The Elusive Earl

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The Elusive Earl Page 20

by Eva Andrews

  Forgoing putting his jacket on, Luke sat back down and picked up his glass, “As of last night, Genevieve agreed to become my wife, again. This time, that damn ring will stay on her finger,” winking at his brother he took a long drink and saw his brother’s emotion warm at the announcement.

  “About time Luke, congratulations! Helena will be most pleased to hear the news, but what about the ball?” Gideon enquired.

  Clearing his throat, “We were hoping that you would do the honor of announcing our engagement tonight, with Helena’s permission of course.”

  Just as the Luke’s last words were out of his mouth a soft voice behind him asked, “My permission for what Luke?”

  Turning around, Luke saw his brother’s wife walking towards them.

  Looking back at Gideon, his older brother simply lifted his glass and tipped his head offering for Luke to explain himself. Helena drifted past Luke and walked around the desk, kissed her husband’s jaw and sat directly on Gideon’s lap and waited for Luke to begin.

  “Your best friend finally agreed to become my wife, we were hoping you’d allow Gideon to announce it at the ball tonight,” he watched as her eyes widen at the news and she began to clap happily, she stood up and ran over to hug him in a rush.

  Standing quickly, Luke caught Helena as she threw her hands over his shoulders and hugged him tight, which made him cringe slightly with pain.

  Helena noticed his reaction immediately, scowling at him she demanded, “What happened? What aren’t you telling me?” Pushing back from Luke, she locked eyes with him, and then turned around to glare at her husband.

  Gideon crossed his arms, “Go ahead and tell her Luke.”

  “I was shot last night Helena, I’m okay. Genevieve patched me up,” Luke admitted to the new duchess, “Come sit down with us and have a drink old girl, I’ll fill you in,” trying to make light of the situation as he usually did.

  Luke directed Helena back towards Gideon as he sat back down, and watched his brother and Helena have a silent conversation, he noticed Helena give Gideon a brief nod as she sat down back on Gideon’s lap.

  “No more whiskey for Helena for a while Luke, she’s busy growing your future nephew.” Gideon smiled brilliantly as he wrapped his arm around his lovely wife.

  Smiling profusely, “Honestly?” The news shouldn’t have shocked him, but it did, he was finally going to have a niece or nephew to spoil, he couldn’t have been happier, “You two will be excellent parents, my congratulations!” Raising his glass of whiskey, Luke saluted his brother as the two drank from their glasses.

  “Thank you Luke, now, tell me what is going on,” Helena requested.

  Rubbing his forehead, Luke sat back and gave Helena the quick version of what was going on, “Over the past five years you know I’ve worked for the War Office under Alastair, and eventually Gideon once he returned from the war. What you didn’t know is what I’ve been doing while I worked there. I have been a spy; I’ve helped catch numerous traitors and saved countless lives. Although that is all well and good, the final and most notorious villain is still roaming the streets. Our case is drawing to a close, and our trap is being set. Somehow, this man, known as the Jackal has found out my involvement, and made several attempts to have me dispatched.”

  Standing up, Helena kissed her husband’s cheek and said, “Very well. I imagine you are here to discuss your plans. At any time if you need my help, please ask, however I have plenty of things I need to handle before the ball tonight. Have a good afternoon gentleman, I’ll send in lunch shortly.” Nodding to Luke as she breezed past him, she exited the library.

  Luke, looked back to see Helena had indeed left them, “Well that was odd, Helena, not wanting to be in the thick of the plans?” Looking back at his brother.

  “Don’t think for one second she won’t interrogate me tonight, she just trusts us to handle military work without her involvement.” Hearing the door open behind them, the brothers looked up to see their friend Alastair, The Duke of Blackstone march in, in true military fashion.

  “Gentlemen! Good to see you, Luke, the lovely Helena informed me of your engagement to Genevieve, congratulations old man, it is about time!” Slapping Luke on the shoulder as he sat down in the chair beside him.

  Nodding to his friend, “Thank you Alastair, did the lovely Helena also blab about my assassination attempt last night?” He questioned in a friendly tone.

  Alastair’s face went from joyful to serious in seconds, “No, she left that out. What happened?” His tone dead serious.

  “Last night, shooter, right outside my front door. Caught me in the shoulder, Genevieve repaired it flawlessly. Shooter is dead, and it looks like someone has figured me out.”

  Gideon chimed in, “We all need to step up our security and bring in extra bodies to help escort the women when we are not with them.”

  Alastair grabbed the whiskey bottle and poured himself a drink and topped off his comrades’ glasses as well, “Here we go again gentlemen. Let the hunt begin!”

  At seven o’clock sharp Luke knocked on the St. George’s front door to be quickly admitted in by their butler and warmly shown to the empty library off the main hallway.

  Standing tall before the burning fireplace, he began to think of his future. Watching the flames dance he heard the door open, turning his head he spied his gorgeous Genevieve floating towards him. Her cheeks were rosy and her skin was glowing, her emerald eyes shimmered with a new light. Her gown fell just off her shoulders with a plunging neckline, the green lace complimented her delicate ivory skin. It wrapped tight around her body, and falling away at her hips. The skirt was the softest silk; it floated around her slim legs, daring you to want to look underneath. With a plunging neckline, the delicate lace disappeared in the back. Stopping just in the doorway she closed the door behind her and did a little spin so he could see the equally low back.

  They walked to each other, neither saying a word until they were in each other’s arms. Wrapping his hands around her slim waist he picked her up above him and kissed between her breasts and worked his way up, “My God Vieve, you are a vision, how did I get so lucky?” He lowered her slowly down against his body and kissed her bare skin until he got to her ruby lips, “Can go to Scotland right now? I can’t take this anymore.” He teased as he kissed her lips.

  Playfully swatting at him she whispered against his lips, “Sorry my love, you’re just going to have to wait it out, solve your case so we can get married and runaway together,” pulling him closer, his smell was intoxicating, it alone made her wet.

  He looked like a dark angel sent to claim her soul, everything about him made her weak in her knees. He was desire incarnate. She could feel his rock hard muscles flexing underneath his immaculate black attire. There was something rather enticing knowing what he looked like underneath his well tailored expensive clothing.

  Excited at the thought of being able to publicly claim him as her own tonight, she was more than ready for their engagement to be announced tonight. She felt immense possessiveness towards him now that they had made love. Everything in her felt more alive and vibrant, she felt this internal pull towards Luke at all times now. She understood what he meant when he told her he couldn’t make love to her and watch her marry someone else. The very thought of having to watch him marry another caused her pain, she was so thankful for Luke’s patience.

  She was excited for tonight for so many reasons, she couldn’t wait for all of London to know that Luke was hers, after all the years of watching women throw themselves at his feet, she finally had rights to claim him as he own. That feeling alone made a sense of pride wash over her that she had never experienced before. This man, in her arms was hers; he’d be the father of her children, her lover and partner for the rest of her life.

  Feeling him smack her ass, Luke lowered her down on her feet and snatched her left hand. Bringing her ringed finger to his lips he said, “I cannot wait for London to know you’re mine tonight.”

She brought her other hand up to his chest, “and I cannot wait for all the hopeful ladies of London to have their hearts shattered by the announcement that one of the most eligible bachelors is off the market,” kissing his jaw she watched as a wicked grin crept across his handsome face. “Shall we go find my family? I am excited to see Helena, I wonder when they’ll announce our engagement?” She pondered.

  “Yes, let’s go find your family my love, I’d imagine Gideon will announce it right before the ball starts and he and Helena take the floor for the first dance. She was most assuredly excited to hear the news this morning, and I would imagine she has her own news to share with you my love.” Kissing her forehead Luke started walking towards the library door.

  They rounded the corner to find Annabelle and Lord Phillip standing waiting on Lady Selina. Annabelle spotted her first, “Oh Vieve, you look magnificent! I hope when I get engaged I have that look about me as well, you are beautiful!”

  Letting go of Luke’s arm, Genevieve walked over to her lovely younger sister and hugged her tightly, “Oh I love you Annie, thank you sweetheart. Your time will come my love, and you’ll be happier than you ever knew was possible you just have to find the perfect man for you!” Squeezing her tight, Genevieve kissed Annabelle’s cheek just as their mother descended down the staircase.

  “Oh my loves, you don’t know how good it makes me feel to see you all so happy. Luke, I know your mother and father would be so proud of the man you’ve become,” clasping her hands over her heart, Lady Selina smiled upon them all.

  Luke smiled kindly, “Thank you,” nodding to her, “They would have been ecstatic to welcome Genevieve to our family, she’ll make a wonderful addition to the Somerset family. Mother would have been over the moon!” Giving Genevieve a quick squeeze.

  Lord Phillip piped up, “Just like you are a blessing to this family young man, there isn’t another man on this earth I’d rather see her with, we are happy to welcome you into this family my boy,” slapping Luke’s shoulder and collecting his wife, her father ushered the group out the front door and into the awaiting carriage.

  The group arrived early so they could join The Duke and Duchess of Montrose and their siblings for an intimate private dinner before the ball.

  Gideon and Luke’s younger sister Amelia had been staying with Helena’s mother Lady Juliet. Over the year since the late Duke and Duchess of Montrose’s passing, Amelia had been welcomed into Lady Juliet’s home and nurtured along with Helena and her sister Hero.

  With Gideon at war, and only Luke left, Lady Juliet was more than happy look after her; after all, Luke had no knowledge of how to prepare a young lady for her coming out season, let alone how to teach a young woman all the things she needed to know. Amelia was happy living with Lady Juliet, Helena, and Hero until Gideon returned from war. Luke always escorted the ladies anywhere they went, he saw after their care and wellbeing, along with establishing his shipping line over the past years. His friendship with Helena’s family is what brought him so close with Genevieve over the years. Although back then, her time in the large city was slim to nonexistent, he developed a friendship with Genevieve that had blossomed into an engagement of the heart.

  With Gideon home from the war, and now married, the Somerset children were branching out, soon Luke would be married leaving only Amelia as the lone unwed Somerset sibling. At one and twenty she was in no rush to marry.

  On the carriage ride over, Luke began to worry that the announcement of his engagement would endanger Genevieve far greater that he could have imagined. If the Jackal or Rossdale had been behind the attacks on his life, the announcement of Luke and Genevieve’s engagement would immediately make her a liability if the traitorous men became desperate.

  He’d have to talk with the other men tonight, and Genevieve’s father, it was imperative that all members of the family were watched and carried extra security with them until this case was finished, Luke had no doubt, that if given a chance, the Jackal would strike as close to Luke’s heart as possible, his family.

  Riding hand in hand with Genevieve to the ball, Luke understood the risk he was asking her to take, but did she? He needed to talk to her before the announcement was made, a moment where just the two of them could talk in peace. He needed Genevieve to know what she was heading into, if she thought the past few weeks had been bad, he needed her to be prepared for the final chapter of this case.

  Mentally piecing together a quick plan to steal her away for a few moments, he ran his thumb over the top of her knuckles and squeezed her hand. Her gown was perfect for his surprise tonight, he reveled in the fact she wore his favorite color, green. It would compliment the diamond and emerald necklace he held close to his heart, the matching necklace to her engagement ring.

  The group pulled up to the large entrance of the home to be ushered in by waiting footmen, it was clear to Lord Phillip and Luke that Gideon had stepped up his security measures greatly for the evening, the thought put Luke a little at ease. Of course his war hero of a brother would think of such things, often times Luke still needed to remind himself he was no longer alone, his brother and Alastair were here to help him.

  Walking arm in arm with Luke, Genevieve picked up her skirt as they ascended the large marble staircase into Gideon and Helena’s townhome, “The place looks lovely, Helena’s touch sets this home off wonderfully,” she mentioned as they entered the main hall.

  Gideon and Helena’s London townhouse had been transformed into a beautiful candlelit romantic ball, fresh flowers adorned every banister and doorway, every tabletop and corner was covered in aromatic roses of every color.

  Genevieve saw Helena the moment they rounded the corner, next to her friend stood her brooding husband. Locking eyes with her best friend, Helena was the first to speak.

  “Vieve! I’m so happy for you my love! Congratulations sweetheart, I cannot wait for the announcement to be made tonight!” Hugging each other, the two forgot everyone else.

  Welcoming her bright and cheerful friend with a warm hug, Genevieve thanked her kind friend as the others spoke around them, “Oh thank you Helena, I am so happy! Are you sure you don’t mind announcing it?”

  Pushing away gently, Helena smiled, “There is nothing that would make us happier Vieve! Gideon and I are so elated for Luke, I just always knew it’d be you, I just knew it!” Helena said with a giggle as she clasped Genevieve’s left hand to inspect her engagement ring.

  “He bought it for me in Ireland, isn’t it simply beautiful Helena?” She asked as the new duchess fawned over her ring.

  “Oh it is simply perfect Vieve, this suits you perfectly! It is a dazzling ring! Shall we go eat some dinner, we have a long night ahead of us, no?” Helena smiled and pulled her friend towards the formal dining room, behind them the group followed. Gideon, Luke and Lord Phillip were having a quiet conversation amongst themselves as Lady Selina and Annabelle talked with Amelia. All so well acquainted with each other, the families never stood on formality; they were one big motley crew.

  As they entered the dining room, Helena directed her guests where to sit, Luke and Genevieve sat at Gideon’s right hand side along with Amelia. Lord Phillip and Lady Selina and Annabelle sat directly beside Helena at Gideon’s left.

  Luke helped his sister and Genevieve with their seats before he took his own next to his brother. Beside him, he heard his sister talking Genevieve’s ear off already.

  “Genevieve, I am so glad you will be my next sister! My brothers have made me so happy with their choices, I couldn’t imagine a life with some of those women out there, and vile creatures I tell you! You, I absolutely love, Luke couldn’t have done a better job even if I picked you out for him myself!” At twenty-one, Amelia was one to speak her mind, dripped in humor and wit, she was one of Genevieve’s friends as well.

  “Vile, I agree Lia, I agree!” Giggling, she leaned into Amelia and bumped shoulders with her, only a two years apart, they had known each other for a very long time, “Thank you Amelia,
I am very happy to gain another lovely sister.”

  Once all the guests were seated, champagne was poured in tall crystal glasses, Gideon stood up at the head of the table and raised his glass as he looked at those before him, “To the St. George family, thank you for joining us tonight and may God bless the joining of our two houses! To Vieve, welcome to the family, I will be proud to call you my sister. To my only brother, you protected something so close to my heart for many years while I was away,” pausing to look down at Helena’s glowing face, he looked back at his brother, “I owe you my life, Luke. Father and Mother would be so proud of you, as am I! To my wife, Helena, you are my world, thank you for always being you. Cheers my friends, to a wonderful night!”

  Chapter 17

  In the moonlit garden’s Luke walked slowly, Vieve was next to him, just as quiet. Seizing his chance, Luke had stolen Genevieve away for a quiet moment outside alone after dinner. While the other ladies went upstairs to freshen up before guests arrived, he had effectively snatched her away for a private moment. He needed to talk to her, desperately.

  Walking hand in hand in the prized rose garden, Luke couldn’t hold back his difficult question, “Vieve, what if I told you that the announcement of our engagement will put you at risk?”

  Looking over at him, she stopped in her tracks, “You’d be telling me something that I already know, why?”

  Running his hand through his hair, he turned to face her, looking down at her sparkling green eyes, “I’m not sure if I’m okay with placing you in harms way, just so I can claim you as mine to the Ton. It seems selfish, and I dislike any thought of bringing danger to your doorstep. I should have waited to court you after this business with the Jackal was finished.”

  Genevieve shrugged her shoulders and grinned, “Tough, we are a team Luke. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to become your wife. Don’t think I haven’t seen the dangerous life you’ve been living for years.”


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