a soldier, but graced with charm and a cunning mind, he was the epitome of every woman’s dream.

  Unable to deny his sheer magnetism, she tilted her head up to look at him while they danced, “I was not hiding Your Grace, you found me just fine. The question is why were you even looking for me?”

  Chuckling he cast a gaze around the ballroom and pulled her closer as they went into a series of intricate twists and turns on the floor, “I have found out some interesting information regarding Lord Rossdale. I assumed you’d want to hear. I see he hasn’t left your sister’s side tonight.” Talking low enough so no one could hear their conversation he looked down into her widening eyes.

  “You assumed correctly.” She answered, wondering what he had found out.

  It was quite nice getting attention from Alastair, the entire kingdom was falling at his feet and he merely ignored them all. She admired his spirit and wit; he was a good businessman and an ethical one at that. She loved how he did as he pleased, but was the embodiment of a gentleman at all times.

  As she danced with him she pondered why she never put him on her list. He always made her laugh; he was always respectful and kind.

  From across the room Luke watched Genevieve skirt the mass of people tonight and plaster herself against the walls, as she usually did. What he didn’t expect to see was one of his best friends swoop in and usher her off to the dance floor so quickly.

  Anything and everything Alastair did was on the tip of the Ton’s mouth, what Luke didn’t appreciate was the ton gossips connecting Genevieve and Alastair as a potential match. The whispers were all around him as he watched the pair dance.

  He was jealous, pure jealous. He wasn’t offended that the gossips were smart enough to see the wonderful couple Genevieve and Alastair would make. He was livid because his woman was being looked at as a potential wife for someone else!

  Luke watched the two as they waltzed together amongst the hundreds of dancers, gritting his teeth as he watched Alastair charm Genevieve into a genuine brilliant smile. He knew everyone in the room was witnessing the same thing. All eyes were on the duke and the stunning green-eyed woman in his arms.

  She was dressed in an azure blue gown that showcased her slim waist and supple breasts; it had a daring neckline that showed off more than she normally wore. A beautiful diamond necklace lay on her skin capturing Luke’s eyes, and the eyes of every man in the room.

  As waltz ended and he followed the pair with his eyes and watched them step out to the veranda with others that needed a breath of fresh air. Luke’s legs were moving before he even knew what he was doing.

  Alastair and Genevieve sought a quiet but appropriate place to talk; they strolled among others outside in full view of everyone.

  “It turns out there isn’t much history on Lord Rossdale as there ought to be.” Alastair offered as they walked outside out of earshot of others.

  “What is he hiding?”

  “I’m impressed Genevieve, indeed, what is he hiding? One leaves a trail as we walk through life, his trail starts only years ago. Before that time, nothing.” He answered as they walked around the terrace with others in the night air. He had questions himself, working in the War Office over the years his department were the eyes and ears of the town, he had people stationed all over this town and England. If the Duke of Blackstone wanted to find something, he only had to ask.

  However, Alastair did have information on Rossdale, none he could currently share with the lovely lady on his arm. Official war secrets had to be maintained while he and Luke built a solid case.

  “I see you’ve avoided him all night, rather well planned I might add. Quite a strategy you have.”

  “I’m impressed Alastair, not many see it, it is a strategy of survival for me.” She knew him well enough to address him by first name, and to admit when caught. Since Alastair was kind enough to give her information on Rossdale, she felt included to share her story.

  “Survival? Enlighten me please?” Alastair asked before looking up to see someone approaching. “Luke, good to see you old boy!” Shaking hands with his best friend, Luke smiled back and joined the duo.

  “You as well Alastair, Genevieve, I hope you are well tonight.”

  “I am well, thank you for checking. Has your sister returned to town yet with Lady Juliet? I miss them dearly.” She asked, Luke’s sister Amelia was a few years younger than her, and a dear friend.

  “Not yet, they should be home soon, we all miss her.” He grinned at Alastair and Genevieve. Behind them the chords to a waltz struck up, people started ushering back inside to rejoin the ballroom floor.

  Seeing his chance he asked, “May I claim this dance my dear?” Offering his arm, Luke smiled as she nodded in agreement. Letting go of Alastair’s arm, Genevieve walked over to him and placed her arm on his.

  Turning to look at his friend again, she sweetly thanked him. “Thank you Alastair, I’ll see you soon.”

  Luke walked her directly out to the dance floor and gently glided into the mass of dancers. “I didn’t see Alastair on your husband list Vieve, have a change of heart?” He asked in a sarcastic tone. He hadn’t missed the way she looked at Alastair.

  “My list is none of your affair Luke, you’d do well to remember that.”

  “I told you to this afternoon, you don’t need that list.” He could feel her getting upset, but knew she wasn’t close to having an attack. It was good for her to feel emotion and control her temper.

  Turning her head away from him she tipped up her chin and refused to make eye contact with him. When she refused to talk, Luke grew upset at her silent treatment, “What were you and Alastair talking about? It seemed quite an intense conversation. I wasn’t aware you were a husband hunter too Vive, I expected better of you.”

  His words caused her to snap her head around and glare into his eyes with fury, “How dare you. What is wrong with you tonight Luke? Since when did you care whom I talk to, or what I talk about?”

  He could feel her seething, he was starting to worry he pushed too far. Instead of his charming personality his jealousy had gotten the better of him. He quickly realized he had the ability to calm or provoke Genevieve like no other could.

  “My reasons are my own Vieve.” Not wanting to have the discussion here on a crowded dance floor, or further upset her, he opted to stay silent for the rest of the dance.

  Escorting her back to her circle, he could tell she wanted nothing to do with him, choosing to bid her quick goodnight; he received an icy adieu from her. One he knew he deserved. Leaving the townhouse moments later, Luke got into his carriage and headed towards his club in need of distraction and drink.

  Hours later Alastair showed up at the club and gave Luke a lecture on his behavior tonight. Walking up to the card table Alastair sat down with a heavy thud and ordered a drink, throwing it back quickly he ordered another and stared at his best friend.

  “Would you care to explain what the hell that was again tonight?” Alastair demanded, quite concerned his friend might have drunk too much by the sad state of him.

  Luke’s head snapped back against the chair as he looked up at the intricately painted ceiling and let out a loud sigh, “I have no blasted idea what came over me,” slowly rotating his head over to look at his friend, “Sorry Alastair, I’m a right ass.”

�Would you just admit you care for the woman, I can’t believe someone hasn’t snatched her up already, she’s perfect. You however, have earned her trust even though you continue to act like a bloody fool,” Alastair declared.

  “What is wrong with me Alastair? I am not a jealous person, yet all I want to do is remove every man from her side and claim her as my own. I’ve known her for years, yet something changed,” rubbing his hands against his face he heard his friend chuckle.

  “I think that means you’ve found your future wife Luke, question is, are you going to keep acting like an ass, or are you going to woo her like a gentleman should? It’s obvious to see you’re falling in love with the green-eyed beauty,” ordering them two more drinks Alastair sat back in his chair, and watched his friend come to a major realization.

  Luke sat up and crossed his arms, “Aye, I’ll admit it. That green-eyed witch has imbedded herself in my heart, and all I do is upset her when I should be trying to protect her.”

  “Protect her from what?” Alastair handed him a newly delivered whiskey and waited for his friend to speak.

  “Rossdale, the man triggers her panic attacks. She’s suffered from them for years, a reason why she never came to London much in the past years. Crowds, intimidating men and overwhelming situations can send her into a life threating attack where her throat closes up and she can’t breathe.”

  Alastair took a minute to put together so many clues he’d seen over the years, but it all made sense. When she told him earlier it was a strategy of survival he understood what she meant. He understood so much more now.

  “I agree with her internal assessment of the man Luke, we know Rossdale is very likely a potential traitor to the Crown, how intuitive she must be!”

  “She has an innate ability to read people, far more astute than anyone I know. That is why she can’t be near him, he makes her physically ill, which is rare for her.” Luke admitted.


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